View Full Version : STORYBOOK: A Forest Empire - 2019 Apr 23 (POLL ADDED)

04-23-19, 05:46 PM
Moderator's Notes: Added by Rynetory2

Missing Stormtusk in Shop and reward for Chapter 7 - fixed
I have reported these issues over. Please wait for the team to fix these for us. Thanks.


STORYBOOK: A Forest Empire

Red lines for low level players, level 24 or below.
Blue lines for high level players, above level 24.
Black lines for all players.

Everything is already activated.

Chapter 1

Buzzing around with a chilling ease, an Ice Queen flew out of her frozen hive. The day was warm and the sun was bright and the soft dew froze as she passed. But what would happen this warm summer's day? Triumph or tragedy, who is to say?

Act 1: Feed any animal 5 times (Skip 10 Gems)
Act 2: Plant Mana Bananas x4 (Skip 8 Gems)
Act 2: Plant Mana Bananas x6 (Skip 12 Gems)
Act 3: Harvest Mana Bananas x4 (Skip 8 Gems)
Act 3: Harvest Mana Bananas x6 (Skip 12 Gems)
Reward: Realm Runes x5

Unlock 5 Gems

Chapter 2

The buzzing Ice Queen flew into the grove so ancient and old and hot as a stove! The canopy kept the warmth in all year and now that it was summer, the head was severe. But she buzzed on with a sparkling trail from her icy cold wings and her frosted bee tail.

Act 1: Feed any animal 8 times (Skip 16 Gems)
Act 2: Plant Mystic Mangos x3 (Skip 48 Gems)
Act 2: Plant Mystic Mangos x3 (Skip 32 Gems)
Act 3: Collect Broochstone from Mining x1 (Skip 12 Gems)
Reward: Forest Lord Royal/Plant (Hatching 5h. Evolve 5h)

Unlock 10 Gems

Chapter 3

But the forest was thick and she had lost her way between the brambles and thorns and ancient knit vines. How would she find her buzzing way home? She pondered in fear until she saw two great horns!

Act 1: Raise Forest Lord to level 3 (Skip 7 Gems)Auto completed
Act 2: Collect Singnut from Harvesting x25 (Skip 25 Gems) 1,5 x 1h
Act 2: Collect Singnut from Harvesting x32 (Skip 32 Gems) 1,5 x 1h
Act 3: Collect Heirloom from Evolving x6 (Skip 12 Gems) 1 x 1h
Reward: Food 5000x

Unlock 15 Gems

Chapter 4

A Forest Lord Appeared before the queen as regal as ever and a sight to be seen. He reared his great hooves and gave a curt bow for his guest was unexpected yet still quite renowned. He asked her "why are you here in my sweltering home?" and she simply said "I'm lost and alone". The Forest Lord laughed with a great earthy chuckle "Nobody's alone in my company!"

Act 1: Raise Forest Lord to level 4 (Skip 20 Gems)Auto completed
Act 1: Raise Forest Lord to level 4 (Skip 12 Gems)Auto completed
Act 2: Start Breeding with Racmoon (Skip 25 Gems)
Act 3: Collect Singnut from Harvesting x30 (Skip 30 Gems) 1,5 x 1h
Act 3: Collect Singnut from Harvesting x50 (Skip 50 Gems) 1,5 x 1h
Act 4: Win Destiny Spheres from an Sulcamel in the Arena x1 (Win Round 3 in Tournament)(Skip 20 Gems)Auto completed
Reward: 12000 Coins

Unlock 20 Gems

Chapter 5

The unlikely duo, a giant of a Forest Lord and the tiny buzzing Ice Queen then set off deeper into the forest. The Forest Lord knew all the ancient beast ways through the forest but the way the bee had come had been closed off by the growing brush. If they wanted to make their way to the frozen hive, they would have to first head west! The two set off whistling to a jolly tune as their adventure truly began!

Act 1: Raise Forest Lord to level 7 (Skip 50 Gems)Auto completed
Act 1: Raise Forest Lord to level 7 (Skip 40 Gems)Auto completed
Act 2: Collect Heirloom from Evolving x8 (Skip 16 Gems) 1 x 1h
Act 3: Hatch any animal (Skip 20 Gems)
Act 3: Hatch any Dark animal (Skip 30 Gems)
Act 4: Collect Broochstone from Mining x1 (Skip 12 Gems)
Act 4: Collect Broochstone from Mining x2 (Skip 12 Gems)
Reward: 3 Decorative Eggs.

Unlock 25 Gems

Chapter 6

Making their way to the edge of the forest, the two friends discovered a raging storm outside! The forest was so thick that they neither got wet nor heart the thunder but now they saw it was truly a torrential storm. The Forest Lord affered what little protection he could offer to the Ice Queen but she knew even he could not protect her in these conditions. It was at this moment a loud thunderous crash came as they saw the silhouette of a mysterious figure appear before them!

Act 1: Collect Singnut from Harvesting x40 (Skip 40 Gems) 1,5 x 1h
Act 1: Collect Singnut from Harvesting x60 (Skip 60 Gems) 1,5 x 1h
Act 2: Hatch a common Ice Queen (Breed Electric + Water) (Hatching 5h. Evolve 5h.) (Skip 50 Gems)Auto completed
Act 3: Raise Forest Lord to level 11 (Skip 100 Gems)Auto completed
Act 3: Raise Forest Lord to level 11 (Skip 75 Gems)Auto completed
Act 4: Plant any crops x6 (Skip 12 Gems)
Act 4: Plant any crops x6 (Skip 18 Gems)
Reward: 7500 Food

Unlock 30 Gems

Chapter 7

Standing before the two companions was a huge Stormtusk. She had a mysterious aura around her that was repelling the storm with an electric field from her tusks! "Well that doesn't look safe!" exclaimed the Ice Queen but Stormtusk simply said !Safe and dry - your choice though" and with that thr Ice Queen bid adieu to her forested friend and set off with rhe Stormtusk deep into the downpour.

Act 1: Raise Forest Lord to level 13 (Skip 175 Gems)Auto completed
Act 2: Collect Heirloom from Evolving x6 (Skip 18 Gems) 1 x 1h
Act 2: Collect Heirloom from Evolving x6 (Skip 24 Gems) 1 x 1h
Act 3: Breed with Forest Lord (Skip 12 Gems)
Act 3: Breed Forest Lord with a Ice Queen (Skip 25 Gems)
Act 4: Collect Broochstone from Mining x3 (Skip 36 Gems)
Act 4: Collect Broochstone from Mining x3 (Skip 12 Gems)
Reward: Stormtusk Royal/Lightning (Hatching 8h. Evolve 8h.)

Unlock 35 Gems

Chapter 8

I've never met a creature so talented with the weather! remarked Ice Queen but Stormtusk did not answer. She wasn't much for conversation but she was happy to be helping Ice Queen find her way home. She too had been lost in the past and had a similar experience with a kind stranger who helped her find her way. The two circled up north toward the imperial plains where Ice Queen had established her frozen hive.

Act 1: Hatch your Stormtusk (Skip 25 Gems)Auto completed
Act 2: Breed Forest Lord with a Plantlers (Skip 25 Gems)
Act 2: Breed Forest Lord with a Plantlers (Skip 75 Gems)
Act 3: Collect Singnut from Harvesting x48 (Skip 48 Gems) 1,5 x 1h
Act 3: Collect Singnut from Harvesting x60 (Skip 120 Gems) 1,5 x 1h
Act 4: Raise Stormtusk to level 5 (Skip 10 Gems)Auto completed
Act 4: Raise Stormtusk to level 5 (Skip 20 Gems)Auto completed
Reward: 1 Swan Topiary.

Unlock 45 Gems

Chapter 9

They made their way to the edge of the imperial plains and were met by a curious creature. With two pointed ears sticking up and a golden eyed stare, he shouted "what are you doing in my domain!?" and this took Ice Queen aback. She had never thought these lands belonged to anyone, she lived here after all. But Stormtusk just told her "Don't worry about him, he likes to manage the area but he's a good boy" and the traveling pair became three as they met the Imperial Fox!

Act 1: Raise Stormtusk to level 8 (Skip 65 Gems)Auto completed
Act 1: Raise Stormtusk to level 10 (Skip 100 Gems)Auto completed
Act 2: Breed a Forest Lord with a Aquatter (Skip 50 Gems)
Act 2: Breed a Forest Lord with a Bamboon (Skip 75 Gems)
Act 3: Raise Forest Lord to level 15 (Skip 150 Gems)Auto completed
Act 3: Raise Forest Lord to level 15 (Skip 175 Gems)Auto completed
Act 4: Win Destiny Spheres from an Sulcamel in the Arena x2 (Win Round 8 in Tournament)(Skip 40 Gems)Auto completed
Act 4: Win Destiny Spheres from an Sulcamel in the Arena x3 (Win Round 15 in Tournament)(Skip 60 Gems)Auto completed
Reward: Realm Runes x10

Unlock 50 Gems

Chapter 10

Traveling together had been quite the adventure! What started out as a pleasant morning became an escapade worthy of a ballad! But the best part of it all was meeting so many new friends! She returned to her hive tired and content. Maybe tomorrow she'd do it again!

Act 1: Harvest Mana Bananas x6 (Skip 12 Gems)
Act 2: Raise Stormtusk to level 10 (Skip 150 Gems)Auto completed
Act 2: Raise Stormtusk to level 14 (Skip 175 Gems)Auto completed
Act 3: Collect Heirloom from Evolving x10 (Skip 20 Gems) 1 x 1h
Act 3: Collect Heirloom from Evolving x12 (Skip 36 Gems) 1 x 1h
Act 4: Collect Broochstone from Mining x3 (Skip 36 Gems)
Act 4: Collect Broochstone from Mining x5 (Skip 60 Gems)
Act 5: Win Destiny Spheres from an Sulcamel in the Arena x4 (Win Round 22 in Tournament)(Skip 80 Gems)Auto completed
Act 5: Win Destiny Spheres from an Sulcamel in the Arena x5 (Win Round 30 in Tournament)(Skip 100 Gems)Auto completed
Reward: Imperial Fox Royal/Fire (Hatching 15h. Evolve 15h.)

Food requirements for the animals of this storybook

Ice Queen Feed Schedule B x Level 4 = 65 Apples.
Forest Lord Feed Schedule C x Level 15 = 44,330 Apples.
Stormtusk Feed Schedule D x Level 10 = 16,660 Apples.
Stormtusk Feed Schedule D x Level 14 = 72,660 Apples.
Imperial Fox Feed Schedule E

Forest Lord.


Imperial Fox.

Good luck Everyone.

Best Regards.

04-23-19, 06:37 PM
I love the elephant the most. If my brand new account **ever** gets to level 17, I can participate!! It's so difficult to gain XP in FFS compared to DS.

04-23-19, 08:42 PM
For now I'm sitting this one out. We'll see if I can maintain my willpower against my FOMO. LOL

04-24-19, 04:52 AM
Thanks so much for posting this! It?s super helpful!
If possible, could you post the hours before the next chapter opens?? I try to play them without spending coins to skip and it?s so hard to plan ahead with their seemingly random time between acts opening.

04-24-19, 05:15 AM
Thanks so much for posting this! It?s super helpful!
If possible, could you post the hours before the next chapter opens?? I try to play them without spending coins to skip and it?s so hard to plan ahead with their seemingly random time between acts opening.


Welcome to the forum.

The first chapter begins when the storybook begins at 11:30 a.m. PT, the followings begin the next day at 00:00 (provided that the previous chapter ends) San Francisco time.

Time Zone Converter (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html)

Best regards.

04-24-19, 03:31 PM
The elephant and the deer are cutest as babies and/or juveniles, so of course we are required to grow them up to epic and adult. Ugh!

04-25-19, 05:13 PM
Ok, so I am usually a pretty bright person. However, sometimes I do the stupidest things. I'm going to blame it on multi-tasking and not focusing on one thing at a time. lol!
So, I started a brand new account since my first two are both now landlocked. I wanted my new account to be able to participate in this SB, but it seemed like I would *never* get to level 17. There isn't a lot to do in this game to gain XP, it seems, at least compared to DS. I noticed that buying a 200 gem habitat seemed to jump me up a whole level, though, so I finally broke down and bought a Mystic Mire (I wanted this account to mainly focus on getting the new habitats coming out henceforth). Ok, so good news! I finally reached level 17! But I need to breed an animal with an electric element for this event , and while the Lightning Leopard is unlocked at level 17, there is no way that I can expand to him and grow him up in time to use him to breed in this event. :( So I did complete chapter 1 and got 5 runes, which at this level is almost one entire expansion, and I will be able to get the Forest Lord, but the Stormtusk is still locked until I get to the Lightning Leopard, plus I can't breed for the Ice Queen until I get the Leopard, so I wasted 200 gems and just generally made a mess of things. :( I guess I can make it through Chapter 5 and that will be it for this event. Oh well, that little topiary looking deer should look great in my Valentopiary!

04-25-19, 11:29 PM
The elephant and the deer are cutest as babies and/or juveniles, so of course we are required to grow them up to epic and adult. Ugh!
I quite like the forest lord deer, at least it’s not totally out of proportion like the first storybook animals often are, but I agree I would not grow them out of choice.
No luck yet with the ice queen, several long fails and false hope with a zinguin.

04-28-19, 08:06 PM
Can anyone please tell me how to breed the Forest Lord? I don?t have a Royal or a Plant.

Thank you!

Princess Tia 💁*♀️💕

04-28-19, 08:22 PM
Can anyone please tell me how to breed the Forest Lord? I don?t have a Royal or a Plant.

Thank you!

Princess Tia ��*♀️��

Breed? You can't, it's a reward after you finished chapter 2 of this SB.

04-28-19, 09:24 PM
Oh, I misunderstood. Thank you.

04-29-19, 10:44 AM
So I am having issues finding the Broochstones while mining, not to mention I had an explosive disappear completely. I found a ton of the Broochstones at yhe beginning of the event, but now I'm getting runes and food exclusively. Anybody else have this issue?

04-30-19, 10:45 AM
So I am having issues finding the Broochstones while mining, not to mention I had an explosive disappear completely. I found a ton of the Broochstones at yhe beginning of the event, but now I'm getting runes and food exclusively. Anybody else have this issue?
Yes, I have the same situation. I'm breeding to fill up my mines for the final chapter as in the past I've needed a lot to collect the five broochstones or whatever.
I also mine, then leave the game or visit a neighbor and go back in. Not sure if it helps but if I'm only getting food I retry later. Good luck😊

05-01-19, 06:13 AM
Ok so I won the Stormtusk several hours ago, and it still doesn't appear in my inventory, it keeps showing the loading icon. Anyone knows what to do ?

05-01-19, 08:38 AM
Try reloading the app. It may not work, but that is where I would start.

05-01-19, 03:09 PM
Still no luck with the Ice Queen so this will be the first storybook I haven’t been able to complete for ages��

05-01-19, 09:30 PM
Ok so I won the Stormtusk several hours ago, and it still doesn't appear in my inventory, it keeps showing the loading icon. Anyone knows what to do ?

Welcome to the forum. :)

Try sewknitty's suggestion. Some devices may need to restart the device. Let me know if you're still having issue with it.

Try reloading the app. It may not work, but that is where I would start.

05-02-19, 12:30 AM
Finally done! For some reason, this Storybook event felt like it took forever to complete :blue:


It took eight explosives to dig out the 5 Broochstones in the mine because they just kept throwing food at me :mad:

05-02-19, 06:57 AM
Thank you very much ! It worked ! Still kinda mad though because if it wasn't for that bug, I would have had great chances of getting the fox, but now I'll run out of time 😭

05-02-19, 07:51 AM
Finally done! For some reason, this Storybook event felt like it took forever to complete :blue:


It took eight explosives to dig out the 5 Broochstones in the mine because they just kept throwing food at me :mad:

Congrats! Me too just finished on older account, won't get on younger account cause not spending money for gems to speed up. Took me 13 bombs to get the 5 Broochstones. I have never had to use that many before.

05-02-19, 08:30 AM
Yes, I have the same situation. I'm breeding to fill up my mines for the final chapter as in the past I've needed a lot to collect the five broochstones or whatever.
I also mine, then leave the game or visit a neighbor and go back in. Not sure if it helps but if I'm only getting food I retry later. Good luck

me too, they seem to disappear the closer you get to the end of the storybook.

05-02-19, 11:40 PM
Did you like this event? Which prizes did you like?

Please vote and feel free to share your constructive feedback. Thank you for your participation! :)

This is a private poll and you can select multiple choices. The poll will close in 1 week.

(Select Full Site option at the bottom of the forum page to vote/view the poll.)

05-03-19, 05:47 AM
Hatch a common Ice Queen . Yeah common whatever, over 25 trys what a total joke :/

05-03-19, 05:48 AM
Still no luck with the Ice Queen so this will be the first storybook I haven?t been able to complete for ages��

anybody think they forgot to add it to the breeding pool , very poor event to hatch a common over 25 trys so called common not hatched yet :/

05-03-19, 10:06 AM
I finally got the Ice Queen on the very last day. I used gems to skip that step earlier. Now I'm trying to finish up the battles. Still have 9 to go. Not having much luck. Just like in the casino's, the odds are against me. I haven't been able to complete a battle round in a long time. Even the 30 round tournaments the odds are against me. I don't like the fox so not spending gems to skip. Will try to win the battles but won't complete this if I can't get to 30. Getting tired of this game. I like DS better as there is more to do. There were hopes and dreams of more to do in this game but all that halted after the lay off they had so they are keeping their employees busy with creating more story lines to keep up with the back to back money making events and give us no real improvements to the game itself.

05-10-19, 04:56 AM
Thank you Everyone for voting.
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