View Full Version : Help - accidentically click skip with gem

01-08-18, 01:39 AM
i think i had accidentically clicked on 3rd step of goal - serve xxx (skip with gem)
on the 3rd step of goal (i had to check forum content for that , i only remember i have finished serving the portions of steak and egg required)

my phone fell out of my hand, and after i grabbed it back, i think i saw the screen gem used, and a tiny box appeared on bottom part of screen.

i am still doing goal (yesterday, when it happened, i think i was on day 8 or 9 ) , and should not have completed both goal yet, while all i have left is tap on xx (character) goal.

is it possible to reverse this accidiental gem spending action?

01-08-18, 02:39 AM
I'm very sorry this happened to you but I'm afraid Support does not help with this. :(