View Full Version : COLOSSEUM: Astrowl - 2018 Jul 31

07-31-18, 12:37 AM
Astrowl - new creature
More information on Astrowl (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Forest-Creatures-Guide&p=1531661&viewfull=1#post1531661) in Creatures Guide.

Refer to Battle Chart (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101491-Fantasy-Forest-Main-Guide&p=1463666&viewfull=1#post1463666) in Main Guide if you need help.
Starting this thread for you to discuss on this animal and the battles in the Colosseum.

For players new to the Colosseum, see Chapter Colosseum (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101491-Fantasy-Forest-Main-Guide&p=1463669&viewfull=1#post1463669) for more information.


Element: Space, Electric
Rarity: Super Rare
Cost: 1,200 gems

08-01-18, 03:07 AM
Is it normal i doesn't have a side goal for this one too?
In the past it was collect 50 first, after that 2 times 75, than 90, and the last task hatching the creature. Nothing for this. Anyone else have? Or am i the only one.

08-01-18, 05:31 AM
Is it normal i doesn't have a side goal for this one too?
In the past it was collect 50 first, after that 2 times 75, than 90, and the last task hatching the creature. Nothing for this. Anyone else have? Or am i the only one.

I have no side goal for this or anything else right now.

08-01-18, 05:54 AM
Is it normal i doesn't have a side goal for this one too?
In the past it was collect 50 first, after that 2 times 75, than 90, and the last task hatching the creature. Nothing for this. Anyone else have? Or am i the only one.

Nothing here!

08-01-18, 07:31 AM
Hey Guys,

I dont have goals for Colosseum too. I believe this is intended just as it was for July when we didn't have goals too. Please see my update in July Colosseum thread. Thanks. https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?105209-COLOSSEUM-Birthday-Pheasant-2018-Jul-6&p=1526196#post1526196

08-05-18, 08:25 AM


Elements - Cosmic/Lightning
Hatching time - 8 Hours
Evolution time - 8 Hours
Feed schedule - D


Best Regards.

08-10-18, 12:54 AM
What's strong against this creature? Can't find on the battle chart, empty spot.

Update: I'm playing on android, so can't see strength hits, but got him down with earth 3 hits.

08-10-18, 05:21 AM
What's strong against this creature? Can't find on the battle chart, empty spot.

Update: I'm playing on android, so can't see strength hits, but got him down with earth 3 hits.
So far my only strong result against the Astrowl has been Skull.

08-10-18, 05:51 AM
So far my only strong result against the Astrowl has been Skull.

Thanks will try that next time.

08-12-18, 11:08 AM
I also finished colosseum. So happy with the Astrowl. Really nice job S8, really like this creature. Egg on the nest btw.


08-12-18, 12:38 PM
I also finished colosseum. So happy with the Astrowl. Really nice job S8, really like this creature. Egg on the nest btw.


I dont know how u do it! I feel as i put a lot of time into this game and constantly am on battling, but never have came close to winning one since android started the Colosseum:( congrats tho!

08-31-18, 01:00 PM
I managed to earn the Astrowl on ALL THREE of my accounts. It came down to the last day - and for MenollyPiper the last hour! But I didn't have to spend any extra gems, and I am SO HAPPY I actually completed it!

I'll be honest, since I didn't need the element combination, and since this is pretty much the Barn Owl with different coloring, I wasn't all that invested in whether or not I got it. However, I did something this month that I've never done before - I tracked my progress each day to know if I was on track and if it was even possible to succeed. At the beginning, I figured that I needed to average about 11 points per day to win, and every few days I'd do the math again. By some miracle, all three accounts stayed close enough to the average that it was worth it to keep going.

So I really feel great having achieved the goal, and now I have another cute Space animal! Now the fun of figuring out if I'm going to hatch it and if so, where I can put it. Hmmm...