View Full Version : FOREST PARTY: Pastel Party - 2018 Jul 13 (POLL ADDED)

07-13-18, 09:46 AM

How to play?
You can earn Pastel Pastries by doing the following:
- Earn up to 500 points by raising a Capybirthday to level 10
- Hatching animals from your Nest
- Harvesting food at your Farms
- Evolving your animals
- Breeding your animals (2x Bonus from breeding during this event!)
- Obtaining the Colorful Cake or the Rainbow Riser
- Digging in the Mine

Individual Prizes:
First Prize: Colorful Cake : 75 Pastel Pastries
Second Prize: Celebration Stone : 185 Pastel Pastries
Third Prize: Tasty Tree : 375 Pastel Pastries
Fourth Prize: Cake Snake (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Forest-Creatures-Guide&p=1527303&viewfull=1#post1527303) : 2,000 Pastel Pastries
Fifth Prize: Pastel Giraffe (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Forest-Creatures-Guide&p=1527304&viewfull=1#post1527304) : 3,200 Pastel Pastries

Community Prizes
(unlocks at 1,500 - meaning once you have collected 1,500 Pastel Pastries, you are eligible for community prizes.)
First Prize: Pastowl (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Forest-Creatures-Guide&p=1527305&viewfull=1#post1527305)
Second Prize: Food
Third Prize: Runes


Event Boosts
Colorful Cake - Collect 4 Pastel Pastries / 4 hrs (75 gems)
Rainbow Riser - Collect 16 Pastel Pastries / 4 hrs (250 gems)

Goal 1
Hatch a Capybirthday
REWARD: 250 Pastel Pastries

Goal 2
Raise your Capybirthday to Level 10
REWARD: 250 Pastel Pastries

Have fun and enjoy your event! :D


07-13-18, 11:57 AM
The only animal that really appeals to me is the giraffe, and since it's the last individual animal, it's going to be out of my reach. My depleted food supplies are grateful for the opportunity to farm for best yield instead of most hours.

07-13-18, 12:55 PM
45743 Cake Snake 8 hours

07-13-18, 01:07 PM
Its a dissapointing event for me this time.. it all looks strange, I got plenty of space but I dont want to make it up for thess animals or decorations. The colors would fit perfectly if we had a yellow/sandtheme space for habitats, but the right side of the game still looks like the designers gave up on it..

07-13-18, 01:18 PM
The only animal that really appeals to me is the giraffe, and since it's the last individual animal, it's going to be out of my reach. My depleted food supplies are grateful for the opportunity to farm for best yield instead of most hours.

ME TOO:love-struck:. Like you said, so sad it's the last price. Really sad:mad::blue:

07-13-18, 01:25 PM
Personally I only like the Owl and the giraffe but Ill never get that... so Ill be happy to just unlock the community prizes!

07-13-18, 01:29 PM
Personally I only like the Owl and the giraffe but Ill never get that... so Ill be happy to just unlock the community prizes!


Well, actually, I do like the other two animals, but not enough to stress out about getting them. The owl is my favorite.

07-13-18, 01:36 PM
45747 Pastel Giraffe

07-13-18, 02:59 PM
45747 Pastel Giraffe

Wow, so soon already. Nice job. Congrats on completing this Forest Party

07-13-18, 10:39 PM
I'm with you guys, really sad that the giraffe which members have asked for, is the last prize which is unattainable, well at least for me. Hope I can get to unlock the owl as consolation. Gosh I just wish that aweful snake is the last prize instead. I am not a fan of snakes, even virtual ones.

07-13-18, 10:40 PM
Event information is updated in Post 1.

07-15-18, 06:07 PM
I now have 7,832 pastel pastries. Almost all of these were earned trying every possible combination to unsuccessfully breed a racchrome. If I knew how to calculate these percentages, I would probably question the fairness of this game. Thankfully, I am very, very dumb.

07-16-18, 08:36 AM
I now have 7,832 pastel pastries. Almost all of these were earned trying every possible combination to unsuccessfully breed a racchrome. If I knew how to calculate these percentages, I would probably question the fairness of this game. Thankfully, I am very, very dumb.

And that is the very reason I stopped spending money on this game. I would have no problem spending money if the game was fair and were able to breed what we need too but that is not the case. Lately Im never able to breed the animals for the goals Im not sure if they think that will make people want to spend money but frankly it does the opposite for me! It is not fun to play when you cant even breed a rare animal within a few tries instead a rare takes weeks and with my luck not at all!

07-16-18, 09:43 AM
And that is the very reason I stopped spending money on this game. I would have no problem spending money if the game was fair and were able to breed what we need too but that is not the case. Lately Im never able to breed the animals for the goals Im not sure if they think that will make people want to spend money but frankly it does the opposite for me! It is not fun to play when you cant even breed a rare animal within a few tries instead a rare takes weeks and with my luck not at all!

Yep. They were making excellent money from me until this happened. Now I'll probably just uninstall the app and waste my paycheck somewhere else. Ridiculous.

07-16-18, 12:45 PM
Yep. They were making excellent money from me until this happened. Now I'll probably just uninstall the app and waste my paycheck somewhere else. Ridiculous.I agree as well and there's no way for me to finish this without buying and using gems. Like a lot of players I dont mind spending money but im done supporting S8. This is not fun anymore. I'll be happy if I can just reach the community goals. Every event and every quest just keeps getting more difficult. If S8 doesn't care than why should I.

07-17-18, 12:23 AM
I take back what I said. I actually like all the animals. I know I can't reach the giraffe, but I'm looking forward to getting the snake.

@alienonacid I started this game with the goal of obtaining every single animal. I have come to realize that just isn't realistic. You really have to be willing to win some and lose some. Most of the animals are brought back around in time, so even if you don't get one now, you will almost certainly have another chance in the future. I think it's a marathon, not a sprint. Just set a maximum on how much you're willing to spend every month and stick to it.

Personally, I'm having some feelings about the Papayak. I've been playing for close to 2 years. The Papayak was in the market some months ago for 500 gems. That was well beyond the limit I had set for myself to spend on s single animal, but it was**so** cute that I bought it anyway. Then I managed to get a second one from a spin to win or a leaderboard or something. I don't mind having 2. I can keep a baby and an adult. But now it's in the market for a measly 100 gems *and* is breedable? And I bred one, so I have 3 now. Like I said, they keep coming back around. I'm. Kind of miffed I spent so much to get one in the first place. I really think patience is important when playing this game.

07-17-18, 08:51 AM
I take back what I said. I actually like all the animals. I know I can't reach the giraffe, but I'm looking forward to getting the snake.

@alienonacid I started this game with the goal of obtaining every single animal. I have come to realize that just isn't realistic. You really have to be willing to win some and lose some. Most of the animals are brought back around in time, so even if you don't get one now, you will almost certainly have another chance in the future. I think it's a marathon, not a sprint. Just set a maximum on how much you're willing to spend every month and stick to it.

Personally, I'm having some feelings about the Papayak. I've been playing for close to 2 years. The Papayak was in the market some months ago for 500 gems. That was well beyond the limit I had set for myself to spend on s single animal, but it was**so** cute that I bought it anyway. Then I managed to get a second one from a spin to win or a leaderboard or something. I don't mind having 2. I can keep a baby and an adult. But now it's in the market for a measly 100 gems *and* is breedable? And I bred one, so I have 3 now. Like I said, they keep coming back around. I'm. Kind of miffed I spent so much to get one in the first place. I really think patience is important when playing this game.

Agree, hence why I’ve kind of stopped caring what animals I get in any specific event. I never buy an animal in the shop unless it’s 100 gems or fewer.

However, the spin to win hasn’t been around for several months now. I guess that’s just yet another feature that Storm8 has taken from us. We must have been getting too many free items from it :mad: Add that on top of the removal of the side goals for storybooks, and the removal of the five daily gems to earn from videos - it’s now nearly impossible to get anything at all in this game without spending. I love this game, but if the trend continues I won’t be playing much longer. Or, at the very least, I certainly won’t be playing daily.

07-17-18, 11:12 AM
I think I may call this event and all others quits- love playing but the constant let down is just getting too much. :(

07-18-18, 06:44 AM
I think I may call this event and all others quits- love playing but the constant let down is just getting too much. :(


Today was the first "Gem Sale" where I didn't buy any.

I'm going to spend the money I saved on a therapist who understands how traumatic Racchrome breeding can be.


07-18-18, 09:25 AM

Today was the first "Gem Sale" where I didn't buy any.

I'm going to spend the money I saved on a therapist who understands how traumatic Racchrome breeding can be.


Hahahahaha omg sign me up with you!
Maybe my new profession should be FFS counseling !

07-18-18, 11:38 AM
I think I may call this event and all others quits- love playing but the constant let down is just getting too much. :(I may or may not finish this event. I'm just a little over 3000 pts so I do have a chance to get the giraffe but like all the other new animals it'll be in storage. I no longer buy gems so it'll be close. The gems I have left will probably go towards the next event or what ever will give colorful crates so I can have a chance to get Chromatical. I like this game but S8 has made it very clear that they dont care what we want or need to continue playing. I just can't afford to play this game this way.

07-18-18, 01:19 PM
Yeah I feel the same, except I don't have the space issue. I'll be lucky if I make community this event because of my lack of spending. Until i can enjoy the game again-- I guess ill lay low.

07-18-18, 08:23 PM
Unless my game crashes or something, my baby account will unlock community prizes, but that's it, and my older account will get to the Cake Snake. yay! I wish the giraffe weren't so far away.

07-18-18, 11:07 PM
I'm with you guys, really sad that the giraffe which members have asked for, is the last prize which is unattainable, well at least for me. Hope I can get to unlock the owl as consolation. Gosh I just wish that aweful snake is the last prize instead. I am not a fan of snakes, even virtual ones.

I don?t think that many of us will get the giraffe, I would love to, but know it is out of my reach. Why can?t they adjust the last milestone to the shortened event?😭😭😭

07-18-18, 11:09 PM
And that is the very reason I stopped spending money on this game. I would have no problem spending money if the game was fair and were able to breed what we need too but that is not the case. Lately Im never able to breed the animals for the goals Im not sure if they think that will make people want to spend money but frankly it does the opposite for me! It is not fun to play when you cant even breed a rare animal within a few tries instead a rare takes weeks and with my luck not at all!

Hear, hear, sad but true

07-19-18, 05:32 AM
Yeah I feel the same, except I don't have the space issue. I'll be lucky if I make community this event because of my lack of spending. Until i can enjoy the game again-- I guess ill lay low.

Same. I hardly have over 800 points and don’t even care. I haven’t been trying at all for this one (not even keeping both nests and the flower full at all times) and have no regrets. I’ll put the effort into the storybook and maybe the leaderboard where I actually have a chance.

07-20-18, 06:15 AM
With a little luck and keeping my both nest occupied i made it to community. Wasn't really trying. My evo flower was empty all the time.

07-20-18, 06:25 AM
Since managing capy in the nick of time .. I will now make it to cake snake. Not a fan, really wanted the giraffe!

07-20-18, 06:26 AM
Same. I hardly have over 800 points and don?t even care. I haven?t been trying at all for this one (not even keeping both nests and the flower full at all times) and have no regrets. I?ll put the effort into the storybook and maybe the leaderboard where I actually have a chance.

Amen to this! I'm OVER world events !!!

...side note... why is pastowl soooooo friggin big! It was an ug baby...but jeez. Now its worse!

07-20-18, 07:23 AM
1. Did you like this event?
2. Did you complete all individual prizes?
3. Did you unlock community prizes?
4. Which prizes did you like?

Please vote and feel free to share your constructive feedback. Thank you for your participation! :)

This is a private poll and you can select multiple choices. The poll will close in 10 days.

(Select Full Site option at the bottom of the forum page to vote/view the poll.)

07-20-18, 08:34 AM
Well I see we got all the community prizes. I now have over 400 runes. I'm sure there are others with even more than I have. Congratulations.

07-20-18, 11:59 AM
Amen to this! I'm OVER world events !!!

...side note... why is pastowl soooooo friggin big! It was an ug baby...but jeez. Now its worse!

I hate to agree because I generally really like owls and was excited about getting this one..............until I got it. *laughing until I cry emoji*

however, I'm surprised to see the general negativity in the poll. Obviously we are almost universally upset that the final animal(s) are out of reach. S8 Really needs to reevaluate the number of points needed to get the final animal. However, I thought the animals were cute enough, for the most part. I'm actually pretty excited about the snake. I like that we have a different color theme going on for the birthday party month.

07-20-18, 01:14 PM
I honestly don?t bother with these events anymore, while I?d have loved the giraffe it?s too much stress for unattainable goals.
I was quite excited for more owl animals but, er, a little disappointed with the actual prize. Still I am loving the rainbow theme and happy to have the food and runes.

07-20-18, 02:22 PM
I got none of these animals . I didn't even try to unlock the community rewards bc there is no point for me. This is the 2nd time I have not tried in this type of event. Last time I got all but the top prize but this time I didnt even bother. I use to get all animals all the time but now I have no space and the amount of gems to spend to get these are not worth it anymore. I have 609 runes....I did try all event long to get the birthday bear but refused to spend what I use to to speed breed. I think I used 100 gems top just to see if I could get him to no avail.

07-31-18, 10:52 PM
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