View Full Version : Losing star rating

04-23-18, 09:17 AM
Seriously S8? Very annoying that we can play BS faithfully every day for weeks and months, but heaven forbid we skip a day or 2, to spend time with family or real life, and our star rating drops down. What's up with that?

04-23-18, 11:09 AM
i'll tell you a secret.
everything depends on time when you last entered your account.
if you never opened the game during these days, your rating will stay safe until you come in again.
but if you entered to serve/cook the food, made no visits etc... - it will drop down from day to day.
and it will drop in respective percentage if you came in after three days from last time.

i have tons of nbrs who definitely left the game more than year ago. but they still have 4stars in my list. they just stopped to play when they were at higher position.

so, actually, stars mean no so much as you could wait from them :)

04-25-18, 11:22 AM
Thank you! I did not know this. Still, it doesn't seem fair to penalize for not having the time to visit/tip everyone, while on vacation or other real life events. That does take considerable time, compared to popping in to clear tables or serve a dish. Maybe, they could give a week, before the star rating decline and giving up on us. ��

05-01-18, 01:15 PM
What does star rating do anyway? I've always had 0 stars and I don't feel any consequences from it.

05-01-18, 02:32 PM
some other players use it as a criteria for whether they want to be neighbors with you or not. but the only thing having 4 stars does in the game is put you on the top of the community list of non-neighbors if a person goes to their social tab. (if you appear in the list, anyway. as far as i know, that's randomly drawn from other people currently playing.)

05-01-18, 08:57 PM
I know it could be used to judge whether or not someone has been active. But in terms of game functionality, what you explained is all I knew about too (which doesn't add anything to the game, in my opinion). Thanks for answering.

08-25-18, 01:35 PM
I seem to remember reading somewhere that you star rating is also used by the bot when they decide to visit your place. Higher stars ensures that the bots return to your place quickly (so you get the most gold from them possible).

08-26-18, 08:59 AM
I seem to remember reading somewhere that you star rating is also used by the bot when they decide to visit your place. Higher stars ensures that the bots return to your place quickly (so you get the most gold from them possible).

This is the heart rating respective to your own bakery - happy customers will leave with a heart in their thought bubble, while unhappy customers will leave with broken hearts. The more broken hearts, the fewer the customers will enter your place.

It's unrelated to the star rating - star rating is determined by tipping other bakeries; heart rating is determined by how many customers you can kept fed.