View Full Version : Our Home Habitat

03-30-18, 02:18 PM
I really like the Our Home Habitat for coins 10k coin earner with the characters from the game. Put my two red top dogs into it, Playful and Maple.

04-12-18, 08:34 PM
Every time I try to buy it, the game freezes on me. I close the app and open it again, it happens again.

04-13-18, 03:14 AM
Sadly I can't keep buying these monthly coins-only-habitats. As they all provide room for only two dragons, it raises too many problems.

04-13-18, 11:46 AM
I can't for the life of me understand how/why they are still issuing 2 dragon capacity habitats. Are they completely deaf to all their long term players that are struggling with space issues? This baffles me; there should only be 5 capacity habitats always. :confused:

04-13-18, 01:18 PM
I can't for the life of me understand how/why they are still issuing 2 dragon capacity habitats. Are they completely deaf to all their long term players that are struggling with space issues? This baffles me; there should only be 5 capacity habitats always. :confused:

Absolutely agree!

04-13-18, 01:52 PM
2 capacity is just crazy. Sadly I won't even buy the 4 capacity habitats anymore unless I absolutely have to. I've been begging them for 5 capacity habitats and to make the older purchase habitats upgrade to 5. Really it's the players and storm 8s loss. I have no room once again and that's with almost half my habitats 5 and the other half 4. We need more land and all 5 dragon habitats to comfortably fit all dragons

04-13-18, 02:10 PM
2 capacity is just crazy. Sadly I won't even buy the 4 capacity habitats anymore unless I absolutely have to. I've been begging them for 5 capacity habitats and to make the older purchase habitats upgrade to 5. Really it's the players and storm 8s loss. I have no room once again and that's with almost half my habitats 5 and the other half 4. We need more land and all 5 dragon habitats to comfortably fit all dragons

Oh man, that's my second biggest wish for DS: to have the ability to upgrade ALL habitats to hold 5 dragons. It is totally their loss that they haven't implemented this change yet because I would totally buy gold every week to upgrade the habitats and I know I'm not the only one. As it is now I only purchase the ones for gold when they hold 5 dragons and are on sale, the rest of the time I buy the originals for coins.

Oddly enough I just filled out a survey for the last event and one section was to choose which prize we liked the best and on the list of items they had "Dragon's Story Habitat" listed. Was this on offer and I missed it or was it originally intended to be a prize and they switched it out for the Essence?