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View Full Version : 03/02 Update: Baron's Tent Prizes (March 2018)

03-02-18, 02:55 PM
The Baron's Tent - Release 28 - March 2018

*NOTE* The Baron's Tent is considered a "mini game" & cannot be stored OR sold.
This is not a bug.

If you want detailed information about how to accumulate cabbages or how the tent works or want to know about previous prizes....
The Baron's Tent thread in the HUB has *all* this information: Click here! (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?92434-The-Baron-s-Game)

GRAND PRIZES: These new & re-release prizes will pop up randomly



Spring Unicorn
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP + "various amounts of energy"
Energy reports: 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12 ... Rare chance for 20, 50 or 100 energy!
Collection time: 22 hrs
Size: 1x1

Faerie Teacup Garden
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, 1 glimmerdust or 1 faeries' murmur or 1 living wood or 1 water
Collection time: 1 hour
Size: 1x1

Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, various multi-drop combos of fur, sugar cane, creep tooth, &/or rat tail
Collection time: 4 hrs
Size: 1x1
42576 42577

Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, various two-drop combos of 1 rat tail, 1 creep tooth, 1 wood, 1 living wood &/or 1 fur
Collection time: 8 hrs
Size: 1x1


Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, $100 coins plus various multi-drop combos of 3 wheat, 1 rat tail, 1-2 fur, 1 creep tooth, 2 white petals, 1 roast chicken, eggs, a golden egg, a fey crystal
Collection time: 4 hrs
Size: 1x1

Ruler's Carriage
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, 1 Wood
Collection time: 12 hrs
Size: 2x2

Tealight Palisade
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: Deco only, no drops
Size: 1x2
In comparison to Rose Palisade & Glass Bottle Palisade, all 1x2:

Gnome Ivy
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: Deco only, no drops
Size: 1x1

Fox Pup
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, $50 coins, 1 milk plus 1 rat tail or 1 creep tooth or 1 fur
Collection time: 8 hrs
Size: 1x1

Emma the Royal Poodle
Found: Baron's Game Tent
Uses/Drops: 1XP, $50 coins, 1 milk plus (1 rat tail, 1 creep tooth or 1 fur) *AND* (1 silver or 1 jewel), 1 fey crystal (very rare)
Collection time: 8 hrs
Size: 1x1

03-02-18, 02:56 PM


Aaaaand, a new Spring Unicorn, 22-hr timer! WOO HOO!!!!


03-02-18, 03:03 PM
Teacup garden. I think that's something new.

03-02-18, 03:05 PM
Aaaaaghhh. She's lovely. I sooo hope I get her.
I will be checking every day.
(I still have the pink sheep in there right now ...)

03-02-18, 03:08 PM
Actually it's called Faerie Teacup Garden. I just got it to put in my fairy section. 1x1. 1 hour timer.

03-02-18, 03:15 PM
Hooray! I might actually part with my hoarded cabbages for some of these! Please, please, please send me the unicorn!!

03-02-18, 03:49 PM
Actually it's called Faerie Teacup Garden. I just got it to put in my fairy section. 1x1. 1 hour timer.

Inventory pics please :)

03-02-18, 04:17 PM
While I was collecting my cabbages this morning, I accidentally tapped on the tent so now I'll have to wait til tomorrow to get the new items. :( Every day counts when there's an energy animal in play!

03-02-18, 04:52 PM
Inventory pics

03-02-18, 05:12 PM
42576 42577

I have the panda in my tent this morning - it's lovely! 4 hour timer, 1x1 in size

inventory card coming...

03-02-18, 08:08 PM
Woohoo!!! Unicorn on the first day! She?s so pretty!!!

03-02-18, 09:34 PM
The only drops from the faerie teacup garden so far has been glimmerdust. Or I guess I should say the black banner that says glimmerdust.
Will post any different drops.

03-02-18, 09:35 PM
Post 1 now updated ..those who have or get the 4 new prizes, please report your drops here. :)

ETA: lol, thanks riverly, we were posting at the same time, lol.

03-02-18, 11:00 PM
Also faerie murmur is a drop from teacup garden.

03-03-18, 12:45 AM
Ivy gnome, teacup fairy house and unicorn please come here ... thank you S8. It feels like the fresh air in the spring.

03-03-18, 01:42 AM
Awesome prizes, thank you S8. You can just leave them in for the next 3 months, no rush to update again

I have a white poodle right now, holding back for some of the other prizes, especially Unicorn. This is why I got that second cabbage hut

03-03-18, 02:01 AM
Panda - fur, sugarcane on first collection

03-03-18, 05:09 AM
the teacup house dropped living wood

03-03-18, 07:27 AM
Emma the Royal Poodle (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_EmmatheRoyalPoodle) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-EmmatheRoyalPoodle.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A refined and sophisticated poodle that knows her value. She has a tendency to get in trouble with Seline the Royal Kitty, though...
Type: Decoration
Source: Baron
Size: 1x1
Drops: Coins, Milk, Rat Tail, Creep Tooth, Fur, Silver Ore, Jewels
Events: Baron's Tent - July 2015, Baron's Tent - January 2016, Baron's Tent - March 2018
Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
Collection Speed-up: 32 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?82819

Fox Pup (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_FoxPup) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-FoxPup.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Better keep your eye on this sly fox!
Type: Decoration
Source: Baron
Size: 1x1
Drops: Coins, Milk, Rat Tail, Creep Tooth, Fur
Events: Baron's Tent - June 2016, Baron's Tent - July 2016, Baron's Tent - March 2018
Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
Collection Speed-up: 32 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?91836

Gnome Ivy (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GnomeIvy) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GnomeIvy.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A little ornament fashioned after our quirky witch, Ivy!
Type: Decoration
Class: Walls
Source: Baron
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 60 gems
Events: Baron's Tent - November 2015, Black Friday Sales - November 2017, Baron's Tent - March 2018
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?86135

Griffina (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Griffina) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Griffina.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A prettiest Griffin in the Glimmerwood. It wears the flowers carefully plucked by it's delicate beak!
Type: Decoration
Source: Baron
Size: 1x1
Drops: Coins, Wheat, Rat Tail, Fur, Creep Tooth, White Petal, Roast Chicken, Eggs, Golden Egg, Fey Crystal
Events: Baron's Tent - October 2016, Baron's Tent - November 2016, Baron's Tent - November 2017, Baron's Tent - March 2018
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 16 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?94652

Ruler's Carriage (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_RulersCarriage) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-RulersCarriage.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A gorgeous carriage. Why walk when you can ride in one of these?
Type: Decoration
Source: Baron
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 400 gems
Drops: Wood
Events: Baron's Tent - September 2015, Black Friday Sales - November 2016, Baron's Tent - September 2017, Baron's Tent - March 2018
Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
Collection Speed-up: 48 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?95733

Tealight Palisade (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TealightPalisade) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TealightPalisade.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A display of gleaming, glass tealights to line the kingdom's markets.
Type: Decoration
Source: Baron
Size: 2x1
Events: Baron's Tent - August 2016, Baron's Tent - September 2016, Baron's Tent - March 2018
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?93343

Spring Unicorn (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Sprin***icorn) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Sprin***icorn.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful Spring Unicorn. Drops various amounts of energy.
Type: Decoration
Source: Baron
Size: 1x1
Found: Energy
Events: Baron's Tent - March 2018
Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
Collection Speed-up: 88 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?103394

Faerie Teacup Garden (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_FaerieTeacupGarden) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-FaerieTeacupGarden.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A lovely place for your faerie friends to relay! Visit to find various Crafting materials.
Type: Decoration
Source: Baron
Size: 1x1
Found: Glimmerdust, Living Wood, ?
Events: Baron's Tent - March 2018
Collection: 60 minutes // 1 hour
Collection Speed-up: 4 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?103394

Panda (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Panda) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Panda.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A rare and exotic Panda! Drops various crafting materials.
Type: Decoration
Source: Baron
Size: 1x1
Found: Fur, Sugar Cane, ?
Events: Baron's Tent - March 2018
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 16 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?103394

??? Corgi Dog ??? (Need Real Name)
Storable: Yes
Info: ?
Type: Decoration
Source: Baron
Size: 1x1
Found: ?
Events: Baron's Tent - March 2018
Collection: ?
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?103394

03-03-18, 07:55 AM
I see the Panda is a "multi-drop" item ...
riverly ~ Thx for reporting the add'l drops. Is your Faerie Teacup Garden dropping one (or multiples of the same) item per collection?

03-03-18, 09:32 AM
I see the Panda is a "multi-drop" item ...
riverly ~ Thx for reporting the add'l drops. Is your Faerie Teacup Garden dropping one (or multiples of the same) item per collection?i can't give detailed info because I'm maxed out on so much stuff. I'll have to use up some glimmerdust ; faerie murmur to get a more accurate description.

03-03-18, 09:50 AM
How wonderful to get this update right at the beginning of the month. :) I'll be holding out for the unicorn, but as I've got quite a few cabbages stored I might be tempted by the teacup garden if it pops up. Both of the things I got from the last round have ended up in storage, so it would be great to get something to keep out on the board!

03-03-18, 01:31 PM
Well, the first collection of my Spring Unicorn gave me 1XP and... 2 energy.
LOL, definitely not like the daily alicorns OR the regular white unicorn. Seems to be more on par with the Cupid Troll (except no add'l resources either).

03-03-18, 02:03 PM
Add creep tooth to the panda list

03-03-18, 03:18 PM
Well, the first collection of my Spring Unicorn gave me 1XP and... 2 energy.
LOL, definitely not like the daily alicorns OR the regular white unicorn. Seems to be more on par with the Cupid Troll (except no add'l resources either).

Boy they are getting greedy with there energy guess I won't be spending my gems on her ,and I got excited when I saw her too pout! That gives you a grand total of one earned energy , that's what I mostly get my Cupid troll too what a waste ,wonder why they changed the drops .. They are making it so we need more and more energy and then they don't give it to us !!!! Crazy

03-03-18, 05:02 PM
i can't give detailed info because I'm maxed out on so much stuff. I'll have to use up some glimmerdust ; faerie murmur to get a more accurate description.
No worries, sweetie. I got it in my tent today so I can keep up with its drops now ..so far, it's given me 1XP & 1 water, lol ...at least it's cute.

Thx, SW, added.

Yeah, Meeka, I was soooo hoping the Spring Unicorn would be at least like the energy from the daily white unicorns, even if she didn't drop the Spellbound Dew. Hmphf, oh well...

03-03-18, 06:32 PM
Well, the first collection of my Spring Unicorn gave me 1XP and... 2 energy.
LOL, definitely not like the daily alicorns OR the regular white unicorn. Seems to be more on par with the Cupid Troll (except no add'l resources either).

Same here. Not digging this current 2 energy kick that S8 is on.

03-04-18, 05:26 AM
No worries, sweetie. I got it in my tent today so I can keep up with its drops now ..so far, it's given me 1XP & 1 water, lol ...at least it's cute.

Thx, SW, added.

Yeah, Meeka, I was soooo hoping the Spring Unicorn would be at least like the energy from the daily white unicorns, even if she didn't drop the Spellbound Dew. Hmphf, oh well...
I was hoping that too they would looks so cute standing beside each other ,wonder why they lowered our energy drops on the new stuff crazy ,,

03-04-18, 01:57 PM
Panda - add rat tails

03-04-18, 06:46 PM
3 energy from my second unicorn collection

03-04-18, 09:28 PM
I just got three energy from the unicorn. Practically useless. Another awesome policy change S8.....right in line with the total rip off Valentine’s Day ones. Booooooo!

03-05-18, 08:30 AM
Yes, I don?t get the new 2-energy trend either. The usual 4 energy drop is too much now, so it had to be reduced by 50%? Especially for a 200 gem perchase, that was sneaky. I feel I?m being trolled every 24h now. Certainly a good reality check when contemplating buying gems in the future.

On a different topic, how tiny is the teacup garden when placed on the board? I looked for it, but I haven?t seen it yet. Thanks.

03-05-18, 11:09 AM
Yes, I don?t get the new 2-energy trend either. The usual 4 energy drop is too much now, so it had to be reduced by 50%? Especially for a 200 gem perchase, that was sneaky. I feel I?m being trolled every 24h now. Certainly a good reality check when contemplating buying gems in the future.

On a different topic, how tiny is the teacup garden when placed on the board? I looked for it, but I haven?t seen it yet. Thanks.

It it is one square.

03-06-18, 09:23 AM
After 3 days of getting 2, 3, 2 energy drops from my Spring Unicorn, she just surprised me with a drop of 50!!!
I'm thinking that's a rare drop I may not see again for awhile, lol.

03-06-18, 05:23 PM
I?ve been on the waiting game for four months now for an energy animal, stormy please bring me the unicorn!

03-07-18, 04:41 AM
Please bring back the normal energy levels for the new dailies No less then 4 ,, please 2 just isn't fair when you tap on it your only getting one earned energy ,I won't be buying or using any gems on these. worthless until they change it , my troll drops 4 this morning I never was so happy ! After a long string of 2 energies

03-07-18, 06:16 AM
Please bring back the normal energy levels for the new dailies No less then 4 ,, please 2 just isn't fair when you tap on it your only getting one earned energy ,I won't be buying or using any gems on these. worthless until they change it , my troll drops 4 this morning I never was so happy ! After a long string of 2 energies

I second this expecially when we need all the energy we can get for quests....this quest alone...kiilling so many gnomes...was so excited to finally see and ali in the tent and just 2 to 3 energy is just a cruel joke....plz up the energy to 4 and above.

03-07-18, 09:18 AM
I second this expecially when we need all the energy we can get for quests....this quest alone...kiilling so many gnomes...was so excited to finally see and ali in the tent and just 2 to 3 energy is just a cruel joke....plz up the energy to 4 and above.

I think it's a unicorn according to page 1. But it should be giving 4 if it's a daily, S8!
All I've been getting is the fox or the dog. Ugh!

03-07-18, 09:45 AM
Yesterday, I got 50 energy from my Spring Unicorn ... today, 9.
So, at least there *are* more possible drops than just 2 or 3 energy but I'm agreeing with the masses on this one; no daily energy animal should EVER drop less than 4, *especially* when energy is the ONLY thing it drops beyond 1XP, like this new unicorn.

03-07-18, 11:46 AM
I have passed on the Spring Unicorn twice .do to the energy issue .... But today this little guy in my tent

03-07-18, 11:48 AM
My Spring Unicorn gave me 12 energy yesterday. So that's a possibility as well.

Update: today I got 7.

03-07-18, 01:49 PM
I've provided feedback already about the baseline for energy being raised. Still waiting for one in my game. I'd gem it if needed for a 4+ energy return but not if 2 was a consistent drop.

03-07-18, 03:06 PM
*Sigh* I'm hoping for a little Power of the Post action here. I've only been getting the repeat items that I already have and really want that Unicorn! I always like energy drops sure, but she's so pretty too! I know it's early in the month, but still it's disheartening to keep getting the Tealight Palisade day after day.

Also, I agree that this new lowered energy is a bit ridiculous and think anything below 4 is a crying shame.

03-07-18, 03:54 PM
I've provided feedback already about the baseline for energy being raised. Still waiting for one in my game. I'd gem it if needed for a 4+ energy return but not if 2 was a consistent drop.

This give me hope thanks SpirtWind , knowing my luck I already pass on two , I won't get another chance ,,lol

03-07-18, 04:11 PM
I've provided feedback already about the baseline for energy being raised. Still waiting for one in my game. I'd gem it if needed for a 4+ energy return but not if 2 was a consistent drop.

Thank you! I have only gotten 2 and 3 energy from mine. She?s very pretty but for that energy return consistently, I am not sure if I will spend gems for additional ones given the opportunity.

03-08-18, 02:44 AM
I've provided feedback already about the baseline for energy being raised. Still waiting for one in my game. I'd gem it if needed for a 4+ energy return but not if 2 was a consistent drop.

Is it possible that Cupid troll and sweet tooth could be fixed too I'm so tired of getting 2 energy almost not worth the tap when I saw 4 the other day I was excited,,lol ,I didn't buy sweet tooth for 400 gems because of the energy problem but so many other did but I did get Cupid because he was so cute, please please I hope this can be fix,, we need all the energy we can get through these huge events , energy and space seems to be the biggest two ! Im sorry if I got off topic
Spring is such a beautiful Unicorn she would go perfect with my other unicorns ,

03-08-18, 03:29 AM
Don't worry, both these were also included!

03-08-18, 03:43 AM
Don't worry, both these were also included!

Thank you your a sweet heart

03-08-18, 07:26 AM
My Spring Unicorn gave me 12 energy yesterday. So that's a possibility as well.

Update: today I got 7.
Thx sunnygirl, added em to the list. :)

03-08-18, 02:48 PM
Thank goodness, today I finally got one of the new items. It was the Panda which I was all too happy to see. While it's not an energy source, I don't mind because I like the look of it...all the new items actually.

Thanks for finally giving us some new things S8, it's appreciated.

03-08-18, 10:00 PM
I got the unicorn a few days ago. The first two days it gave me 2 energy, but the third day was 10 and the fourth day was 9.

03-08-18, 11:00 PM
Still no unicorn here. And yet I’ve had repeats of items I don’t want.

03-08-18, 11:25 PM
Woo hoo! I finaly have spring unicorn :)
First day gave 2 energy, second day gave 3 energy, but I like unicorn for his appearance anyway :)

03-09-18, 12:02 AM
Still no unicorn here. And yet I’ve had repeats of items I don’t want.
Me either yet. I could have had a few more Pandas though! Maybe tomorrow... I'll have my fingers crossed for both of us!

03-09-18, 12:49 AM
Thanks SW. I’ve had the carriage twice and the griffin twice. Maybe tomorrow eh? Good luck :)

03-09-18, 04:58 AM
i just got unicorn and my first energy was a 9. so i hope it will be like the others.

03-09-18, 05:07 AM
i just got unicorn and my first energy was a 9. so i hope it will be like the others.

That's great

03-09-18, 05:09 AM
SpritWind any word on them higher the level of energy yet , I know I'm impatient ,

03-09-18, 07:16 AM
I got the unicorn a few days ago. The first two days it gave me 2 energy, but the third day was 10 and the fourth day was 9.
10 is a new one, added to first post of energy reports.

SW~ While you're checking to see if they'll raise the energy drop minimum to 4, mind also asking for the real name of the dog & its drops? (My sneaky suspicions say nobody's gonna get another dog, so waiting for players to report here about it may prove unsuccessful, lol.)

03-09-18, 07:38 AM
It it is one square.
I understand it has footprint of 1, but how tiny is it? Pine trees are 1, so are the gnomes... I still haven?t been able to see it.

03-09-18, 07:44 AM
I understand it has footprint of 1, but how tiny is it? Pine trees are 1, so are the gnomes... I still haven?t been able to see it.
It was in a pic I posted in the Gnome thread ...


03-09-18, 07:46 AM
Just read on somebody wall frist tap on Spring they got 100 that sure sounds hopeful

03-09-18, 08:49 AM
Just read on somebody wall frist tap on Spring they got 100 that sure sounds hopeful
Awesome! I'll add it to the rare drops list (cuz I'm sure that's not frequent, lol).

03-09-18, 01:50 PM
She really is cute! I'll post tomorrow when I get to collect!

03-09-18, 03:54 PM
The last three collections I got 7, 10 and 7, so not that bad ;)

03-09-18, 03:58 PM
I understand it has footprint of 1, but how tiny is it? Pine trees are 1, so are the gnomes... I still haven?t been able to see it.

Come visit my kingdom. It is in the upper left near my panda and the gnome hut. Sorry my queendom is a mess due to mermaid and the gnome quest. I liked the look of it so I decided to get it.

03-09-18, 08:49 PM
Thanks NW and newpam!

03-09-18, 10:12 PM
Faerie Teacup Garden - here I come (: ★

03-10-18, 06:36 AM
Last time there was an Ali or unicorn in the tent I didn’t get one all month... I really hope one pops up this time.. I’m getting all deco and I’ve had the carriage three times. S8...Why can’t everyone just get the same prizes everyday. Sometimes this game is so unfair to some and very generous to others.

03-10-18, 12:25 PM
Last time there was an Ali or unicorn in the tent I didn’t get one all month... I really hope one pops up this time.. I’m getting all deco and I’ve had the carriage three times. S8...Why can’t everyone just get the same prizes everyday. Sometimes this game is so unfair to some and very generous to others.

I see kingdoms with 4,8 ,12 Aqua Ali and I only seen it once in my kingdom ,your right it's not fair ,

03-10-18, 05:37 PM
Sadly no luck on the unicorn or panda yet. I have he silly cupboard like 5 times now. Hope I still get more lucky!

03-11-18, 05:19 AM
Yay, just got the unicorn :). Hope it turns up for others who haven't had it yet

03-12-18, 02:15 PM
I have a panda bear 🐼 available in the Baron's tent right now. I checked the inventory guide to see what the panda might drop or if it's decoration only. I didn't see the panda listed in the guide??? Can anyone tell me what the possible drops are for the panda bear 🐼? Thanks.

03-12-18, 03:14 PM
I have a panda bear �� available in the Baron's tent right now. I checked the inventory guide to see what the panda might drop or if it's decoration only. I didn't see the panda listed in the guide??? Can anyone tell me what the possible drops are for the panda bear ��? Thanks.

All the current tent items are listed on the first page in the first post. So far we know the Panda drops Sugar Cane and monster items.

03-12-18, 03:42 PM
All the current tent items are listed on the first page in the first post. So far we know the Panda drops Sugar Cane and monster items.

Thank you, I didn't realize the current items were listed on the first page. Good to know.

03-12-18, 10:44 PM
Yay, just got the unicorn :). Hope it turns up for others who haven't had it yet

So happy to see people are getting one. Still waiting for my turn. Good luck to all of us!

03-12-18, 11:00 PM
Another day without a unicorn for me. It just doesn’t seem fair when some players have 3 of them. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

03-12-18, 11:11 PM
Another day without a unicorn for me. It just doesn’t seem fair when some players have 3 of them. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Same. Looks like we are traveling the same road :( might need Ivy to work on a good luck potion for us!

03-13-18, 03:07 AM
Same. Looks like we are traveling the same road :( might need Ivy to work on a good luck potion for us!

Lol it sure does. I was hoping you would have had one by now. We have tomorrow to look forward to. I bet the next change in the tent is the 1st April. We might get one by then lol. Good luck :)

03-13-18, 07:03 AM
I got the panda yesterday. Hoping for the unicorn.

03-13-18, 10:48 AM
Oh, I stopped playing for a few weeks, and have missed the opportunity to try for the Spring Unicorn all that time! :-(

03-13-18, 03:53 PM

The corgi is just corgi.
I thought he has a name.

03-13-18, 05:45 PM
Still no unicorn for me :(

03-13-18, 06:34 PM
Still no unicorn for me :(

None for me either.....power of the post........?

03-13-18, 10:59 PM
None for me either.....power of the post........?

Me either :(

03-14-18, 01:26 AM
I wouldn't worry about getting the Spring Ali ,since your chance of getting 2 energies is going to be the normal ,
YES she is pretty
yes there a chance of higher energy ,
Hope and pray S/8 will chance this
Since the last few event have drain our energy ,
Yes we need energy "but 2 " with a tap that leave you one energy earned,,
This is just not fair S8
My little troll will drop 2 energies 9 times out of 10 , its to the point I don't event want to tap it

03-14-18, 01:40 AM

The corgi is just corgi.
I thought he has a name.

Thanks for the pic. Can you tell his collection time & drops?

03-14-18, 02:57 AM
Collection time is 8 hours.
His first drop is one rat tail and one living wood.

03-14-18, 06:35 AM
Thx sophie_luv, updated post 1 with your new info. Keep the corgi drops coming, pls. :)

03-14-18, 01:00 PM
All I've been getting in the Baron's tent are the same 3 items (possibly a 4th). I've already won two of them (after passing on the prizes for several months). I think it's wrong with half of the month over to keep getting the same items. I want a unicorn.

03-14-18, 01:54 PM
I’v had gnome Ivy 4 times......

03-15-18, 09:16 PM
Thx sophie_luv, updated post 1 with your new info. Keep the corgi drops coming, pls. :)

His drops are :
2. 1 wood, 1 rat tail
3. 1 wood, 1 fur
4. 1 creep teeth, 1 living wood

03-15-18, 11:50 PM
And still no unicorn! This is ridiculous.

03-16-18, 04:19 AM
On my 6th carriage now.... meh
Still no Ali for me..

03-16-18, 08:49 AM
And still no unicorn! This is ridiculous.

I got the Uni yesterday & so far, really doesn't seem worth it. She dropped 2 energy which is really 1 considering you use one energy to collect. S8 why is this?

03-16-18, 09:09 AM
I got the Uni yesterday & so far, really doesn't seem worth it. She dropped 2 energy which is really 1 considering you use one energy to collect. S8 why is this?

This is why I passed her by twice just not worth it I have the troll and I get 2 all most every day , really none of these new one are worth our gems ! come on S/8 please change this like the old ones 4 being the lowest you can get

03-16-18, 09:11 AM
On my 6th carriage now.... meh
Still no Ali for me..

She not worth it she just drops 2 energy as the normal any thing higher is rare ,just like sweet tooth and Cupid troll

03-16-18, 10:19 AM
I want unicorn but after seing here that she only drop 2 energy (mostly), I think I wont miss her if she dont visit my tent. At least I got my fairy cup. Lovely...

03-16-18, 10:44 AM
It's really more unfair to lower level players to devalue the Uni's or Ali's. IMO. I'm just full of opinions today.
The Uni should have additional drops if it's low energy. Like the Unicorn that also drops spellbound dew. IMO

03-16-18, 11:20 AM
I was "lucky" and got 2 unicorns in a row. But yeah they only drop a set amount of 2 energy. At least I never had another drop so far.

03-16-18, 11:52 AM
It's really more unfair to lower level players to devalue the Uni's or Ali's. IMO. I'm just full of opinions today.
The Uni should have additional drops if it's low energy. Like the Unicorn that also drops spellbound dew. IMO

Completely agree. It's a terrible shame that they've lowered the daily energy for the new animals especially since the last tent Ali, the Aquamarine is one my best energy droppers. Always gives me at least 7 and usually 20 or more once a week. If they keep going at this rate, there will be no more energy droppers.

03-16-18, 12:01 PM
It's really more unfair to lower level players to devalue the Uni's or Ali's. IMO. I'm just full of opinions today.
The Uni should have additional drops if it's low energy. Like the Unicorn that also drops spellbound dew. IMO

100 percent agree! I have daily Alis that drop at least 4 energy plus other materials. This new trend of items dropping less energy and having a cap on top of that just feels like S8 is playing dirty. It really doesn’t offer much hope for newer players does it?

That said, today my one spring unicorn actually dropped 7 energy. Normally it’s just 2 measly energy (so really 1 :( ) which makes them sort of not worth it. But if another one shows up in the tent, I will probably get it anyway. I have tons of rotten cabbages, and nothing else to throw them at. I’ve managed to get the tea garden, the panda, and one unicorn. (Only one uni and no corgi yet) Other that that, it’s all been repeats of stuff I either have or don’t want.

03-16-18, 07:42 PM
I consider the energy drop as bonus. The spring unicorn looks cute with my normal unicorn.

03-17-18, 06:42 AM
I know a lot of you are saying that the Ali isn’t worth it anyways... but it’s extremely unfair when some ppl have had it pop up at least three time so far and some of us haven’t seen one yet. It is a chance to drop more than 2 energy! Which is better that that darn carriage I keep getting.

No Ali for me yet :(

I also haven’t had the panda or anything else that’s new... just repeats for me. Or that carriage. Always the carriage....

How does it work anyhow? Like how does the game decide what you get in your tent? Is it really just completely random every morning when the timer resets?

03-17-18, 07:58 AM
His drops are :
2. 1 wood, 1 rat tail
3. 1 wood, 1 fur
4. 1 creep teeth, 1 living wood
Thanks, looks like he always drops 2 items, then. If you get anything new that I don't have listed in the first post, please let me know. :)

PS. Fingers crossed for everyone to get at least ONE Spring Unicorn!
I now have two and one of them dropped 10 energy for me today so it's not *always* just 2 or 3, at least.

03-17-18, 09:06 AM
Seems like it?s turning out to be another aquamarine alicorn problem where I didn?t get one except this time it?s the unicorn all I keep getting is the ivy gnome -.- the two ones I want aren?t popping up in the tent at all it?s not fair considering some have had it multiple times already

03-17-18, 10:56 AM
Seems like it?s turning out to be another aquamarine alicorn problem where I didn?t get one except this time it?s the unicorn all I keep getting is the ivy gnome -.- the two ones I want aren?t popping up in the tent at all it?s not fair considering some have had it multiple times already

Don’t give up just yet. I, too, was never offered an aquamarine alicorn and had very little hope of a chance to get a spring unicorn. Today I was lucky and now have a beautiful new unicorn. Hope you get one soon! It’s a real slap in the face to never, ever be offered the really great prizes. S8 has the ability to distribute prizes more evenly, but for whatever reason, chooses not to do so. It is way past time for them to make this game more equal for all players.

03-17-18, 12:43 PM
100 percent agree! I have daily Alis that drop at least 4 energy plus other materials. This new trend of items dropping less energy and having a cap on top of that just feels like S8 is playing dirty. It really doesn?t offer much hope for newer players does it?

That said, today my one spring unicorn actually dropped 7 energy. Normally it?s just 2 measly energy (so really 1 :( ) which makes them sort of not worth it. But if another one shows up in the tent, I will probably get it anyway. I have tons of rotten cabbages, and nothing else to throw them at. I?ve managed to get the tea garden, the panda, and one unicorn. (Only one uni and no corgi yet) Other that that, it?s all been repeats of stuff I either have or don?t want.

I got 12 energy today which is the best drop yet.

03-18-18, 08:02 AM
I’m still waiting for the unicorn as ell. I also had the same wait for the aquamarine Ali. I ended up with 2 of them before they were removed. I’d like at least 2 unicorns before they get removed as well. Hopefully they’ll have a long run in the tent.

03-18-18, 08:26 AM
Oh Power of the Post.. pass my way too. March is halfway gone and haven't seen one yet (sigh)

03-18-18, 08:38 AM
Oh Power of the Post.. pass my way too. March is halfway gone and haven't seen one yet (sigh)

I did have it the first day. Since all oldies. I want to see the Corgi dog. Let the Power of the Post makes its magic!!!

03-18-18, 09:00 AM
I did have it the first day. Since all oldies. I want to see the Corgi dog. Let the Power of the Post makes its magic!!!

I have 15minutes left for change over.. atm a real oldie - Rulers Carriage.

EDIT: Panda.. now I have a pair.. but no Ali.. YET :(

03-18-18, 11:54 AM
I have 15minutes left for change over.. atm a real oldie - Rulers Carriage.

EDIT: Panda.. now I have a pair.. but no Ali.. YET :(

Got the doggy :)

Corgi (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Corgi) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Corgi.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Short legs don't stop this cute Corgi from exploring! Drops various crafting materials.
Type: Decoration
Source: Baron
Size: 1x1
Drops: Rat Tail, Living Wood, Creep Tooth
Events: Baron's Tent - March 2018
Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
Collection Speed-up: 32 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?103394

03-18-18, 03:54 PM
I?m still waiting for the unicorn as ell. I also had the same wait for the aquamarine Ali. I ended up with 2 of them before they were removed. I?d like at least 2 unicorns before they get removed as well. Hopefully they?ll have a long run in the tent.

Hmmmm I'm wondeing if it's worth it! I got the unicorn a couple of days ago but have only seen it drop two energy so far. A lot of effort and resource collection for not much advantage. I think I might wait till the tent collection changes and see if anything better crops up. I'm loving my little faerie teacup garden though. It's sitting beside the faerie bulb looking so sweet and drops are handy.

03-18-18, 05:46 PM
Hmmmm I'm wondeing if it's worth it! I got the unicorn a couple of days ago but have only seen it drop two energy so far. A lot of effort and resource collection for not much advantage. I think I might wait till the tent collection changes and see if anything better crops up. I'm loving my little faerie teacup garden though. It's sitting beside the faerie bulb looking so sweet and drops are handy.

My unicorn has been giving me 7 or 10 energy more often than 2 or 3, so the average isn't that bad. I just got the second one and still have a little over 230 cabbages, so if it appears again I'll definitely get it. Probably there won't be anything worth getting in the next few months, so I'll gladly throw my cabbages for anything that's even remotely useful :D

03-18-18, 06:19 PM
Hi can i suggest S8 to put naga as prizes as well, the recent event really costs a lot of coins and we need naga trade to help gaining coins.

03-18-18, 07:58 PM
Still waiting on the Unicorn to show up in my tent. I keep trying to tell myself that we have 2 weeks left, but I'm getting super sick of seeing the Ruler's Carriage day after day.

03-18-18, 09:12 PM
Same here, no sign of unicorn. I feel like my tent is stuck on Corgi.

03-19-18, 01:47 AM
Same here. The carriage and the corgi are seen the most in mine. Fingers crossed for the unicorn tomorrow.

03-19-18, 01:51 PM
My unicorn has been giving me 7 or 10 energy more often than 2 or 3, so the average isn't that bad. I just got the second one and still have a little over 230 cabbages, so if it appears again I'll definitely get it. Probably there won't be anything worth getting in the next few months, so I'll gladly throw my cabbages for anything that's even remotely useful :D

Yep, mine dropped 9 energy today - quite a surprise

03-19-18, 04:07 PM
Hi can i suggest S8 to put naga as prizes as well, the recent event really costs a lot of coins and we need naga trade to help gaining coins.

I would loooooove more opportunities for Nagas. The only one we have been offered since they came out with the naga hunter tradw costs $10 in a bundle with a whole bunch of other stuff I didn?t want. I wasn?t a huge fan of the nagas before the trade came out because they were useless to me. Now I wish I had more than the ones I have. Just glad that I have what I do.

03-19-18, 11:57 PM
I only recently got my cabbage hut, and started saving my cabbages.
I now have two of the beautiful spring Unicorns. They are just gorgeous. A shame it took me so long to get the hut.
My cabbages are now depleted, so I will have to wait a while. Hope I still get a chance at the Panda.

First drop was 2 energy, woopee,
Second drop 7 energy, that’s better. And they are so gorgeous. (Sorry to repeat myself)
Hope everyone gets one.

03-20-18, 06:38 AM
My second time collecting from it, the Spring Unicorn dropped 100 energy!

Really hoping to get a second one. Had to wait until the day before yesterday for the first one to show up in the tent. Hoping everyone has a chance to get at least one!

03-20-18, 07:23 AM
That's awesome hoping to get a second one too tho mine has dropped 2s it has also dropped higher so happy and def want anther

03-20-18, 07:43 AM
I still have not received my first unicorn!!! So tired of the poodle...

03-20-18, 01:52 PM
1 of my Spring Unicorns gave me 20 energy today, woo hoo!
I'll add it to the list of rare energy drops in post 1.

03-20-18, 02:49 PM
1 of my Spring Unicorns gave me 20 energy today, woo hoo!
I'll add it to the list of rare energy drops in post 1.

Well I literally fell off my chair today - mine dropped 100 - definitely a woohoo moment I think :-) :-) :-)

03-20-18, 11:34 PM
It’s now the 21st. 3 weeks into the month and still no unicorn. I know a lot of people have multiples and lots have none. Something needs to be done about this. Please s8, make it fair for everyone.

03-23-18, 05:01 AM
And today again the panda... sigh. Still no unicorn. Sure wish my first posts in the forum hadn't been about this. Argh.

03-23-18, 05:24 AM
Well on the positive side, S8 takes forever to update the tent, so we may get another month or two for the chance to get it

03-23-18, 02:28 PM
I finally received a unicorn in my tent. If dropped 9 energy, but I see that is already listed.

03-24-18, 10:26 PM
25th of the month and still waiting for a unicorn :(

03-24-18, 11:50 PM
25th of the month and still waiting for a unicorn :(
I found the 1st one yesterday.. after 24 days of released offers I already had, except the Panda. He passed 5 times.
Let's hope the offers do last abit longer so all players may have the pleasure of receiving one.

03-25-18, 07:04 AM
Aaaaaaand... still no unicorn. I even went for the teacup because it is adorable, but this is so frustrating.

03-25-18, 07:19 AM
the prizes should be the same for everyone and rotate between them all in order multiple times so everyone gets the same chances and if they dont have enough cabbages when it first comes out ithen they know they would be able to save up and it would come around again. luckily i do have one but there are those with 0 and those with multiple.some of the randomness i just dont understand...some are very lucky while others miss out a lot if it were all the same it would be more fair for everyone and less irratation for those who are in the unlucky group...games are supposed to be fun not disappointing. just my oponinion

03-25-18, 09:17 AM
the prizes should be the same for everyone and rotate between them all in order multiple times so everyone gets the same chances and if they dont have enough cabbages when it first comes out ithen they know they would be able to save up and it would come around again. luckily i do have one but there are those with 0 and those with multiple.some of the randomness i just dont understand...some are very lucky while others miss out a lot if it were all the same it would be more fair for everyone and less irratation for those who are in the unlucky group...games are supposed to be fun not disappointing. just my oponinion

This is always my suggestion when it comes up but alas they never seem to hear us. I was lucky enough to see the Unicorn once in my realm but even that is difficult to feel happy about when I see others with 4 or 6 of them!

03-25-18, 09:28 AM
Aaaaaaand... still no unicorn. I even went for the teacup because it is adorable, but this is so frustrating.
May the forum’s fairy good luck dust sprinkle over your tent. I really hope you get her!!

03-25-18, 09:31 AM
May the forum’s fairy good luck dust sprinkle over your tent. I really hope you get her!!

Wishing all good luck too!

Remember though, the Barons tent is like spinning a roulette wheel. It's very random, unfortunately, what prizes show up.

03-25-18, 09:51 AM
Wishing all good luck too!

Remember though, the Barons tent is like spinning a roulette wheel. It's very random, unfortunately, what prizes show up.
It’s true, randomness is the bedrock of this game. But they CAN write code, that at least 1 time in n spins (n being the the max days in the month) all items show up.

03-25-18, 01:37 PM
My main account 29vanilla has still not been lucky enough to get the alicorn. But my other account WhidbeyPort finally got one a few days ago and then I got one last night. That was a nice surprise. What’s up with this 2 energy business!!! I don’t like that at all!! Hoping for a little luck for my main account that never seems to be as lucky as the other. I have accumulated several more ali’s In newer account over time and I play them both equally. Maybe bc I have Love Shack in my main account???

03-25-18, 02:39 PM
Well I'm not trying to rub salt into open wounds just trying to point out just how unfair this is some are complaining the Ali has not made it to their tents however I have won 4 of them and I am down to only 5 cabbages now and the Ali is back in my tent again today but I will not be purchasing cabbages to obtain it. That makes a total of 5 times she has been in my tent tried to attach screen shots but it doesn't let me

03-26-18, 05:59 PM
Hi update to previous post the Ali is back in my tent again for total of 6 times. How can I have the opportunity to get the Ali 6 times already when some kingdoms have not even had 1 chance. I don't have anymore cabbages left and will not buy anymore to obtain the Ali again. I had gotten 4 of them already depleting my stock of cabbages.

03-26-18, 08:00 PM
The first prize offered was Ali and since then nothing good. Have the Palistade today which has been there at least 8 times. Last month was Fireworks Dragon first which I passed since had no info on it and it was never offered again. Still waiting for Skelicorn to reappear again.

03-26-18, 10:45 PM
Still waiting!

03-26-18, 10:49 PM
Still waiting!
Me too!!! Going to check again now as it should be ready for a refresh!

Edit: nope! Got the teacup for the first time :(

03-27-18, 05:02 AM
Me too!!! Going to check again now as it should be ready for a refresh!

Edit: nope! Got the teacup for the first time :(

Also still waiting! Thanks for the solidarity, Maxiandtaz!!!

03-27-18, 07:33 AM
Wow I thought I had to be the only one by now that was still waiting for it to pop up. Something needs to be done to make the game equal, or at least a lot more equal than it is. No one should be able to get six while others have none at all. I know it’s a game but S8 need to code it fairly. I’m past the frustration part and now getting annoyed about it.

I spend quite a bit on this game and tbh I think that backfires on me. I have quite a few daily ali’s that I’ve bought. Plus 4 Cupid Trolls that I feel totally *****ed with. I usually get 2 or 3 energy. I made a Pastel Ali and also bought another. Again I’ve only had 2 or 3 energy. What’s the point? There’s now too much inequality in the game. I’m now stopping spending any money on the game until it is more equal. I’ll give it a few months then if it’s the same I’ll call it a day.

Here’s wishful thinking for everyone still waiting. Good luck for tomorrow.

03-27-18, 09:08 AM
I feel everyone’s pain. I never got the Aquamarine Alicorn as a Tent prize. I am a March birthday and wanted it more than anything. Some of my neighbors have a bunch of them. The offerings should definitely be more equitable!

03-27-18, 11:39 AM
Day after I posted and whining about about no alicorn in my tent...got one. And also another in my 2nd account. It was a lucky day for me. So I have 1 in 1 acct and 3 in 2nd acct. praying for others to get at least one too. It’s very frustrating and seems quite unfair to me too.

The 2 energy alicorns are not my favorite tho obviously. Not even sure I want to spend 175 gems bc of that on the pastel Ali. Regularly get 4 energy on the others so spending gems to regularly get 2 energy ..... idk. Still have time to ponder my purchase.

03-28-18, 04:57 AM
And today, Griffyna! Still no unicorn.

03-28-18, 07:45 AM
I get the Griffin and teacup a 'lot'. Still no panda :( Got the Corgi though and while it does not drop much of worth it is pretty cute.

03-28-18, 08:02 AM
I get the Griffin and teacup a 'lot'. Still no panda :( Got the Corgi though and while it does not drop much of worth it is pretty cute.

Oh well ... I got mostly panda's.

There has to be a better way :-(

03-28-18, 09:00 AM
Mine goes between the corgi and the carriage. They swap daily lol. I do have Ivy today though. Can’t remember having her before

03-28-18, 06:08 PM
Well I'm not trying to rub salt into open wounds just trying to point out just how unfair this is some are complaining the Ali has not made it to their tents however I have won 4 of them and I am down to only 5 cabbages now and the Ali is back in my tent again today but I will not be purchasing cabbages to obtain it. That makes a total of 5 times she has been in my tent tried to attach screen shots but it doesn't let me
This really does depend on your luck. I was lucky enough to get one of these (pastel?) Alicorns (hoping for more) but on previous occasions was able to get more of the others (5 Skelecorns, 5 Fairy Alicorns, etc), like for you, they just kept popping up in the tent for me.

I generally don’t use the cabbages for much of anything else so always have a whole pile of them.

The thing is that with this many Alis (I have 28) you’d think that there would be a whole load of energy that’d be collected each day, but the amount I collect hovers between 120 (mostly) to 140 (once in 4 days) with the occasional 200+. I was actually collecting this amount of energy back when I had 20 Alis, it somehow seems that I’m getting less from each the more Alis I have.

Maybe I’ve just used up all my luck duetting the Alis :(

03-28-18, 06:15 PM
This really does depend on your luck. I was lucky enough to get one of these (pastel?) Alicorns (hoping for more) but on previous occasions was able to get more of the others (5 Skelecorns, 5 Fairy Alicorns, etc), like for you, they just kept popping up in the tent for me.

I generally don’t use the cabbages for much of anything else so always have a whole pile of them.

The thing is that with this many Alis (I have 28) you’d think that there would be a whole load of energy that’d be collected each day, but the amount I collect hovers between 120 (mostly) to 140 (once in 4 days) with the occasional 200+. I was actually collecting this amount of energy back when I had 20 Alis, it somehow seems that I’m getting less from each the more Alis I have.

Maybe I’ve just used up all my luck duetting the Alis :(

Same here.... most days all my Alis give me less than 10 energy each. Once a week I will get a 20 or a 40.... once a month a 50 or 100. I haven't counted mine but I probably have 25-30 Alis also. I got the pastel 3 days in a row but never again. The aquamarine only twice. The only one I have a large number of is the skelicorn.... I have 9 but only because it was in the tent for months.

03-28-18, 06:59 PM
Same here.... most days all my Alis give me less than 10 energy each. Once a week I will get a 20 or a 40.... once a month a 50 or 100. I haven't counted mine but I probably have 25-30 Alis also. I got the pastel 3 days in a row but never again. The aquamarine only twice. The only one I have a large number of is the skelicorn.... I have 9 but only because it was in the tent for months.
I hope they haven’t reduced the minimum amount of energy an Ali gives. It was 4 back when they first introduced the daily-Alis. I wonder if they’ve brought it down to 2 or worse 0. I am not absolutely sure but in recent days I think I may have seen a pile of coins and star come out of an Ali without energy on two occasions. However, I will maintain that I am not absolutely sure because I usually do a mass collection so there’s always a whole lot of coins, stars and energy flying about. But I will do individual collections over the Easter weekend and even do screen recordings just in case.

03-28-18, 07:36 PM
I hope they haven?t reduced the minimum amount of energy an Ali gives. It was 4 back when they first introduced the daily-Alis. I wonder if they?ve brought it down to 2 or worse 0. I am not absolutely sure but in recent days I think I may have seen a pile of coins and star come out of an Ali without energy on two occasions. However, I will maintain that I am not absolutely sure because I usually do a mass collection so there?s always a whole lot of coins, stars and energy flying about. But I will do individual collections over the Easter weekend and even do screen recordings just in case.

They've definitely lowered the daily minimums from 4 to 2. However it's only the new energy droppers that have the lowered minimums including: Sweet Tooth, Cupid Troll, Pastel Alicorn, and the Spring Unicorn. The daily minimum of 4 remains on all the older daily Alis though, so it's not a total catastrophe....yet.

As for this month's prizes, I've only seen the Unicorn once but I'm hoping really hard that I'll see it again. It really irks me when I only have a single animal as it messes up my entire layout!

03-29-18, 08:13 AM
They've definitely lowered the daily minimums from 4 to 2. However it's only the new energy droppers that have the lowered minimums including: Sweet Tooth, Cupid Troll, Pastel Alicorn, and the Spring Unicorn. The daily minimum of 4 remains on all the older daily Alis though, so it's not a total catastrophe....yet.

It was bad enough when the minimum was 4, now at 2 you’re only getting 1 energy by collecting from that Ali :(

Wonder if they’ve reduced the maximum for thes new Alis as well :confused:

03-29-18, 08:30 AM
It was bad enough when the minimum was 4, now at 2 you’re only getting 1 energy by collecting from that Ali :(

Wonder if they’ve reduced the maximum for these new Alis as well :confused:

Fortunately as of right now, the maximums are the same for all the newbies. I've gotten all the possible drops from the new additions up to and including 100, it's just that the most common drop is 2-3 which is ridiculous for Alicorns and Unicorns in my opinion, especially since I get more from my dragons.

03-29-18, 08:31 PM
I feel everyone?s pain. I never got the Aquamarine Alicorn as a Tent prize. I am a March birthday and wanted it more than anything. Some of my neighbors have a bunch of them. The offerings should definitely be more equitable!

I never got the Aquamarine Alicorn in my main a account either. I was super sad. My mom, husband, daughter and grandson-all March birthdays. Maybe will be on sale in market someday. Or maybe I missed that. Hope I get another Ali from the tent tonight. Please. Even tho most drops have been 2 or 3. Good luck all!

03-29-18, 08:57 PM
Still nothing here. I did manage to get 2 aquamarine ali’s When they were in the tent.

04-01-18, 12:54 PM
I hope they haven?t reduced the minimum amount of energy an Ali gives. It was 4 back when they first introduced the daily-Alis. I wonder if they?ve brought it down to 2 or worse 0. I am not absolutely sure but in recent days I think I may have seen a pile of coins and star come out of an Ali without energy on two occasions. However, I will maintain that I am not absolutely sure because I usually do a mass collection so there?s always a whole lot of coins, stars and energy flying about. But I will do individual collections over the Easter weekend and even do screen recordings just in case.

My spring unicorns have never dropped more than 2 energy each. I was "lucky" enough to have gotten three in my tent so far but won't bother if one shows up again. It's not worth the cabbages for a net energy of one.

04-01-18, 01:24 PM
Good news, I got the teacup garden today which means March items are continued

04-02-18, 03:10 AM
My spring unicorns have never dropped more than 2 energy each. I was "lucky" enough to have gotten three in my tent so far but won't bother if one shows up again. It's not worth the cabbages for a net energy of one.

Really? I guess it's just a very bad luck. Since I have a second one, the worst drops were 2+3, but usually at least one of them gives me 7-12. I've also had 20 and 100 drops, so I'll be happy to see another one in the tent ;)

04-02-18, 03:23 AM
Good news, I got the teacup garden today which means March items are continued

Tent rotation is usually after an update on Thursday. I usually see my first new rotation on Fridays. They might still rotate end of the week.

04-02-18, 03:52 AM
Still waiting here. I doubt I’ll get one now

04-02-18, 10:44 PM
YAY I finally got a unicorn in the tent. It took all 25 cabbages to get but I’m smiling now. Starting tomorrow I’ll be able to collect the 2 energy per day from it lol

04-02-18, 11:40 PM
YAY I finally got a unicorn in the tent. It took all 25 cabbages to get but I’m smiling now. Starting tomorrow I’ll be able to collect the 2 energy per day from it lol

Me too! I would love the chance for another just bc they look so pretty. I'm so happy for you!

04-03-18, 01:42 AM

Me too! I would love the chance for another just bc they look so pretty. I'm so happy for you!

I will give them that she is so pretty and they go so will with the unicorns that we made from the Mytic center

04-03-18, 05:42 AM

Me too! I would love the chance for another just bc they look so pretty. I'm so happy for you!

That?s brilliant. I had my fingers crossed that you and all of the others without one would get one as well. I?m smiling even more now :)

04-03-18, 07:57 PM
I have managed to get 5 of the spring unicorn and I would love to have a few more. They usually give me 5 or more energy although I have seen a couple of 2 and 3 drops. One of them usually gives me 10 or 12 so the average between all 5 is pretty good. I’m happy! Going off topic a little but I also bought 3 of the pastel Alicorns to go with the one in the event so that’s 9 energy giving critters in the month of March so double happy !!

04-06-18, 02:06 PM
New tent prizes available!

04-06-18, 02:11 PM
New thread for April is here:


04-06-18, 09:48 PM
No spring unicorn and I didnt get an aquamarine ali, can you make the tent storable, no point playing if all some of us get is rubbish!

04-06-18, 10:35 PM
No spring unicorn and I didnt get an aquamarine ali, can you make the tent storable, no point playing if all some of us get is rubbish!

Two suggestions here:

A/ that rotation offers are the same for ALL players.. that will include the interesting prize also. not all players live on luck.. so to include them.. in some way make ALL offers available on a rotation basis instead of random.

B/ a storable tent would be helpful if we're running on an older device so we can use our pixels for someting else after deciding if there're offers we need or already have that month.

I doubt if the Barons Tent game within a game can be stored.. but would be a good idea though to improve the overall running of problematical kingdoms. Many players have to store unused buildings so as to have less loading problems, or to resolve game crashing. This could help.

04-07-18, 12:15 AM
Got a third Spring Unicorn just before the new items came in so I count myself self as being lucky this month. Good thing there doesn’t appear to be any Alis or Unicorns in April so I’ll be able to stock up on rotten cabbages again.