View Full Version : LEADERBOARD: Winged Winners - 2019 Jan 25 (POLL ADDED)

01-24-19, 05:34 PM

Event Schedule
Event is live from Jan 25 at 11:30 am PT.
You can use this Time Zone Converter (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html) to figure out your local time. You can enter "San Francisco" for the Storm8 time zone.

How to play?

Event Boost
Lightning Rod - collect 20 points / 2.5 hrs (175 gems)
Sparking Spiral - collect 60 points / 2.5 hrs (375 gems)

Event Prizes
Milestone Prizes
50 points - Mystery box
350 points - Candy Crane
650 points - Mystery box
1,100 points - Haka Kiwi
1,500 points - Mystery box
2,200 points - Pluma
3,800 points - Mystery box
4,200 points - Candy Canyon
4,800 points - Mystery box
5,400 points - Fladingo
6,000 points - Nightglider

Note: Your milestone prizes can be found in your storage upon acquiring the required Leaderboard points.


Rank Prizes
1st - Midnight Dragon, Gold trophy
2nd - Midnight Dragon, Silver trophy
3rd - Bronze trophy, 25,000 food, 20 runes
4th to 6th - 35,000 coins, 20,000 food, 10 runes
7th to 12th - 25,000 coins, 15,000 food
13th to 20th - 10,000 coins

Note: Your Rank prizes can be found in your storage at the end of the event.

Feather Fighters
Goal 1:
Hatch a Candy Crane
REWARD: 300 leaderboard points

Goal 2:
Raise your Candy Crane to level 3
REWARD: 300 leaderboard points

Goal 3:
Raise your Candy Crane to level 12
REWARD: 400 leaderboard points

Have fun and enjoy your event! :D

01-24-19, 08:06 PM
Ooooo! Both of these are so pretty! I wanna say I want both but, knowing players on here, if that pony is the top prize with the trophy...yeah...I have no doubt it'll be hard fought.

And just a shout out to S8, you guys rocked it with the designs this month! The animals were super cute and colourful, and the months habitats *swoons* Shame I couldn't buy them because I have no room for them but gorgeous none the less! Such a great theme and cohesiveness!

01-25-19, 02:35 AM
They look great :)

But I have no space :(

Oh, wait! That's not quite accurate, I still have space in my storage :D

01-25-19, 09:11 AM
They got Princess Luna to be in this? XD So pretty... I don’t think I’ll get her if she’s the ranking prize.

01-25-19, 10:43 AM
Oh wait! That's not quite accurate, I still have space in my storage :D

I'm actually dreading the thought if they cap our storage holds O.O I have close to 300 animals in there now. Wish we got a massive expansion because I want to hatch all of them :/ But these beauties will look lovely with all my other stored creatures :D

01-25-19, 12:39 PM
Ok, event just started. I got a popup about winning a Glasstodon in a tournament, but right now the Peraraccoon is still in the tournament, and the Pumulus is still in the Colosseum, right?
Animal milestones are: Candy Crane, which I have on old account but not the other, Haka Kiwi, which I have on both accounts, Pluma, which I just *BOUGHT* for my newer account (why put it on sale right before it is going to be a prize?!??! I feel gypped out of 210 gems now! :mad:), Fladingo (is this new? I've never heard of it before.), Nightglider (pony), and the Midnight Dragon is the grand prize.
I love the free habitat! It's a Candy Canyon, which I don't have.
That's what I know so far, folks.
Oh, and we have to hatch a Zephyrbeak using earth and fire. I think I got it on the first try with Rock Rhino and Pyro Pony. The egg is red and yellow, and it was a 5 hour timer.
Also, the Storm8 gods are cruel. My first spin on the wheel gave me 10 runes.............on the account that *STILL TODAY* does not have any expansions. I actually sacrificed a Plutopus the other day to make room. A Plutopus! Ok, ok, he isn't the cutest, and I had 2 of them, but it is really hard to let go of any of the "trio" animals, even if it is a duplicate. Next to go will have to be a Shockatoo, I guess, even though it is one of my very favorites, but no room for both a baby and an adult. #SMH

01-25-19, 01:54 PM

Got a message for you but your box is full :)

It's about the Zephyrbeak !!


This is the first time I've bought an egg ... Wah! Ha! Ha! Ha! First time ever!! Hopefully, it won't be the last.

01-25-19, 02:42 PM

Got a message for you but your box is full :)

It's about the Zephyrbeak !!


This is the first time I've bought an egg ... Wah! Ha! Ha! Ha! First time ever!! Hopefully, it won't be the last.

Yep, that's the egg I got! I'll clean out my inbox. He's going to go in my "Holiday Hamlet," which used to only hold 3 animals, but at some point in the last month, they increased it to 4, I found out by accident. Fortunately, it holds Fire!

01-25-19, 02:58 PM
Yep, that's the egg I got! I'll clean out my inbox. He's going to go in my "Holiday Hamlet," which used to only hold 3 animals, but at some point in the last month, they increased it to 4, I found out by accident. Fortunately, it holds Fire!

Have you gotten it for both your accounts?

01-25-19, 03:21 PM
Have you gotten it for both your accounts?

Now I have. :)

01-25-19, 03:36 PM
Is the Candy Canyon habitat a new one? Can't find it on the habitat guide, I'm curious which elements it holds

01-25-19, 04:15 PM
Appie -

Electric, water, and fire. Can't wait to get it!!

I thought it was new, also, because I couldn't find it in the habitat guide on this forum, but it is apparently an older one. I don't remember seeing it before.

01-25-19, 05:22 PM
Is the Candy Canyon habitat a new one? Can't find it on the habitat guide, I'm curious which elements it holds

I believe this originally came out with the Gummy Bear and Rock Candy Rhino animals. So many MANY moons ago. (like 2 years at least!)

01-25-19, 05:40 PM
Ugh. I have all the animals already and several of the candy canyon habitats in my forest. Maybe I?ll just stockpile food.
Phoenix406 if I?m remembering correctly the faldingo was a side quest ages ago. Think when I first started playing so I can?t remember specifics lol. But hes an old one. Hidden somewhere in my forest lol

01-26-19, 04:13 AM
Appie -

Electric, water, and fire. Can't wait to get it!!

I thought it was new, also, because I couldn't find it in the habitat guide on this forum, but it is apparently an older one. I don't remember seeing it before.

Thanks a lot!! Also can't wait to get it. Rynetory2 just added it too the habitat guide:D

01-26-19, 04:20 AM
This is the first time I've bought an egg ... Wah! Ha! Ha! Ha! First time ever!! Hopefully, it won't be the last.

I hope your right. Usually 400 gems, 200 on sale for a new creature. But 0 coins for buying it?:cool:
Hope they do this with all the new upcoming animals lol.

01-27-19, 09:54 PM
I am stuck on a goal for the leaderboard. It says to earn the Haka Kiwi/reach milestone 4 to complete that goal, but I got the next prize & it still hasn?t triggered as completed. 😡

01-27-19, 10:05 PM
I?ve had Fladingo & Candy Canyon on my account for ages.

01-28-19, 01:29 AM
I am stuck on a goal for the leaderboard. It says to earn the Haka Kiwi/reach milestone 4 to complete that goal, but I got the next prize & it still hasn?t triggered as completed. ��

Did you hatch it?

01-28-19, 02:47 PM
Did you hatch it?
No, I haven?t. It says to earn it, not hatch it.

01-28-19, 10:40 PM
No, I haven?t. It says to earn it, not hatch it.

That’s what they said in the last LB event too; I highlighted the issue then.

They’re pretty quick when fixing bugs that hurt their pockets, like the Zephyrbeak pricing, but usually take their time correcting “trival” errors like these.

01-28-19, 11:14 PM
No, I haven?t. It says to earn it, not hatch it.
Just remember for all future events that "earn" is S8's word for "hatch." It's how they talk in California. 😜

01-29-19, 04:30 AM
Nuovo Leaderboard. ..vecchi problemi....altri punti dati e poi ripresi in pochissimi minuti....217 gli ultmi persi dopo averli avuti dall'ultimo giro di ruota ...e non se ne capisce il motivo...

01-29-19, 06:35 AM
Nuovo Leaderboard. ..vecchi problemi....altri punti dati e poi ripresi in pochissimi minuti....217 gli ultmi persi dopo averli avuti dall'ultimo giro di ruota ...e non se ne capisce il motivo...

Indeed very disappointed if you constantly lose imported lb points. But what can you do....... it's the game whose teasing us

01-29-19, 09:57 AM
Egg: Nightglider


01-29-19, 10:51 AM
Ho appena raggiunto il penultimo step :dovrei ottenere un fladingo....ma in magazzino ho un dingottero. Hanno una combo identica ma del secondo non sono riuscita a trovare alcuna informazione. Sono la stessa creatura? Ossia: il dingottero ? un altro modo di chiamare il fladingo??

01-29-19, 01:16 PM
That’s what they said in the last LB event too; I highlighted the issue then.

They’re pretty quick when fixing bugs that hurt their pockets, like the Zephyrbeak pricing, but usually take their time correcting “trival” errors like these.

Thank you. Yeah, I noticed that about the last one. But why would I give my money to a game that can?t, or just won?t, pay attention to what they?re doing, & fix their errors, rather than keeping them in & just not bothering? I don?t give my money to someone that?s going to annoy me.

01-29-19, 03:11 PM
If I spin one more map I may throw my device against a wall

01-29-19, 03:49 PM
If I spin one more map I may throw my device against a wall

I agree!

01-29-19, 08:37 PM
I stopped playing for around a year and recently decided to revisit a day or so ago. Leaderboards were always my favorite events so I'm happy I happened to pop in at the right time!

Luckily after many months away I got grouped into a group of people who aren't getting many points very fast so I'm hoping I'll get lucky and come out on top! I've never gotten further than the habitat on Leaderboards and I've never ranked first or second. I'm nearly 1,000 points from Faldingo now, REALLY hoping I can get the Nightglider because it's super pretty but doubt that will happen because I have no more gems to spend and no money to buy them :/

01-29-19, 09:00 PM
If I spin one more map I may throw my device against a wall

For sure! When I started playing a couple years ago, it was not at all unusual for me to spin for Runes several times over the course of a LB. And that makes sense. If you are awake 16 hours per day (for me it's only like 14, but I digress), and you can spin once every 3 hours, you should be able to spin 6x/day, and there are 8 spaces on the wheel. Therefore, you should spin for each prize at least once every other day. Or if you look at it as the LB lasts 7 days, you get 42 spins, divided by 8, you should get ****EACH**** prize 5 times, right? But it never ever works that way. And for the last year or better, I spin for Runes about 1x per event. It is almost always the wooden chest or a decoration that I spin for now. Then they tell us that the wheel isn't rigged. Well, it certainly isn't random, or we would get the outcomes I explained above.

01-30-19, 11:35 AM
Fully ageee Phoenix406! I generally spin the decor or runes over and over again! I rarely get the chests! And when I do, normally it?s the grand total of 25 points (regardless of chest colour!)

01-31-19, 12:24 AM
Yes, there seems no real randomness to it. I get coins or decorations I have no use for, rarely runes, which I could do with, and mostly chests, 25 if I am near the lead, more if lower down.

01-31-19, 06:22 PM
Fully ageee Phoenix406! I generally spin the decor or runes over and over again! I rarely get the chests! And when I do, normally it?s the grand total of 25 points (regardless of chest colour!)

The amount of points you get from the chests is determined by how far ahead or behind you are in the leaderboard. The further behind you are, the more points you get.

02-01-19, 03:28 AM
Did you like this event? Which prizes did you like?

Please vote and feel free to share your constructive feedback. Thank you for your participation! :)

This is a private poll and you can select multiple choices. The poll will close in 1 week.

(Select Full Site option at the bottom of the forum page to vote/view the poll.)

02-01-19, 05:39 AM
Other than the Candy Canyon habitat, I love my growing stockpile of Runes. On the day expansions become available again, I’ll probably be able to expand to the maximum number of available spaces and start grumbling about the lack of expansions again :tickled_pink:

02-01-19, 12:09 PM
The event is almost up and, I gotta say, I'm surprised by the number of people duking it out for this dragon. I know I love it (and seriously hope it makes a comeback in the future!) but I wasn't expecting this level of competitiveness :rolleyes: lol

I definitely liked the designs of these --- all month long!

Glad to see a habitat I didn't have, sorry to all those that already do :/ But I have always been curious as to why they opted to only give first and second place the animal. Top three just makes sense, no?

02-01-19, 12:11 PM
The amount of points you get from the chests is determined by how far ahead or behind you are in the leaderboard. The further behind you are, the more points you get.

That?s what I thought but generally I get about 25 regardless!
Anyone ever find that if they have more than one account they are often grouped together? This is the third time that?s happened to me!

02-01-19, 12:42 PM
This is the first and probably last time I've ever come in first place! I can't wait for my dragon! How long does it usually take to get the prizes?

02-01-19, 01:59 PM
I got 1st place at 6025 points and they are in storage :( second place had only 3600 points. Is anyone playing like before?

02-01-19, 02:30 PM
I got the prizes! Just took a little bit.

Similar thing here, though I had just attributed it to the fact I haven't played in around a year. If I had had the entire time I would have made it up to 6,000 for that gorgeous Nightglider so I'm a little salty about that. Either way, I had 5,700-ish and 2nd place only had 3,000

02-01-19, 03:55 PM
Congratulations they said! A personal best I did! 20/20! That’s funny and I actually was breeding, evolving, & hatching with 2 nests the whole time. That’s so funny! I now have 14 painted murals, what use are they and most came from this leaderboard.

02-01-19, 04:06 PM
If I spin one more map I may throw my device against a wall

I want a like button! I absolutely agree.

02-01-19, 04:58 PM
I want a like button! I absolutely agree.

Thanks 😜

02-01-19, 06:42 PM
The amount of points you get from the chests is determined by how far ahead or behind you are in the leaderboard. The further behind you are, the more points you get.

Oh, come now, deadpixel. We all know that is just a myth. Stop spreading misinformation on the forums. ;) LOLOLOL!

02-01-19, 06:45 PM
The event is almost up and, I gotta say, I'm surprised by the number of people duking it out for this dragon. I know I love it (and seriously hope it makes a comeback in the future!) but I wasn't expecting this level of competitiveness :rolleyes: lol

I definitely liked the designs of these --- all month long!

Glad to see a habitat I didn't have, sorry to all those that already do :/ But I have always been curious as to why they opted to only give first and second place the animal. Top three just makes sense, no?

I know. :( I really wanted the dragon and thought I had a real shot at it, but everyone went crazy after the boosts went on sale for 1/2 price. My more competitive account only came in 6th - just enough to get runes. My poor older account, which is handicapped by only having 3 farms due to no expansions, came in like 16th! I have never, ever, ever, placed so low! I've hardly ever placed below 6th, actually.

First three getting the animal does make sense, but it has *always* been just the top 2.

02-01-19, 06:46 PM
That?s what I thought but generally I get about 25 regardless!
Anyone ever find that if they have more than one account they are often grouped together? This is the third time that?s happened to me!

My accounts have never competed against each other. I have 2.
I, also, tend to get 25 points regardless of the color of the chest. I think it's because I'm usually towards the top of the LB until the very end when all the snipers come in.

02-01-19, 06:47 PM
I got the prizes! Just took a little bit.

Similar thing here, though I had just attributed it to the fact I haven't played in around a year. If I had had the entire time I would have made it up to 6,000 for that gorgeous Nightglider so I'm a little salty about that. Either way, I had 5,700-ish and 2nd place only had 3,000

Congrats!! The dragon is awesome. Yes, it usually takes them about 1/2 hour I would say before they come up with the final tally, maybe even an hour.

02-01-19, 11:18 PM
I know. :( I really wanted the dragon and thought I had a real shot at it, but everyone went crazy after the boosts went on sale for 1/2 price. My more competitive account only came in 6th - just enough to get runes. My poor older account, which is handicapped by only having 3 farms due to no expansions, came in like 16th! I have never, ever, ever, placed so low! I've hardly ever placed below 6th, actually.

First three getting the animal does make sense, but it has *always* been just the top 2.
Deludente questo leaderboard. ..nelle ultime manciate di minuti la maggior parte di quelli che erano in basso nella classifica sono balzati ai primi posti scaraventando me all'undicesimo 😨 non ricordo di essere mai scesa cos? bassa se non forse ai primissimi eventi fatti quando non sapevo come funzionavano 😐
E non posso essere soddisfatta neppure della ruota...punti dati e poi ripresi...niente rune...ma tante mappe inutili 😭
Speriamo sar? meglio il prossimo 😞☺

02-03-19, 08:21 AM
Deludente questo leaderboard. ..nelle ultime manciate di minuti la maggior parte di quelli che erano in basso nella classifica sono balzati ai primi posti scaraventando me all'undicesimo �� non ricordo di essere mai scesa cos? bassa se non forse ai primissimi eventi fatti quando non sapevo come funzionavano ��
E non posso essere soddisfatta neppure della ruota...punti dati e poi ripresi...niente rune...ma tante mappe inutili ��
Speriamo sar? meglio il prossimo ��☺

The decorations they give us are so bad. I literally spin the wheel saying "No decorations, no coins. No decorations, no coins" over and over till it stops spinning because I dislike them so much! XD It wouldn't be so bad if we had space to put some of them. :/ Usually the flowers and trees they have would look nice in my forest but no room. And I know your pain on retracted points. I've had it happen to me twice, one of which cost me the gold trophy.

02-08-19, 06:14 AM
Thank you Everyone for voting.
Your votes are submitted.