View Full Version : Buttercup Dragon May 8 2018

05-08-18, 10:37 AM
New common released Buttercup..
Blossom, green and yellow

Lucky me! Got it at my second try with simply Air and Forest. Hope you guys have such luck as well!!!

https://forums.storm8.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=44230&d=1525805736&thumb=1 (https://forums.storm8.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=44230&d=1525805736)
Rarity: Common
Type: Flower Yellow Green
Habitat: Blossom Cycle, Yellow Plateau, Green Grove
Available at: Level 15
Buying Price: 400 Gold {On Sale for 200 Gold}
Selling Price: 100 Coin
Breeding & Incubation: 3 hours
Exp Gained: 780

05-08-18, 10:45 AM

Rarity: Common
Type: Flower Yellow Green
Habitat: Blossom Cycle, Yellow Plateau, Green Grove
Available at: Level 15
Buying Price: 400 Gold {On Sale for 200 Gold}
Selling Price: 100 Coin
Breeding & Incubation: 3 hours
Exp Gained: 780

05-08-18, 10:48 AM
I'm glad this one is green and yellow. I still don't have a Fairytale dragon, so I can hope for that with fails, and most of the fails are short except for Nymph at 18 hours :)

05-08-18, 10:58 AM
Dawntree (Rare) + Neo Air (Event) = 10 hrs Fruitful dragon
Dawntree (Rare) + Neo Air (Event) = 3 hrs ?there are other 3 hours results? tomorrow we know it

\o/ Bttercup

We have a winner second try

05-08-18, 11:07 AM
Dawntree (Rare) + Neo Air (Event) = 10 hrs Cactus? Fairytale? Fruitfull? i bet for Fruitfull

I just bred those 2 as well and got a dumb Leaf, yuck. Hopefully this dragon won't be ultra rare like Laceleaf was.

05-08-18, 11:17 AM
Lucky me! Got it at my second try with simply Air and Forest. Hope you guys have such luck as well!!!

05-08-18, 11:30 AM
My nest is still taken up with something else :( I won't be trying for a few more hours yet.

05-08-18, 11:44 AM
And I got...18 hours:(

05-08-18, 11:54 AM
Well we will se how many breeds this takes to get a common.
1st attempt. Wood Nymph 18 hours:mad:

05-08-18, 11:56 AM
Lucky me! Got it at my second try with simply Air and Forest. Hope you guys have such luck as well!!!

Nope, 18 hours with Forest and Air :-(

05-08-18, 12:42 PM
I'm flabbergasted - just stopped by to check what combo was needed, saw that someone got lucky on their second try with Air and Forest - put those on my den and wham, there's the 3 hours timer. :cool:

05-08-18, 12:42 PM
1st try 3 hours on my baby account using neo air and forest!

05-08-18, 02:17 PM
Green and Yellow eh? Well, looks like the Fruitful Dragon has just become a little more difficult to breed for Bingo.

Anyway, here’s my first try with Neo Yellow and Neo Green...


and out on the nest...


05-08-18, 02:30 PM
Neo air and forest 5h. Air and forest 10h... it will take me long :(

05-08-18, 03:56 PM
Got it with Quetzal and Neo Air

05-08-18, 04:29 PM
Quetzal and Gold boom buttercup.

05-09-18, 09:14 AM
Thanks for the tip mouthbreather. Tried quetzal and neo air. First attempt 5 hrs. Second attempt 3 hours!

05-09-18, 10:56 AM
Ugh, I'm on my third 10 hour dragon :( And none of them have been Fairytale yet, which I'm still missing

05-09-18, 12:47 PM
Wow, another ultra rare common dragon. It'll start being common after the Tales end. But there's no timer manipulations, yah.

05-09-18, 01:45 PM
Wow, another ultra rare common dragon. It'll start being common after the Tales end. But there's no timer manipulations, yah.

Agreed. I would really like to see the statistics of how many people actually are able to breed the limited dragons within the time given. It seems absurd that some people aren't able to breed a COMMON dragon over a week, many with the den and roost going.

05-09-18, 02:32 PM
Got it on my first try which was a surprise

05-09-18, 03:24 PM
The more and more and more commons they keep throwing out the tougher and tougher the game becomes to accomplish anything. I dont get it myself...why dumb down the game with this non-stop flood of commons???

05-09-18, 03:35 PM
Yeah, I wish those commons were discontinued after. I don't need 7000 of them lol.

05-09-18, 04:08 PM
18 hr breed now. Grrrr. What can I say that's printable. This is not fun.

05-09-18, 05:36 PM
18 hr breed now. Grrrr. What can I say that's printable. This is not fun.

I feel your pain but I finally got it after 3 Leaf dragons, 2 Fruitfuls, 1 Parakeet and a Prime Life! Thank goodness for boosted breeding and the Roost, I'd be waiting much longer for it without them.

05-09-18, 06:14 PM
How did you breed the prime life?

05-09-18, 06:53 PM
How did you breed the prime life?

On my main Den I was using Air+Forest, both level 15 and one of the fails was Prime Life. I feel silly but I really forgot all about the Primes being an option when using the 15s, should've mixed and matched each with a lower level to remove this fail. Live and learn, I guess.

05-09-18, 07:42 PM
3 leafs, a fairy then finally got Buttercup

05-10-18, 08:37 AM
Butter cup on nest for main acct now n I also ended up getting a second one on my baby acct. I really wish we could trade dragons with other players. I would gladly give someone a duplicate of a needed dragon as it seems some people just have more luck in breeding these "story" dragons than others and it's a shame that some can't complete a story just cause they can't get a what should be an easy dragon to get since its "common".

05-10-18, 08:55 AM
Trading dragons would be a great feature or breeding with neighbors' dragons as well. I also have an idea for the event schedule and it goes like this:
First week of a month (8 days): Leaderboard
Take a 3 day break
Second week (8 days): World Event + Spin To Win
Take a 3 day break
Third week (10 days): Dragon Tales

05-10-18, 04:41 PM
Quetzal and Gold boom buttercup.

This must be a lucky combo. I got it 2nd try.

05-11-18, 09:56 AM
I try using air and forest 3x but no luck,only fruitful.
On 4th i did it!so lucky..

05-11-18, 10:41 PM
It should be Leaderboard first because you feed for points. Then second should be world event because you harvest for points. Putting the world event before the Dragon Tales would help players build up food since Dragon Tales require soooo much food to complete. .....well, at least that's what I think. And I totally agree with slowing down the events and putting breaks between them.

05-12-18, 12:00 AM
Three nonstop full days of trying for Buttercup. What a disgrace. [] One of the many reasons why I stopped giving my money to the game. They don't care about players, I don't care about contributing to your company.

05-12-18, 09:23 AM
I’m getting tired of all the Leaf fails I’m getting.

05-12-18, 03:11 PM
I tried Dawntree and Neo Air and got a Cactus Fail. Forest and Air just gave me 3 hours. I kind of tried some other combos when doing a Bingo square but none worked. Volt and Forest were one, trying to remember the others.

05-13-18, 06:32 PM
OMG. I finally got Buttercup with forest and harvest. I needed to have Buttercup tomorrow in the tales. I haven’t had this luck in a long, long time.

05-15-18, 07:43 PM
Finally got it. Dawntree and Neo Air. Was about to give up

05-16-18, 10:53 AM
I?m getting tired of all the Leaf fails I?m getting.

I feel you Passera!
So frustrated w these ?common? dragons that become uncommon just for the 10 days of the event. Looks like another one I won?t finish despite continuous breeding and 2 nests. I wish they?d at least put the required common after chapter 7. All this work, it would be nice to at least get a second dragon. :(