View Full Version : Accidental Deletion

08-21-10, 11:16 PM
My idiot brother deleted all my city story buildings and everything and now I don't have enough money to even build a house! Is there some way to restart the game? I've tried uninstalling and re-installing but it doesn't work on my iPod touch.

08-22-10, 04:52 AM
Though there is no way to reset the game without contacting support directly you will still receive a random amount of money each day through the cash bonus so you won't be stuck for too long. I'd save this up and buy a factory first and start rolling out quick contracts so as to rebuild faster.

There is only two ways to remove buildings in this game, however, selling them or adding them to the inventory.

If they are in your inventory you can retrieve them by going into the edit menu and tapping on the padlock icon.

If your brother sold everything you will have got some money back already unless he spent ages buying and selling with what was left until you had next to nothing?

08-22-10, 09:04 AM
He probably just put them in inventory and didn't delete them.