View Full Version : Double Diamond Combo = Useless

08-18-18, 07:08 PM
Has anyone ever actually realized how useless the double diamond combo is 99% of the time? I am currently on level 337 and slowly making my way through the game, but I always find myself not utilizing the double Diamond combo - even when it is available. I found it really isn't much better than a jewel refresh button. A single diamond on any old color, a diamond on a bomb, or a diamond on a blaster is far more useful. Reasons:

-It doesn't give you many points (for obtaining those stars), because it simply wipes out all the jewels on the screen and basically starts you over from scratch. Sometimes this means all those colors will come back, creating gridlock.
-It doesn't eliminate a color - which would make it far easier to create more matches/combos. I actually found you are better off dragging those two diamonds to two random colors instead of on top of each other, which eliminates two colors on the screen and pretty much guarantees you will get a dozen other combos, including more diamonds.
-If you are looking to max out your score, then dragging a diamond on a blaster and then continually dragging blasters on top of other blasters on the fly will rack up the points ridiculously fast. Two diamonds on top of each other is one quick "bang", then activity will come to a dead halt.

Has anyone actually found a good use for the double diamond combo? The only time I find it "useful" is if it will work to eliminate that last flame or something nearby, and I just happen to have two diamonds (but any other combo would do the same trick, really).