View Full Version : LEADERBOARD: Faelily - 2019 May 17 (POLL ADDED)

05-16-19, 09:23 PM

Event Schedule
Event is live from May 17 at 11:30am.
You can use this Time Zone Converter (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html) to figure out your local time. You can enter "San Francisco" for the Storm8 time zone.

How to play?

Event Boost
Faelily Stone - collect 20 points / 2.5 hrs (175 gems)
Faelily Cluster - collect 60 points / 2.5 hrs (375 gems)

Event Prizes
Milestone Prizes
50 points - Mystery box
350 points - Coins
650 points - Mystery box
1,100 points - Food
1,500 points - Mystery box
2,200 points - Food
3,800 points - Mystery box
4,200 points - Paper Pond
4,800 points - Mystery box
5,400 points - 10 Runes
6,000 points - Poppy Puppy

Note: Your milestone prizes can be found in your storage upon acquiring the required Leaderboard points.


Rank Prizes
1st - Faelily, Gold trophy
2nd - Faelily, Silver trophy
3rd - Bronze trophy, 25,000 food, 20 runes
4th to 6th - 35,000 coins, 20,000 food, 10 runes
7th to 12th - 25,000 coins, 15,000 food
13th to 20th - 10,000 coins

Note: Your Rank prizes can be found in your storage at the end of the event.

Forest Huntress
Goal 1:
Hatch a Forest Cat
REWARD: 300 leaderboard points

Goal 2:
Raise your Forest Cat to level 3
REWARD: 300 leaderboard points

Goal 3:
Raise your Forest Cat to level 12
REWARD: 400 leaderboard points

Have fun and enjoy your event! :D

05-16-19, 11:16 PM
I was expecting a Storybook event and had bred and housed the 6-hour, -8-hour, and 12-hour animals required for the evolution parts of the event. Hopefully, the Storybook events will return and my effort won't be wasted :blue:

I'd also not put anything in the Breeding Garden in anticipation of the need to breed the creature for Chapter 6, so I only have a 12-hour whatever being bred :(

05-17-19, 02:10 PM
The habitat looks pretty. I wish there were a couple of creature milestones.

05-17-19, 05:01 PM
Well clearly S8 are bent on their own demise, as it seems inconceivable they would put out an exact repeat layout of the abysmal LB of only a fortnight ago. Once again everything is a re-issue, with the exception of the main prize which is unachievable for 90% of players.
On top of that, running parallel yet another “repeat” Arena event. Nothing for me for yet another week.
I’ve enjoyed playing FFS since it began in 2014, but unless S8 gets its act together rapido, I’m done with it for good.
Over and out!

05-17-19, 05:56 PM
I already have a Forest Cat, I don't need 2 of them. Wish it would count or just give us a new animal.

05-17-19, 10:16 PM
I already have a Forest Cat, I don't need 2 of them. Wish it would count or just give us a new animal.

Since you already have this cat, then all you have to do is successfully breed another and you would be automatically awarded all the prizes associated with the side task. You can then strangle the extra kitten or throw it down the well or pop it into the microwave, whatever floats your goat ;)

05-18-19, 02:26 AM
I’m still trying to breed another ground squirrel so I can get rid of the enormous one from the last event.

05-18-19, 04:25 AM
I was expecting a Storybook event and had bred and housed the 6-hour, -8-hour, and 12-hour animals required for the evolution parts of the event. Hopefully, the Storybook events will return and my effort won't be wasted :blue:

I'd also not put anything in the Breeding Garden in anticipation of the need to breed the creature for Chapter 6, so I only have a 12-hour whatever being bred :(

Me too, they usually have tales same as DS, not impressed

05-18-19, 03:03 PM
Well clearly S8 are bent on their own demise, as it seems inconceivable they would put out an exact repeat layout of the abysmal LB of only a fortnight ago. Once again everything is a re-issue, with the exception of the main prize which is unachievable for 90% of players.
On top of that, running parallel yet another ?repeat? Arena event. Nothing for me for yet another week.
I?ve enjoyed playing FFS since it began in 2014, but unless S8 gets its act together rapido, I?m done with it for good.
Over and out!

Yes, they are clearly winding down investment into FFS. I wonder if the artist behind the trophies moved over into the DS team, since DS trophies have been looking good recently. I don't know why they can't reuse DS trophies in FFS. Same event format and the last DS trophy would fit right in with this floral theme and FFS's aesthetics. I'd find that more appealing than seeing the same paper trophy set every LB.

Maybe it's time to start building my sgn-off message on FFS; if only I had the spare space too ...

05-19-19, 08:26 PM
The gold trophy is exactly the same as the Astral Pegasus trophy. Why

05-20-19, 02:09 AM
All the trophies are copies of the Astral Pegasus ones... which in turn were copies of those from the early Origami LB event.
If you look closer, with the exception of the new Faelily, there isn’t any new graphic content in either the Faelily or Astral Pegasus events!
Even the Faelily, I think is a re-touch of a previous animal (I need to check closer).
S8 clearly can’t be bothered and sadly, it looks like they may have chosen to wind this game up?

05-20-19, 11:34 AM
All the trophies are copies of the Astral Pegasus ones... which in turn were copies of those from the early Origami LB event.
If you look closer, with the exception of the new Faelily, there isn’t any new graphic content in either the Faelily or Astral Pegasus events!
Even the Faelily, I think is a re-touch of a previous animal (I need to check closer).
S8 clearly can’t be bothered and sadly, it looks like they may have chosen to wind this game up?

*SIGH* :blue:

You'd think that they would extend some courtesy to their long-time supporters/customers by posting something in this forum to inform us of such a decision.

If winding up, they should consider ending all events now and perhaps just allowing the basic game to run for some time, then end off by enabling us to retain our forest, in its final form, on our devices or cloud without the need to connect to their servers.

05-20-19, 12:51 PM
*SIGH* :blue:

You'd think that they would extend some courtesy to their long-time supporters/customers by posting something in this forum to inform us of such a decision.

If winding up, they should consider ending all events now and perhaps just allowing the basic game to run for some time, then end off by enabling us to retain our forest, in its final form, on our devices or cloud without the need to connect to their servers.

It's a great shame as this game could so easily be adapted to accommodate those of us with 'full' Forests. - All they need to do to 'future proof it' is enable transfer of animals and habitats to/from storage, just as we can decorations. Forest size wouldn't then be an issue and we could lay it out as we want!!!

05-20-19, 08:05 PM
It's a great shame as this game could so easily be adapted to accommodate those of us with 'full' Forests. - All they need to do to 'future proof it' is enable transfer of animals and habitats to/from storage, just as we can decorations. Forest size wouldn't then be an issue and we could lay it out as we want!!!

That's true, but they have been struggling with the management of the game's usage of memory and perhaps (for whatever reasons) aren't able to accommodate this feature; we have been asking for it since before we ran out of space. We also suggested an alternative creature-only storage like the Stables in DS, but it popped out as a stillborn idea :(

Perhaps they might still surprise us with a sudden update with all the features we've been asking for, or not. Or maybe they're coming up with FFS2 and feel that the best way to move us over would be just to let FFS(1) fall asleep in its bed one night an not wake up.

05-23-19, 09:57 PM
S8 clearly can’t be bothered and sadly, it looks like they may have chosen to wind this game up?

*SIGH* :blue:

You'd think that they would extend some courtesy to their long-time supporters/customers by posting something in this forum to inform us of such a decision.

If winding up, they should consider ending all events now and perhaps just allowing the basic game to run for some time, then end off by enabling us to retain our forest, in its final form, on our devices or cloud without the need to connect to their servers.

Here's reply from Community Manager Elsa. Fantasy Forest is still continuing. :)

Elsa']Thank you for your concerns, but we don't have any plans to shut down the game. Game development is dynamic and has cycles. Players have complained for a long time that they don't like a crowded event schedule.

05-23-19, 10:01 PM
1. Did you like this event?
2. Which prizes did you like?
3. Did you like the new prize scheme?

Please vote and feel free to share your constructive feedback. Thank you for your participation! :)

This is a private poll and you can select multiple choices. The poll will close in 1 week.

(Select Full Site option at the bottom of the forum page to vote/view the poll.)

05-24-19, 08:34 AM
1. Did you like this event?
2. Which prizes did you like?
3. Did you like the new prize scheme?

Please vote and feel free to share your constructive feedback. Thank you for your participation! :)

This is a private poll and you can select multiple choices. The poll will close in 1 week.

(Select Full Site option at the bottom of the forum page to vote/view the poll.)

I thought the Faelily and Poppy Puppy were great prizes, but I wish there had been more (attainable) creatures as prizes too. I really love the habitat. Honestly, I would probably have been happy with any habitat, but this one is particularly pretty.

I find the new prize scheme a little frustrating since I don't seem to accumulate enough points for much more than the habitat each time. When the creatures were awarded earlier in the game, it keeps me more engaged as a player. I am more likely to rush that egg off the nest with gemsif it brings me closer to a cute critter. Coin prizes do not inspire the impulsive behavior.

05-24-19, 11:17 AM
Just because they are continuing the game does not mean that they are going to offer more land or make much new content. Already our decoration prizes are recycled event after event. The animal prizes are usually duplicates except for one new animal that is the final prize in the LB or the FP, but almost no one can attain those final prizes. The Storybooks at least offered 3 new animals, but now we aren't getting Storybooks anymore. I am really enjoying the Darling Doorbuster sales as they are helping me get some older animals, even though I only have room for them on my brand new third account, but, again, that means no new content for players who have been playing since the beginning. Also, if only they would make **all** the habitats upgradeable to hold more animals - it would offer some relief and enable older players to continue to get new animals without getting rid of any of their old ones.

05-24-19, 12:16 PM
The forest cat was an elusive ultra rare so missed out on the extra points. :(

05-24-19, 12:47 PM


Best regards.

05-24-19, 02:01 PM
Thank you, Jmatarii. Feylily is beautiful at every stage.

05-30-19, 11:55 PM
Thank you Everyone for voting.
Your votes are submitted.