View Full Version : Questionable Story Lines in Video Ads

05-24-19, 01:04 AM
While many of DS' players are adults, I believe that there are also a large number of kids who enjoy this game, so I question whether anyone has vetted the adverts in the videos for appropriateness? Case in point, "MyCafe - Recipes & Stories."

Their "stories" have usually been a little questionable, but the one I got today took the cake!

Woman cradling a baby: How did I end up in this position?

Flash back six months

Son introduces his girlfriend to his dad.

Flash forward three months from introduction

Dad flirting with son's girlfriend.

Son's girlfriend: You are so funny ...

In many countries that I've been in, such scenes would only play on the television during hours when the kids are in bed :confused:

kooky panda
05-24-19, 01:08 PM
I will pass your concerns of the content over.