View Full Version : Unlocked old recipe goals

12-12-17, 09:21 PM
Beware,I just noticed that they've unlocked some Christmas recipes. &nbsp;They're also bring back the peppermint mocha recipe that's currently available on Amazon version. What a cruel joke and a major slap to our faces! &nbsp;Y'all going to take away those as well&nbsp;<img src="images/smilies/mad.png" border="0" alt="" title="Mad" smilieid="8" class="inlineimg">&nbsp; &nbsp;If you do,you can shove these games. 凸(?_?) &nbsp; &nbsp;l`m done with this hypocrisy!!

kooky panda
12-13-17, 11:58 AM
As stated on the Candy Cane bug thread, the team is currently looking into this issue.
Updates will be posted on that thread.
The team is currently looking into this.

Bug thread
