View Full Version : Designs

12-07-17, 02:41 AM
A way to design an store a few bakeries. Maybe the first 2 designs free then have to spend gems to have more that you could store. A player could have a Christmas bakery, a thanksgiving, a fourth or July. Also ANY OTHER way to do DESGINS!! The way it is set up now is HORRIBLE!

12-07-17, 06:04 AM
I agree this would be a nice feature to easily switch between designs
A way to design an store a few bakeries. Maybe the first 2 designs free then have to spend gems to have more that you could store. A player could have a Christmas bakery, a thanksgiving, a fourth or July. Also ANY OTHER way to do DESGINS!! The way it is set up now is HORRIBLE!

12-27-17, 12:34 AM
I have a few items that could help the game play become much more enjoyable

1 the scroll on the design mode is HORRIBLE!!! Can’t you make it like the scroll is when you go into my gifts?!!! It would be SO MUCH more pleasurable to do changes to our bakeries.

2 when trying to design now an for example click on a Christmas table that you have multiple of place it, then you have to tap tap tap tap tap through until you find it again. This has to continuly be repeated for the placement of each table! Make it maybe so all of that item comes out an you just run that item around to fill in empty spaces, or an area you have cleared for that item to be placed. Then if not all are wanted you could click on how many you would to put back into storage hit store an the number of that item is stored.

3 make an edit mode with something like 3 free edit rooms then after 3 you have to buy more. A player could have a designed example for Christmas bakery, Halloween, an summer. If they want more design options to set as an active bakery they would have to spend gems.

PLEASE please help us all who play bakery to be able to ENJOY play that much more!