View Full Version : Why are my Coins Decreasing

06-04-18, 09:55 AM
I have just noticed that my coin total has reduced by approx. 900 million coins.

When I pick my coins up from the habitats they are deducted from my total instead of being added.

I suggest all players check to see if this is happening to them.

I have raised a ticket,number [].

Could a Moderator look into this for me please as I have had to stop playing the game, thank you

[S8] Elsa
06-04-18, 10:04 AM
Please allow time for support to respond to your request. This will require support intervention as you've reached the max 32-bit integer in Coins.

07-22-18, 04:40 PM
There is a negative sign in front of the coins and when I collect from my habitats it decreases the amount of coins I have. Is anyone else having this issue???? I had more than 2,053,220,355 in coins before I noticed this happening.

07-23-18, 06:23 AM
This issue can occur if your Coin balance reaches the maximum number in 32-bit computer language (2,147,483,647). Collecting enough Coins to reach this value is very rare. This can occur in any app using 32-bit hardware or software, but the error can display itself differently.

Please submit a request through support.storm8.com (https://support.storm8.com/hc/en-us) for assistance. Thanks.

12-04-18, 09:34 PM
Is it me? Or does the money inbound decrease while collecting from the habitats instead of increase? I noticed the same for spending coins, this is the other way around. Very strange, i want too know if i'm the only one. Or is this a way to get rid of our coins;)

12-05-18, 09:00 AM
I know how.......
It's because i have minus in front of the coins. How is this possible? And am i the only one noticed and having this issue?


12-05-18, 09:21 AM
This is known issue. See Post 4.

12-05-18, 11:47 AM
Ok but what are they doing about this problem? And what can i do?

12-06-18, 07:52 AM
Mentioned in Post 4 - contact Support: support form (http://support.storm8.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) for assistance. :)

12-09-18, 07:46 AM
Filled in a ticket. Now site back and wait.

01-26-19, 11:33 AM
Have a huge bug in the game. When I play the game on my android mobile and click on habitats to collect the coins, instead of adding up to my tally of coins the coins are getting deducted. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the app on the mobile many times but still facing this problem. Is there anyone else out here who’s facing this problem? I don’t face this problem when I play on the iPad. Any administrators or game moderates or developers out here to hear me out and help me? Will be mighty helpful as I do not carry the iPad while travelling and I travel a lot!

01-26-19, 12:04 PM
Have a huge bug in the game. When I play the game on my android mobile and click on habitats to collect the coins, instead of adding up to my tally of coins the coins are getting deducted. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the app on the mobile many times but still facing this problem. Is there anyone else out here who’s facing this problem? I don’t face this problem when I play on the iPad. Any administrators or game moderates or developers out here to hear me out and help me? Will be mighty helpful as I do not carry the iPad while travelling and I travel a lot!

You can read and discuss here (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?105397-Why-are-my-Coins-Decreasing) more about this. There is a max for coins, and probably you reached it.

01-27-19, 01:36 AM
Have a huge bug in the game. When I play the game on my android mobile and click on habitats to collect the coins, instead of adding up to my tally of coins the coins are getting deducted. I?ve uninstalled and reinstalled the app on the mobile many times but still facing this problem. Is there anyone else out here who?s facing this problem? I don?t face this problem when I play on the iPad. Any administrators or game moderates or developers out here to hear me out and help me? Will be mighty helpful as I do not carry the iPad while travelling and I travel a lot!

Do you have lots of coins? See below. Replied to your pm as well.

This issue can occur if your Coin balance reaches the maximum number in 32-bit computer language (2,147,483,647). Collecting enough Coins to reach this value is very rare. This can occur in any app using 32-bit hardware or software, but the error can display itself differently.

Please submit a request through support.storm8.com (https://support.storm8.com/hc/en-us) for assistance. Thanks.

Thanks for your help, AppieP.

06-16-19, 10:40 AM
Is anyone else having problems with the coins? When I collect from my habitats my coins in the left upper on the screen get less instead of more.

06-16-19, 08:34 PM
Is anyone else having problems with the coins? When I collect from my habitats my coins in the left upper on the screen get less instead of more.

That's normal for this game at some point. More about this you can find here (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?105397-Why-are-my-Coins-Decreasing)