View Full Version : Starting New Goal Threads

02-24-18, 12:46 AM
Perhaps only mods should be allowed to start and update/maintain threads for goals. Or the mods can designate a couple of folks they can depend on to start the thread AND update it in a timely manner. (NOT ME LOL)

That way every goal thread will be uniform in content. And nobody will get criticized or their feelings hurt for trying to be helpful.

Sure it's really nice to have the screenshots so I can see what things look like. And it's convenient to have all the info in the first post. I appreciate the folks that do these things. But it's not totally necessary to participate in the goal. I completed goals in RS, BS & FS for a year before I discovered this forum.

Just saying :)

recently, we have 2 15days goals + 1 5days goal in a row.

- first 15 days goal comes on tuesday;
- second 15 days goal comes on thursday;
- 5 days goal comes on thursday;
- and then repeat.

but this "schedule" is only abt 4months old, so i'm not sure if we can call it a system yet...

morever, the time when the goal starts has no system at all, it can fall from 10:30 PST to 18:00 PST.

maybe, there cd be a sence to reserve goal thread at estimated day around 10:00 PST, then everyone will be happy...

02-24-18, 07:08 AM
there are other s8 games forums where it works.
update threads are being started by mods or by enthusiast players who are really addicted to those games and always keep their posts updated.
and the other members of community knows it and always wait for such thread to be started.

but it's not working for resto and bakery (any more).

it was much easier when we had clear schedule of updates and we could get some sneak peek of what is coming from storm8 blog in thumbrl.
then the system was working like swiss watch.

but now when we have no exact idea either about day of update or about time when it comes, it is hard to catch up and follow.

i guess it will be extra work for mods to maintain goal threads - they have enough what to do here in forums, including watching us not to eat each other from time to time )))

maybe if mods wd allow players who will keep up to start the goal thread a bit before the update pops up - just reserving couple of first posts for coming info, - maybe it cd help...
actually, we do have kind of schedule, so we can +/- predict the date of next event:

please note this is pure speculation based on half of year events experience only!
things can change any moment.


recently, we have 2 15days goals + 1 5days goal in a row.

- first 15 days goal comes on tuesday;
- second 15 days goal comes on thursday;
- 5 days goal comes on thursday;
- and then repeat.

but this "schedule" is only abt 4months old, so i'm not sure if we can call it a system yet...

morever, the time when the goal starts has no system at all, it can fall from 10:30 PST to 18:00 PST.

maybe, there cd be a sence to reserve goal thread at estimated day around 10:00 PST, then everyone will be happy...

02-24-18, 02:38 PM
If the mods would just merge the threads and put the person who will update in the first post, that would work beautifully. Or if they'd keep to a schedule like they used to. That would work.

Or if people would just wait for someone who will update to begin the Goal discussion.

Nobody wants anyone with delicate feelings to be hurt. We'd just like to have info in the first post, like it used to be.

02-24-18, 04:13 PM
If the mods would just merge the threads and put the person who will update in the first post, that would work beautifully.
it would BE/SEEM beautiful, but i'm sorry to disappoint you that it doesn't WORK like this, and for sure wdn't LOOK beautifully :(

mods cannot switch posts by places - this forum is build on VB platform, and moderation tools are not so mighty to do that.
if they merge several threads into one - the posts will any case go in time order only: no matter which old thread they belong to, they will all be shown in new thread in order of appearance relatively to posts created all over s8 forums.

they can _create_ empty post from other member' name at any place of thread, and then that member can edit this post.
but i'm not sure if they can create this post at the place of post #1 of the thread started by other member than target one.

if even they had such a tech possibility, i'm sure they cannot and in no case HAVE to do that, because... i have no idea how it looks from the point of forum rules, but from pure human rules it wd look like discrimination of user started the thread, no matter what he meant to do next.

and for sure they DO NOT HAVE to guess wd that user update the topic or not, or wd it be appropriate to pass the rights for updating to other user (by creating post under his name) - who knows if this user can do what he always did before, for whatever reasons.

they are actually same players as we are, and even if from our side it looks like they have exclusive rights that we do not have - it is not true, and i'll tell you more - they have much less rights in some means.
filtering of what we are saying is our own choice. if we say smth wrong / unacceptable - they will moderate it.
but they - do not have the right to say smth "unfiltered" in the forums. they must weigh any word they're gonna write here.

i'm saying it because i know exactly how it feels & works. i was a mod during several years (not here, no. couple of other resources). and this is very hard (mentally) and unappreciated job overall (not even job, coz you don't get wages. just work - that you accept to do because you love the resource / the game / etc... and because someone HAS TO).

just remember how many times they said "thank you for starting this goal thread and for keeping it up to date" - and how many times it didn't get any effect from "starter"'s side, and they had to update it themselves, - then you will undertsand what i mean.

in case you love to read, i would be proud to recommend you a novel of authors who had been prohibited in ussr : "hard to be a god" by arkady and boris strugatsky. even despite it was written in 1964 (when there was no internet), you'll cardinally change your internet communities & authorities view after reading this thing.

oh well! let's get back to our elephant in the room! :)
i think we just have to work out together some system.
otherwise we will keep making same mistakes and getting same results.

i understand my own feeling and of those who shares it - regarding goals "post #1" i mean (no wonder, eh? - it's my own!).
but seriously, we offended new member. and this is not about "delicate feelings". he/she was just new. and didn't know. and was just happy to find such a community about the game he/she plays. and now just imagin what he/she got from us.
and i'm still sorry about it - coz it was me who started it (again).

truly: "sometimes it's better to chew than to talk" (c) stimorol.
i'm trying to "chew" during last year. somehow i've broken this rule now. but i'm gonna back to it one day.
however, it is not the decsion of our topic.

i offer to keep watching on "schedule" during next couple of months, and to reserve the threads respectively (if mods will allow us to do that).
at least, let's make this experiment and see will it work or not.

dear mods, please do not consider this post as "discussion of your or someone else's actions".
we are talking about _common_ things, not _exact_ ones.
i hope we will find some solution of the prob we created ourselves...
once again, thank you for your hard work!

02-25-18, 05:31 AM
It would be nice if they could make it so we could add more than 5 pics at a time to a post, it would be A LOT easier to update the first post. I know that makes it annoying and difficult to try and keep the first post updated for me. Idk how people continue to post and post pics, I wish they'd share their secret.

02-25-18, 06:52 AM
It would be nice if they could make it so we could add more than 5 pics at a time to a post, it would be A LOT easier to update the first post. I know that makes it annoying and difficult to try and keep the first post updated for me. Idk how people continue to post and post pics, I wish they'd share their secret.
in one post do you mean?

only using external pics hosting, like imgur.com etc...
they place images there, copy link to it and put it between tags and .

ah! there is also second way. they can place the pics into their photoalbum in this forum, copy link and put it between same tags.

only like this.

it is allowed max 50 tags [img] per post in this forum, but only 5 tags [attach] :(

02-25-18, 08:45 AM
it would BE/SEEM beautiful, but i'm sorry to disappoint you that it doesn't WORK like this, and for sure wdn't LOOK beautifully :(

mods cannot switch posts by places - this forum is build on VB platform, and moderation tools are not so mighty to do that.
if they merge several threads into one - the posts will any case go in time order only: no matter which old thread they belong to, they will all be shown in new thread in order of appearance relatively to posts created all over s8 forums.

they can _create_ empty post from other member' name at any place of thread, and then that member can edit this post.
but i'm not sure if they can create this post at the place of post #1 of the thread started by other member than target one.

if even they had such a tech possibility, i'm sure they cannot and in no case HAVE to do that, because... i have no idea how it looks from the point of forum rules, but from pure human rules it wd look like discrimination of user started the thread, no matter what he meant to do next.

and for sure they DO NOT HAVE to guess wd that user update the topic or not, or wd it be appropriate to pass the rights for updating to other user (by creating post under his name) - who knows if this user can do what he always did before, for whatever reasons.

they are actually same players as we are, and even if from our side it looks like they have exclusive rights that we do not have - it is not true, and i'll tell you more - they have much less rights in some means.
filtering of what we are saying is our own choice. if we say smth wrong / unacceptable - they will moderate it.
but they - do not have the right to say smth "unfiltered" in the forums. they must weigh any word they're gonna write here.

i'm saying it because i know exactly how it feels & works. i was a mod during several years (not here, no. couple of other resources). and this is very hard (mentally) and unappreciated job overall (not even job, coz you don't get wages. just work - that you accept to do because you love the resource / the game / etc... and because someone HAS TO).

just remember how many times they said "thank you for starting this goal thread and for keeping it up to date" - and how many times it didn't get any effect from "starter"'s side, and they had to update it themselves, - then you will undertsand what i mean.

in case you love to read, i would be proud to recommend you a novel of authors who had been prohibited in ussr : "hard to be a god" by arkady and boris strugatsky. even despite it was written in 1964 (when there was no internet), you'll cardinally change your internet communities & authorities view after reading this thing.

oh well! let's get back to our elephant in the room! :)
i think we just have to work out together some system.
otherwise we will keep making same mistakes and getting same results.

i understand my own feeling and of those who shares it - regarding goals "post #1" i mean (no wonder, eh? - it's my own!).
but seriously, we offended new member. and this is not about "delicate feelings". he/she was just new. and didn't know. and was just happy to find such a community about the game he/she plays. and now just imagin what he/she got from us.
and i'm still sorry about it - coz it was me who started it (again).

truly: "sometimes it's better to chew than to talk" (c) stimorol.
i'm trying to "chew" during last year. somehow i've broken this rule now. but i'm gonna back to it one day.
however, it is not the decsion of our topic.

i offer to keep watching on "schedule" during next couple of months, and to reserve the threads respectively (if mods will allow us to do that).
at least, let's make this experiment and see will it work or not.

dear mods, please do not consider this post as "discussion of your or someone else's actions".
we are talking about _common_ things, not _exact_ ones.
i hope we will find some solution of the prob we created ourselves...
once again, thank you for your hard work!

I didn't know they had to merge by time, I figured it was just easiest. Thanks for letting me know how that works.

Sometimes we know. Although people might change and do something differently, we do have posters here who have been asked (repeatedly) to refrain from starting threads if they won't update them, but they continue to start Goal threads and refuse to update them. Yes, they COULD update one some day, but it is unlikely. It is those people that I thought the mods could put someone else's post in front of. If JUEY has the 3rd post, make it first. That's what I meant.

Now that I know how it works, I wish we could keep threads separate. Have one thread where people who don't mind clicking around and scrolling could do that & have a thread where people who like to have their info in the first post could do that.

It's just so much easier for most of us to have the info in the first post. Or the first page!

When there was a schedule to goals, that was a big help, too.

A system would be good.

03-27-18, 06:23 PM
there are other s8 games forums where it works.
update threads are being started by mods or by enthusiast players who are really addicted to those games and always keep their posts updated.
and the other members of community knows it and always wait for such thread to be started.

but it's not working for resto and bakery (any more).

it was much easier when we had clear schedule of updates and we could get some sneak peek of what is coming from storm8 blog in thumbrl.
then the system was working like swiss watch.

but now when we have no exact idea either about day of update or about time when it comes, it is hard to catch up and follow.

i guess it will be extra work for mods to maintain goal threads - they have enough what to do here in forums, including watching us not to eat each other from time to time )))

maybe if mods wd allow players who will keep up to start the goal thread a bit before the update pops up - just reserving couple of first posts for coming info, - maybe it cd help...

actually, we do have kind of schedule, so we can +/- predict the date of next event:

recently, we have 2 15days goals + 1 5days goal in a row.

- first 15 days goal comes on tuesday;
- second 15 days goal comes on thursday;
- 5 days goal comes on thursday;
- and then repeat.

but this "schedule" is only abt 4months old, so i'm not sure if we can call it a system yet...

morever, the time when the goal starts has no system at all, it can fall from 10:30 PST to 18:00 PST.

maybe, there cd be a sence to reserve goal thread at estimated day around 10:00 PST, then everyone will be happy...

VanaCatu, this calendar for goals is amazing. Anyway you can post it on a new thread? I had a difficult time remembering it was buried in this thread.

03-27-18, 08:03 PM
VanaCatu, this calendar for goals is amazing. Anyway you can post it on a new thread? I had a difficult time remembering it was buried in this thread.

I'm afraid it's against the forum rules (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?6-Forum-Rules-amp-Policies) to create a duplicate thread. I've added to Post 1. I can't unbury it further since this post is already the 2nd post, except by not adding the comments prior to the picture. Hope this helps.

03-27-18, 09:05 PM
It is really annoying when people start the goal threads with no intention of updating it with the goal info. Can theses posts be moved to the speculation thread so that Jeuy or someone who will actually put all info in the first post can be in post number 1?

kooky panda
03-28-18, 08:10 AM
It is really annoying when people start the goal threads with no intention of updating it with the goal info. Can theses posts be moved to the speculation thread so that Jeuy or someone who will actually put all info in the first post can be in post number 1?

We do prefer if players starting a new goal thread, do take the time to update post 1, but we do try to honor the first person to post the thread. If there are duplicate threads when we come on we normally merge the threads. The mods do try to move posts to post 1. Sometime we all get a little busy, but if you find a thread needs to be organized, please do not hesitate to send one of the mods a private message.

03-28-18, 03:37 PM


Rather more information, than not enough. Also, posting a pic from phone doesn't let you enlarge on Android. I am happy to open the pic and look!

Scrolling is okay, not perfect, but I keep the forum page on the last post I read, then close my browser. I have a separate forum page open for any game I am currently playing.


03-29-18, 02:47 PM
Seems to me that too much information is better than none. Also, a little gratitude goes a long way. Demands on ppl that are not even getting paid, nor have a title, would defeat the purpose of asking those ahead on goals to share information. If sharing information turns into a job, or an expected obligation, ppl won't want to share. Personally I appreciate every nugget of information. No matter what page or post it may be in. Thanks again to all that help the community with your information.

05-18-18, 12:07 PM
It is really annoying when people start the goal threads with no intention of updating it with the goal info. Can theses posts be moved to the speculation thread so that Jeuy or someone who will actually put all info in the first post can be in post number 1?

Sorry to post in the thread this late! :( But here a suggestion

The forum moderators should lock/close the thread until the people have full information about the goal. If that is not beyond what they can do.

So when it says TBN - they close it, until someone contacts them and says the have full information.

Then they have the page 1-2 to them, where useful information is post.

Or delete/move post (the people who don't post about goal) and still give the 1-2 page to the people who post goal information. (If they can!)

It may take time to do it (if they do) but it would be very helpful and less hard to find useful information.

Also (sidenote) can you delete your messages - i would like to in a different thread to get my post out of the way.