View Full Version : LEADERBOARD: Starstruck - 2018 Jul 31 (POLL ADDED)

07-31-18, 12:40 AM

Event Schedule
Event is live from Jul 31 at 11:30am PT.
You can use this Time Zone Converter (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html) to figure out your local time. You can enter "San Francisco" for the Storm8 time zone.

How to play?

Event Boost
Star Fragment - collect 20 points / 2.5 hrs (175 gems)
Meteorite - collect 60 points / 2.5 hrs (375 gems)

Event Prizes
Milestone Prizes
50 points - Mystery box
350 points - Plutopus (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Creatures-Guide&p=1454071&viewfull=1#post1454071)
650 points - Mystery box
1,100 points - Lemurcury (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Creatures-Guide&p=1453925&viewfull=1#post1453925)
1,500 points - Mystery box
2,200 points - Caturn (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Creatures-Guide&p=1453717&viewfull=1#post1453717)
3,800 points - Mystery box
4,200 points - Glowing Garden (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104633-Fantasy-Forest-Habitats-Guide&p=1516428&viewfull=1#post1516428)
4,800 points - Mystery box
5,400 points - Shooting Starling (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Forest-Creatures-Guide&p=1531663&viewfull=1#post1531663)
6,000 points - Star Guar (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Forest-Creatures-Guide&p=1531664&viewfull=1#post1531664)

Note: Your milestone prizes can be found in your storage upon acquiring the required Leaderboard points.


Rank Prizes
1st - Comet Colt (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Forest-Creatures-Guide&p=1531662&viewfull=1#post1531662), Gold trophy
2nd - Comet Colt (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Forest-Creatures-Guide&p=1531662&viewfull=1#post1531662), Silver trophy
3rd - Bronze trophy, 25,000 food, 20 runes
4th to 6th - 35,000 coins, 20,000 food, 10 runes
7th to 12th - 25,000 coins, 15,000 food
13th to 20th - 10,000 coins

Note: Your Rank prizes can be found in your storage at the end of the event.

Planetary Platty
Goal 1:
Hatch a Plutopus
REWARD: 300 leaderboard points

Goal 2:
Raise your Plutopus to level 3
REWARD: 300 leaderboard points

Goal 3:
Raise your Plutopus to level 12
REWARD: 400 leaderboard points

Have fun and enjoy your event! :D


07-31-18, 10:03 AM
Starstruck Leaderboard is purple and pink! My favorite colors lol I like it, horse bird and bull

07-31-18, 11:42 AM
I like the top two leader board animals but the lower ones are mehhh...I think the plutopuss is grotesque

07-31-18, 11:55 AM
It might be just me but they look like the same animals over and over again but different colors. Definitely not going after the top prize.

07-31-18, 11:59 AM
It might be just me but they look like the same animals over and over again but different colors. Definitely not going after the top prize.

I agree we need UNIQUE animals!!!

07-31-18, 12:10 PM
YES!!!!! And SHOOT!!!!! I wanted so badly to sit this one out, but I'm a huge sci-fi/fantasy nerd, and the Cosmic element is such a favorite! I'm so excited to see new animals - especially since only one of the original trio (Caturn) is very attractive. Plutopus is so ugly he's a little cute, but Lemercury is just so ugly. It's so nice to see PRETTY Cosmic creatures!!!

07-31-18, 12:40 PM
I literally just bought all of the Space animals last month. LOL.

Anyway, here is the Shocking Starling egg:


Star Guar egg: https://imgur.com/UfFfWYP.jpeg

07-31-18, 01:04 PM
Pretty sure I got put into a different group after it started? I was ranked #2 the. It froze. Restarted and now I'm number 15 and the people above me are way above.... ugh

07-31-18, 03:37 PM
Just some extra info.... I already had a Plutopus raised to leave 8 so I fed that Plutopus to level 12 and I received the side quest points ... so if you already have one you can save some apples

Also, I don't have the Moonbill goal

07-31-18, 03:54 PM
Before I could boost it auto completed all the plutopus n lemercury goals bc I have them ...drats:(

07-31-18, 04:08 PM
Before I could boost it auto completed all the plutopus n lemercury goals bc I have them ...drats:(

Same happend too me. Also collected the goals points automatically, but not trough my LB points. Lost a few on that. Im sad and angry at the same time.

07-31-18, 04:34 PM
Before I could boost it auto completed all the plutopus n lemercury goals bc I have them ...drats:(

I know! Same here! I would have done a boost if I'd had any clue what was going to happen the second I logged into my account!

07-31-18, 04:51 PM
Before I could boost it auto completed all the plutopus n lemercury goals bc I have them ...drats:(

That happened to me too...i was so bummed about missing extra points!!

07-31-18, 05:43 PM
Wow, such a strange erect trophy... it's even got a ring around it. You definitely don't want to trip and fall over that if you win it and put it out in your forest... :p

Why are all the animal the same colour? It's like they ran out of ideas. I know the Space type is pretty unloved so far, and I was expecting it to make a comeback like all the others but this is barely moving the needle.

07-31-18, 06:28 PM
Wow, such a strange erect trophy... it's even got a ring around it. You definitely don't want to trip and fall over that if you win it and put it out in your forest... :p

Why are all the animal the same colour? It's like they ran out of ideas. I know the Space type is pretty unloved so far, and I was expecting it to make a comeback like all the others but this is barely moving the needle.

Because everything in space is dark and purply, don't you know? ;)

07-31-18, 07:03 PM
Look at that trophy make me have durty thinking �� lol

07-31-18, 09:03 PM
Should I leave moonbill on the nest?? Will they not be giving a goal/pts for it?

07-31-18, 09:40 PM
Should I leave moonbill on the nest?? Will they not be giving a goal/pts for it?

Only nebula bits. :) I've replied to you in the Moonbill thread. Please continue the discussion there. Thanks.

07-31-18, 09:41 PM
Bug posts on the leaderboard have been moved to the Bug thread. Please see/report there. Thanks.

08-01-18, 12:06 AM
Pretty sure I got put into a different group after it started? I was ranked #2 the. It froze. Restarted and now I'm number 15 and the people above me are way above.... ugh

This happened to me too, not happy. The leader on one of my games is over 20000 already, not worth trying.

08-01-18, 01:39 AM
Event information is updated in Post 1.

08-01-18, 02:52 PM
Sorry if this has been answered before, I was looking around and couldn't find it. For leaderboard events that include points for breeding, hatching, evolving, etc. if you have multiples of any of those buildings, do they each count toward point accumulation? Or is it just the flat total time each building is providing? For example, if I have a nest with a 5 hour egg and a nest with 3 hours and they both start at the same time. Would I get 8 hours worth of points? Or just the 5?

Regardless, having more is a benefit because it provides more options. I'm just curious.

08-01-18, 02:58 PM
Sorry if this has been answered before, I was looking around and couldn't find it. For leaderboard events that include points for breeding, hatching, evolving, etc. if you have multiples of any of those buildings, do they each count toward point accumulation? Or is it just the flat total time each building is providing? For example, if I have a nest with a 5 hour egg and a nest with 3 hours and they both start at the same time. Would I get 8 hours worth of points? Or just the 5?

Regardless, having more is a benefit because it provides more options. I'm just curious.

For every nest you hatch you get 3 times the timer in points. Same for the breeding garden, and for the evo flower. So if you have 4 nest and 2 evo flowers its not that hard to collect LB points. Remember for EVERY breeding, hatching, evolving, and feeding part. Just like the info tells you in the game. No matter how many nest or flowers you have. Good luck.

08-01-18, 03:58 PM
I got to Milestone 4 in the Starstruck event and got the Lemurcury, am I supposed to hatch it? the goal doesn't say

08-01-18, 06:59 PM
Look at that trophy make me have durty thinking �� lol

Suddenly I really want to win this trophy now :p I don't care which colour; brown, yellow or white

08-01-18, 09:06 PM
Hey Guys,

Appreciate if you could keep the discussion to appropriate topic here because we have young players on the forum. Thanks.

08-01-18, 09:09 PM
I got to Milestone 4 in the Starstruck event and got the Lemurcury, am I supposed to hatch it? the goal doesn't say

I thought mine said to hatch it but I wasnt sure as I passed it. Yes hatch it. Btw, what does your goal say?

08-01-18, 09:30 PM
I thought mine said to hatch it but I wasnt sure as I passed it. Yes hatch it. Btw, what does your goal say?

it said "Earn a Lemurcury from the Starstruck event" that is all it said

08-01-18, 10:01 PM
it said "Earn a Lemurcury from the Starstruck event" that is all it said

Thank you. No wonder you were puzzled. It counts when you hatch it or you already have it on your game board.

08-07-18, 08:07 AM
Did you like this event? Which prizes did you like?

Please vote and feel free to share your constructive feedback. Thank you for your participation! :)

This is a private poll and you can select multiple choices. The poll will close in 10 days.

(Select Full Site option at the bottom of the forum page to vote/view the poll.)

08-07-18, 12:13 PM
I used gems. Before the starstruck enemy ended for boost, hatch and egg, and evolution This got me above. 6000 and it said I had won Star Guar I went out of game then when I went back to it the event was finished and the Star guar is gone Andi did not score enough for this prize. The gems I used are gone but it went back to a lower score and I was 15 short of getting the Star guar. I am getting so tired of things being erased!!!!!!!llllll

08-07-18, 12:26 PM
Yay, gold trophy no 17 in a row! and I haven't even reached level 30 yet


08-07-18, 12:28 PM
Did you like this event? Which prizes did you like?

Please vote and feel free to share your constructive feedback. Thank you for your participation! :)

This is a private poll and you can select multiple choices. The poll will close in 10 days.

(Select Full Site option at the bottom of the forum page to vote/view the poll.)

There should be a choice added to these polls asking how we enjoy all of the bugs and mistakes that occur every single time there's an update to this game. It cost us players and it's ridiculous.

08-07-18, 12:28 PM
Won gold too!

08-07-18, 12:29 PM
Yay, gold trophy no 17 in a row! and I haven't even reached level 30 yet


Congrats! You've spent a lot of money! :cool:

08-07-18, 07:10 PM
Congrats! You've spent a lot of money! :cool:

Nope, not a penny. This is my baby account. LB is a lot easier at the lower levels.

08-17-18, 08:31 AM
Thank you Everyone for voting.
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