View Full Version : Around how much money takes to finish goal +side goal?

01-25-18, 03:43 PM
I was wondering how much money in general it takes to FINISH a goal? Does anyone know?

Around what LEVEL is a good to be able FINISH GOAL since it's 15 days now instead of 30.

HOPE to get answer :)

01-28-18, 01:51 PM
I was curious about this question, so I decided to crunch the numbers on the past few goals. The main goal + side goal usually follow the same steps.

Main Goal consists of:
-Buying 8 wallpaper + 12 tiles
-Buying 2 appliances, cooking 15 each of 5 recipes + 12 of 1 recipe
-Buying 3 floor decorations
-Buying 2 counters (unlocks 1 floor decoration)
-Buying 4 chairs + 4 tables (unlocks 1 floor decoration)

Side Goal consists of cooking large quantities of recipes on the basic appliances.

GOAL: Winter is Arriving
Main Goal = 566,190 coins
Side Goal = 32,280 coins

GOAL: Holly Jolly
Main Goal = 441,600 coins
Side Goal = 29,700 coins

GOAL: So This Is The New Year
Main Goal = 612,360 coins
Side Goal = 50,720 coins

GOAL: All About The Glow Up
Main Goal = 621,170 coins
Side Goal = 84,040 coins

Of course, this is based on only building 1 each of the new appliances. I'm sure most players build at least 3 each to quickly get through the goal, some people build even more. I don't know if it's even possible to finish the goal in 15 days with only 1 appliance, even with the freebie on the 2nd appliance.

One can save a bit of money on the wallpaper + tiles as apparently you can buy any and it will count. Wish I knew that before buying all that hideous wallpaper/tiles that I'll never use and can't get rid of now!

As for the level, I personally don't think that it's a good idea for a new player to focus on finishing goals to get the final prize. It's not really worth it, plus your place is too small to even display them. I always cringe when visiting a low-level player's place and there is an expensive decoration or multiple doors, yet barely any tables or chairs let alone food (which are often gifted stew).

However, I do think it is worth unlocking the recipes because they will be locked presumably forever with the slight chance that they are re-released at some point. Those locked recipes will haunt you!

It is difficult to give an answer about a specific level. It's really about whether the player has figured out how to earn and save a decent amount of coins consistently. There are high-level players who struggle with earning coins.

01-28-18, 08:04 PM
That's why I like when the interim prizes are nice, like the snow family in BS and the fountain here. It gives newer players (or just slower players, nothing wrong with that) something more attainable to aim for.

07-24-18, 11:29 AM
Really helpful, thank you! I agree.. as a higher level player, I had no issues with achieving my first big goal run (Shark Week). I finished like 5 days early, woop! I also have quality neighbors (for the most part) and made 3 "special goal" ovens each time. Yikes!