View Full Version : Noticed a growing trend of player alienation.

03-17-19, 06:19 PM
I've played off and on since 2013. This time around I'm seeing people refuse to be friends with people who have 2 stars or less. I play RS, BS, and FS. It's on all three. Not everyone has time to tip, at one point I didn't and none of my neighbors flipped out on me. Non-tippers still send gifts and answer materials requests. Everyone has the right to have whoever as their neighbor and such, but what's with all the hate? It started out as one or two people and now I'm seeing so many people cleaning out their neighbor lists.

03-18-19, 09:30 PM
It's become so much harder to build appliances now with the number of parts required that I think everyone would be better off clearing their neighbor lists of people who are no longer playing. Obviously, going by players' star rankings isn't the best way if what you want are gifts & responses, but maybe they just want an easy method.

And I wouldn't put that much stock in "non-tippers still gift & respond." I mean, they may, but you can only tell for sure some of the time. It's highly annoying, I wish we had a star ranking for that.

03-19-19, 06:22 AM
I tip from my walls, not my neighbor list. This way I am responding in kind to the neighbors who show up regularly as well as my neighbors w more erratic visits. I don’t get frustrated, I’ve certainly had times where playing games was the last thing on my mind or in my schedule. People deal w work, illness, hospitalizations , for themselves , their family their pets. This is a game, it makes sense to put your energy on the most salient aspects of your life. I can’t change their behavior, only my response. ✌��

03-20-19, 04:37 PM
I have been playing since the inception of this game. More and more players are dropping out due to the short term goals and the high number of parts required for appliances. I have lost 100+ of my very loyal neighbors over the past 12 months on both RS and BS. We are going to purchase gems anyway, so why make it so difficult for folks who work with all the parts needed and the loss of the 30 day goals? Also, they no longer sell some items like the gem machines and some of the specialty ovens. I sure hope that the game folks begin to pay attention.

As to the friend issue, I alway go back to the person who visited me and lay out that I try to tip but can't do it more than sporadically and often silent due to time restraints. Also I let them know that I gift parts daily - keep requests on my wall for them and answer all requests off & on during my workday and into the evening. I keep my nabors for quite some time after they take a break, but lots of them are just getting irritated with all of the changes and it's not as much fun. Most of the newbies don't really have a chance and drop out pretty quickly because they cannot collect appliances or get thru the goals while trying to start up their restaurant or bakery.

I really think that they need to lighten up on the number of parts required and maybe then they can keep the 15 day goals - many more folks would be less stressed & grumpy with their nabors & they will keep more customers.

03-28-19, 03:45 PM
I use to tip a lot more but the games are too busy now. I never get to visit the community like I used to only when required by goal.

03-28-19, 05:48 PM
Many of us who have played for years are completely dispirited by the changes over the last few months. It's no longer the game we loved. We built up relationships with neighbors, got to know them, knew their playing style, visited and chatted a bit. I'm one who tries to leave a funny post every day, but I'm seeing that fewer and fewer people even read their walls. Many of us have started skipping goals because of the drudgery and demands, and therefore don't log into the game nearly as much. Many great players have simply quit.
Many of us stay simply because of the friends we have, but there comes a point where that just isn't enough. The parts thing was probably the last straw. I refuse to be a "hamster on a wheel"...cook, cancel, repeat ad infinitum. These aren't "goals" - they're endurance contests. And in the end you get decorations you don't like and will never use. Redecorating is an agonizing, time-sucking chore, because S8 will not make it easier.
Even the forums have changed. Where are all the people who used to post regularly and joke with each other? Where's VanaCatu? Whatever happened to our stalwart Juey?

03-29-19, 03:51 PM
For me personally, I usually have around 100 neighbors, and the fastest way to tip the most people is to go through the entire neighbors list, and silent tip... when I feel more pressed for time, I skip those with 1 or 0 stars.. assuming they're not tipping me, and I would rather tip those who tip in return... the issue then is that skipping those with 1 or 0 stars means scrolling past those names every time you visit another neighbor.. I usually have between 20-35
1/0 star neighbors, so then that becomes time consuming too... so for tipping reasons alone, it's faster to visit every single neighbor, I think to some that it might seem unfair to tip those who arent tipping you, and if they delete those neighbors, they save time every day...
Every now and then I ask certain 1/0 starred neighbors to post on my wall if they still play... I realize there is value in anyone who is going to gift & fill requests, and some of my 1/0 starred neighbors are the most frequent people to gift or fill requests... but I do get it. I wish there was a way to sort the neighbor list by star level, highest to lowest... you'd be able to tip the most frequent tippers first and save time if you don't want to tip low starred players

03-30-19, 01:12 PM
Rant. I just got deleted by a player because I dont leave messages. That's ok but said player thanked me a month ago for not DELETING them because they'd been inactive for months. Go figure. 🙄

04-01-19, 06:34 AM
@tatermaters .. what a hypocritical jerk that neighbor is!! That sucks.. I have a couple neighbors who want me to write on their walls, and it's a little annoying.. I have 100 neighbors, I cant fill everyone's special requests.. plus for me the wall takes too long to load, if I had to leave everyone a message, I'd only make it to a fraction of neighbors each day

04-03-19, 05:09 AM
I don't tip. Anyone who needs tips is free to delete me. I gift daily and accept requests several times a day That's enough work for me.
Many of us who have played for years are completely dispirited by the changes over the last few months. It's no longer the game we loved. We built up relationships with neighbors, got to know them, knew their playing style, visited and chatted a bit. I'm one who tries to leave a funny post every day, but I'm seeing that fewer and fewer people even read their walls. Many of us have started skipping goals because of the drudgery and demands, and therefore don't log into the game nearly as much. Many great players have simply quit.
Many of us stay simply because of the friends we have, but there comes a point where that just isn't enough. The parts thing was probably the last straw. I refuse to be a "hamster on a wheel"...cook, cancel, repeat ad infinitum. These aren't "goals" - they're endurance contests. And in the end you get decorations you don't like and will never use. Redecorating is an agonizing, time-sucking chore, because S8 will not make it easier.
Even the forums have changed. Where are all the people who used to post regularly and joke with each other? Where's VanaCatu? Whatever happened to our stalwart Juey?Yep! Gone, gone, gone. Everyone is quitting.

I skipped Madi Gras decorating because it's too hard. Haven't done spring in BS for same reason.

I keep not finishing goals because there isn't enough time / too many parts are required. Frustrating.

Everyone is quitting and it's a pain.

04-03-19, 05:39 AM
I've played off and on since 2013. This time around I'm seeing people refuse to be friends with people who have 2 stars or less. I play RS, BS, and FS. It's on all three. Not everyone has time to tip, at one point I didn't and none of my neighbors flipped out on me. Non-tippers still send gifts and answer materials requests. Everyone has the right to have whoever as their neighbor and such, but what's with all the hate? It started out as one or two people and now I'm seeing so many people cleaning out their neighbor lists.

I've been playing since 2011 and this is not a growing trend. It has existed pretty much from the beginning. If you check this site you'll see several threads about this. I stopped playing, but even when I played regularly I hardly ever read my wall and very rarely ever returned tips. I even didn't bother to clear tips from my tables except when tipping was part of a goal. Most of my neighbours played that way & we would usually seek out other players with that style of play. There are, however, some players who love tipping & socialising in the games & can't understand any other style of play. Don't sweat about it. Search for others with your style of play & move on.

I agree that that the changes to the games have ruined them.

04-03-19, 09:33 PM
It really does seem as if Storm8 decided that their way of doing business wasn't working, so they'd do even more of what they'd been doing...never learned the first rule of holes, lol. Either that or someone is paying them to have a bad game. Those are the only two options I can think up.

04-19-19, 02:26 PM
Rant. I just got deleted by a player because I dont leave messages. That's ok but said player thanked me a month ago for not DELETING them because they'd been inactive for months. Go figure. 🙄

I don't have time to leave a message on each neighbour's wall. I always send gifts and fill requests but some days that is all.

04-23-19, 07:47 PM
Neighbours, neighbours neighbours. I only keep 45 active neighbours in BS, and 25 active neighbours in RS. and . Why? no time to tip and post on wall on 100. LOL. GUYS u only can get 20 gifts per day!!! i dont know why on earth would i have like 100 neighbours especially if they do not gift me the correct gift, i got to decline them... and then request for gifts again. the tipping is too much a hassle to be honest, but i guess thats how the game is.

side note, I just used 200 pounds x2 games, to buy gems. LOL. and then i realised Android and IOS have different items?!?!?!!?!?!? ITS LIKE WHAT!?!! WHY this discrimination ? and why this difference, PLEASE EXPLAIN STORM 8. im so furious now, so what i should do now? spend another 300 pounds or more to buy an iPAD? WHAT IS THIS!?!?!?

05-29-19, 04:29 AM
Horrible management with this haughty "let them eat cake" business plan has ruined what used to be the best game of it's kind.
What they failed to learn from the Bakery 2 and Restaurant 2 epic fails is repeated over and over to this day.


05-29-19, 07:43 AM
Hey guys,

This thread has gone off topic. I'm closing thread since original question has been answered and thread has gone off topic. Please use the existing threads for other discussion topics.