View Full Version : Please consider updating the Farms.

03-19-18, 08:57 AM
PLEASE consider a "PLANT ALL" button for the farms. I realize this will be difficult in the event that one farm is not free, but wouldn't it be a fairly simple task to make the "plant all"{ button select only the open farms?

Could we also get another plant maybe an 8 hour plant that produces 1000 food for 100K. This would produce similar to the diamontes but just a tad longer so that we could sleep through the night without wasting time or selecting a low producing plant? I don't think that is asking for too much, since it is in line with what is currently offered.

The farms haven't changed since the beginning, and everything else in the game has. The max dragon level used to be level 10 at the beginning, now they go to 15 usually adding another 300K requirement in food or more, yet the food has remained the same. Now there is trading dragons, which requires sometime 500 or more food just to evolve a common dragon to disenchant for 2 essences. Essentially throwing food down the drain, not to mention the tales food requirements, which require us to evolve fairly weak dragons to level 14!
Time to upgrade the menu guys.

Thanks for considering. Love your games!

06-11-18, 05:46 PM
Yes I agree with that for the farms.