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View Full Version : Ottocrat - 2018 Jan 16

01-16-18, 03:55 PM
Ottocrat - new creature
More information on Ottocrat (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100805-Fantasy-Forest-Creatures-Guide&p=1486671&viewfull=1#post1486671) in Creatures Guide.

New creature Ottocrat.

Type: Royal/water.
Breed: Water + Earth
Hatching time: 5 hours. (Thanks to gramland)

egg screenshot taken from gramland.


Courtly Companions Part 2
Get an Ottocrat and it will give you Royal Rings! (breed Water + Earth)
REWARD: 5 gems, 1,250 royal rings

01-16-18, 03:58 PM
Not able to breed Bearon yet. So don't no what elements is needed to breed for Ottocrat. Info still needed.

01-16-18, 04:07 PM
Breed Water and Earth

01-16-18, 04:51 PM
Fingers crossed for no parade of rainguins! First try 5HR... itd be a miracle if i got it!

Of coarse... onlu rainguins...then starts the 9+hr fails. Jeez i wish i had the same luck as others!

01-16-18, 05:44 PM
Got it first try. with the water only wolf, cannot recall its name and the obsidian thing diamond stone.

Then, I tried it a second time, and I got it again, same combo.

01-16-18, 08:15 PM
Does anyone have a picture of the ottercrat when it is an adult?

01-16-18, 08:41 PM
Oh my goodness! This is my first time EVER getting one on the first try! I used the Snow Leopard Seal (adorable creature) & Iciclaw. Good luck!

01-16-18, 09:25 PM
Courtly Companions Part 2
Get an Ottocrat and it will give you Royal Rings! (breed Water + Earth)
REWARD: 5 gems, 1,250 royal rings

01-16-18, 09:39 PM
Man, between this and Kingly Kiran, why are you running two of these at the same time, S8?

01-16-18, 09:49 PM
Man, between this and Kingly Kiran, why are you running two of these at the same time, S8?

Someone posted recently saying they were bored because they were done with their breeding goals and nothing else to breed.... maybe that was why Storm8 gave us double? I think it should be paced out for players who haven't got theirs yet.

01-16-18, 10:06 PM
Someone posted recently saying they were bored because they were done with their breeding goals and nothing else to breed.... maybe that was why Storm8 gave us double? I think it should be paced out for players who haven't got theirs yet.

I agree. It should be paced out. As you point out, it doesn't give those players a good chance to obtain one within the allotted time frame given the difficulty they had with the Roe and Bearon. Whomever said they were bored should have played with another game to fill the void between events.

01-16-18, 11:13 PM
Yea! Got it on my first try with Rock Rhino and Frostfang. It's been quite some time since I've managed to breed any limited creature on my first try.


Good luck to everyone and let's hope we all get lucky with the third creature of this series (if there's one).

01-16-18, 11:57 PM
Man, between this and Kingly Kiran, why are you running two of these at the same time, S8?

I'm glad there are 2, this one was paced out because pt 1 was a week ago. Once you get it then you can still have something to breed for to help with LB and also January items to go toward lion.

Update: I just got Noblemane! Thanks to the extra choices to try to breed for, which are also extra chances toward the royal pair. And I completed LB.

01-17-18, 02:12 AM
I tried 3 times and I got 3 ottocrats. Breeding
Frostfang and the obsidian diamond stone thing

01-17-18, 02:21 AM
I tried 3 times and I got 3 ottocrats. Breeding
Frostfang and the obsidian diamond stone thing

Obsidian cyclops :) gem/earth Congratulations! I got mine with frostfang and rock rhino

01-17-18, 03:00 AM
Thanks. I was shooting for any gem (diamond) / water animal, since I don't have any.

01-17-18, 11:17 AM
Even if you have nothing specific to breed for, if you need to rack up leaderboard points, just breed animals and sell them. Problem solved.

And it is not at all infrequent that we have 2 (or more) animals to breed for at a time.

01-17-18, 11:56 AM
This is a collecting game. If they overload us with items to collect and make it nearly impossible to get them all, the game is no fun anymore. Those who can (or are willing) spend too much money to complete their collections. Those who can't get fed up and quit.

01-17-18, 12:42 PM
I tried 3 times and I got 3 ottocrats. Breeding
Frostfang and the obsidian diamond stone thing
ops... I spoke too early. The third 5 hours egg wasn't an ottocrat.

Two ottocrats in a row, anyway. :cool:

01-17-18, 12:54 PM
This time I m lucky, rock rhino and glacial Griffin

01-17-18, 05:02 PM
So much speeding...20+ rainguins... i can't win! :(:( i can never get these trios! Only one or two at best than stuck at a stand still....i guess time to change to trying for the kirin

01-17-18, 10:57 PM
So much speeding...20+ rainguins... i can't win! :(:( i can never get these trios! Only one or two at best than stuck at a stand still....i guess time to change to trying for the kirin

You are lucky if u get one or two, most of us can’t get any. I have given up on the monthly ones and should probably give up on these too as it is too frustrating getting the same fail time after time.

01-17-18, 11:39 PM
Get the ones you can. So many times I've got 2/3 but when they re-release them I've had a head start to breed for the last one, so any you get help, if not for this current trio then for the future one :)

01-18-18, 05:21 AM
This time I m lucky, rock rhino and glacial Griffin

Thank you for posting your combo: it worked for me too!

01-18-18, 08:21 AM
You are lucky if u get one or two, most of us can’t get any. I have given up on the monthly ones and should probably give up on these too as it is too frustrating getting the same fail time after time.

I feel your pain! It took me alittle over a yr before i ever bred a single goal animal, ive also never managed any other crystal creature besides the unicorn.. i have zero luck with this game but i am lucky to get the few i have in last few months but for the amount of money lately it just doesnt seem worth the anger :( goodluck to you, hope it turns around for somebody out here with the same issue!!

01-19-18, 06:35 PM
I'm not keeping count, but I'm getting a pretty endless stream of rainguins, too.

01-19-18, 08:41 PM
Rrawwww (me ripping my hair out!) THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! oh, I’ll write a song about what I have gotten,"rainguin, rainguin rain rain rain guin...!" Rrawwww(me ripping my hair out again!) I have officially given up!��������

01-20-18, 03:34 AM
Why do they love to torture us this way? No point in trying Ranguins are a pain and seem to be the only thing I can get, they r useless for getting points as well. Starting to hate this game with these too hard to get monthly prizes as well.

01-20-18, 08:06 AM
I got it after the 3rd try with Frostfang and Rock Rhino. On to Flame Kirin now.


01-20-18, 09:51 AM
I feel the same ;( i have literally got only rainguins and 4 other long fails but seriously its torture...over and over to see the 5HR you need and it not be it. Ive sped bred more than 30 rainguins using same combo rebreeding and switching.. i cant get any love out here!

01-20-18, 10:05 AM
Oof, I hope my luck doesn’t run out for this guy. Incubating a Bearon right now but it looks like this guy’s going to be a pain. It stinks that there’s a common hybrid with the same breed time as well. ): The Ottocrat is pretty cute though. I wonder what the third critter in the trio will be?

01-20-18, 10:16 AM
I've been exclusively using Rock Rhino and Frostfang. There doesn't seem to be a point to switching, since combos that work for others never work for me. (Plus, I often don't have one or both of the creatures others find success with.) I've had a few long fails in between the Rainguins (one of which still has about four hours to go). It *is* a bit mean to have a fail with the same timer as the desired outcome I did speed breed a few at first, but I won't be speeding anymore, since it's not like speed breeding increases our chances of success. It has taken me a while, but I have finally adopted a laissez-faire attitude with this game. It was either that, or stop playing all together.

01-20-18, 10:22 AM
I got a ottocrat from breeding a river runner and a cave art saber tooth

01-20-18, 01:58 PM
Finally got it (after a load of Rainguins!) with Frostfang and Rock Rhino :)

01-21-18, 04:36 PM
Got it with obsidian cyclops and pearl peryton!

01-21-18, 08:53 PM
No luck for me yet. I got a Dripmunk, though.

01-22-18, 01:33 AM
Since I still haven't managed Bearon, I can't even start on this guy. So I have no chance at the third in the trio either. Kind of sad, as Ottocrat is really cute.

01-22-18, 02:34 AM
I don't have the obsidian glass stone creature yet....looking for a different combo, besdes the obvious. You all Are so resourceful! I was able to get the bearon breeding the paw paw bear with the Hedgehog. thanks so much for your help and feel free to contact me if you have any other pointers because these gems are expensive. Thanks Again!!

01-22-18, 08:52 AM
What is the Ottocrat suppose to be? xD An otter maybe? It has a strange thing sticking out of it's back, heh.

01-22-18, 10:10 AM
Since I still haven't managed Bearon, I can't even start on this guy. So I have no chance at the third in the trio either. Kind of sad, as Ottocrat is really cute.

So it is true you can't breed this one without getting the Bearon first? That is so messed up!

EDIT! I literally just read this, went into my game because I have been breeding Rainguin with Rock Rhino for like a week straight with nothing to show for it, thought "I'll speed this up and get back to breeding for a Bearon", and what do you know....

It was an Ottocrat!

You don't need the first to get the second. Thank goodness! That was almost a waste of time.:D

01-22-18, 07:28 PM
Yay! I actually have an Ottocrat in one of my nests!

01-23-18, 04:11 PM
I agree too. You dont have much time at all. Especially if you have a life and kids and daily things to do. I mean I played as often as I could and I still disnt get any breed except for one. They should really give us a long time to do things than 5 days.

01-23-18, 04:13 PM
What is the diamond thing?

01-24-18, 10:35 AM
Rrawwww (me ripping my hair out!) THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! oh, I?ll write a song about what I have gotten,"rainguin, rainguin rain rain rain guin...!" Rrawwww(me ripping my hair out again!) I have officially given up!��������

Gentle pat on the shoulder. Hugs lots of hugs.

01-26-18, 05:45 PM
Can you still try for it even if you failed to breed Bearon???

01-26-18, 06:19 PM
Can you still try for it even if you failed to breed Bearon???

Never mind. Yes, I think you can still get this.

01-26-18, 07:29 PM
So this morning I got to the point in the Storybook where you have to breed with a Chromodile and I was like “ah shoot oh well, I’ll take a break from trying to breed the Ottocrat for now..” and I actually got it, the little monster. So I’m happy about that. It’s super cute, like a recollection of the Molten Marten <3

Best of luck to all of you who are trying to breed it! <3

01-27-18, 02:10 AM
Wow, I actually did breed ottocrat in 3 times :), bearin took me so much more efforts.

01-27-18, 09:15 PM
Cant get any such luck..nonstop since the day it came out as a goal! Haven't been getting any of the recent ones since bearon, soo frusterating! I really wanted the majestag too, but never have been able to get a trio so i should have known! :( waaaaah. I do feel when i take time off of getting and using gems i have no luck with the breeding goals..hmm

01-28-18, 05:54 PM
Spent some time trying for other animals but just got Ottocrat first try with Allagator and Rapstallion!!

01-29-18, 02:32 PM
THANK YOU! I had to speed breed 3 times. 4th time I got it. I don't have much luck with these special breeds. So I am happy.

Spent some time trying for other animals but just got Ottocrat first try with Allagator and Rapstallion!!

I thought I had replied with your quote. So the Thanks is for you.