View Full Version : Chroma******

08-09-19, 10:37 AM
Where the heck did Chroma****** go?? I was just about to craft it but now it?s gone! Goals say there is still 7 days left

08-09-19, 11:41 AM
I just went to get mine also and found it?s missing! I can?t believe it says 7 days left but it is gone!!

08-09-19, 12:01 PM
It will probably be back. As we should all know by now, S8 never rolls out a new event without some sort of hiccup. Since they also released a new tournament and a new monthly crafting dragon and a new mining dragon will be coming soon, there were bound to be some glitches, apparently.

08-09-19, 12:01 PM
I just went to get mine also and found it?s missing! I can?t believe it says 7 days left but it is gone!!

It's probably the usual after-Tales gaffe that they make. Give them a day or two (or more since it is a non-money losing issue on a weekend) to fix it.

Has anyone posted this issue in the Bugs and Issues forum?

08-09-19, 12:20 PM
It?s fixed!!