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View Full Version : Why gifts from neighbors have to go through order step?

04-02-11, 11:29 PM
This has been mentioned by one of our gamers. Why do gifts from neighbors have to get into one more step at the order slot before hang them at the counter? Why can't the gifts just simple hang them straight? It's not only wasting another order slot for other items but when the slots are full, there isn't any ways to upload the gifts then! How absurd is that!

04-02-11, 11:34 PM
Totally absolutely agree :P I had posted the same thing :)

04-03-11, 12:47 AM
Annooying ain't it

04-04-11, 08:45 AM
Actually I disagree because if the issue was like that we wouldn't be able to save all the gifts the put it at once to get a lot of money, and If you already have food on the desk, it will be remove and replaced by some cheap gift like French toast or brownies.

04-04-11, 08:54 AM
She doesn't mean not being able to save them, they mean when you go to use one of your gifts you need a free order slot in order to do so. You should just be able to click the gift item and choose the rack to put it on, you shouldn't need an empty order slot to do it.

04-04-11, 11:37 AM
i agree. you don't have to cook your gifts on bakery restaraunt etc..you just select the gift and it appears on the counter. it should be the same for clothes.

04-04-11, 02:32 PM
I like how in Restaurant and Bakery, I can use my gifts when my stoves are full and my counters are empty. I think that's the best way to use gifts - basically during downtime when I'm not able to make the items quickly enough to keep my shop stocked. I think that should also be the case with Fashion Story. It doesn't make any sense to have stock room when the clothes are already gifted and delivered.