View Full Version : Decisions: Dehydrator, 2nd Feed Mill, or Apple Trees/Cocoa Trees?

07-28-18, 10:56 AM
Level 11 player on Android.

I really got BITTEN by that "Collection" machine, when I could have used the money for something useful. So I'm quite leery about buying machines in case they are useless. It's taken me forever (3 days lol) to get over $3000 and I really want to be sure.

So far my deliveries only ask for the occasional yellow fruit dried up, but have just started demanding apples which I haven't bought yet.

(The bottleneck in ALL cases is actually the machines, which have a limited queue. I've added slots but generally have trouble getting screws.)

Advice please? What should I be focusing on?

07-28-18, 11:07 AM
Aaaarghhh! Just read the "not Android features" list (I take no offense, cross-platform is Hard) ... and found out Piper's Tree House is iOS only. It took a long time to accrue the stuff I spent to get there!! waaaahhh.

07-29-18, 03:53 AM
welp, nvm, I made the stupidest of decisions and bought the second feed mill. now have feed coming out my ears and still can't meet deliveries; everyone wants dehydrated, lol.

07-30-18, 12:47 AM
I see I'm too late to advise you against a second feed mill - sorry you learnt that the hard way. Next I would go for some cocoa trees and the chocolate making machine and sell dark chocolate in the shop to earn coins. If you haven't already read this thread about making money from the shop, I highly recommend it: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?67721-Tips-to-sell-fast-and-make-coins

I'm level 13 and my two favourite things to sell in in the shop are flax (bundles of 5) and dark chocolate (1 or 2). I put them up at about half the market price and they usually sell pretty quickly (often they sell quicker than other items that I priced at 1/4 of the market price). I could possibly raise my prices as particularly in the evenings in my timezone (Western Australia) flax sells faster than I can grow it. But I don't want to risk getting stuck with items not selling. If you haven't unlocked flax yet, it won't be far away. Flour made in the windmill is also meant to be a great item to sell but I haven't tested that out yet as I only just got a windmill.

The dehydrator is only any good if you have (purple) passionfruit or apples to go in it. So keep that in mind before buying it.

Edit: Thanks for the warning about piper's treehouse not doing anything for Android. That would've been my next expansion but I won't bother with it now.

08-02-18, 07:26 AM
glad I saved you the trouble! I didn't get far enough to find out if that fishing pond is for android, though - you may have to go that way anyway. I finally saved up and got the windmill and that opened all kinds of doors. Cotton Candy machine right after. I had unfortunately bought the dehydrator first, though, grrr, so I had to keep building up money again. Point me at a poor decision and I'm there, lol!

I held off on the 2nd cow pen and 3 more pigs, though - not enough use for the milk and bacon as it was. Probably changes later. Got the choc machine but hadn't bought enough trees to run it continuously.

I actually was only playing Farm Story to get gems for a different game, but level 15 is a lot harder in farm story than just playing the arcade games! I never worked so hard for 7 gems in my life, lol.

Thank you very much for taking the time to advise me. I really appreciate it and wish your farm the best!