View Full Version : How to get more Gems

03-28-11, 09:55 AM
Is there any crop/vegs/flowers that I can plant so that I can get more gems?

Alternatively is there any other activity (other than buying them) that can be performed which will result in getting gems?

03-28-11, 07:31 PM
Other than reaching rank 2 (2 leafs) on each crop, there is no other way. When I downloaded the "up"grade, I was apparently already at rank 3 for all my trees except coconut, so was gypped out of the gems I would've earned at rank 2. If it had been 1 or 2 varieties of trees, no biggie, but I missed out on 7 gems! I earn my gems the hard way, so his was quite disappointing to say the least.

04-02-11, 08:12 AM
I spend over 200 gems without spending any real money on the game. I recieved them while mastering crops and trees, downloading games (6 gems per game) and i became farm Of The Week once.