View Full Version : LEADERBOARD: Luster Dragon - 2019 Jun 14

06-14-19, 06:14 AM

Event Schedule
Event is live from Jun 14 at 11:30am PT.
You can use this Time Zone Converter (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html) to figure out your local time. You can enter "San Francisco" for the Storm8 time zone.

How to play?

Event Boost
Luster Stone - collect 20 points / 2.5 hrs (175 gems)
Luster Cluster - collect 60 points / 2.5 hrs (375 gems)

Event Prizes
Milestone Prizes
50 points - Mystery box
350 points - 10,000 coins
650 points - Mystery box
1,100 points - 5,000 food
1,500 points - Mystery box
2,200 points - 12,500 food
3,800 points - Mystery box
4,200 points - Candy Canyon
4,800 points - Mystery box
5,400 points - 10 runes
6,000 points - Pinata Puppy

Note: Your milestone prizes can be found in your storage upon acquiring the required Leaderboard points.


Rank Prizes
1st - Luster Dragon, Gold trophy
2nd - Luster Dragon, Silver trophy
3rd - Bronze trophy, 25,000 food, 20 runes
4th to 6th - 35,000 coins, 20,000 food, 10 runes
7th to 12th - 25,000 coins, 15,000 food
13th to 20th - 10,000 coins

Note: Your Rank prizes can be found in your storage at the end of the event.

Gather the Herd
Goal 1:
Hatch a Sheepdog
REWARD: 300 leaderboard points

Goal 2:
Raise your Sheepdog to level 3
REWARD: 300 leaderboard points

Goal 3:
Raise your Sheepdog to level 12
REWARD: 400 leaderboard points

Have fun and enjoy your event! :D

06-14-19, 08:32 AM
It looks like the graphic artist designed this Luster Dragon from the same concept as the Evershine from the last Leaderboard event.

I wonder if they were meant to be part of a set of Gem Producers or perhaps from a Storybook event that they abandoned; their names are a match after all, "Evershine" "Luster" :)

I am surprised though that S8 did not put this one out in the community event. Had they done so, players who won the Evershine in the previous event would probably have forked out some money to own this one as part of a set. Oh well, it's too late now :tickled_pink:

06-14-19, 11:35 AM
It looks like the graphic artist designed this Luster Dragon from the same concept as the Evershine from the last Leaderboard event.

I wonder if they were meant to be part of a set of Gem Producers or perhaps from a Storybook event that they abandoned; their names are a match after all, "Evershine" "Luster" :)

I am surprised though that S8 did not put this one out in the community event. Had they done so, players who won the Evershine in the previous event would probably have forked out some money to own this one as part of a set. Oh well, it's too late now :tickled_pink:

Is it a gem producing animal?

06-14-19, 11:44 AM

Another boring and uneventful leaderboard!

Oh look candy canyon again........

06-14-19, 12:24 PM
Never mind. I see that it?s not

06-14-19, 12:49 PM
Beautiful dragon that I most likely will be totally unable to get on any of my 3 accounts, so I'm already disappointed. I agree that it looks very similar to previous animals - I think they have kind of a "stained glass" look going on, and I really like it, but just can't win the animals.

I think that Candy Canyon is one of the coolest habitats, so I will be happy to get it, although I really need 5 animal habitats, not 4. I wish that they would just make all the habitats upgradeable already and call it good since they obviously have no intention of offering more land ever.

06-14-19, 08:50 PM
Now leaderboard come often that what I expected but seen they cut off trophy and keep using same old trophy, i feel so boring, n less interesting the game, now seem like no one try to win, even I don’t care to win same old old trophy but still can win it so easily without any fight for it��, i think soon people will leave the game.

06-15-19, 04:10 AM
I think we’d all better keep careful track of out accumulated points. I had 1,900 points this morning (GMT +8) but five minutes later, I saw my score drop by 400 points to 1,500 right in front of me :mad:

It’s a good thing I’m not competing in this LB otherwise :mad:

06-20-19, 06:12 PM
They used to have 3 new animals in the leaderboard line-up and then the 1-2 place winning animal. Then they had 2 old animals you might have already won as the first two animals and the last one was new plus the 1-2 place animal. Then they took it down to just 2 animals 1 old one new. Now apparently it is just 1 old animal already in your storage and they have started using old habitats, not that I'm complaining about that because any habitat is better than no habitat at all. It's hard to keep loyal players when they are not opening up new land so no place to put any habitats on the playing field and no way to hatch animals already in storage. There are many people dropping out of this game as S8 is putting zero effort into it so why should we as players put any effort into it. I'm still playing. I still have purchased gems. I'll wait it out and see if they are going to jump in and make it a great game again but my effort is at 10% at best.

06-21-19, 08:18 AM
So I just got the Pinata Puppy, which I only mention because I have never gotten to 6000pts before. Anyone else get higher than expected? It's possible I just got lucky with Spinner prizes.

06-21-19, 01:02 PM
XD I won the first place luster dragon! I was shocked because I always lose at competitions.. my egg is still hatching but if someone wants to check it out or add any pics my id is sandraskyes :)

06-21-19, 01:32 PM
XD I won the first place luster dragon! I was shocked because I always lose at competitions.. my egg is still hatching but if someone wants to check it out or add any pics my id is sandraskyes :)

Awesome! Congratulations! And welcome to the forum, too!

06-21-19, 01:47 PM
:( :( :(

I don't know what came over me :blue:

I did not plan on competing, but with the slow daily feeding of my babies, I'd still managed to complete the milestones and was even in the second place; the other players didn't seem too interested so with ten minutes to spare, I fed another creature and moved into first place. The difference in score between the second-placer and myself was just a hundred points and I told myself that if she chose to bump up her score, I'd let her take the top spot. I waited till there were only 30 seconds left and was about to close the game when a sniper comes in from out of nowhere to overtake me by a few hundred points.

I guess I must have snapped at seeing such a trick being used because I speed-tapped my iPad to stuff almost 200K worth of food down the throats of my adult creatures and managed to beat the sniper by a nose; 15 points :tickled_pink:

I beat the sniper, but what a waste of food; I'm now down to 250K's worth. I got a creature I can't put out and a stupid gold trophy that I will not be displaying. Ever! All because I lost my cool :mad:

06-21-19, 02:15 PM
:( :( :(

I don't know what came over me :blue:

I did not plan on competing, but with the slow daily feeding of my babies, I'd still managed to complete the milestones and was even in the second place; the other players didn't seem too interested so with ten minutes to spare, I fed another creature and moved into first place. The difference in score between the second-placer and myself was just a hundred points and I told myself that if she chose to bump up her score, I'd let her take the top spot. I waited till there were only 30 seconds left and was about to close the game when a sniper comes in from out of nowhere to overtake me by a few hundred points.

I guess I must have snapped at seeing such a trick being used because I speed-tapped my iPad to stuff almost 200K worth of food down the throats of my adult creatures and managed to beat the sniper by a nose; 15 points :tickled_pink:

I beat the sniper, but what a waste of food; I'm now down to 250K's worth. I got a creature I can't put out and a stupid gold trophy that I will not be displaying. Ever! All because I lost my cool :mad:

No words.... only ouch! For what's worth, congrats with your 1st place.
What a game can do with a human mind:blue:
Sorry for your food.

06-21-19, 02:53 PM
I am so ashamed of you, deadpixel. And you, AppieP! Forgetting to look under "all" instead of decos. What am I ever going to do with you two? *stern look* ROFL Oh my goodness, there is nothing wrong with going for first place if you want it, although I guess you are saying you didn't really want it. I *did* want it, and I *did* have to do two boosts this A.M. to make sure I got it. I got second, but I mean I got the dragon. My baby account now has 3 identical silver trophies. :P My older accounts can't use runes anymore, so I am only trying to place between 7th and 12th to get a little food and let the others who need it take the runes.

06-21-19, 03:02 PM

Luster Dragon.

Best regards.

06-21-19, 03:42 PM
Very disappointed, sniped again. Don’t know why people can’t just share the prize, it sucks only two people get the prize.

06-21-19, 04:23 PM
Wow, the baby Luster Dragon is kind of creepy.