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05-03-18, 02:55 AM
Freshening up with Florals
Time Zone Converter (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html): compare where you are with United States-California-San Francisco

[== Game level: Level 15/17+ | Release date: 3 May 2018 - 14 day event ==]

Please follow the forum posting rules or your post may be removed.

What happens when an event finishes?? Click here to take you to a post called How Events Work in the Hub. (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?75916-How-to-use-the-Hub-to-find-information-and-ask-questions&p=1190378&viewfull=1#post1190378)

Tips about the Event

* There are 5 different components for today's release:

1. Freshening up with Florals - Prize: Spring Steed (drops of energy, horse hair, sugar, fertilizer, carrots), Rocket Jr (a new skunkupea)
2. New kingdom citizen available in the Town Square - Guardsman - 750 crowns
3. Ivy's Magic Nursery - Spring Skunkupea
4. New gem items - Wisp Garden (158 gems), Mother Goose (50 gems), Garden Peacock (149 gems)
5. Mother's day sale on various items - Dainty Castle/Watchtower/Farmhouse/Cottage, Victorian Garden

* Remember you can use the Elven FAST WORKER boost to speed up your Workshops if you want to.

Weekend Warrior - Unlimited energy of 10 mins x2
Note: you may have to force close to see the timer change to unlimited energy. The place were you see your energy balance will change and in its place will show UNLIMITED ENERGY and a timer counting down from 10 minutes.

Other players may see that they have 40 energy that just keeps topping up when it gets down to zero.

Goal 1: Weekend Warrior
* Weed the landscape 0/10 CHOP | clear any foliage
* Clear rubble 0/3 CLEAR | clear any rocks
* Mine a rock outcropping 0/1 MINE
Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp, +30 energy

Goal 2: Weekend Warrior
* Visit town buildings 0/10 COLLECT
* Harvest from flowers 0/15 HARVEST
* Craft goods 0/5 CRAFT | any crafting building works
Rewards: 100 coin, 1 xp, +10 minutes of unlimited energy

Goal 3: Weekend Warrior
* Harvest crops 0/10 HARVEST
* Tend to animals 0/10 TEND
* Fight monsters 0/4 FIGHT
TIP: Do NOT finish these tasks during your first "unlimited" time.
Rewards: 5000 coin, 25 xp, +10 minutes of unlimited energy

Poll added! I put the timer on for 5 days.

Login to vote. If you're on a mobile device, select Full Site option at the bottom of the forum page to vote/view the poll.

05-03-18, 02:55 AM
Event Goals
300 crowns awarded for this event?

Goal 1:
* Visit Old Thomas's house 0/1 VISIT
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

Goal 2:
* Buy a potted orchid 0/1 BUY | market, 150 coins each, max 10, collection 2 hours
* Tend the potted orchid
* Pick a wild orchid 0/1 PICK
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

Goal 3:
* Clear a blossoming willow | market, 700 coins each, 20 chops
* Gather wild lilies 0/1 GO
* Make wild bouquets 0/1 GO | Workshop, 2 hours - 12 wild lilies, 2 wild orchid
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

Goal 4:
* Mine rock outcroppings 0/1 MINE
* Gather wild roses 0/1 GO
* Make a mystic bouquet 0/1 GO | Workshop, 1 hour - 4 wild roses, 2 wild orchid
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

Goal 5:
* Make wild bouquets 0/2 GO (skip 30 gems)
* Make mystic bouquets 0/2 GO (skip 40 gems)
* Build a garden bench 0/2 GO (skip 40 gems) | Workshop, 2 hours - 2 wild bouquets, 2 mystic bouquets
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +50 crowns

Goal 6:
* Clear Blossoming Willow 0/1 GO
* Fight off the spring skunkupine 0/1 GO | spawn from blossoming willow, 15 hits to defeat the skunk
* Gather scented petals 0/1 GO (skip 20 gems)
Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

Goal 7:
* Make wild bouquets 0/2 GO (skip 30 gems)
* Make mystic bouquets 0/2 GO (skip 40 gems)
* Make floral garland 0/3 GO (skip 165 gems) | Workshop, 4 hours - 4 scented petals, 2 wild bouquets, 2 mystic bouquets
* Build knight topiary 0/2 GO | Workshop, 4 hours - 4 wild bouquets, 4 mystic bouquets, 3 floral garland
Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 Rocket Skunkupine
Make sure the x3 garland goal is ticked off before making the topiary or you will lose them all.

Goal 8: (this skunk is Rocket from previous goal reward. The words are not totally correct in their names)
* Raise the spring skunkupea 0/1 GO | 5 pets, 1 minute apart
* Feed the spring skunkupine 0/1 GO | collection time: 8 hours (32 gems to speed up)
* Gather tiny daises 0/1 | collect from the Spring Skunkupea and/or Rocket Jr
Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp

Goal 9:
* Gather water 0/20
* Gather stone 0/50
* Make floral garlands 0/4
* Build the spring fountain 0/2 GO (skip 130 gems) | Workshop, 1 hour - 4 floral garlands, 20 water, 50 stone
Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +100 crowns
Make sure x4 garland goal is ticked off before making fountain or you will lose them all.

Goal 10:
* Brew spring water 0/4 GO (skip 20 gems) | Potion Shop, 30 minutes - 5 water, 1 wild orchid, 4 wild lilies
* Gather tiny daisies 0/3 | Rare drop from the Spring Skunkupea. Don't know about Rocket Jr droprate, but a guaranteed drop from Rocket.
* Make floral garlands 0/4 GO (skip 180 gems)
* Make Enchanted Bouquets 0/4 GO (skip 400 gems) | Workshop, 1 hour - 4 spring water, 3 tiny daisies, 4 floral garland
Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp (none? screen line empty)

Clear your board of other monsters for this goal...+ the skunkupine isn't a guaranteed spawn, you may spawn a direboar or nothing, so leave time to complete this and the next goal.
Goal 11:
* Visit Old Thomas’ house 0/1
* Calm the enraged spring skunkupine 0/1 | takes less than 25 taps
Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp, +1 broken garden staff

Goal 12:
* Repair the Garden Staff 0/1 REPAIR (skip 25 gems) | Magic Forge, 10 minutes - 1 broken garden staff, 25 wild lilies, 10 wild roses
* Return to Old Thomas’ house 0/1 GO
* Fight off the enraged spring skunkupine 0/1
Rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp

Goal 13:
* Tame the Spring Steed 0/1 TAME | Workshop, 10 minutes - 4 enchanted bouquet, 4 tiny daisies, 4 scented petals | feed every 10 mins till grown. | enchanted bouquets from goal 10 are the 4 you need for the steed.
Rewards: 1000 coin, 100 xp, +Spring Steed, + 150 crowns

05-03-18, 02:55 AM
The Town Square - Guardsman

* New kingdom citizen available in the Town Square.
* For more information about Kingdom Citizens and Crowns, please refer to the Town Square thread in the Hub (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?103750-Castle-Story-The-Town-Square-Maya-the-Mystic-Crowns&p=1503000&viewfull=1#post1503000)

Guardsman: exclusive Town Square character (released May 2018)
Crowns to purchase: 750

* When you purchase this kingdom citizen, you get access in the Feature Market to the following 3 exclusive items.

Guard dog
Info: A loyal companion. Pet him to see what he's found for you! *Max 2*
Found: market 5000 coins | only available after purchasing the Guardsman kingdom citizen
Drops: creep tooth, hearty feast, milk, light armor, longsword, simple feast, rat tail
Collection time: 6 hours (speed up 24 gems)

Guardsman statue
Info: They say this statue's eyes follow whoever passes by. Creepy, right?
Found: market 1000 coins | only available after purchasing the Guardsman kingdom citizen
Uses: decoration

Lit Torch
Info: Light up your realm with this animated torch!
Found: market 500 coins | only available after purchasing the Guardsman kingdom citizen
Uses: decoration

05-03-18, 02:55 AM
Ivy's Magic Nursery new item
* For more information about Baby animals or the Nursery, please refer to Ivy's Magic Nursery thread in the HUB (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?102906-Castle-Story-Ivy-s-Magic-Nursery)

Spring Skunkupea

Goal Pre-requisites & Notes:
* No goals associated with this item.

Ivy's Magic Nursery limit of 1 Can be sold | available at Level 22
Cost: 1000 coins
Size: 2x2
Build: comes fully built
What can you craft?

Craft available in Freshening up with Florals event (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334)
* Spring Skunkupea, 12 hours - 70 skunkupine milk, 50 wheat, 70 blue petals

Info: An adorable baby spring skunkupea. Chance to drop Tiny Daisies. Drops crafting materials.

05-03-18, 02:55 AM
Inventory Listing

Event related inventory items:

Flower Shoppe
Info: Craft even more Wild Bouquets, Enchanted Bouquets, Mystic Bouquets, spring Waters and floral decorations!
Found: market, 225 gems | available during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event
Uses: additional workshop during event

Blossoming Willow
Info: A beautiful blossoming tree. Chop to find wild lilies!
Found: market, 700 coins | clear in 20 actions | available during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event
Drops during event: wild lily (during event only), sap, wood
Post event, tree is decoration only.

Potted orchid
Info: Tend for Wild Orchid. Use Wild Orchids in various crafts.
Found: market, x coins | available during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event
Drops: wild orchids, purple petals
Collection time: 2 hours

Golden potted orchid
Info: Tend for wild orchids. Use wild orchids in various crafts. Acts an additional potted orchid.
Found: market, 60 gems | available during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event
Drops: wild orchids (not guaranteed drop)
Collection time: 2 hours

Prize info:

Spring Fountain
Info: A beautiful spring fountain! Can be fished for water and rare materials.
Found: reward from goal during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event
Drops: fish, fuzzy moss, mermaid scales, water
Collection time: 10 minutes

Spring steed
Info: A beautiful Spring steed. Gives Horse Hair. Medium chance for more drops.
Found: Prize from the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event
Drops: carrots, energy, fertilizer, horse hair, sugar
Collection time: 22 hours (once grown)

Spring skunkupea
Info: An adorable baby Spring Skunkupea. Chance to drop Tiny Daisies. Drops Crafting materials.
Crafted: Ivy's Magic Nursery, 12 hours - 70 skunkupine milk, 50 wheat, 70 blue petals
Drops: corn, fur, tomato, wheat, spring daisy (rare)
Collection time: 4 hours (speed up 16 gems)
Released during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event

Rocket (receive small and grow to adult)
Info: Rocket the Spring Skunkupine. Has the highest chance to drop Tiny Daisies.
Found: Reward from goal during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event
Drops: White Petal, Rat Tail
Collection time: 8 hours

Rocket Jr (stays little)
Info: An adorable baby Spring Skunkupea. Rocket Jr. will never grow up! Has the highest chance to drop Tiny Daisies. Drops crafting materials.
Found: market, 120 gems during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event
Drops: tiny daisy, tomato
Collection time: 8 hours

These items are available in the feature market: 10 days only

Wisp Garden (size: 3x3 animated)
Info: A peaceful place where faerie wisps can be spotted.
Found: market, 175 gems (10 day sale for 158 gems during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event)
Drops: fuzzy moss, mermaid scales, water
Collection time: 5 hours (20 gems to speed up)

Mother Goose
Info: This friendly goose comes bearing gifts! Visit her to see what she's found for you.
Found: market, 55 gems (10 day sale for 50 gems during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event)
Collection time: 3 hours

Garden Peacock
Info: A stunning and rare peacock! Drops various crafting materials and has a chance to drop Golden Nuggets, Golden Apples, and Golden Eggs.
Found: market, 165 gems (10 day sale for 149 gems during the Freshening up with Florals (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334) event)
Drops: Golden Nuggets, Golden Apples, and Golden Eggs
Collection time: 12 hours

05-03-18, 05:44 AM
Items # Wild Bouquet Mystic Bouquet Floral Garland Enchanted Bouquet Spring Water Wild Lily Wild Orchid Scented Petals Wild Rose Tiny Daisies Crafting (h) Crafting (d)
Garden Bench 2 4 4 48 16 16 16,0 0,67
Knight Topiary 2 20 20 6 240 80 24 80 88,0 3,67
Spring Fountain 2 16 16 8 192 64 32 64 82,0 3,42
Garden Staff 1 25 10 0,2 0,01
Spring Steed 1 32 32 16 4 16 448 144 68 128 16 172,2 7,17
Total 72 72 30 4 16 953 304 124 298 16 358,3 14,93
Collector 83 83 35 5 21 1 106 354 145 343 20 414,8 17,28

The critical resource in this event is time, be sure to start crafting the next item as soon as you can. If you have a weekend warrior you can harvest most of the main resources upfront.

Flower Shoppe (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_FlowerShoppe) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-FlowerShoppe.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Craft even more Wild Bouquets, Enchanted Bouquets, Mystic Bouquets, Spring Waters, and floral decorations!
Type: Building
Class: Crafting
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 225 gems
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Wild Bouquet (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WildBouquet) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WildBouquet.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful flower arrangement used for Crafting.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 15 gems // 12 Wild Lily, 2 Wild Orchid
Used for: Garden Bench, Floral Garland, Knight Topiary
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Production Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 999
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Floral Garland (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_FloralGarland) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-FloralGarland.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful flower arrangement used for Crafting.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 100 gems // 4 Scented Petals, 2 Mystic Bouquet, 2 Wild Bouquet
Used for: Knight Topiary, Enchanted Bouquet, Spring Fountain
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Production Speed-up: 16 gems
Cap: 999
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Mystic Bouquet (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_MysticBouquet) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-MysticBouquet.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful flower arrangement used for Crafting.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 20 gems // 4 Wild Rose, 2 Wild Orchid
Used for: Garden Bench, Floral Garland, Knight Topiary
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
Production Speed-up: 4 gems
Cap: 999
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Spring Skunkupea (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_SpringSkunkupea) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-SpringSkunkupea.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: An adorable baby Spring Skunkupea. Chance to drop Tiny Daisies. Drops Crafting materials.
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Crafted in: Ivy's Magic Nursery
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 70 Skunkupine Milk, 50 Wheat, 70 Blue Petal
Drops: Wealth, Tiny Daisies
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 720 minutes // 12 hours
Production Speed-up: 48 gems
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 16 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Spring Skunkupine (Spawn) (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_SpringSkunkupineSpawn)
Storable: No
Type: Spawn
Source: Event
Size: 5x5
Found: Blossoming Willow, Rock Outcropping
Drops: Scented Petals, Skunkupine Milk, Rat Tail
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334
Comments: 15 HP

Baby Rocket (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_BabyRocket) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-BabyRocket.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Raise Rocket for the highest chance to find Tiny Daisies.
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Collection: 1 minute
Collection Speed-up: 1 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334
Comments: Need 5 feeding to grow up.

Rocket (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Rocket) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Rocket.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Rocket the Spring Skunkupine. Has the highest chance to drop Tiny Daisies.
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Drops: White Petal, Rat Tail, Tiny Daisies
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
Collection Speed-up: 32 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Scented Petals (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_ScentedPetals) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-ScentedPetals.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: These scented petals are sticky! Find them on the back of Spring Skunkupines that have been frolicking through the fields!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 20 gems
Found: Spring Skunkupea
Used for: Floral Garland
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Cap: 999
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Wisp Garden (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WispGarden) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WispGarden.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A peaceful place where faerie wips can be spotted. Drops mermaid scales and more. *Animated*
Type: Decoration
Class: Other
Source: Event
Size: 3x3
Requirements: 175 gems
Drops: Water, Mermaid Scales, Fuzzy Moss
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Collection: 300 minutes // 5 hours
Collection Speed-up: 20 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Spring Skunkupea Trap (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_SpringSkunkupeaTrap) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-SpringSkunkupeaTrap.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Chop to lure a Spring Skunkupine!
Type: Decoration
Class: Other
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 15 gems
Drops: Skunkupine
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334
Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions

Golden Potted Orchid (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GoldenPottedOrchid) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GoldenPottedOrchid.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Tend for Wild Orchid. Use Wild Orchids in various crafts. Acts as an additional Potted Orchid.
Type: Decoration
Class: Plants
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 60 gems
Drops: Wild Orchid
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Potted Orchid (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_PottedOrchid) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PottedOrchid.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Tend for Wild Orchid. Use Wild Orchids in various crafts.
Type: Decoration
Class: Plants
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 150 coins
Drops: Wild Orchid, Purple Petal
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 10
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Wild Orchid (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WildOrchid) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WildOrchid.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful flower used for Crafting. Can be found by tending Potted Orchids.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 6 gems
Found: Potted Orchid, Golden Potted Orchid
Used for: Wild Bouquet, Spring Water
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Cap: 999
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Blossoming Willow (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_BlossomingWillow) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-BlossomingWillow.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful blossoming tree. Chop to find Wild Lilies!
Type: Decoration
Class: Plants
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 700 coins
Drops: Wild Lily, Wood, Sap, Spring Skunkupine, Fangbeast, Skunkupine
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334
Comments: Can be cleared in 20 actions

Wild Lily (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WildLily) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WildLily.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful flower used for Crafting. Can be found by chopping Blossoming Willows.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 1 gem
Found: Blossoming Willow
Used for: Wild Bouquet, Spring Water, Garden Staff
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Cap: 999
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Mother Goose (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_MotherGoose) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-MotherGoose.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: This friendly goose comes bearing gifts! Visit her to see what she's found for you.
Type: Decoration
Class: Animals
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 55 gems
Drops: Coins, ?
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Collection: 180 minutes // 3 hours
Collection Speed-up: 12 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Garden Peacock (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GardenPeacock) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GardenPeacock.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A stunning and rare peacock! Drops various crafting materials and has a chance to drop Golden Nuggets, Golden Apples, and Golden Eggs.
Type: Decoration
Class: Animals
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 165 gems
Drops: Coins, Golden Nugget, Golden Apple, Golden Egg, ?
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
Collection Speed-up: 48 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Rocket Jr. (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_RocketJr) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-RocketJr.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: An adorable baby Spring Skunkupea. Rocket Jr. will never grow up! Has the highest chance to drop Tiny Daisies. Drops Crafting materials!
Type: Decoration
Class: Animals
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 120 gems
Drops: Tomato, Tiny Daisies
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
Collection Speed-up: 32 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Baby Spring Steed (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_BabySpringSteed) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-BabySpringSteed.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful Spring steed. Gives Horse Hair. Medium chance for more drops.
Type: Decoration
Class: Animals
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 4 Enchanted Bouquet, 4 Tiny Daisies, 4 Scented Petals
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 10 minutes
Production Speed-up: 1 gems
Collection: 10 minutes
Collection Speed-up: 1 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334
Comments: Need 5 feeding to grow up.

Spring Steed (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_SpringSteed) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-SpringSteed.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful Spring steed. Gives Horse Hair. Medium chance for more drops.
Type: Decoration
Class: Animals
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Drops: Energy, Sugar, Horse Hair, Fertilizer, Carrots
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
Collection Speed-up: 88 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Garden Bench (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GardenBench) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GardenBench.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Watch out for the flower when you take a seat on this decorative bench!
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 2 Wild Bouquet, 2 Mystic Bouquet
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Production Speed-up: 8 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Knight Topiary (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_KnightTopiary) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-KnightTopiary.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Someone's got to keep watch over your garden, so why not this guy?
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 4 Wild Bouquet, 4 Mystic Bouquet, 3 Floral Garland
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Production Speed-up: 8 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Spring Fountain (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_SpringFountain) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-SpringFountain.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful spring fountain! Van be fished for Water and rare materials.
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 4 Floral Garland, 20 Water, 50 Stone
Drops: Water, Mermaid Scales, Fishes
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
Production Speed-up: 4 gems
Collection: 10 minutes
Collection Speed-up: 1 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Wild Rose (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WildRose) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WildRose.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful flower used for Crafting. Can be found by mining Rock Outcroppings.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 8 gems
Found: Rock Outcropping
Used for: Mystic Bouquet, Garden Staff
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Cap: 999
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Tiny Daisies (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TinyDaisies) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TinyDaisies.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Find these tine flowers by petting Rocket, Rocket Jr., or a Spring Skunkupea.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Used for: Enchanted Bouquet, Baby Spring Steed
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Cap: 999
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Spring Water (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_SpringWater) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-SpringWater.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A fragrant mixture used for Crafting.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Potion Shop
Requirements: 40 gems // 5 Water, 1 Wild Orchid, 4 Wild Lily
Used for: Enchanted Bouquet
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 30 minutes
Production Speed-up: 2 gems
Cap: 999
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Enchanted Bouquet (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_EnchantedBouquet) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-EnchantedBouquet.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful flower arrangement used for Crafting.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 250 gems // 4 Spring Water, 3 Tiny Daisies, 4 Floral Garland
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
Production Speed-up: 4 gems
Cap: 999
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Broken Garden Staff (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_BrokenGardenStaff) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-BrokenGardenStaff.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: You've repaired the Garden Staff -- off to battle you go!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Found: Enraged Spring Skunkupine
Used for: Garden Staff
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Garden Staff (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GardenStaff) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GardenStaff.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: You've repaired the Garden Staff -- off to battle you go!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Magic Forge
Requirements: 1 Broken Garden Staff, 25 Wild Lily, 10 Wild Rose
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Production: 10 minutes
Production Speed-up: 1 gems
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334

Enraged Spring Skunkupine (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_EnragedSpringSkunkupine)
Storable: No
Type: Spawn
Source: Event
Size: 5x5
Found: Old Thomas' House
Drops: Broken Garden Staff
Events: Freshening up with Florals - May 2018
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334
Comments: 25 HP

05-03-18, 11:05 AM
First step: visit Old Thomas. Didn't put OT out <sad face>

05-03-18, 11:12 AM
Step two - buy potted orchid and collect from it until you get a wild orchid.

05-03-18, 11:14 AM
Spring skunkupea
Has a chance to drop tiny Daisy?s. Drops crafting materials.
12hr craft in Ivy?s nursery
70 skunk milk
70 blue petals
50 wheat

05-03-18, 11:14 AM
So the flower shop is gems? What?

If someone breaks down & gets it can you post a pic of the crafts?
If we have no building to upgrade what are the other crafts for? I guess as we progress, that will be answered.

05-03-18, 11:15 AM
Step three - clear a blossoming willow to collect wild lillie’s and make a wild bouquet in the workshop. 10 wild lillies and 2 wild orchids.

05-03-18, 11:16 AM
Step Three:
Clear a Blossoming Willow
Gather Wild Lilies
Make Wild Bouquets

05-03-18, 11:22 AM
Chopping the tree spawned a skunk, but the skunk didn't drop anything unusual.
Maybe I have to wait until I am up to that bit.

05-03-18, 11:23 AM
Takes 20 chops to clear the willow and it?s a 2 hr timer in the workshop to make the wild bouquet. You can have 10 potted orchids max and has a 2hr collection timer

05-03-18, 11:26 AM
Trees also spawned the elusive fang beast!
And collected 1 livingwood out of 3 trees.

05-03-18, 11:27 AM
There is a max of ten wild orchid plants (if you don't buy the gem ones).
Two hour timer, and ready for harvest as soon as you place them.
I have harvested once, and got four wild orchids.
I have chopped three (hmm ... might have been four - I was a bit excited) trees and got 57 wild lilies.
Ivy is ready for collection, but I will leave her until I get up to a point where I need to.
We are bound to need Ivy, right?

05-03-18, 11:28 AM
Step 4:

Mine Rock Outcroppings x1
Gather blue roses (from mining rocks... dunno how that makes sense)
Make a Mystic Bouquet with the roses (Workshop - 4 Blue roses and 2 Orchids, 1 hr to create)

1st Rock - 6 roses
2nd Rock - 4 roses + 1 dire boar

Not great odds for the "random drops" again.

05-03-18, 11:33 AM
Ooh I'm tempted by the red peacock that has a chance to drop gold items! Some interesting items in the featured sales.

05-03-18, 11:35 AM
if you want to buy more potted orchids they are 60 gems the spring skunk trap costs 15 gems and the spring shop costs 225 gems

05-03-18, 11:41 AM
Goal 5
Make/have 2 wild bouquets
Make/have 2 mystic bouquets
Build a garden bench
(2 of each bouquet, 2 hrs in workshop)
Completion reward 50+ crowns

Speed ups for the workshop ARE working as of now.

05-03-18, 12:02 PM
Chopped 6 rocks...wasn?t paying attention and quick collected 2 of them...whoops.
Each of the other 4 rocks gave 6 roses each.

05-03-18, 12:18 PM
Uggghhhhh!!!!!!! All of the Dainty stuff went on sale today and I literally just bought it within the last 14 hours before this update! What a waste of gems! I?m traumatized

05-03-18, 12:46 PM
Uggghhhhh!!!!!!! All of the Dainty stuff went on sale today and I literally just bought it within the last 14 hours before this update! What a waste of gems! I?m traumatized

I had a similar situation a couple years back... send a note to support, they MIGHT credit you back some gems... they might not, but it won't hurt to ask.

All Hail the MOothraki,

05-03-18, 12:47 PM
Takes 20 chops to clear the willow and it?s a 2 hr timer in the workshop to make the wild bouquet. You can have 10 potted orchids max and has a 2hr collection timer

Willows are maxed at 99.

05-03-18, 12:48 PM
Floral shop has wild bouquet craft. assuming the other event crafts will be added. timer is still 2 hours. 2X2. assuming this will become a decor building afterward. SUGGESTION MAKE IT A COIN BUILDING AFTER EVENT! FOR THAT MANY GEMS IT SHOULD BE USEFUL AFTER!!!
Wisp garden: 3x3 5 hour timer the only "animation" is little white dots [wisps?] floating up and down VERY slightly
Mother goose: 1x1 3 hour timer
Garden peacock: 1x1 12 hour timer
Golden potted orchid: STILL 2 hour timer.

05-03-18, 12:49 PM
If you’re not in the mood to fight massive amounts of fangbeast, park a monster cause these trees are full of them

05-03-18, 12:49 PM
Ooh I'm tempted by the red peacock that has a chance to drop gold items! Some interesting items in the featured sales.

I have 4 of the Golden Peacocks & gold items are really rare. I probably only get a gold item...maybe...once every month or 2.

05-03-18, 12:50 PM
unchopped Blossoming willow can be stored for use later for wood/deco purposes

05-03-18, 12:57 PM
Anyone tried any of the other rock formations to get Roses?

05-03-18, 01:08 PM
Is the wisp garden and the garden peacock new?

05-03-18, 01:10 PM
I chopped a dark cave formation and got no blue roses

05-03-18, 01:14 PM
I bought one potted orchid and now each is 60 gems?..

05-03-18, 01:17 PM
Takes 20 chops to clear the willow and it?s a 2 hr timer in the workshop to make the wild bouquet. You can have 10 potted orchids max and has a 2hr collection timer

My second potted orchid says 60 gems?..

05-03-18, 01:23 PM
My second potted orchid says 60 gems?..

The Golden Potted Orchids cost 60 gems, but you can purchase up to 10 Potted Orchids with coins.

05-03-18, 01:24 PM
I chopped a dark cave formation and got no blue roses

Iron rich rock also yielded none.
And just did a glimmer rock and got two mithril, but no roses.

05-03-18, 01:25 PM
I bought one potted orchid and now each is 60 gems?..

Did you scroll all the way to the last item in the Featured tab? I think the coin ones are at the end.

05-03-18, 02:00 PM
Is anyone past goal 5 (building the garden bench)

05-03-18, 02:08 PM
Is anyone past goal 5 (building the garden bench)

Still waiting on the bench as well. Most of our usual posters have not jumped on yet, so it?s just us at the moment.

05-03-18, 02:10 PM
Still waiting on the bench as well. Most of our usual posters have not jumped on yet, so it?s just us at the moment.

Me too. I put a rune on so it should be done in half an hour or so.

05-03-18, 02:12 PM
Me too. I put a rune on so it should be done in half an hour or so.
I should have thought to use a rune. Thanks

05-03-18, 02:47 PM
Goal 5 is now asking for TWO garden benches! Someone correct me if I am wrong (which I know I am not as I posted the requirements) but it was only asking for 1 before the game went down. I just spent gems to speed up production so I could move to the next goal😡
SW, could you please look into this.

05-03-18, 02:50 PM
Goal 5 is now asking for TWO garden benches! Someone correct me if I am wrong (which I know I am not as I posted the requirements) but it was only asking for 1 before the game went down. I just spent gems to speed up production so I could move to the next goal��
SW, could you please look into this.

Was always two benches for me.

05-03-18, 02:51 PM
Does anyone know if the crop rune works on the orchid plants?

[S8] Elsa
05-03-18, 02:51 PM
Goal 5 is now asking for TWO garden benches! Someone correct me if I am wrong (which I know I am not as I posted the requirements) but it was only asking for 1 before the game went down. I just spent gems to speed up production so I could move to the next goal
SW, could you please look into this.

No changes were made to the games during maintenance. It was a short back-end maintenance only.

05-03-18, 02:53 PM
Was always two benches for me.

Yep...will slow everything down now. Have to make 2 more of each flower.

05-03-18, 02:56 PM
Elsa;1512733']No changes were made to the games during maintenance. It was a short back-end maintenance only.

Thx for the quick reply. It?s my fault for not taking a screenshot, but my game showed 1 bench being required when I made the goal post a few pages ago. I?ll leave the more experienced players to forge the way in this event, I am off to bed. Night everyone 😇

05-03-18, 03:00 PM
Every time I try and place an outcropping my game crashes?

05-03-18, 03:03 PM
Mine just popped up and is also two benches. Wondering if the requirements vary depending on your level.

05-03-18, 03:05 PM
FlowerBurst please advise what is your level and if you required 10 or 12 lilies for first bouquet type?

05-03-18, 03:15 PM
Mine just popped up and is also two benches. Wondering if the requirements vary depending on your level.

Possible, but I doubt that is my issue as I am lvl 50. But this could be like the other event with different requirements for all players. Silly me, Elsa just informed me that I must have experienced a player error as no changes were made to the game. I believe I will just chalk it up to an X Files moment😜

05-03-18, 03:28 PM
FlowerBurst please advise what is your level and if you required 10 or 12 lilies for first bouquet type?

Level 50 and 12 lilies.

05-03-18, 03:35 PM
Possible, but I doubt that is my issue as I am lvl 50. But this could be like the other event with different requirements for all players. Silly me, Elsa just informed me that I must have experienced a player error as no changes were made to the game. I believe I will just chalk it up to an X Files moment��

I forgot about the different requirements for different players, but that is definitely a possibility! Time will tell!

05-03-18, 03:45 PM
So, in the market, the Pastel Topiary, the Wisp Garden, Mother Goose and the Garden Peacock are *NOT* part of this event, yes? I'll be really ticked if I spend gems then get one as a prize for tasks.

05-03-18, 03:46 PM
Does anyone know if the crop rune works on the orchid plants?

Tried and NO, it does not speed them up... too bad but sorta makes sense...

05-03-18, 04:00 PM
S8, after this much preaching, you finally got it how to extract gems and money from me. :D Not sure about the flower shoppe thingy thou, does anybody know the crafts it offers?

05-03-18, 04:02 PM
So, in the market, the Pastel Topiary, the Wisp Garden, Mother Goose and the Garden Peacock are *NOT* part of this event, yes? I'll be really ticked if I spend gems then get one as a prize for tasks.

Where do you see a pastel topiary?

05-03-18, 04:10 PM
I could swear it said only one bench required and now it says two....so now I'm doubting myself..and can't swear at all.

I bought garden peacock and it's looking and acting very weird. It's not fully showing...like a skeleton and it's not fanning it's feathers,just keeps preening. Scarey! Can't post picture but anyone is welcome to come take a shot. It's in front of my flower shoppe. Never seen anything like it lol

[S8] Elsa
05-03-18, 04:16 PM
I could swear it said only one bench required and now it says two....so now I'm doubting myself..and can't swear at all.

I bought garden peacock and it's looking and acting very weird. It's not fully showing...like a skeleton and it's not fanning it's feathers,just keeps preening. Scarey! Can't post picture but anyone is welcome to come take a shot. It's in front of my flower shoppe. Never seen anything like it lol

Please reinstall the app to see your birds return to their beautiful selves. ^_^

05-03-18, 04:20 PM
Does anyone know if the crop rune works on the orchid plants?

The Wild Orchid drops remain singles even with the Harvest Champion boost.

I have 4 of the Golden Peacocks & gold items are really rare. I probably only get a gold item...maybe...once every month or 2.

That is so odd, I also have 4 of them and since I started making sure to collect from them daily I've noticed I get something gold at least every other day if not more. I'm never not surprised by how different all our games can be. Of course I'd go for the peacock regardless but that's because I adore the look of all the peacocks.

I'm really enjoying the artwork this time and while I thought I'd be disinterested from the original splash screen last week I'll admit I was wrong. I'm excited for the decos alone. My one nitpick is that perhaps it's a bit confusing at first glance which items are for the event itself and which items are merely on sale or being released at this time.

05-03-18, 04:22 PM
I could swear it said only one bench required and now it says two....so now I'm doubting myself..and can't swear at all.

I bought garden peacock and it's looking and acting very weird. It's not fully showing...like a skeleton and it's not fanning it's feathers,just keeps preening. Scarey! Can't post picture but anyone is welcome to come take a shot. It's in front of my flower shoppe. Never seen anything like it lol

I just added you so I could see it. Its body is very small compared to the other peacocks and the red eyes kinda makes it look demonic/possessed. I think I'll keep my gems for something else.

05-03-18, 04:31 PM
I just added you so I could see it. Its body is very small compared to the other peacocks and the red eyes kinda makes it look demonic/possessed. I think I'll keep my gems for something else.

Oh no! You're breaking my heart here, I love the peacocks but now I'm scared to buy it. I'm gonna swing by and take a peek.

05-03-18, 04:43 PM
Oh no! You're breaking my heart here, I love the peacocks but now I'm scared to buy it. I'm gonna swing by and take a peek.

Curious to hear what you think. It's all a matter of personal opinion, of course.

05-03-18, 04:59 PM
I just added you so I could see it. Its body is very small compared to the other peacocks and the red eyes kinda makes it look demonic/possessed. I think I'll keep my gems for something else.

I agree with you, I only bought one and was coming here to express my disappointment about the size and the eyes when I saw your post. I love how you described the eyes. I got a good laugh. I was going to say the eyes looked a little strange... The plumage is smaller also.

05-03-18, 04:59 PM
Step 6
Clear Blossoming Willow 0/1 Go
Fight Spring Skunkupine 0/1 Go (15 hits)
Gather Scented Petals 0/1 Skip 20 gems
Reward: 100 coins, 10 XP

05-03-18, 05:03 PM
Curious to hear what you think. It's all a matter of personal opinion, of course.

I think it's okay, the red eye seems to be only for a moment when it blinks. But you are right about it being smaller than the others. It has a 12 hour timer which is less than the Golden Peacock but higher than the Royal and Spring versions.



EDIT: disregard flower question.

05-03-18, 05:16 PM
Step 7
The Top Topiary
Make Wild Bouquet 0/2 Skip 30 gems
Make Mystic Bouquet 0/2 Skip 40
Make Floral Garland 0/3 Skip 165 (workshop: 4 Scented Petals, 2 Wild Bouquets and 2 Mystic Bouquets, 4 hrs.)
Build Knight Topiaries 0/2 Go (workshop: 4 Floral Bouquets, 4 Mystic Bouquets, 3 Floral Garlands, 2 hrs)
Rewards: 100 coins, 10 XP 1 Skunkupine (not sure what this is yet)

05-03-18, 06:24 PM
I bought the Wisp Garden. It's 3x3 in size and has a 5 hour collection timer.

The animation is the wisps (the glowing lights) that gently move. The water in the pond doesn't move.


05-03-18, 06:29 PM
Just saw a new building in two Kingdoms! Enchanted Farie Hive! Where does it come from? Never saw is before!

05-03-18, 06:31 PM
Just saw a new building in two Kingdoms! Enchanted Farie Hive! Where does it come from? Never saw is before!

From the rotten cabbages tent.

05-03-18, 06:32 PM
In regards to the one bench requirement changing to two, my game also did that.

05-03-18, 06:32 PM
I bought the Wisp Garden. It's 3x3 in size and has a 5 hour collection timer.

The animation is the wisps (the glowing lights) that gently move. The water in the pond doesn't move.

Thanks for posting pics. The water in the pond looks like a spider web. Or is it me?

05-03-18, 06:35 PM
Elsa;1512765']Please reinstall the app to see your birds return to their beautiful selves. ^_^

I just added you so I could see it. Its body is very small compared to the other peacocks and the red eyes kinda makes it look demonic/possessed. I think I'll keep my gems for something else.

I think it's okay, the red eye seems to be only for a moment when it blinks. But you are right about it being smaller than the others. It has a 12 hour timer which is less than the Golden Peacock but higher than the Royal and Spring versions.



EDIT: disregard flower question.

Mine looks nothing like picture. Thanks for those who took a look. Some said it's beautiful but when I look it's like a skeleton and moves weirdly. I even logged into my other kingdom and visited this one from there but it still looks like the preening dead! Thought maybe it only affects Androids...like me .

Thanks Elsa,will reinstall to fix it...hopefully

05-03-18, 06:35 PM
I thought that too ;) it requires a kingdom makeover now as it's another really nice piece of artwork.

05-03-18, 06:46 PM
In regards to the one bench requirement changing to two, my game also did that.
Same. At the start of the goal it I had to make the bouquets and a bench, after making the mystic bouquet, it changed to 0/2 benches

05-03-18, 06:49 PM
I thought that too ;) it requires a kingdom makeover now as it's another really nice piece of artwork.

Im looking forward to the day when I can actually focus on making a pretty kingdom... as of now my board is stuffed with anything that drops coins so I can work through the mermaid quest and expanding my kingdom. I got the wisp garden but I had to stuff it down in a corner which doesnt do it justice

05-03-18, 07:03 PM
I turned my back on the Moothraki event (I already have a pokemon with a skull on his head, lol) and worked on quests that whole time. A bit jealous of the cannons, but on the whole, I enjoyed myself. For the blossom festival I went all out for five days, then did quests while the fans rolled in. I can only go "all out" by banking everything else on my board, or else I can't resist clicking things, lol. And the trolls proceeded to hide their essence from me - I have harvested enough cabbage in the past week to float England for a year.

05-03-18, 07:05 PM
Same. At the start of the goal it I had to make the bouquets and a bench, after making the mystic bouquet, it changed to 0/2 benches

Wow, okay. Anyone reading this, please watch for it in your game and let us know. If so, that "switch" was already in the code before the back end maintenance which did not touch the code.

05-03-18, 07:59 PM
Is the golden potted orchid (60 gem) guaranteed to drop flower in each collection? Is it also a 2-hr timer? Thanks.

05-03-18, 08:02 PM
Is the golden potted orchid (60 gem) guaranteed to drop flower in each collection? Is it also a 2-hr timer? Thanks.

Someone posted that it is not a guaranteed drop, sorry. It is indeed a 2 hour timer.

EDIT: The post about the drop went missing but has been found again! (Thank you PrincessCupofButter!)

Two hour timer posted by jbfps116 https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334-Castle-Story-05-03-Freshening-up-with-Florals-event-more!-see-page-1-for-details&p=1512629&viewfull=1#post1512629

Not a guaranteed drop posted by comeseecomesah https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104401-Games-offline-S8-investigating-(all-games-affected)&p=1512672&viewfull=1#post1512672

05-03-18, 08:07 PM
Okay, I am mentally challenged so I may not have all this right. But here is my breakdown of goals 5 and 7. I hope when someone sane comes back online they can give us the proper figures.

Goal 5 Net needed for two Garden Benches:

the 2 bouquets you made in Goal 4, plus
12 Wild Orchids (pots)
12 Wild Roses (rocks)
36 Wild Lilies (trees)

Goal 7, Net needed for 2 Knight Topiaries:

80 Wild Orchids
240 Wild Lilies
80 Wild Roses
12 Scented Petals

05-03-18, 08:08 PM
Ugh-I started crafting the bench and went to check in on it and my flower shop was empty- thought ok dang it I guess I didn’t start craft after all but then low and behold it shows that I don’t have any bouquets - so no bench and no bouquets what the heck - tried rebooting and still nothing- has this happened to anyone else

05-03-18, 08:16 PM
Okay, I am mentally challenged so I may not have all this right. But here is my breakdown of goals 5 and 7. I hope when someone sane comes back online they can give us the proper figures.

Goal 5 Net needed for two Garden Benches:

the 2 bouquets you made in Goal 4, plus
12 Wild Orchids (pots)
12 Wild Roses (rocks)
36 Wild Lilies (trees)

Goal 7, Net needed for 2 Knight Topiaries:

80 Wild Orchids
240 Wild Lilies
80 Wild Roses
12 Scented Petals

I believe it takes 12 scented petals per Knight topiary - for a total of 24 scented petals.

05-03-18, 08:20 PM
Someone posted that it is not a guaranteed drop, sorry. It is indeed a 2 hour timer.
Thx Lavenderdale. Then no point buying these; save the gem for other items.

05-03-18, 08:22 PM
I believe it takes 12 scented petals per Knight topiary - for a total of 24 scented petals.

Okay, I read 2 scented per garland, 3 garlands per knight? Here is my interim math - I very likely messed it up:

Assessment of Totals needed for Goal 7

1 floral garland:
2 Wild Bouquets - 24 lilies, 4 orchids
2 Mystic Bouquets - 8 roses, 4 orchids
2 Scented Petals

3 floral garlands:
24 orchids
72 lilies
24 roses
6 petals

A Knight Topiary is the 3 Floral Garlands, plus 4 more of each bouquet:
4 more of each bouquet is 48 Wild Lilies, 8 Wild Orchids,16 Wild Roses, another 8 Wild Orchids (so 16 Wild Orchids)
So 1 Knight Topiary is 24+16=40 orchids, 72+48=120 lilies, 24+16=40 roses, 6 petals

NET NEEDED FOR GOAL 7, 2 Knight Topiaries is:

80 Wild Orchids
240 Wild Lilies
80 Wild Roses
12 Scented Petals

05-03-18, 08:39 PM
I decided *after* I spouted it that I should check to be sure. Turns out nobody said anything about the drop guaranteed or not. I found the post about the 2-hour timer https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334-Castle-Story-05-03-Freshening-up-with-Florals-event-more!-see-page-1-for-details&p=1512629&viewfull=1#post1512629

but nothing about the drop. I could swear I read about the drop, but I can't find it. I am terribly sorry.


EDIT: Yay! Turns out I'm not crazy! (well. about this subject, anyway.) PrincessCupofButter found the post, it got moved to another thread when the back-end maintenance happened. https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104401-Games-offline-S8-investigating-(all-games-affected)&p=1512672&viewfull=1#post1512672 Wild Orchid is NOT a guaranteed drop from the premium 60 gem Golden Potted Orchid, so yeah, it doesn't seem like there's much point in buying it.

I feel so much better now. lol.

05-03-18, 08:43 PM
Event Goals
Goal 7:
* The Top Topiary
Rewards: 100 coins, 10 XP 1 Skunkupine (not sure what this is yet)

Thought the reward is the unlocking of Rocket Jr


05-03-18, 08:54 PM
NET NEEDED FOR GOAL 7, 2 Knight Topiaries is:

80 Wild Orchids
240 Wild Lilies
80 Wild Roses
12 Scented Petals

Step 7
The Top Topiary
Make Wild Bouquet 0/2 Skip 30 gems
Make Mystic Bouquet 0/2 Skip 40
Make Floral Garland 0/3 Skip 165 (workshop: 2 Scented Petals, 2 Wild Bouquets and 2 Mystic Bouquets, 4 hrs.)
Build Knight Topiaries 0/2 Go (workshop: 4 Floral Bouquets, 4 Mystic Bouquets, 3 Floral Garlands, 2 hrs)

That will easily takes up almost 3 days to finish using Workshop to craft.

05-03-18, 09:02 PM
I decided *after* I spouted this that I should check to be sure. Turns out nobody said anything about the drop guaranteed or not. I found the post about the 2-hour timer https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334-Castle-Story-05-03-Freshening-up-with-Florals-event-more!-see-page-1-for-details&p=1512629&viewfull=1#post1512629

but nothing about the drop. I could swear I read it, but I can't find it. I am terribly sorry. It was wrong of me to say something unsubstantiated and I deeply apologize.you're not alone. I really thought I read that same thing. And looked, but couldn't find it.
Some strange things going on. Lol.
I guess for now there is not a definitive answer to that question.

05-03-18, 09:07 PM
Thank you!

05-03-18, 09:11 PM
I decided *after* I spouted this that I should check to be sure. Turns out nobody said anything about the drop guaranteed or not. I found the post about the 2-hour timer https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104334-Castle-Story-05-03-Freshening-up-with-Florals-event-more!-see-page-1-for-details&p=1512629&viewfull=1#post1512629

but nothing about the drop. I could swear I read it, but I can't find it. I am terribly sorry. It was wrong of me to say something unsubstantiated and I deeply apologize.

you're not alone. I really thought I read that same thing. And looked, but couldn't find it.
Some strange things going on. Lol.
I guess for now there is not a definitive answer to that question.

It has been posted that the gem orchid does not have guaranteed drops. But that info was included in a post that was also concerning the game being down for maintenance, so it was moved to a bugs thread.


It is post number 8 in the linked thread. (I am sorry I don’t know how to add a quote from another thread. But I KNEW I had seen it too.)

05-03-18, 09:40 PM
It has been posted that the gem orchid does not have guaranteed drops. But that info was included in a post that was also concerning the game being down for maintenance, so it was moved to a bugs thread.


It is post number 8 in the linked thread. (I am sorry I don’t know how to add a quote from another thread. But I KNEW I had seen it too.)

oh, a thousand times thank you!! I expected them to strip the "bug" posts but there were still a lot left. I love you!! link to post https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?104401-Games-offline-S8-investigating-(all-games-affected)&p=1512672&viewfull=1#post1512672

Now I get to go update mine again, lol.

05-03-18, 09:46 PM
Quick question, for those that have already crafted the Garden Benches: Does the craft disappear once you've crafted the 2 for the goal?

05-03-18, 10:18 PM
Quick question, for those that have already crafted the Garden Benches: Does the craft disappear once you've crafted the 2 for the goal?

Yes it does

05-03-18, 11:06 PM
Sorry guys for the confusion about that particular post that was moved. There were over 30 that moved over. I'll leave it there and write a note in the inventory area about it to share.

05-03-18, 11:10 PM
Yes it does

Thanks. Trying to plan out my moves and the disappearing crafts in the Woodland event threw me so I've been vigilant ever since so I don't fall into that trap again.

05-03-18, 11:16 PM
Hu all! Is there any point buying The Flower Shop? .... seems a lot of gems... wonder if it?s worth it?

05-03-18, 11:24 PM
Did you scroll all the way to the last item in the Featured tab? I think the coin ones are at the end.

Thanks, i saw the gem option and didn't further. Rush to get to work, can't play all day. I'll scroll through next time.

05-03-18, 11:42 PM
Where do you see a pastel topiary?

4th thing in Featured tab of market, after the Dainty Castle

05-03-18, 11:45 PM
Thanks for posting pics. The water in the pond looks like a spider web. Or is it me?

Nope not you, there tried to create waves but it looks more like a spider web. Should have had less waves.

05-03-18, 11:48 PM
Tiny Daisies from Sprink Skunk,anyone know what is it?

05-04-18, 12:12 AM
Tiny Daisies from Sprink Skunk,anyone know what is it?

Just placed the little guy from ivys. Has a 4hr collection time, 16 gems to speed up and you are maxed at owning 1. Will post in the morning when I collect from him if no one else post about it before then.

05-04-18, 01:04 AM
Was I the only one rolling with laughter over the story at the beginning ?

not that this event is overly hard but why am I busting my bottom to get a horse that drops the same half dozen items that the other 5 horses I have drop......

05-04-18, 01:06 AM
Was I the only one rolling with laughter over the story at the beginning ?

not that this event is overly hard but why am I busting my bottom to get a horse that drops the same half dozen items that the other 5 horses I have drop......

Because it also ?supposedly? drops energy...
useful for the lower level players without many alicorns, not much incentive otherwise I guess.

05-04-18, 01:17 AM
So I just unlocked the Guardsman. :cool:

Here’s the deco that comes with...

All 1x1.
The torch is animated.
The guard dogs have a 6hr timer. I’ll post drops once I know. Limit of 2.

05-04-18, 01:21 AM
Because it also ?supposedly? drops energy...
useful for the lower level players without many alicorns, not much incentive otherwise I guess.
i'm low and i cannot say that usually 2 energy drop from pastel ali and usually 2 energy from enfield("exclusive"gift for 2/20players sic!) is a great help+i need 2 energy to tend them,so i'm +2 energy in whole day.hopefully it will be a horse that drops 40 energy in whole week like normal ali

05-04-18, 01:23 AM
Bought the knight walker for 750 crowns.
No associated goals for him.
New decorations as follows:
-Guard dog
Maxed at 2
Cost 5,000 gold
6hr timer and 24 gem speed up

-Animated torch (too cute lol)
Assuming the limit is 99 (bought 14)
Cost 100 gold

-Gaurdsmen statue
(Only bought 2 as they tower over other decos)
Cost 1,000 gold
(Goes extremely well with gothic buildings)

My queendom is a mess at the moment, however you can feel free to stop by and have a look at the new decos. Will be in lower left quadrant in the remains of my blue area lol. Garden benches are also located there.
Queendon name: Emerald Isles

05-04-18, 01:27 AM
So I just unlocked the Guardsman. :cool:

Here’s the deco that comes with...

Thanks for the pics!! Entirely too lazy to post as on phone lol.

05-04-18, 01:29 AM
I havent started the quest yet. But in this post hectic, i feel lost. Am I right that the final prize are horse who drop 2 energy?

05-04-18, 01:37 AM
i'm low and i cannot say that usually 2 energy drop from pastel ali and usually 2 energy from enfield("exclusive"gift for 2/20players sic!) is a great help+i need 2 energy to tend them,so i'm +2 energy in whole day.hopefully it will be a horse that drops 40 energy in whole week like normal ali

Completely agree! We can always hope for decent energy drops though. And honestly it has to be better that the white steed I won.
I have seen 2 gems ONCE, and of course the game reset immediately after😂 got the black flag as usual when I re-collected. At this point, my expectations are extremely low lol, if it is cute and I have room to display I will be happy.

05-04-18, 01:39 AM
I havent started the quest yet. But in this post hectic, i feel lost. Am I right that the final prize are horse who drop 2 energy?
The amount of energy dropped is unknown at the moment, however 2 energy does seem to be the latest theme with our energy giving prizes.

05-04-18, 01:52 AM
If you think about it ...
the 2 energy drops are ACTUALLY 1 energy as it takes 1 to chop :-((

05-04-18, 02:24 AM
Completely agree! We can always hope for decent energy drops though. And honestly it has to be better that the white steed I won.
I have seen 2 gems ONCE, and of course the game reset immediately after got the black flag as usual when I re-collected. At this point, my expectations are extremely low lol, if it is cute and I have room to display I will be happy.

haha i was asking my neighbour today,about 20 min ago about white/dark knight steed&their drops:)
but pink/wedding/etc all older allis have more than 2 energy i guess?5-10?
i wish black friday would be next month i have gems for few pair ali+golden mine
back to event-roses are so rare drops from rocks,lilies+orchids are normal i guess

05-04-18, 02:33 AM
If you think about it ...
the 2 energy drops are ACTUALLY 1 energy as it takes 1 to chop :-((

As I but it you get one energy earned ,,this energy drop is not fair . All older ones get 4-100 but since Valentine's Day event 2 and that's what it wants to drop every time .. It may be rare when you see a 7 or 9 Hoping this new horse is a weekly,, at least it will drop 40

05-04-18, 03:29 AM
I bought 2 in each of my 2 kingdoms and only once I had 2 drops from 1 collection in 1 kingdom. Once in each kingdom I had no drops at all. So usually I get I drop from my pair.

EDIT.....This info is re Golden potted orchid! (For some reason posts didn't attach)

05-04-18, 03:36 AM
Step 7
The Top Topiary
Make Wild Bouquet 0/2 Skip 30 gems
Make Mystic Bouquet 0/2 Skip 40
Make Floral Garland 0/3 Skip 165 (workshop: 4 Scented Petals, 2 Wild Bouquets and 2 Mystic Bouquets, 4 hrs.)
Build Knight Topiaries 0/2 Go (workshop: 4 Floral Bouquets, 4 Mystic Bouquets, 3 Floral Garlands, 2 hrs)
Rewards: 100 coins, 10 XP 1 Skunkupine (not sure what this is yet)

Thanks you are correct it takes 4 scented Petals for each one.

05-04-18, 03:38 AM

The fire of the torches is awesome! Raging fire! Here's what they look like.

05-04-18, 04:18 AM
SpiritWind is there a max number of crowns ? Cuz the reward was crowns and I don't think I got them ,I haven't bought any thing with crowns yet and I have 1750 right now My kingdom seems to do run better with all these walker only have one out

05-04-18, 04:25 AM
4th thing in Featured tab of market, after the Dainty Castle

Thanks for responding. I do not have it there. The Dainty Castle is the first item for me.

Is anybody else missing it (pastel topiary)?

05-04-18, 04:55 AM
Spring skunkupea dropped 2 tomatoes and an unknown number of creep tooth (was black flagged)
This was my first collection.

05-04-18, 04:57 AM
Thanks for responding. I do not have it there. The Dainty Castle is the first item for me.

Is anybody else missing it (pastel topiary)?
I do not have pastel topiary either.
My first items in the featured tab are 2 workshops then the dainty castle...

05-04-18, 05:04 AM
SpiritWind is there a max number of crowns ? Cuz the reward was crowns and I don't think I got them ,I haven't bought any thing with crowns yet and I have 1750 right now My kingdom seems to do run better with all these walker only have one out
Yes you did get the 50 crowns with crowns at 1750:) (I checked your count from last event)

No known maximum yet.

05-04-18, 05:07 AM
I do not have pastel topiary either.
My first items in the featured tab are 2 workshops then the dainty castle...
Alright, thanks. It?s in the bugs section now.

05-04-18, 05:12 AM
Yes you did get the 50 crowns with crowns at 1750:) (I checked your count from last event)

No known maximum yet.

Thank you for checking, even though I haven't used any yet ,there will be a time I will want too

05-04-18, 05:19 AM
I just added you so I could see it. Its body is very small compared to the other peacocks and the red eyes kinda makes it look demonic/possessed. I think I'll keep my gems for something else.

... now Bran kinda wants me to get one.

I agree with you, I only bought one and was coming here to express my disappointment about the size and the eyes when I saw your post. I love how you described the eyes. I got a good laugh. I was going to say the eyes looked a little strange... The plumage is smaller also.

"Plumage!" ... he say's with a British accent and an eye toward Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch

Chief Beef

ps - odd collection this morning re step 4? One my two floral benches, collected them from the shop, acknowledged, placed them into storage... the game only saw one as completed. I had only one to then place on my board, and I had to start building bouquets again to get the supplies to build me another (3rd) bench. ... about 5min later while I was replanting my crops, the game flashed, and Wah-Lah, the 2nd bench acknowledged\registered. Moved me forward to the next goal, and when checking my inventory, it had now appeared there and was available for placement.
Like I said. Odd.


05-04-18, 05:31 AM
Hu all! Is there any point buying The Flower Shop? .... seems a lot of gems... wonder if it?s worth it?

I too am waiting to learn more here

But when looking at it as a whole, I've done dumber things for more gems. (IRL replace Gems w\ 'Money'.)

All Hail the MOothraki!
Chief Beef,

05-04-18, 05:43 AM
Hu all! Is there any point buying The Flower Shop? .... seems a lot of gems... wonder if it?s worth it?

I too am waiting to learn more here

But when looking at it as a whole, I've done dumber things for more gems. (IRL replace Gems w\ 'Money'.)

All Hail the MOothraki!
Chief Beef,

My question would be if the Flower Shoppe would be functional even after this event? Or a usual empty event-crafting-building to store?
Knowing this answer I could decide whether it's useful.

05-04-18, 05:43 AM
Alright, thanks. It?s in the bugs section now.
I don‘t have the topiary in the market either, maybe because I already have one in my Queendom?

05-04-18, 05:46 AM
FlowerShoppe useful as another ?WorkShop? can craft the bouquets etc...
as sooo many bouquets to make!

05-04-18, 05:47 AM
I don‘t have the topiary in the market either, maybe because I already have one in my Queendom?
I don't have the Topiary offered either, but do have 2 dragon topiaries somewhere in my inventory from long time ago. I wonder it they are the same? Can anyone post the inventory card so we can compare?
Or the card in the Feature tab would be helpful to see if it's the same deco.

05-04-18, 05:57 AM
Thanks for responding. I do not have it there. The Dainty Castle is the first item for me.

Is anybody else missing it (pastel topiary)?

Dainty castle is first for me also, but I don’t think it’s a bug. Probably a limit of one pastel topiary. I had to dig waaaay back through pages and pages of deco, but I found a pastel topiary down in the dungeon...err...I mean...cellar. No doubt a prize from some long forgotten event, maybe the tea party? :confused:

On topic event wise....
I’m ambivalent about this one. It wasn’t so bad until I reached the part where we have to make 6 garlands which require fighting 4 skunkupines each, plus countless bouquets, to make topiaries that I am certain will surely end up in my massive cellar. :( (I sure am missing those instantly regenerating flowers from last event!)
And even this would not be so bad if the fangbeast spawn rate weren’t tripled with these blossoming willow trees. :mad: (I am definitely buying some extras for the next monster hunt, since fangbeasts are always extinct during those. Maybe I’ll actually complete a novice challenge. :p)
I was also hoping the prize would be a weekly energy horse, but it looks more like it will be along the lines of the dark/light steed, which in my case at least, has an extremely rare chance of dropping energy.

05-04-18, 05:58 AM
I don't have the Topiary offered either, but do have 2 dragon topiaries somewhere in my inventory from long time ago. I wonder it they are the same? Can anyone post the inventory card so we can compare?
Or the card in the Feature tab would be helpful to see if it's the same deco.
I can never post pictures (???), but I have the dragon topiaries, too ... somewhere. They are not the same. Pastel topiary is a, well, pastel colored little flower tree in a white and gold flower pot. Looks „eastery“. No timer.

05-04-18, 06:07 AM
FlowerShoppe useful as another ?WorkShop? can craft the bouquets etc...
as sooo many bouquets to make!

I think it would be more attractive for collectors. For me, it can not/will not be very useful, as I am limited by the orchids. So far, my two workshops can easily keep up, and I have actually had to wait for more orchids in order to continue crafting. Therefore, I am giving this one a pass. Maybe I will regret that if it becomes useful after the event, but I have an egg forge in storage to remind me that that is seldom the case. :(

05-04-18, 06:13 AM
I don't have the Topiary offered either, but do have 2 dragon topiaries somewhere in my inventory from long time ago. I wonder it they are the same? Can anyone post the inventory card so we can compare?
Or the card in the Feature tab would be helpful to see if it's the same deco.

44142 44143

05-04-18, 06:35 AM
44142 44143

Ahhhh! Okay, yeah I remember that. I actually have it out on my board, it was a prize in the tea party event. As such, it appears as if it is maxed at 1 since I do not have the option to buy it.
It is a plain deco item with a 1x1 foot print. Thanks for the picture😇

05-04-18, 06:48 AM
My game is constantly resetting. Anyone else having this problem?

05-04-18, 07:05 AM
First collection of guard dogs:
Dog #1
1 creeptooth
1 light armor
1 milk

Dog #2
1 milk

05-04-18, 07:06 AM
My game is constantly resetting. Anyone else having this problem?

All. The. Time. I've shut the game off and put it away it's so frustrating.

05-04-18, 07:43 AM
My game normally resets 3 to 4 times in a row throughout the day but today a few hrs ago it reset 11 times. Drove me barmy!!

05-04-18, 08:22 AM
weekend warrior was on friday or saturday? i already forget

05-04-18, 08:27 AM
Ahhhh! Okay, yeah I remember that. I actually have it out on my board, it was a prize in the tea party event. As such, it appears as if it is maxed at 1 since I do not have the option to buy it.
It is a plain deco item with a 1x1 foot print. Thanks for the picture😇I found mine way back in inventory.

05-04-18, 08:27 AM
weekend warrior was on friday or saturday? i already forget

Friday. In 2,5 or 3,5 hours if a recall correctly. Waiting.

05-04-18, 08:27 AM
My question would be if the Flower Shoppe would be functional even after this event? Or a usual empty event-crafting-building to store?
Knowing this answer I could decide whether it's useful.

I agree if we knew the answer this this it would be helpful

05-04-18, 09:31 AM
Spring Skunkupea dropped wheat and fur black flagged.

05-04-18, 09:32 AM
Thanks for responding. I do not have it there. The Dainty Castle is the first item for me.

Is anybody else missing it (pastel topiary)?


Edit: having seen a later post I did earn this from an event so maybe it?s a max 1 deal.

05-04-18, 09:51 AM
44142 44143

Thanks for posting.. yes it's not new.. many of us who did the tea party event would have it already.. quite possibly stored.

05-04-18, 10:08 AM
Concerning weekend warrior- what would be the most beneficial way to use it? We have to wait on orchids. So maybe just chopping rocks. I'll have to weigh the benefits. ( IF we get it!).

05-04-18, 10:17 AM
Purely speculation at this point, but considering past events I suspect the flower shop will be just deco after the event. In that respect, I think it will look great alongside all the Vinyard deco.

My impatience won out and I purchased the shop. Thus far I have had more than enough Wild Orchids to keep all 3 workshops busy by collecting every 2 hrs. You can craft Wild Bouquet, Mystic Bouquet, Floral Garland, and Knight Topiary so far.

05-04-18, 10:24 AM
Concerning weekend warrior- what would be the most beneficial way to use it? We have to wait on orchids. So maybe just chopping rocks. I'll have to weigh the benefits. ( IF we get it!).
I was planning to clear as many rocks possible first. It would be nice if we knew the higher level requirements to calculate, but I doubt anyone will get that far in the next few hrs :( If I can stockpile enough of those to feel comfortable, I will spend the rest of my time on trees/skunks although that part will be less efficient b/c of the monsters.

05-04-18, 10:28 AM
Concerning weekend warrior- what would be the most beneficial way to use it? We have to wait on orchids. So maybe just chopping rocks. I'll have to weigh the benefits. ( IF we get it!).

I think it's pretty individual but what I find myself doing is using the first round of free energy chopping (rocks and trees this time) for the current event and then the second round I go crazy and chop as many mermaid items as possible.

Regarding the Spring Skunkupea: Awww maaaaaannnnnnn, I can only craft 1????? I hate it when they do that to me. So disappointed s8.

05-04-18, 11:25 AM
Friday. In 2,5 or 3,5 hours if a recall correctly. Waiting.

Already started for me.

05-04-18, 11:43 AM
Do I need these Glitter Golems for anything? Why are they popping up from my rock outcroppings?

05-04-18, 11:56 AM
Do I need these Glitter Golems for anything? Why are they popping up from my rock outcroppings?

They come from rocks all the time, not event related

05-04-18, 12:03 PM
Step 7
The Top Topiary
Make Wild Bouquet 0/2 Skip 30 gems
Make Mystic Bouquet 0/2 Skip 40
Make Floral Garland 0/3 Skip 165 (workshop: 4 Scented Petals, 2 Wild Bouquets and 2 Mystic Bouquets, 4 hrs.)
Build Knight Topiaries 0/2 Go (workshop: 4 Floral Bouquets, 4 Mystic Bouquets, 3 Floral Garlands, 2 hrs)
Rewards: 100 coins, 10 XP 1 Skunkupine (not sure what this is yet)
I can't see the Floral Bouqets anywhere. Did you mean Wild Bouquets?

It seems to me people are confusing things by mixing Wild and Floral Bouqets?

05-04-18, 12:04 PM
Having just chopped a whole load of willows and rocks during the weekend warrior, I find I am getting just as many Spring Skunkupines spawn from the rocks as the willows

05-04-18, 12:15 PM
baron's tent new items:)

05-04-18, 12:29 PM
Geez...I'm gonna have to buy a bunch of the blossoming willows & have them in storage for the next Monster Hunt! Every other spawn is a fang beast! During the last Monster Hunt, I couldn't spawn a fangbeast for anything!

05-04-18, 12:34 PM
Geez...I'm gonna have to buy a bunch of the blossoming willows & have them in storage for the next Monster Hunt! Every other spawn is a fang beast! During the last Monster Hunt, I couldn't spawn a fangbeast for anything!

I have been laughing out loud each time that happened yesterday. They are a real pest, aren't they. Such a shame the code is never changed during monster hunts. :D

PS Thanks for checking all, I did find my own pastel topiary as well. I actually love it and have it on my board all the time, just had forgotten that it has a name. LOL Wouldn't mind a second one.

05-04-18, 12:40 PM
There is a max of ten wild orchid plants (if you don't buy the gem ones).
Two hour timer, and ready for harvest as soon as you place them.
I have harvested once, and got four wild orchids.
I have chopped three (hmm ... might have been four - I was a bit excited) trees and got 57 wild lilies.
Ivy is ready for collection, but I will leave her until I get up to a point where I need to.
We are bound to need Ivy, right?

I'm confused, I bought the first orchid plant and then the second one cost me 60 gems! I didn't get the choice of buy 10! can someone help me???

05-04-18, 12:46 PM
Having just chopped a whole load of willows and rocks during the weekend warrior, I find I am getting just as many Spring Skunkupines spawn from the rocks as the willows

Good to know, thanks! Ive had a monster parked every time I chopped the stones, whoops

05-04-18, 12:52 PM
I'm confused, I bought the first orchid plant and then the second one cost me 60 gems! I didn't get the choice of buy 10! can someone help me???

The Golden Potted Orchids cost 60 gems, but you can purchase up to 10 Potted Orchids with coins.

Did you scroll all the way to the last item in the Featured tab? I think the coin ones are at the end.

The non-gold ones aren't showing in your store?

05-04-18, 12:53 PM
haha i was asking my neighbour today,about 20 min ago about white/dark knight steed&their drops:)
but pink/wedding/etc all older allis have more than 2 energy i guess?5-10?
i wish black friday would be next month i have gems for few pair ali+golden mine
back to event-roses are so rare drops from rocks,lilies+orchids are normal i guess

Yes, the older alis all have 2-100 energy with 2 being just as (if not more) rare than the 100. I have approx 8 of them and typically get 5-7 daily. A few 10s tossed in. I lucked out and got 100 3x so far. But please keep in mind that I am a new Ali collector, I have played for years and within the last year and a half returned from a loooonnnng sabbatical. So I just started buying gems and alis again.

05-04-18, 12:59 PM
Yes, the older alis all have 2-100 energy with 2 being just as (if not more) rare than the 100. I have approx 8 of them and typically get 5-7 daily. A few 10s tossed in. I lucked out and got 100 3x so far. But please keep in mind that I am a new Ali collector, I have played for years and within the last year and a half returned from a loooonnnng sabbatical. So I just started buying gems and alis again.

Hold on, I have never gotten a 2 from the older daily alis. 4 is the minimum in my hands.

05-04-18, 01:16 PM
Hold on, I have never gotten a 2 from the older daily alis. 4 is the minimum in my hands.

Received a 2 from my first rainbow Ali not even 4 days ago...I don't know, as I stated earlier, even though I am a long time player I am definitely new to Ali collecting. I have had my alis for 9-10 months now and that was my first 2. In this instance, I readily cede to the more Ali experienced players.

05-04-18, 01:18 PM
A first batch of pics are in:

05-04-18, 01:18 PM
Second guard dog collection:

Dog #1
1 milk
1 sword

Dog #2
1 milk
2 creeptooth
1 sword

05-04-18, 01:18 PM
I was just having fun with the 2x10 min. unlimited energy from the weekend warrior, for the first time...it ended with a small hangover...a gemtrap cost me 40+ gems (and I had 80+ gems). I'll definitely be more careful in kingdom #2.

05-04-18, 01:20 PM
Received a 2 from my first rainbow Ali not even 4 days ago...I don't know, as I stated earlier, even though I am a long time player I am definitely new to Ali collecting. I have had my alis for 9-10 months now and that was my first 2. In this instance, I readily cede to the more Ali experienced players.

Oh my, it gets worse. The rainbow alis are from the old guard. If you got a 2, that means they are downgrading the old alis to 2s as well. Tsk.

05-04-18, 01:26 PM
Oh my, it gets worse. The rainbow alis are from the old guard. If you got a 2, that means they are downgrading the old alis to 2s as well. Tsk.

I totally hope not! I would much rather be wrong😣 but I have noticed a lot of new *first* for me on my game. For instance pigglesworth has always given me 5 energy whenever energy is randomly dropped from him, tue I got 30 energy! I remember this clearly as that same morning my fairy Ali dropped 100 energy...I was rolling high that day lol

05-04-18, 01:26 PM
Love the event the artwork is wonderful.. reminds me of a song

'Wild orchids couldn't drag me away
Wild, wild orchids drag my energy away'

05-04-18, 01:31 PM
I totally hope not! I would much rather be wrong�� but I have noticed a lot of new *first* for me on my game. For instance pigglesworth has always given me 5 energy whenever energy is randomly dropped from him, tue I got 30 energy! I remember this clearly as that same morning my fairy Ali dropped 100 energy...I was rolling high that day lol

Piggy's 30 is not new, just really rare. I'll keep an eye on the alis with you.

05-04-18, 01:34 PM
Second guard dog collection:

Dog #1
1 milk
1 sword

Dog #2
1 milk
2 creeptooth
1 sword

I just collected from my 2 guard dogs for the first time and had to come and post. After recovering from the shock!
I got a hearty feast, some coins and a flag for rat tails from one, and a simple feast and some coins from the other. (Didn’t notice if there was another black flag, because I was staring at the feasts.)
I think I’m gonna like these puppies. Lol

05-04-18, 01:35 PM
Love the event the artwork is wonderful.. reminds me of a song

'Wild orchids couldn't drag me away
Wild, wild orchids drag my energy away'oh this is good!

05-04-18, 01:37 PM
I totally hope not! I would much rather be wrong�� but I have noticed a lot of new *first* for me on my game. For instance pigglesworth has always given me 5 energy whenever energy is randomly dropped from him, tue I got 30 energy! I remember this clearly as that same morning my fairy Ali dropped 100 energy...I was rolling high that day lol

I sincerely hope S8 isn’t nerfing the older daily Alis. That may be the last straw for me. I’ve never gotten less than 4 energy from any of the older ones, so far. And I’ve also had 30 energy from pigglesworth several times. He has also dropped 5 gems a few times, that’s why I make it a point to collect from him as often as possible.

05-04-18, 01:57 PM
Piggy's 30 is not new, just really rare. I'll keep an eye on the alis with you.
Must be extremely rare. At the minimum, that was my first 30 collection in 2yrs that I have noticed. Heck, I get the 5 gems from him on a regular basis compared to that lol. And thx, appreciate any and all info Ali related. This forum is a blessing, totally wish I knew about this before I took time away from the game, I could have avoided and/or shared my frustrations😂

05-04-18, 01:59 PM
I sincerely hope S8 isn’t nerfing the older daily Alis. That may be the last straw for me. I’ve never gotten less than 4 energy from any of the older ones, so far. And I’ve also had 30 energy from pigglesworth several times. He has also dropped 5 gems a few times, that’s why I make it a point to collect from him as often as possible.

I just posted about his gem drops lol! I collect for the gems and building materials

05-04-18, 02:01 PM
I just collected from my 2 guard dogs for the first time and had to come and post. After recovering from the shock!
I got a hearty feast, some coins and a flag for rat tails from one, and a simple feast and some coins from the other. (Didn’t notice if there was another black flag, because I was staring at the feasts.)
I think I’m gonna like these puppies. Lol

Oh my!! Indeed😍 I thought they were good for dropping adventure materials, but feast too!! Outrageously happy I read up on mya and waited lol

05-04-18, 02:19 PM
Geez...I'm gonna have to buy a bunch of the blossoming willows & have them in storage for the next Monster Hunt! Every other spawn is a fang beast! During the last Monster Hunt, I couldn't spawn a fangbeast for anything!

Just remember that our lovely blue Blossom Trees from the last event are now inert. Though I guess you were probably joking. :-D

05-04-18, 02:24 PM
I sincerely hope S8 isn?t nerfing the older daily Alis. That may be the last straw for me. I?ve never gotten less than 4 energy from any of the older ones, so far. And I?ve also had 30 energy from pigglesworth several times. He has also dropped 5 gems a few times, that?s why I make it a point to collect from him as often as possible.

I noticed today that some of my daily Ali's were dropping less than 4 energy. I think it's a shame to change drops from older Ali's. Yesterday my dailies dropped less than 200 energy and I have never seen less than that from collecting them. Today broke 200 at least. I used to get between 250-400, usually in the 300's. I guess I won't be spending gems for new ones without guaranteed drops of more than 4. It costs me 51 energy to collect from them. I already learned not to spend gems for horses and unicorns. I don't mind spending gems if I get something in return, but I won't be buying the crafting building for this quest because it's not going to be useful afterwards (is it?). I used to get all the daily alicorns that I could, but I guess this new development is going to put an end to that.

Just when I was finally starting to enjoy the game again, things change for the worse. I am unimpressed with this particular quest to begin with because I was sure that it said to make one bench but suddenly changed to two, but now I don't see much reason to get excited about it. I bet I don't get a survey for this one.

05-04-18, 02:37 PM
Weekend warrior started and problems... Didn't get my 2nd unlimited energy, force closed game 5 times, no help...this is not fair

05-04-18, 02:39 PM
Uh-oh. That’s not good, Lee.

BTW did you guys know the library can spawn boars? I didn’t. Lol What’s happening to the fangbeast’s and boar’s rates?

05-04-18, 02:40 PM
I just finished the second part of the weekend warrior, and had a bunch of Outrock Croppings ready. I have the newest iPad, brand new, so performance shouldn't be a problem. Still, I had to restart the game, than had 1 crash, 4 set-backs, the Elven Outpost coming in, and a loading-screen. This is the first time this happened during the 10-minute free play, and I'm not a happy camper, for I only could play for about 4 minutes.

It's still worth it, but it's no fun.

I'm hoping the last part of the Weekend Worier goes better.

05-04-18, 02:42 PM
I sincerely hope S8 isn?t nerfing the older daily Alis. That may be the last straw for me. I?ve never gotten less than 4 energy from any of the older ones, so far. And I?ve also had 30 energy from pigglesworth several times. He has also dropped 5 gems a few times, that?s why I make it a point to collect from him as often as possible.

Oh, my! I will be watching my dailies tomorrow very carefully! None of my 2 energy dailies are near them so I'll know they are the older ones with 4 minimum. If any one of them drops 2, I will be extremely upset & that will probably be the last straw for me too!

Oh, gee, Anaboe! My iPad is also fairly new & today the quick collect I usually do was lagging & stretching the coins as they drop. I think S8 needs to upgrade their servers or add some drives to handle all this game & others require!

05-04-18, 02:43 PM
A first batch of pics are in:

I know nuzzing about skunkupea spawns, but the Spring Skunkupine spawning from the willows is a very angry full-sized adult.

05-04-18, 03:22 PM
Ok, so the spring skunkupine is cute, but 15 energy to **** a skunk!!!! Come’on now.... The dire boar (full size mean hog) doesn’t use that much!! Y’all need to simmer down on this energy consumption....seriously.

05-04-18, 03:26 PM
Oh, my! I will be watching my dailies tomorrow very carefully! None of my 2 energy dailies are near them so I'll know they are the older ones with 4 minimum. If any one of them drops 2, I will be extremely upset & that will probably be the last straw for me too!

Oh, gee, Anaboe! My iPad is also fairly new & today the quick collect I usually do was lagging & stretching the coins as they drop. I think S8 needs to upgrade their servers or add some drives to handle all this game & others require!

That's exactly how I have my Alis set up, with the lowers separate from the originals because I didn't want the originals to get infected with the new Alis low work ethics, lol. I still have to collect from my Rainbows so I'll keep an eye on them. I just can't imagine why they would stoop such a level as to lower ALL the Alis, that's hitting below the belt.

I've found when I do the unlimited energy that if I make sure to quick collect often then I get less lagging or freezing. If I'm chopping rocks I'll chop maybe 4 max before I quick collect and so on.

05-04-18, 03:27 PM
Ok, so the spring skunkupine is cute, but 15 energy to **** a skunk!!!! Come’on now.... The dire boar (full size mean hog) doesn’t use that much!! Y’all need to simmer down on this energy consumption....seriously.

😂😂😂 agreed 🤣

05-04-18, 03:29 PM
That's exactly how I have my Alis set up, with the lowers separate from the originals because I didn't want the originals to get infected with the new Alis low work ethics, lol. I still have to collect from my Rainbows so I'll keep an eye on them. I just can't imagine why they would stoop such a level as to lower ALL the Alis, that's hitting below the belt.

I've found when I do the unlimited energy that if I make sure to quick collect often then I get less lagging or freezing. If I'm chopping rocks I'll chop maybe 4 max before I quick collect and so on.

Thx for the tip, my first go around I experienced a super freeze for about a minute before everything started popping up. I do more collections sooner to avoid that again.

05-04-18, 03:39 PM
Ok, so the spring skunkupine is cute, but 15 energy to **** a skunk!!!! Come’on now.... The dire boar (full size mean hog) doesn’t use that much!! Y’all need to simmer down on this energy consumption....seriously.

And mr spring skunk rarely rewards energy, I've had 3 with no energy return and 4 with 2.

05-04-18, 03:44 PM
Have we heard any word yet on these "Tiny Daisies" that the Spring Skunkupea drops? I'm just wondering what they're going to be used for, if anything.

05-04-18, 03:45 PM
Oh my, it gets worse. The rainbow alis are from the old guard. If you got a 2, that means they are downgrading the old alis to 2s as well. Tsk.

I haven't seen a 2 energy drop from my old Ali's , just the new ones since valentines .They best not be changing this thinking this would be the third straw for me ..we all are screaming we don't like the 2 energy drops ... Then they change all of them to do so..not good I hope are mistaken

05-04-18, 03:46 PM
Have we heard any word yet on these "Tiny Daisies" that the Spring Skunkupea drops? I'm just wondering what they're going to be used for, if anything.

I haven't seen one drop yet

05-04-18, 03:47 PM
Have we heard any word yet on these "Tiny Daisies" that the Spring Skunkupea drops? I'm just wondering what they're going to be used for, if anything.

Still nothing and I have collected several times now. Personally wondering if was some sort of mixup. The animal seemed optional as there was no goals to go with.

05-04-18, 03:51 PM
I'll be keeping a closer eye too on my Ali's.
Chopping 4 rock piles before a quick collect? I was doing 2 rock piles for a quick collect and I thought my phone was going to over heat!! Lol.
I did let it cool down after I was finished.

Remember to not collect from any crops until you are ready to start round 2 on the unlimited energy.
That keeps round 2 from starting automatically.

05-04-18, 03:56 PM
I haven't seen a 2 energy drop from my old Ali's , just the new ones since valentines .They best not be changing this thinking this would be the third straw for me ..we all are screaming we don't like the 2 energy drops ... Then they change all of them to do so..not good I hope are mistaken

I know, right? This would be so mean. I know you and others posted a request a while back.This would be just the opposite. Sad if true.

05-04-18, 04:07 PM
Has anyone reached goal 8 yet? Nothing on the first page and was wondering if I overlooked a post about it...
I am so sick of goal 7 right now it is hilarious lol

05-04-18, 04:07 PM
Thx for the tip, my first go around I experienced a super freeze for about a minute before everything started popping up. I do more collections sooner to avoid that again.

Agreed, thnx, AnnirasSweets. Tried it, and could use my next 10 minutes almost completely (apart from the restart at the beginning).

05-04-18, 04:23 PM
Has anyone reached goal 8 yet? Nothing on the first page and was wondering if I overlooked a post about it...
I am so sick of goal 7 right now it is hilarious lol

Yep me too sick off goal 7...the vast requirements is like it is near the end of other events, and this goal 7 is only half way...what else are we in for?? Surely can't be more demanding...can it??hmm

05-04-18, 04:37 PM
I haven't seen one drop yet

Neither have I but more than that I've never even heard of the Tiny Daisies which makes me wonder if they will come into play with some future update.

Agreed, thnx, AnnirasSweets. Tried it, and could use my next 10 minutes almost completely (apart from the restart at the beginning).

Glad it worked for you! You never can be sure that one person's tips and tricks will work for others in this game.

Just remember that our lovely blue Blossom Trees from the last event are now inert. Though I guess you were probably joking. :-D

While the Blossom Trees from last event were trees, they acted more as flowers. The fact that they are now just decos I think had more to do with the instant resets than anything. Regardless, I've never seen a chopping tree not work post event. They'll still provide wood, sap and living wood after the event, just not the Wild Lilies.

05-04-18, 04:38 PM
Have we heard any word yet on these "Tiny Daisies" that the Spring Skunkupea drops? I'm just wondering what they're going to be used for, if anything.

Think it's Rocket Jr. that drops the daisies.

05-04-18, 04:41 PM
Think it's Rocket Jr. that drops the daisies.

The Spring Skunkupea inventory card claims it has a "chance to drop Tiny Daisies." I don't have Rocket Jr. yet so maybe they both offer them?

05-04-18, 04:47 PM
The Spring Skunkupea inventory card claims it has a "chance to drop Tiny Daisies." I don't have Rocket Jr. yet so maybe they both offer them?

Then it must not be unlocked yet.

05-04-18, 04:52 PM
Yep me too sick off goal 7...the vast requirements is like it is near the end of other events, and this goal 7 is only half way...what else are we in for?? Surely can't be more demanding...can it??hmm

Ugh! Come on! Lol never tempt fate by saying that🤣
Yet, I secretly and verbally agree 100%
This is exactly what I was thinking when I posted, my stomach is in knots knowing how many days we have left.

05-04-18, 05:11 PM
Ugh! Come on! Lol never tempt fate by saying that��
Yet, I secretly and verbally agree 100%
This is exactly what I was thinking when I posted, my stomach is in knots knowing how many days we have left.

Lol I did not say it! It wasn't me! I wasn't there!

05-04-18, 05:16 PM
Ok, so the spring skunkupine is cute, but 15 energy to **** a skunk!!!! Come’on now.... The dire boar (full size mean hog) doesn’t use that much!! Y’all need to simmer down on this energy consumption....seriously.

And mr spring skunk rarely rewards energy, I've had 3 with no energy return and 4 with 2.

05-04-18, 05:21 PM
Someone up thread mentioned they did not get their second unlimited energy from the Weekend Warrior after repeated forced closings - ditto. And I set aside a block of time and planned a strategy. Ah well, at least I got some benefit - not a big enough deal to fight for. What I did get was nice.

05-04-18, 05:59 PM
Agreed, thnx, AnnirasSweets. Tried it, and could use my next 10 minutes almost completely (apart from the restart at the beginning).

Both of my 10 min of unlimited energy sessions were only good for 8-1/2 min after the reloading of the game. I also did quick collects after a rock of tree and still had some freezes. Lots of Spring skunkupines, regular skunkupines, dire boars, and fangbeasts. More spawns than normal rock and tree chopping.

05-04-18, 07:13 PM
The unlimited energy FINALLY worked for me. I'm not sure how long I actually had it. I know what it's supposed to be, but it seems like it was longer than the 20 minutes total. It wore me out! I have no idea how much stuff I got.

05-04-18, 07:16 PM
REWARD from Goal 7 : Rocket (skunkupea as baby)

Raise Spring Skunkupea x1 (takes a few hits (10) to do but only 30 (?) seconds timer !
Feed Spring Skunkupea x1 (8hr timer 32 gems to speed up)
Gather Tiny Daises x1

(sorry didn‘t get number hits/timer precisely but my game went buggy / had to re boot iPad then work)

05-04-18, 07:17 PM

05-04-18, 07:18 PM
Can we create a Side thread about everyones experience with the Weekend Warrior so we can leave the goal thread less polluted. Side goals work in game right so why not Side Threads

05-04-18, 07:25 PM

As Baby Spring Skunkupea (Rocket) on left ... Baby Spring Skunkupea from Ivy‘s Nursery on right


Raised Spring Skunkupea Rocket

05-04-18, 07:32 PM

As Baby Spring Skunkupea (Rocket) on left ... Baby Skunkupea from Ivy‘s Nursery on right


Raised Spring Skunkupea Rocket

I’m out dining and almost spit out my drink. That sweet baby turns into a maniac. Help.

05-04-18, 07:36 PM
I know ...wish had kept as baby!
At least can get the Baby Spring Skunkupea from Ivy‘s Magic Nursery but somehow not so cute!

05-04-18, 07:45 PM
I know ...wish had kept as baby!
At least can get the Baby Spring Skunkupea from Ivy‘s Magic Nursery but somehow not so cute!

But you had to grow it for the goal, right?

05-04-18, 07:47 PM
But you had to grow it for the goal, right?

I think at this point ppl need to know name stops a Skunk.

05-04-18, 07:52 PM
Yep...has to be raised to complete goal

05-04-18, 08:00 PM
Gather Water ? (sorry auto completed)
Gather Stone ? (sorry auto completed)
Make Floral Garlands x5
Build the Spring Fountain x2 ( 4 Floral Garlands / 20 Water / 50 Stone 1hr)

Reward :10 coins, 10 XP, 100 Crowns

05-04-18, 08:00 PM
Wow, Rocket is soooo much better looking as a baby. He is very cute! As an adult, he looks like he has been startled or is angry. It even looks like he just rolled out of bed with that bed-head, lol.

05-04-18, 08:03 PM
Gather Water ? (sorry auto completed)
Gather Stone ? (sorry auto completed)
Make Floral Garlands x5
Build the Spring Fountain x2 ( 4 Floral Garlands / 20 Water / 50 Stone 1hr)

Reward :10 coins, 10 XP, 100 Crowns

Build 2 of them. Im out

05-04-18, 08:07 PM

From Ivy‘s Magic Nursery

05-04-18, 08:29 PM


Says from Rocket & Spring Skunkupea
Only got 1 from Rocket...
nothing from spawned Spring Skunkupea or Baby Spring Skunkupea...still dropping Scented Petals ... maybe later when needed for another goal!

05-04-18, 08:30 PM


05-04-18, 08:54 PM
Are the knight topiaries something that we can place in our kingdom?
Seems like a waste of bouquets.

05-04-18, 09:01 PM
Are the knight topiaries something that we can place in our kingdom?

yes just deco!

05-04-18, 09:03 PM
yes just deco!Hmmmm. Just what I've been wanting.

Not really.

05-04-18, 09:03 PM
44172 44173

Says from Rocket & Spring Skunkupea
Only got 1 from Rocket...
nothing from spawned Skunkupea or Baby Spring Skunkupea...still dropping Scented Petals ... maybe later when needed for another goal!

44174 44175

For some reason I'm unable to see these pics.

05-04-18, 09:16 PM
For some reason I'm unable to see these pics.

Don‘t know why this is happening ... see for awhile then disappear again ... have tried to upload again but keeps showing & then disappearing

05-04-18, 09:27 PM
Just got the spring steed. Max 1. Have to let 5 times for it to grow up. First collection gave 4 energy.

05-04-18, 09:32 PM
Once you get Rocket...
can buy Rocket Jr. in Market


05-04-18, 10:02 PM
Don‘t know why this is happening ... see for awhile then disappear again ... have tried to upload again but keeps showing & then disappearing

I see the pics now so I think you fixed it. Thanks.

05-04-18, 10:15 PM
Can we create a Side thread about everyones experience with the Weekend Warrior so we can leave the goal thread less polluted. Side goals work in game right so why not Side Threads

I think this is an excellent idea!!!

For anyone needing help or having problems in using the Weekend Warrior correctly can find immediately the indicated thread as timer will be on and no time to waste reading through the whole forum to find various posts.

I know we find instructions on first page but most times problems are resolved with the help of other players comments, as not all games are running the same.. extra comments may be helpful in such moments as not all the time this feature is running smoothly.

05-04-18, 10:45 PM
who/where is rocket?another skunkupine?rocket jr is a goal+we could also craft 1xlittle spring skunkupea,but rocket?

05-04-18, 11:06 PM
I posted on energy-droppers but moved to suggestion thread as discussion is not part of this event.

05-04-18, 11:14 PM
I am so discouraged right now. I focused on chopping trees during the weekend warrior, thinking to get rid of that part of the event, and now it turns out that I still need to chop them in order to get the scented petals... Auuugh!

05-05-18, 12:49 AM
KOLAKID2...Thank you for posting all that stuff. I'v been trying to get goal 7 done but it goes on and onnnn, whilst I was anticipating/dreading what comes next lol. Now I know. More floral garlands...waaahhh!!
Thanks again☆

05-05-18, 12:54 AM
I posted on energy-droppers but moved to suggestion thread as discussion is not part of this event.

Thanks! Energy is needed for everything inc events so it would have been good to have a copy of your info here too for quick reference.

05-05-18, 12:59 AM
Thanks! Energy is needed for everything inc events so it would have been good to have a copy of your info here too for quick reference.

There is also a nugget on it, see the Hub section 2.

I do post energy consumption for a given event most of the time. I have not done it for this one as I still work on the pics collection.

05-05-18, 01:19 AM
You do a lot for us ShibuyaCloth and I am very grateful for the info and your time spent on it all☆

05-05-18, 02:23 AM
I posted on energy-droppers but moved to suggestion thread as discussion is not part of this event.

Thanks! Energy is needed for everything inc events so it would have been good to have a copy of your info here too for quick reference.


Another and important discussion which has come up during the flower event thread:

Would be a seperate thread to be officially opened referring and controlling the various energy drops of Alis, Dalies or others, and tables kept.

For most players who possess a flock of energy-giving characters have made personal investments spending REAL money during their years of play and dedication to their game.

These features should not be alterated as are legal, private additions.. through buying wholeprice or during sales, offered by the game.. and not classified as gifts obtained through events or lucky drops.

It's not correct to 'touch-up' such drops.. as is a private investment.. anyone can choose.. at their personal choice.. spending real money which has been sold, then paid for a certain use in play.

Controls could help to record this feature which now seems 'under target' and a clear move to reduce former enery-droppers.

I'll add here and completely agree that energy-droppers of 2-energy are highly ridiculous for the price paid.. and should be sold at much less, instead of offering empty promises and false publicity. Exactly 1 energy gained should be gifted prizes and not for sale.

Older players know exactly what their bought energy-droppers give and should be kept at that standard.

05-05-18, 02:26 AM
You do a lot for us ShibuyaCloth and I am very grateful for the info and your time spent on it all☆

I think ShibuyaCloth should receive an applause for her devoted work for us.
And also another applause for our mod SW.

05-05-18, 02:36 AM
1000% agree! a BIG applause for Shibuyacloth and all the people who spend their time gathering info and feedback and making things easier for us!

05-05-18, 02:40 AM
Big it up for SW & ShibuyaCloth !!!

05-05-18, 02:46 AM
who/where is rocket?another skunkupine?rocket jr is a goal+we could also craft 1xlittle spring skunkupea,but rocket?

Rocket (a spring skunkupea) is the Reward from Goal 7, Have to raise in Goal 8

Rocket Jr isn?t a goal... can buy in Market (120 gems) after Goal 7/8

Can also craft a Baby Spring Skunkupea in Ivy?s Nursery

05-05-18, 03:27 AM
Slight mistake:

Pics of Baby Skunkupea & Rocket Jr need to be other way round!

Rocket Jr is the slightly lighter colour with brownish eyes


Baby Spring Skunkupea from craft is the darker one with blue/ greeneyes


Spawned Spring Skunkupea is a big one (looks same as Rocket expect pink nose)




05-05-18, 03:46 AM
Rocket, Rocket Jr : Collection timer 8hrs

Rocket dropped: White Petal, Rat Tail, 1 Tiny Daisy
Rocket Jr dropped: tomato, 1 Tiny Daisy

Collection timer:4hrs
Baby Spring Skunkupea dropped: wheat, 1 Tiny Daisy

05-05-18, 03:55 AM
I've always enjoyed the forum even before being a mod. We all should be congratulated for all sorts of contributions be it to those who are posting goal info for us or to all who help others with their questions, those who make us laugh, and to NorthWoods for taking care of the Tent thread and yes Shibuya for the amazing pictures and inventory info and more!. We find time for the things we enjoy and I enjoy being a part of this wonderful community. It is all of us combined that make the forum fun and engaging. :)

Now to stay on topic, the floral items are really pretty. I really wish we had more space too. I'm just going to plod along and make the items and try not to be too overwhelmed by how many crafts are needed to get to the end! I'll keep cheering us on! (Happy Star Wars day too - shhh don't tell anyone I just went off topic!:))

05-05-18, 05:32 AM
A big shout out to SW, Shibuyacloth & all the players out there who contribute to this great community. I know I'd be long gone but for the kind hearted folks here.

Just a note: My old daily Ali's are not changed. In fact, because I watched each drop (no quick collect this morning), I saw a 25, several 10s & even a 50 energy. The minimum was still at 4. So no changes there.

I'm also trying not to stress too much about the crafts.

Good luck all! Today is Revenge of the Fifth ... 😁🤣 ... Cinco de Mayo 🎉.... & Kentucky Derby Day🏇🏽!

05-05-18, 06:10 AM
I am so discouraged right now. I focused on chopping trees during the weekend warrior, thinking to get rid of that part of the event, and now it turns out that I still need to chop them in order to get the scented petals... Auuugh!

Same here. More over, before the event, I managed to get some 400ish energy and I used all of them to chop trees. Now I had about 500 lilies before I need scented petals. Lucky, i only had 100 blue rose? So now when I need petals, I chop rocks. Thank S8 they spawn spring skunkupines.

05-05-18, 07:49 AM
My old alis didn?t drop anything less than 4 this morning. I?ll watch them closely tomorrow too.

I think though, this time energy is not the primary issue. The drop rate of all needed is good. But I find myself not getting ahead at all, I?ll be stuck on 7 today again. I?m running the worker boost non-stop now, hoping this will make a dent.

I?d consider that Shoppe if it wouldn?t be just deco post event, or if it was less gems. But as is, it?s too much.

05-05-18, 08:04 AM
My old alis didn?t drop anything less than 4 this morning. I?ll watch them closely tomorrow too.

I think though, this time energy is not the primary issue. The drop rate of all needed is good. But I find myself not getting ahead at all, I?ll be stuck on 7 today again. I?m running the worker boost non-stop now, hoping this will make a dent.

I?d consider that Shoppe if it wouldn?t be just deco post event, or if it was less gems. But as is, it?s too much.

I dreamt about CS last night and the flower shope , it let us store flowers in it..and it let us tap it and what ever flowers we had in it we got Pretty cool !