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View Full Version : "Spooky Town" Leaderboard October 26 - November 2, 2018

10-29-18, 04:58 PM
There was another thread called "Leaderboards are not a fair competition" that was rather interesting but also somewhat contentious. The thread was closed, and we were told to post in the current leaderboard thread, but I don't see a current leaderboard thread, so I made one.

So, I don't want to continue the argumentative nature of the previous discussion, but since I never had a chance to weigh in, I did want to note a couple things or put in my 2 cents (or more).

First, there is a lot that we can all say about leaderboards, and the fact of the matter is that there is no way that Dragon Story, or any other game for that matter, can make *everyone* happy. Leaderboards are hard because it is the one event where players are pitted against each other, and also where only 1 in 10 people can obtain the final prize. It would be great if it were somehow a game of s****, although those without s****s would then never be able to win. There is some element of s**** (like knowing when to use your boosts to the best advantage, etc), and there is the element of how much time each player has to devote to the game, and then there are the two largest elements: luck (whether or not you can breed the required dragon to get yourself a ton of extra points) and money (how much or how little real money each person is willing to spend on the game). One person had a point: it is *not* *****ing if you get the breeding dragon early and can start doing quests right away, but it is one place that the element of luck comes into play, and if you aren't lucky, you do miss out on lots of potential LB points because you miss out on days of questing and don't get the point producing decor as soon. I guess luck is just a part of it, then, unfortunately. Another big part of luck is who is in the LB with you. Unfortunately, during the last few lbs, I've been placed with some of the "whales" who shell out money for massive points, which leads me to another point, and that is that now we have even more reason to get a ton of points in the LBs since we can now get global prizes. So those who have to take time to craft the dragon are also at a disadvantage to get the global rewards, and since food is part of that, they are in turn in a worse position for doing well in the SBs and the WEs. Just something to think about.

Another player expressed that the dragons aren't on his island just to look good, and that is certainly his prerogative, but it seems a little odd to me because if you are just keeping dragons that do well in tournaments, then why do you want to win the tournaments just to get dragons you may or may not keep? Like, why keep strong fighters to battle for dragons you don't want in the long run anyway? But that is just his style of play. I am a "completist," as Elsa called it, because my idea is to collect as many dragons as possible. My dragons are, indeed, just on my island to look good. I love the pretty ones and I love the cute ones. Unfortunately, there are some ugly ones, too, but even they stay on my island because I want the whole set. I am proud to display my especially pretty dragons. The prettier the dragon, the higher I feed him or her up! :) And the cutest ones tend to stay cute little babies, if possible.

There was also a mention of "sniping," and I do hate that feeling when you think you are going to win the final dragon, and then someone comes in at the last minute and earns a ton of points and surpasses me, leaving me with no dragon. However, that is just one strategy that people employ, and it isn't *****ing, and it isn't fun for those of us who lost out at the last second, but that is another way that luck and money play into the LB.

Finally, to make this post relevant to this specific lb, I do like the looks of all the dragons that are available (Afterlife, Trouble, and the prize dragon being Hocus Pocus). However, as others have expressed previously, I wish that there were more dragons to win during the LB and/or a free HABITAT!! That would be far more valuable than the 5000 food prize, even if it were just one of the little habitats that only holds a couple dragons.

10-30-18, 07:03 AM
I too am a completist - I remember when DS had just barely over 100 dragons and the idea of "completing" a set seemed doable! Now I focus on one element type (but still get ruined by certain events, like the snipers on a previous LB taking away the chance at the diamond dragon prize).

I wish more people were willing to tie a LB. I often try to get my multiple accounts in the same leaderboard (log into them within a moments of each other). Doesn't always work, but if it does I have at least chance at tying for the prize (or at least maintaining top 6 LB local prize).

Unfortunately this LB I barely have time to log in and play - too much going in my personal life. But at least with some mild boosting I can still reach the milestone prizes (because I have the 4 nests, 2 evolvers, etc).

10-30-18, 07:53 AM
I may be even more a completist than you....I want them all and want them all raised to Epic, at least. Right now, I have all the Gemstones I can fit (I think there are a few I missed and are not currently available in the codex), and am going to trade some duplicates before getting the rest. I am missing two tropic types, one I can only get through the codex so I'm collecting enough essence to get that one. The other is the breedable turtle. Part of my enjoyment of the game is getting new dragons and I found picking a dragon and 'casually' trying for it makes the game more fun for me. First, it was the deep dragon, then the Atlas, now the Turtle. So, I don't forgo Bingo to try to breed a dragon, but work it into Bingo when I can and when there isn't a bingo or an event dragon I want, then I specifically breed for it. For example, right now I need green to tropic to get turtle. So, if I get a square that is 'breed with a black dragon', I may try summer elf (black and green) with Shell, or 'breed yellow and red', I will find something that is yellow and green with something red and tropic.

As far as leaderboard, with the new set up, I try to set up for leaderboard by having dragons ready to finish breeding, hatching and/or evolving when the game starts. I was able to craft the event dragon by the second day. The person in first place as twice the points I do and while I am within 1K points of the person in second, I already know someone will come up from behind with boosts and tricks (a neighbor told me some), and I don't want this particular prize dragon enough to use gold like that. I will easily get to the last mileston and go from there. Last leaderboard I did want the prize dragon but didn't use gold for a boost and ended up missing out by enough to not feel horrible, but not by a lot. If I had used gold and missed out, I would have been really bummed.

I did decrease my game budget last Spring when it was getting harder and harder to get through the events. I was using gold primarily to buy habitats (though I also long for the times habitats were a prize in the events), last Spring I started needing gold more and more just to complete events and at level 200 that shouldn't be the case. Now, however, I don't need gold to get through events so I do like the changes for that.

I also wish more people would be willing to tie in leaderboard. I do think part of the problem is that no one reads their walls, which I think is in part due to where it is. I spent the first month playing the game trying to remember where the wall was on my island. In Bakery Story, it is much easier to find and people tend to use it more. I did get some great neighbors from trying to get ties so that's nice.

10-31-18, 12:56 AM
For the one who talked about my style of play of getting rid of dragons that aren't good in tournament play, I do this to save space for new dragons on the island. There's a dual purpose for me getting rid of dragons. They aren't on my island to look pretty although a lot of them are like Frostwolf, Mexican and Electric among quite a few others. I have about 700 on my island but 275-300 between the stable and storage.
Marble keys are too hard to do for expansion. Also, I do keep all of the dragons I win in tournaments, by the way. 80% stay in storage because of the aforementioned space issue.
Back to the Leaderboards, I like the fact that the dragons can go straight to storage like the World Events. I wish they would go back to having more dragons in both events and create another event where we don't have to put the dragons on the islands.
In the current leaderboard, I'm not in the top tier and probably won't get the prize but it's okay. By the way, as bad as sniping is morally, it's definitely not *****ing and I use the term *****ing very loosely when it comes to sniping. Anyone who chooses to spend real money on gold to boost and get ahead are not *****ing as well as it's not against the rules and I say more power to them for spending at least triple the amount of gold needed to purchase the dragon in the shop. I believe Hocus is 1500 gold. Hocus is a beautiful dragon but I'm not fighting for her. I wish all the luck in the world for those who are. Afterlife is a great dragon too and I'm glad it's back as a milestone. My fellow caretakers, it's definitely worth getting 10k points for. Trouble looks nice too but until more land is available or expanding gets simpler, it's likely to stay in storage.

10-31-18, 11:26 AM
Did anyone else get to the 12,500 level and not get the last reward?

I got there this morning and it shows I got there but no final reward yet.

10-31-18, 11:35 AM
Did anyone else get to the 12,500 level and not get the last reward?

I got there this morning and it shows I got there but no final reward yet.

I have the Trouble Dragon in storage - have you tried force closing the app and then upon opening it again, checking the storage?

kooky panda
10-31-18, 02:10 PM
Did anyone else get to the 12,500 level and not get the last reward?

I got there this morning and it shows I got there but no final reward yet.

I did get my dragon. Try force closing and reopening your game then check your storage again.
If the dragon is still missing, please Contact support for assistance.


10-31-18, 04:24 PM
I did get my dragon. Try force closing and reopening your game then check your storage again.
If the dragon is still missing, please Contact support for assistance.


So even though I was past the goal and it showed a check mark on the goal, the next time I collected points it kicked in and gave it to me.

kooky panda
11-01-18, 09:41 AM
So even though I was past the goal and it showed a check mark on the goal, the next time I collected points it kicked in and gave it to me.
Great! Thanks for reporting back.

11-01-18, 12:57 PM
I have what may be a stupid question, but what use are the crowns once you get enough to craft the Toil dragon? Thanks.

11-01-18, 01:10 PM
I have what may be a stupid question, but what use are the crowns once you get enough to craft the Toil dragon? Thanks.

Nothing. Personally I wish they would carry them over into future Leaderboards, lol. On a serious note, that wasn't a stupid question at all.

11-01-18, 05:29 PM
Well, I started this event late and then had some real life things to deal with so I didn't get to log in every day. Needless to say, I'm seriously way behind! I've got a boost going now but I really don't see myself making it to the end of this one and I'm feeling pretty okay about that. Even with starting so late, I'm in second place so it looks like I might score a new dragon even if I don't make the final milestones so that's good.

It seems like everyone in my group (barring the leader) is suffering from Leaderboard Fatigue Syndrome. There's just so much going on in each event and so many events that LBs no longer seem to hold the shine and interest they started with.

11-01-18, 09:52 PM
Nothing. Personally I wish they would carry them over into future Leaderboards, lol. On a serious note, that wasn't a stupid question at all.

Thanks so much!

11-02-18, 05:02 AM
I have no problems playing the LB, I'm fortunate to be able to put a lot of play time in, but I'm usually placed with other players who have 4 nests and 2 evolution chambers that's double mine so I'm already losing!
My problem lies with the global LB last months an 8 way tie looked suspicious, when I contacted support they said "yes it's possible" now I may be wrong but isn't breeding, hatching evolving and spin the wheel LB points random? Are they saying these 8 players all had the same actions to produce the same points?
Now the current LB had a 12 way tie? Same players again I think that's 1250 gold for 12 players obviously exploiting the system just read their walls, and S8 accept this style of play I'm in no position to compete with these high rollers with every habitat upgraded lol, but there are genuine players spending money on gold to compete and I think that's placing them at a disadvantage.

11-02-18, 07:24 AM
I have no problems playing the LB, I'm fortunate to be able to put a lot of play time in, but I'm usually placed with other players who have 4 nests and 2 evolution chambers that's double mine so I'm already losing!
My problem lies with the global LB last months an 8 way tie looked suspicious, when I contacted support they said "yes it's possible" now I may be wrong but isn't breeding, hatching evolving and spin the wheel LB points random? Are they saying these 8 players all had the same actions to produce the same points?
Now the current LB had a 12 way tie? Same players again I think that's 1250 gold for 12 players obviously exploiting the system just read their walls, and S8 accept this style of play I'm in no position to compete with these high rollers with every habitat upgraded lol, but there are genuine players spending money on gold to compete and I think that's placing them at a disadvantage.

I'm not on the level of those top 12 (or 15 at my last look)... but speaking to the tied scores: It takes work! I've tied up games and had to figure out how to get 137 points (not more or less), and I strategically feed dragons, collect from the farms, etc just enough to get the points to tie. Then my game is bound up - once I've tied it I cannot do crops, breed, etc until after the event. I say kudos to them for trusting each other and going through that hard work of getting it tied! Shows dedication (and an awful lot of food/gold/resources to get there)!

11-02-18, 08:09 AM
I agree game syncing does take a lot of hard work and trust but only for the people in on the game sync, it's still not fair to others not included in the sync �� But that's just my opinion and sense of fair play obviously we're all wired differently.

11-02-18, 10:43 AM
I agree game syncing does take a lot of hard work and trust but only for the people in on the game sync, it's still not fair to others not included in the sync �� But that's just my opinion and sense of fair play obviously we're all wired differently.

If you bring your score up close to theirs, I'm pretty sure you'd get some messages on your wall advising you on what to do to get your score synced with theirs.

Based on the current LB scoring configuration, you'd probably be able to achieve that kind of score spending about $80 - $90 worth of gold (bought during a sale) and dedicating 3 hours of your time (consisting of 6-half-hourly blocks of frenzied playing).

11-02-18, 11:23 AM
If you bring your score up close to theirs, I'm pretty sure you'd get some messages on your wall advising you on what to do to get your score synced with theirs.

Based on the current LB scoring configuration, you'd probably be able to achieve that kind of score spending about $80 - $90 worth of gold (bought during a sale) and dedicating 3 hours of your time (consisting of 6-half-hourly blocks of frenzied playing).

Ty deadpixel that's good news if they allow others in their sync, I wasn't aware of this practice, as for me spending that kind of money on a game then I'll just stick to my usual game play, I do spend gold but it's what I've earned, not bought but fair play to those whom have an income to spend :)

11-02-18, 10:38 PM
Greeting to Kooky, deadpixel and fellow DS players.

If you bring your score up close to theirs, I'm pretty sure you'd get some messages on your wall advising you on what to do to get your score synced with theirs.

I have changed your name by myself ?alivepixel?
You can form the proper picture that everyone should see.
Syncing points becomes major part of winning LB/GB
So learn how to sync points and practise well.
Test your sync s****s in Local LB and get prepared to win First Global Prize in near future.
Because we are trying to reduce target sync point in each GB as long as players behave no overshooting top player?s points of GB.
One day we all can win First GB prize with milestone goal point ( which is 12.5 K for this event).
And win First in bingo with 100 points ( just by not touching it)
You all can win if you really want.

Best of luck in both game and real life,


11-03-18, 02:44 AM
Greeting to Kooky, deadpixel and fellow DS players.

I have changed your name by myself ?alivepixel?
You can form the proper picture that everyone should see.
Syncing points becomes major part of winning LB/GB
So learn how to sync points and practise well.
Test your sync s****s in Local LB and get prepared to win First Global Prize in near future.
Because we are trying to reduce target sync point in each GB as long as players behave no overshooting top player?s points of GB.
One day we all can win First GB prize with milestone goal point ( which is 12.5 K for this event).
And win First in bingo with zero point ( just by not touching it)
You all can win if you really want.

Best of luck in both game and real life,


Awesome work Angel, and congrats for winning again. You and your fellow winners are showing the way.

I wish we could all learn from you and win bingo and LB together. But then, I also wish for world peace :p

11-29-18, 10:43 PM
Greeting to Kooky, deadpixel and fellow DS players.

I have changed your name by myself ?alivepixel?
You can form the proper picture that everyone should see.
Syncing points becomes major part of winning LB/GB
So learn how to sync points and practise well.
Test your sync s****s in Local LB and get prepared to win First Global Prize in near future.
Because we are trying to reduce target sync point in each GB as long as players behave no overshooting top player?s points of GB.
One day we all can win First GB prize with milestone goal point ( which is 12.5 K for this event).
And win First in bingo with zero point ( just by not touching it)
You all can win if you really want.

Best of luck in both game and real life,


(龙) 天使,


我去过你的岛和其他GB透明人的岛,也读过你们墙壁上写的东西,所以同等你们怎样同步比分的方法。我真佩服 你们的通力。

这能使每个人得到第一名的方法是很好的,我可能偶尔也会参加玩一玩 :) 一直到S8发现这薄弱环节并把它改了。


Deadpixel (活像素也不错 :) )

Hi Angel,

I'm sorry to have missed your post till now. Another player sent me a private message about your post and I came to look.

I have visited your island and those of the other GB leaders and also read your walls and understand how you sync your points. I really admire the effort all of you put in.

The idea to unite all players in 1st place for the LB and GB is very good, and I may join you guys once in a while for fun :) at least until S8 realizes this loophole and do something about it.

Hope to meet you in the Leaderboards.

Deadpixel ( alivepixel is an interesting name :) )