View Full Version : Ban players

03-01-18, 11:05 PM
I was wondering. How can I ban other players from messaging me?

kooky panda
03-02-18, 10:10 AM
If you are talking about in game wall messages:
If someone is posting inappropriate things on your wall, you can contact support to report this player.
See link for support in my signature.

If you are talking about here on the forum:

If there are particular members that bother you and you do not want to see their posts or receive Private Messages and Emails from them, then you can add these members to your 'Ignore List'. There are several ways to do this:
Through your User Control Panel: User CP (https://forums.storm8.com/usercp.php), Settings & Options, Edit Ignore List (https://forums.storm8.com/profile.php?do=ignorelist). Then, type their name into the empty text box and click 'Okay'