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View Full Version : Expanding with Marble Keys

05-08-19, 11:12 AM
Can someone please explain what is meant by the BREED option you see when you click on EXPAND in the new area that requires marble keys.

Thank you

05-08-19, 11:45 AM
Can someone please explain what is meant by the BREED option you see when you click on EXPAND in the new area that requires marble keys.

Thank you

If you don't have enough marble keys to expand yet, it will tell you to go breed to get more raw marbles which can be crafted into marble keys.

05-08-19, 11:48 AM
Can someone please explain what is meant by the BREED option you see when you click on EXPAND in the new area that requires marble keys.

Thank you

You collect Raw Marble with which you craft the Marble Keys by breeding.

05-08-19, 02:25 PM
Thanks for the response

It doesn’t seem good business strategy to me to support marble production rather than the keys themselves.

Most of us have so much marble we will never be able to use it. I have close to 5000. It takes 5 to produce a key. Even if I put my Spell Shop on key production full time it still takes 30 days to get enough to expand. But as we all know the Spell Shop is essential to most events so is rarely free for 24 hours at a time - unless of course you opt out of events. Once I run out of space for new habitats there is little point in continuing the game. As that time is fast approaching I am loathe to invest any more real money into purchasing gold. Indeed why pay 100 gold a week for a second den when there is nowhere to house the offspring. I am about to take a 4 week vacation in Cuba and surrounding countries so access to wifi will be limited. I am hoping my addiction will cool during my time away such that when I return I will seriously search for a replacement game that puts more effort into looking after loyal customers.

05-08-19, 05:58 PM
Thanks for the response

It doesn?t seem good business strategy to me to support marble production rather than the keys themselves.

Most of us have so much marble we will never be able to use it. I have close to 5000. It takes 5 to produce a key. Even if I put my Spell Shop on key production full time it still takes 30 days to get enough to expand. But as we all know the Spell Shop is essential to most events so is rarely free for 24 hours at a time - unless of course you opt out of events. Once I run out of space for new habitats there is little point in continuing the game. As that time is fast approaching I am loathe to invest any more real money into purchasing gold. Indeed why pay 100 gold a week for a second den when there is nowhere to house the offspring. I am about to take a 4 week vacation in Cuba and surrounding countries so access to wifi will be limited. I am hoping my addiction will cool during my time away such that when I return I will seriously search for a replacement game that puts more effort into looking after loyal customers.

That is why the Marble Key dragon is an essential buy for all who need marble keys to expand. The habitat holds two which implies a second MKPD may be on sale in the future.

05-08-19, 06:14 PM
Meh. The marble key dragon was quite expensive. I got him on one account but not the other. He certainly helps, but it is obviously a money grab by S8 to make us spend money to get keys, plus it still takes a long time to craft enough marble keys to get anywhere soon.

05-08-19, 09:18 PM
Thanks for the response

It doesn’t seem good business strategy to me to support marble production rather than the keys themselves.

Most of us have so much marble we will never be able to use it. I have close to 5000. It takes 5 to produce a key. Even if I put my Spell Shop on key production full time it still takes 30 days to get enough to expand. But as we all know the Spell Shop is essential to most events so is rarely free for 24 hours at a time - unless of course you opt out of events. Once I run out of space for new habitats there is little point in continuing the game. As that time is fast approaching I am loathe to invest any more real money into purchasing gold. Indeed why pay 100 gold a week for a second den when there is nowhere to house the offspring. I am about to take a 4 week vacation in Cuba and surrounding countries so access to wifi will be limited. I am hoping my addiction will cool during my time away such that when I return I will seriously search for a replacement game that puts more effort into looking after loyal customers.

I agree it takes a long time to be able to expand that’s why I spend the 4 gold when the time gets to 12hrs to speed up the crafting of the keys that way I’m doing it in half the time granted some might not want to spend the gold but expanding to me is important and it also frees up the shop if there’s an event on, but again I try to knock the events out quickly (where possible) and then that leaves room to just use the spell shop for crafting the keys ��

05-09-19, 03:19 PM
We should not have to spend gold (unfortunately if you don’t you lose out), or wait 24 hours in any game total greed.

05-09-19, 09:54 PM
I agree it takes a long time to be able to expand that’s why I spend the 4 gold when the time gets to 12hrs to speed up the crafting of the keys that way I’m doing it in half the time granted some might not want to spend the gold but expanding to me is important and it also frees up the shop if there’s an event on, but again I try to knock the events out quickly (where possible) and then that leaves room to just use the spell shop for crafting the keys ��

This is a really good idea! Thank you for the suggestion!

05-09-19, 11:33 PM
We should not have to spend gold (unfortunately if you don’t you lose out), or wait 24 hours in any game total greed.

I don't believe that greed is the reason for them to make the process of expansion long and tedious; otherwise, they would have made it more expensive. Instead, I believe that the developers wish to slow down the rate of expansion while they either work on more land space or, as many users have suggested, a way to sectionalize the island so that we would "page" through them rather than scroll smoothly. The division of the island into smaller sections may make for clumsier gameplay, but has the advantage of reducing memory usage and cutting down the incidences of crashes.

05-10-19, 07:26 AM
I actually really, really appreciate the MKPD and bought it immediately when it came out (it was even on sale!). Crafting keys alone takes one whole day to make one key so a space that needes 30 keys to expand would take a month (which is downright insuliting IMHO). Now, I'm able to produce 4 keys per day (three from the dragon and one by crafting) so that a 30 key space now takes 7.5 days which is much more reasonable. I hope they make more MKPD's and put them on sale often.

05-10-19, 08:42 AM
The developers are totally tone deaf. They provide many ways to get maps and only 1 way to get marble keys. 40 days to get a new section of land is ridiculous. The game is smart enough to know I don’t need maps so they don’t show up in storage yet not smart enough to give it as an alternate prize.

05-10-19, 11:36 AM
preinsko - not to nitpick but Maps don't show up in anyone's storage which makes them all the more annoying IMHO. I haaaate getting Maps (and Island Parts) as prizes :mad:

05-10-19, 03:55 PM
I did expand with keys to the second from the edge of the latest island (hope that makes sense). It is 50 keys to expand. Not sure what the next area along the edge will be or the last area below. MIt would be nice if we got to use our mystic mas again but not very likely.