View Full Version : Castle Story Halloween Event: Ivy's nursery continuing | Tales of the Crypt event

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10-22-17, 08:54 AM
My workshop was 3,000 on android.

@maiden85 Are you maxed on sugar or pumpkins? I've gotten zero coins in my bag because one was maxed. The rest of the stuff doesn't zero-coin on me since I'm under 20 on all the build-a-pet supplies I think.

10-22-17, 08:59 AM
So... I guess part 9 ask to find Will page V and part 8 ask to find page IV. Did you remember how many is it?

And after part 10 finish and you get the dog. Is there any new quest follow it? Something about gothic keep?

Thank you so much for your post.

sadly not. had 99 Will Page IV befrore Goal 8 and over 40 Will Page V before Goal 9...:rolleyes: but should be also 10.
guess the gothic Keep Pops up in the market after complete Goal 10... will see tomorrow:cool:

10-22-17, 09:03 AM
Sparkling Mine Lv7 doesnt drop Will Page VI:mad:
can someone check this?

a nbr sold one lv7 mine and rebuild to get the Will Page VI... come on S8...

10-22-17, 09:15 AM
Sparkling Mine Lv7 doesnt drop Will Page VI:mad:
can someone check this?

a nbr sold one lv7 mine and rebuild to get the Will Page VI... come on S8...

Geez, here we go again.

S8 wants us to upgrade stuff but also has to include those upgraded buildings in the goals.

Since every goal is from a template now, you have to recode that template to include the new upgraded buildings S8!

10-22-17, 09:16 AM
you can't have more than 2 workshops so you should have to sell one. BUT best wait till tomorrow when S8 staff explains if you don't want to take any chances.

I don't understand why S8 either doesn't do the skin idea or increase the limit on certain buildings if they are going to introduce themed ones. I don't want a mushroom themed workshop unless I have an entirely mushroom themed area in my kingdom. And I don't want to destroy the setup I already have with my workshops for a gothic one unless I can have three. Therefore having one gothic one in my gothic setup and two regular ones. I am not interested in completely turning my keep into a gothic one. It wouldn't fit the area where my keep sits now. I WOULD be interested in putting a skin on mine for Halloween. Especially if there were gothic decorations in the market that I could use to change my keep area into an entirely gothic are. However, as has become all to frequent, there aren't. I remember there used to be tons and tons of decor themed to fit every new timed event. But that is no longer the case. There aren't even any spooky walls or roads in the market this year. So I can't make a completely gothic area because I don't have enough decor to do so. So in conclusion, I don't even want the gothic keep. S8 really didn't think this one through.

10-22-17, 09:41 AM
Has anyone got Will VI from Sparking mines yet ... have collected 3 times already from both my mines but nothing!!!
So not guaranteed drop (need 20) with 4hour timer for last goal!!!:(

10-22-17, 10:36 AM
Sparkling Mine Lv7 doesnt drop Will Page VI:mad:
can someone check this?

a nbr sold one lv7 mine and rebuild to get the Will Page VI... come on S8...

I’m glad that you figured out what the problem was, Level 7 mines don’t work. But we have lost a lot of time collecting and getting nothing. I hope S8 will make up for it somehow once they have fixed it. Ughhh!

10-22-17, 10:52 AM
After the slow and tedious process, I've managed to make it to lv3 of the Tomb and get to fight the Werewolf. And I have to say one thing...

Can we have the option and craft that big werewolf instead? And no, by option I mean crafting it and NOT package-exclusive!

With this abysmal drop rate and waiting to collect for hours, The Baron and his cousin can collect dust for their Crypt for all I care. I've really burned out after that last event, so demanding yet such crappy rewards.

10-22-17, 11:22 AM
Spirit Wind, the tomb upgrade to level 4 is 15 ashes, 15 will pave II, 30 pumpkin, 30 withered roses

10-22-17, 11:25 AM
Ghost skunkupea just drop Ivy?s broom.
That's really awesome! Congrats! Wish we all got that lucky :mad: Mine is dropping bones and wheat plus one Spooky gate. Other babies - nothing, but regular items, except the occasional gift bags - 3-4 so far. Oh yes - I got one spooky tale. Yep, almost forgot :D
Where is the fabulous Halloween spooky stuff that the little cuties were promised to drop?

10-22-17, 11:25 AM
And it seems S8 does know how to create a confirmation button! When crafting treat bags it asks if you want to proceed because it will consume all those precious items. Come on S8 please copy that to gem confirmations. We know you know how to copy stuff. Can't keep it a secret anymore! And duh, gems are much more valuable than pumpkins and such. Hmmmmmm

Please please pretty please confirmation for gems.

10-22-17, 11:30 AM
After the slow and tedious process, I've managed to make it to lv3 of the Tomb and get to fight the Werewolf. And I have to say one thing...

Can we have the option and craft that big werewolf instead? And no, by option I mean crafting it and NOT package-exclusive!

With this abysmal drop rate and waiting to collect for hours, The Baron and his cousin can collect dust for their Crypt for all I care. I've really burned out after that last event, so demanding yet such crappy rewards.Are you getting withered petals? I've gotten quite a few to drop and have been able to get 5 withered bushes from using 10 gems for a last petal a couple of times. This has helped tremendously.
I too would like to see the option for the werewolf.
I'm not wasting any time on the Goth looking stuff.

10-22-17, 11:33 AM
Are you getting withered petals? I've gotten quite a few to drop and have been able to get 5 withered bushes from using 10 gems for a last petal a couple of times. This has helped tremendously.
I too would like to see the option for the werewolf.
I'm not wasting any time on the Goth looking stuff.

Instead of spending 10 gems for the last petal, I speed up the tomb it’s cheaper.

10-22-17, 11:41 AM
Instead of spending 10 gems for the last petal, I speed up the tomb it?s cheaper.i'll try that next time. Thanks.

On second thought, if I was needing black roses I would, but I'm not doing the Goth buildings. Hmmm not sure now. Petal is a random drop. I'll have to think about that.

10-22-17, 12:17 PM
Haunted Cabin L1 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_HauntedCabinL1) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HauntedCabinL1.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: The Haunted Cabin from Castle Story's 2017 Halloween Event!
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 100 coins
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Skunk-o-lantern
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Skunk-o-lantern drops: 1

Haunted Cabin L2 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_HauntedCabinL2) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HauntedCabinL2.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: The Haunted Cabin from Castle Story's 2017 Halloween Event!
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 5 Skunkupine Mask, 10 Rat Tail, 10 Bone, 10 Fur
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Skunk-o-lantern
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Skunk-o-lantern drops: 2

Haunted Cabin L3 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_HauntedCabinL3) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HauntedCabinL3.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: The Haunted Cabin from Castle Story's 2017 Halloween Event!
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 10 Skunkupine Mask, 15 Pumpkin, 20 Bone, 20 Fur
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Skunk-o-lantern
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Skunk-o-lantern drops: 3

Haunted Cabin L4 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_HauntedCabinL4) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HauntedCabinL4.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: The Haunted Cabin from Castle Story's 2017 Halloween Event!
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 15 Skunkupine Mask, 25 Pumpkin, 20 Bone, 20 Were-Tail
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Skunk-o-lantern
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Skunk-o-lantern drops: 4

Haunted Cabin L5 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_HauntedCabinL5) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HauntedCabinL5.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: The Haunted Cabin from Castle Story's 2017 Halloween Event!
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 20 Skunkupine Mask, 35 Pumpkin, 30 Were-Tail, 1 Wereskunk Fang
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Skunk-o-lantern
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Skunk-o-lantern drops: 5

Haunted Cabin L6 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_HauntedCabinL6) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HauntedCabinL6.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: The Haunted Cabin from Castle Story's 2017 Halloween Event!
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 25 Skunkupine Mask, 40 Were-Tail, 5 Skunkupop, 5 Wereskunk Fang
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Skunk-o-lantern
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Skunk-o-lantern drops: 10

Haunted Cabin L7 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_HauntedCabinL7) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HauntedCabinL7.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: The Haunted Cabin from Castle Story's 2017 Halloween Event!
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 30 Skunkupine Mask, 50 Were-Tail, 10 Skunkupop, 10 Wereskunk Fang
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Skunk-o-lantern
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Skunk-o-lantern drops: 15

Haunted Cabin L8 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_HauntedCabinL8) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HauntedCabinL8.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: The Haunted Cabin from Castle Story's 2017 Halloween Event!
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 35 Skunkupine Mask, 55 Were-Tail, 15 Skunkupop, 10 Wereskunk Fang
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Skunk-o-lantern
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Skunk-o-lantern drops: 20

Haunted Cabin L9 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_HauntedCabinL9) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HauntedCabinL9.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: The Haunted Cabin from Castle Story's 2017 Halloween Event!
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 40 Skunkupine Mask, 60 Were-Tail, 20 Skunkupop, 15 Wereskunk Fang
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Skunk-o-lantern
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Skunk-o-lantern drops: 25

Haunted Cabin L10 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_HauntedCabinL10) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-HauntedCabinL10.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: The Haunted Cabin from Castle Story's 2017 Halloween Event!
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 50 Skunkupine Mask, 65 Were-Tail, 25 Skunkupop, 20 Wereskunk Fang
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Skunk-o-lantern
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Skunk-o-lantern drops: 30

Skunk-o-lantern (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Skunk-o-lantern)
Storable: No
Type: Material
Source: Event
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140

Skunkupine Mask (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_SkunkupineMask) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-SkunkupineMask.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to upgrade the Haunted Cabin. Can be found by trick-or-treating at Farmhouses!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 11 gems
Found: Farmhouses
Used for: Haunted Cabin
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140

Pumpkin Crop (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_PumpkinCrop) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PumpkinCrop.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A beautiful homegrown pumpkin!
Type: Crop (Materials)
Class: Materials
Source: Event
Crafted in: Plot
Requirements: 5 gems // 200 coins
Used for: Haunted Cabin, Ghost Skunkupea
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 180 minutes // 3 hours
Collection Speed-up: 3 gems
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140

Were-Tail (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Were-Tail) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Were-Tail.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to upgrade the Haunted Cabin. Drops from defeating Wereskunks!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 12 gems
Found: Wereskunk
Used for: Haunted Cabin
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140

Wereskunk Fang (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WereskunkFang) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WereskunkFang.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to upgrade the Haunted Cabin. Can be found by trick-or-treating at Old Thomas' House!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 6 gems
Found: Old Thomas' House
Used for: Haunted Cabin
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140

Skunkupop (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Skunkupop) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Skunkupop.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to upgrade the Haunted Cabin. Can be made in the Kitchen!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Kitchen
Requirements: 20 gems // 7 Pumpkin, 1 Sugar, 1 Milk
Used for: Haunted Cabin
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Production Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: A deliciously spooky treat!

Werepea Net (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WerepeaNet)
Storable: No
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 8 gems
Found: Neighbors
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140

Wereskunk (Spawn) (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WereskunkSpawn)
Storable: No
Type: Spawn
Source: Event
Size: 5x5
Drops: Were-Tail
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: 11 HP

Wereskunk Trap (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WereskunkTrap) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WereskunkTrap.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Chop to lure a Wereskunk! WARNING: will not work if there is already a monster in your Kingdom!
Type: Decoration (Other)
Class: Other
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 10 gems
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
Lair of Beasts (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_LairofBeasts) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-LairofBeasts.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Visit the Lair of Beasts for a chance to lure monsters or monster materials!
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Monsters, Mosnster Materials
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
Collection Speed-up: 48 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140

Werepea (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Werepea) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Werepea.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: An adorable baby Wereskunk! Pet it to see what items it found for you!
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Treat Bags
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 1320 minutes // 22 hours
Collection Speed-up: 88 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140

Wereskunk (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Wereskunk) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Wereskunk.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A haunted and huffy Wereskunk! Pet it to see what it found for you.
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Pumpkin, Were-Tail, Skunkupine Mask
Events: A Candy Conniption - October 2017
Collection: 180 minutes // 3 hours
Collection Speed-up: 12 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101140
Comments: Offered through a value pack during the Candy Conniption event

Bottled Ghost (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_BottledGhost) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-BottledGhost.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to summon a Ghost Skunkupea! Craft Treat Bags for a chance to find this!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 68 gems
Found: Treat Bag
Used for: Ghost Skunkupea
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Creepy Candle (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_CreepyCandle) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-CreepyCandle.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to summon a Ghost Skunkupea! Craft Treat Bags for a chance to find this!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 118 gems
Found: Treat Bag
Used for: Ghost Skunkupea
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Bandage (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Bandage) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Bandage.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to summon a Mummy Fangpup! Craft Treat Bags for a chance to find this!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 96 gems
Found: Treat Bag
Used for: Mummy Fangpup
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Ivy's Stay-Fresh (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_IvysStay-Fresh) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-IvysStay-Fresh.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to summon a Mummy Fangpup! Craft Treat Bags for a chance to find this!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 132 gems
Found: Treat Bag
Used for: Mummy Fangpup
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

White Paint (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WhitePaint) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WhitePaint.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to summon a Bone Dire Piglet! Craft Treat Bags for a chance to find this!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 158 gems
Found: Treat Bag
Used for: Bone Dire Piglet
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Bone Brush (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_BoneBrush) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-BoneBrush.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to summon a Bone Dire Piglet! Craft Treat Bags for a chance to find this!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 198 gems
Found: Treat Bag
Used for: Bone Dire Piglet
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Dire Boar Pop (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_DireBoarPop) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-DireBoarPop.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to craft Treat Bags! Can be made in the Kitchen.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Kitchen
Requirements: 15 gems
Used for: Treat Bag
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
Production Speed-up: 4 gems
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Candied Rocks (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_CandiedRocks) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-CandiedRocks.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used in Treat Bags! Chance to drop from: Rock Outcroppimgs, Small Rock Pile, Iron Rich Rock, Dark Cave Formation, and Glimmer Rocks
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 4 gems
Found: Rocks
Used for: Treat Bag
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Treat Bag (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TreatBag)
Storable: No
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Ivy's Magic Nursery
Requirements: 2 Dire Boar Pop, 10 Candied Rocks, 10 Voodoo Knight
Found: Farmhouse, Toadstool Farmhouse, Cottage, Toadstool Cottage, Market Place, Library, Tavern, Watchtower, Lantern Spire, Toadstool Spire, Ghost Knight, Werepea
Drops: Bottled Ghost, Creepy Candle, Bandage, Ivy's Stay-Fresh, White Paint, Bone Brush
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Production: 15 minutes
Production Speed-up: 1 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Ghost Skunkupea (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GhostSkunkupea) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GhostSkunkupea.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: This Skunkupea will haut your heart. Pet it to see what it found for you!
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Crafted in: Ivy's Magic Nursery
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 20 Bottled Ghost, 15 Creepy Candle, 15 Pumpkin
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Haunted Path, Hayride, Halloween banner, Tomato, Corn, Wheat, Fur, Rat Tail, Creep Tooth
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Production Speed-up: 8 gems
Collection: 360 minutes // 6 hours
Collection Speed-up: 24 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Mummy Fangpup (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_MummyFangpup) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-MummyFangpup.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Get wrapped up in this crearure's cutness. Pet it to see what it found for you!
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Crafted in: Ivy's Magic Nursery
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 20 Bandage, 15 Ivy's Stay-Fresh, 15 Pumpkin
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Spooky Gate, Haunted Path, Spooky Wall, Fur, Bacon, Creep Tooth, Bone, Roast Chicken, Rat Tail, Prime Cut
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Production Speed-up: 8 gems
Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
Collection Speed-up: 32 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Bone Dire Piglet (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_BoneDirePiglet) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-BoneDirePiglet.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: This little piggy is just big-bonrf! Pet it to see what it found for you!
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Crafted in: Ivy's Magic Nursery
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 20 White Paint, 15 Bone Brush
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Haunted Carriage, Haunted Spire, Haunted Watchtower, Haunted Gazebo, Haunted Path, Fur, Bone, Creep Tooth, Boar Pelt, Boar Tusks, Haunted Lantern
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Production Speed-up: 8 gems
Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
Collection Speed-up: 48 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Ghost Knight (Spawn) (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GhostKnightSpawn)
Storable: No
Type: Spawn
Source: Event
Size: 5x5
Found: Farmhouses
Drops: Voodoo Knight, Ghost Token
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: 13 HP

Ghost Knight (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GhostKnight) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GhostKnight.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Protect your realm with this gallant ghoul! Visit him and see what items he found for your!
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Crafted in: Trade Wagon
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 80 Ghost Token
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Pumpkin, Voodoo Knight, Treat Bag, Coal, Earth Wisp, Silver Ore, Jewels
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Production Speed-up: 16 gems
Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
Collection Speed-up: 32 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Ghost Token (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GhostToken) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GhostToken.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Trade Ghost Tokens at the Trade Wagon for a tamed Ghost Knight pet.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 120 gems
Found: Ghost Knight
Used for: Ghost Knight
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Ghost Knight Trap (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GhostKnightTrap) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GhostKnightTrap.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Chop to lure a Ghost Knight! WARNING: will not work if there is already a monster in your Kingdom!
Type: Decoration (Other)
Class: Other
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 10 gems
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Ghost Knight
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions

Voodoo Knight (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_VoodooKnight) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-VoodooKnight.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Used to craft Treat Bags! Defeat Ghost Knights to find this!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 23 gems
Found: Ghost Knight
Used for: Treat Bag
Events: Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Elite Trapper Trade (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_EliteTrapperTrade)
Storable: No
Info: Receive building supplies.
Type: Trade
Source: Storyline
Crafted in: Royal Exchange
Requirements: 20 Feathers, 15 Boar Pelt, 15 Manticor Wishker
Drops: Royal Beam, Royal Block
Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Production Speed-up: 16 gems

Tales of a Crypt Pics >>> (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361-Castle-Story-Halloween-Event-Ivy-s-nursery-continuing-Tales-of-the-Crypt-event&p=1463143&viewfull=1#post1463143)

10-22-17, 01:11 PM
i'll try that next time. Thanks.

On second thought, if I was needing black roses I would, but I'm not doing the Goth buildings. Hmmm not sure now. Petal is a random drop. I'll have to think about that.

I don't know if I'm keeping an accurate watch on the drops but I think I've gotten at least one petal each collection. I've made it up to 4 with withered rose bushes.

10-22-17, 01:47 PM
I don't know if I'm keeping an accurate watch on the drops but I think I've gotten at least one petal each collection. I've made it up to 4 with withered rose bushes.

I think once you hit level three or four it starts dropping one pedal every collection.

10-22-17, 02:37 PM
i wish s8 would change the ghost token drop to guaranteed because fight 7 ghosts for one token while also fighting werewolves is making it hard....

10-22-17, 03:05 PM
I think once you hit level three or four it starts dropping one pedal every collection.I'll start paying closer attention to drops. Thanks.
Does anyone know the total number of Page 3 of the will that we will need? The ones we get from mushroom circles.

10-22-17, 03:14 PM
I don't know if I'm keeping an accurate watch on the drops but I think I've gotten at least one petal each collection. I've made it up to 4 with withered rose bushes.

Yes. At Level 4 the Tomb drops a petal every time along with the black rose.

10-22-17, 04:32 PM
​***Building Requirements:
Tomb (Level 15+) (2x2) limit 1 Cannot be sold
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Collection time: 4 hours
Speed up: 8 gems
Drops: Black Roses

Level 5: 40 Withered Rose, 40 Pumpkin, 15 Ashes, 25 Will Page III | 500 | Drops 5 Black Rose
Level 6: 50 Withered Rose, 50 Pumpkin, 3 Ghost Ale, 30 Will Page III | 600 | Drops x

Ghost Ale: 5 Pumpkin, 1 Ghostly Spirit ( from Tavern ), 2 Ashes; 2h cooking in Kitchen

To upgrade to Level 5 Tomb I have the following requirements:
40 Withered Rose, 20 Pumpkin, 10 Ashes, 10 Will Page III
(Level 28 player)

if you are a lower leveled player, this would explain the difference... :) SW

10-22-17, 04:38 PM
So many energy to get treat bags ( for random drops!!!), to fight ghost (for random drop) to get petals from the tomb( randomly!) and to grow pumpkins needed ... I think I will not continue to really be part of this event!!! Too many things to collect ( most of them one by one with a long timer ) No fun!!!! So I will do what I can with no stress.....

10-22-17, 07:14 PM
I did a bucket load of updates this morning and now it's finally got to lunchtime I've updated what I could find from the last few pages of the thread. I'm missing info on goal 6 - can someone help me locate either that post info or post it again please?

The search function was not helpful and I went through all Puffy's posts and a couple of others who'd posted, but couldn't see it :) Can't blame jet lag as my flight was only 1.5 hours! lol Could however probably blame sleep deprivation! [and yes, I had an awesome time away catching up with my family.]

Black rose drops not all recorded yet either.

The side goals info of Clearing Out The Cobwebs are complete.

I'm so grateful to those players who post information to help us out - thank you all so much!

10-22-17, 07:23 PM
Yes. At Level 4 the Tomb drops a petal every time along with the black rose.

No. Collect twice from level 4 tomb, 0 petal.

10-22-17, 07:25 PM
I collected from my tavern got 1 spirit and then the second one didn't get loaded ...if this keeps up there's no way I can do this part of the challenge

10-22-17, 07:46 PM
I did a bucket load of updates this morning and now it's finally got to lunchtime I've updated what I could find from the last few pages of the thread. I'm missing info on goal 6 - can someone help me locate either that post info or post it again please?

I'm currently on that goal:

Visit the Tavern
Collect Ghostly Spirit (from Tavern)
Brew Ghost Ale 0/3 (skip 90 gems)
Upgrade the Tomb to Lv. 6 0/1

I'm not sure if the pirate tavern works, since I had them in storage. But I got 8 Ghostly Spirits from the one collection. [EDIT - I tried Pirate Tavern a couple times, but didn't get any Ghostly Spirits, but I'm getting plenty from the regular Tavern]

10-22-17, 08:49 PM
Hi People! I am completely baffled with all these new skins for buildings. What is the point? Why would I sell a level 6 workshop to start from scratch to build a gothic !?! I’m only building 1 gothic cottage as a souvenir. I’m hoping that S8 responds, as I see that others are raising the same questions

10-22-17, 10:53 PM
Hi People! I am completely baffled with all these new skins for buildings. What is the point? Why would I sell a level 6 workshop to start from scratch to build a gothic !?! I’m only building 1 gothic cottage as a souvenir. I’m hoping that S8 responds, as I see that others are raising the same questions

Workshops are crafting buildings, they don't have levels.

10-22-17, 10:57 PM
Thanks Lady Katt and Lord Puffy!! ❤️❤️

10-22-17, 11:01 PM
Can some one post the Ghost Knight inventory card & Info part. After 18 day I gathered only half of the tokens. with the new quest I just dont't have enough energy to do both in //.

10-22-17, 11:03 PM
Hi People! I am completely baffled with all these new skins for buildings. What is the point? Why would I sell a level 6 workshop to start from scratch to build a gothic !?! I’m only building 1 gothic cottage as a souvenir. I’m hoping that S8 responds, as I see that others are raising the same questions

well I guess we're doing all this because we're well trained NOT to skip events, we're addicted and we'll get a gothic puppy!!! even if we don't use the transformations.

maybe? cause maybe u'll have to transform ur castle to get the puppy?

still to find out as fast players got stuck on the collections from the sparkling mines as L7 was not recognized. player did sell a L7 mine to finally get drops.. these have levels and I suppose the new level7 was not yet included. honestly hope some refund their sacrifice.

on the positive side.. work shops, all crafting buildings don't have levels.. they're just built to function. I have no idea if the gothic workshop comes fully built, as at the moment it's not offered in my market.. but comment it should not be for sale even for gold coins, as it's an exchange.. not an additional building.

we'll see what fixes come in from developers today.

10-22-17, 11:09 PM
Can some one post the Ghost Knight inventory card & Info part. After 18 day I gathered only half of the tokens. with the new quest I just dont't have enough energy to do both in //.

here u are.. I proudly expose my one and forever only.. lonely Ghost Knight!


10-22-17, 11:20 PM
here u are.. I proudly expose my one and forever only.. lonely Ghost Knight!

Thanks Moon!

Does some one have the collection time & drop of the Bone Dire Piglet? And eventually the inventory cars? Just checked, and I not sure I will make it for this one, missing far too many items. I am not "Treated" well with the treat bags!

10-22-17, 11:42 PM
Dire Bone Piglet collection time 12 hours
Drops :got Boar Tusks (just collected) ...other drops but sorry didn’t take notice

10-22-17, 11:47 PM
Just for the record for those saying level 7 mines don't work... none of mine are lvl 7 and I still haven't had a single will drop from any of them...

10-23-17, 01:49 AM
Has anyone got Will VI from Sparking mines yet ... have collected 3 times already from both my mines but nothing!!!
So not guaranteed drop (need 20) with 4hour timer for last goal!!!:(

I have two kingdoms (tomb level 5 in both) and I collect everything at the same time from each kingdom.
One kingdom has 9 Will VI and the other zero.
I am guessing that the Wills won't drop in the other kingdom until it is needed in part 10.

I'm thinking it is random - some lucky kingdoms will have Will VI drop early others won't.

10-23-17, 02:39 AM
Hey Lady Katt or Lord Puffy
Love both your work!! ❤️
We would all be lost in the dark without your pioneering feedback.
Any info you can provide on how many of the various Wills I-VI required for the later levels??
I'm assuming each level the New Will requirements change and add in Wills IV-VI.

Well, my tomb is level 8 and to get to level 9, it takes 14 pages each of pages III, IV, and V.

Puffy is way ahead of me. I will let you know how many pages we need for level 10 sometime tomorrow unless he beats me to it. :rolleyes:

10-23-17, 02:54 AM

elvenboost dont work at gothic workshop...

Fail or Feature?

10-23-17, 02:56 AM
Well, my tomb is level 8 and to get to level 9, it takes 14 pages each of pages III, IV, and V.

Puffy is way ahead of me. I will let you know how many pages we need for level 10 sometime tomorrow unless he beats me to it. :rolleyes:

sry, i was "autocomplete" since lv6 with the New Will...

10-23-17, 03:00 AM

elvenboost dont work at gothic workshop...

Fail or Feature?


10-23-17, 03:06 AM
I'll report this too...

Sorry you're pioneering all of the glitches Puffy. :(

10-23-17, 03:20 AM
I'll report this too...

Sorry you're pioneering all of the glitches Puffy. :(

np, i dont use very boosts often:rolleyes:
a nbr told the glitch.
but i try too:eek:

10-23-17, 04:45 AM
I upgraded the tomb to level 4 and saw that I'd still need ashes in addition to the next will page from mushrooms to upgrade to level 5, and I whispered to myself "god, I hate this game." I've been playing for 4 years now. I think it might be time to quit...

10-23-17, 05:15 AM
well I guess we're doing all this because we're well trained NOT to skip events, we're addicted and we'll get a gothic puppy!!! even if we don't use the transformations.

maybe? cause maybe u'll have to transform ur castle to get the puppy?

still to find out as fast players got stuck on the collections from the sparkling mines as L7 was not recognized. player did sell a L7 mine to finally get drops.. these have levels and I suppose the new level7 was not yet included. honestly hope some refund their sacrifice.

on the positive side.. work shops, all crafting buildings don't have levels.. they're just built to function. I have no idea if the gothic workshop comes fully built, as at the moment it's not offered in my market.. but comment it should not be for sale even for gold coins, as it's an exchange.. not an additional building.

we'll see what fixes come in from developers today.

It would be a lot simpler to earn skins like in farm story instead selling old buildings and buy new buildings which costs money as well. This is not for me, I already have difficulties upgrading my buildings to level 6 and there is no way I am going to start over. I do not like the prizes from the last few events so I will see where I will get probably not far.
And it is also irritating that we now need different will pages(l, ll, ll) I need 40 will pages lll to upgrade to level 5 while I have still 12 left of the will pages ll, it means at least 40 fights which is a lot of energy for not really great prizes.

Can we please go back to the kind of events where we could earn buildings with interested drops or things like garden of stars and figures like naga and Celestine and treeples(really like them)with all good drops.
And I also think that if a prize is a prize that drops eggs or wheat etc. Which we can easily grow or get through other animals, it should at least drops 3 plus of them to make it a bit more special otherwise why bother, just buy an extra chicken.

10-23-17, 05:22 AM
Thanks Moon!

Does some one have the collection time & drop of the Bone Dire Piglet? And eventually the inventory cars? Just checked, and I not sure I will make it for this one, missing far too many items. I am not "Treated" well with the treat bags!

I have all the little critters and a list of the items I've received from them thus far if/when you need them. Your inventory is one of my most visited bookmarks so I'm all too happy to help you out.

10-23-17, 05:31 AM
np, i dont use very boosts often:rolleyes:
a nbr told the glitch.
but i try too:eek:

What is the glitch with the boosts?

10-23-17, 05:52 AM
I have two kingdoms (tomb level 5 in both) and I collect everything at the same time from each kingdom.
One kingdom has 9 Will VI and the other zero.
I am guessing that the Wills won't drop in the other kingdom until it is needed in part 10.

I'm thinking it is random - some lucky kingdoms will have Will VI drop early others won't.

Am on last goal ... only need Will VI to complete but getting nothing from my L7 Sparkling Mines!!!:mad:
Have everything else to complete Part 10 but can’t continue as no Will VI:mad:
Have collected multiple times (6) from both my Mines but NOTHING!!!
Wanted to get ahead as have to travel in next few weeks so did use some gems but now useless waste
as having to wait till this is fixed & refuse to sell & rebuild as that shouldnot be a condition/requirement for
these goals as to get to L7 took also a lot of time & effort

10-23-17, 05:53 AM
I wish the builder's guild would house all the skins we earn, then when we want to change a building we go in and say okay here's 1k gold pls go paint my castle to this skin that I earned in so and so event. I really do like the gothic look, but I think there should be a thing in builder's guild to let us once we earn it, we own the know-how to repaint any buildings that can be redone. No destruction of buildings, just goth, toady, original, (future designs).

What is the point of builder's guild, and toad items dropping, if now we have to destroy buildings that don't even link together! If this is the way it is then I want the option in builder's guild to turn the toad decor drops off until I'm ready to start collecting again for toad building skins.

Plus it seems if the workshops are one original and one goth, if I scroll to oh man what's at the end like rope or something, in regular. I have to redo all that laggy scrolling in the goth because they're not linked do you know what I mean. If it was the same both original, then it'd bookmark it, so when I went to the second original it'd be at that spot.

I gave up on ghost knight, how am I supposed to do that plus tomb. Too stressful. If I want stress I'll go try walking around my house without falling on my face or go try making a phone call.

10-23-17, 06:02 AM
Looks like there might be more bugs related to lvl 7 buildings :eek:
So, for will page IV to VI, we just find them and read, not to use them to upgrade the tomb :confused: interesting :rolleyes:
Hope s8 will fix this soon :) they fixed something on weekend before ...

10-23-17, 06:19 AM
do we inly get werewolves from cows, because I'm still getting will pages after the use of them to upgrade?

10-23-17, 06:32 AM
laughing out loud with forum posts.. pity no time to comment but sure is funny with all the missing pieces! and potholes!
anyone has a stapler to give this pepperknot guy to keep his documents together so he can do it by himself?
oh yes.. forgot he has ghost hands.. :D

10-23-17, 06:56 AM
do we inly get werewolves from cows, because I'm still getting will pages after the use of them to upgrade?
As far as we can tell only cows spawn werewolves.

10-23-17, 06:58 AM
laughing out loud with forum posts.. pity no time to comment but sure is funny with all the missing pieces! and potholes!
anyone has a stapler to give this pepperknot guy to keep his documents together so he can do it by himself?
oh yes.. forgot he has ghost hands.. :D

Perhaps Jeanne Pierre Pfefferknot was kicked in the head by one of the family's Pfefferknot Ponies. His frontal lobe suffered injury and thus his organizational s****s were impaired. This deficit carried over into the afterlife. Poor soul!

10-23-17, 08:12 AM
I wish the builder's guild would house all the skins we earn, then when we want to change a building we go in and say okay here's 1k gold pls go paint my castle to this skin that I earned in so and so event. I really do like the gothic look, but I think there should be a thing in builder's guild to let us once we earn it, we own the know-how to repaint any buildings that can be redone. No destruction of buildings, just goth, toady, original, (future designs).

What is the point of builder's guild, and toad items dropping, if now we have to destroy buildings that don't even link together! If this is the way it is then I want the option in builder's guild to turn the toad decor drops off until I'm ready to start collecting again for toad building skins.

Plus it seems if the workshops are one original and one goth, if I scroll to oh man what's at the end like rope or something, in regular. I have to redo all that laggy scrolling in the goth because they're not linked do you know what I mean. If it was the same both original, then it'd bookmark it, so when I went to the second original it'd be at that spot.

I gave up on ghost knight, how am I supposed to do that plus tomb. Too stressful. If I want stress I'll go try walking around my house without falling on my face or go try making a phone call.

Thanks for posting this! I feel the same about the buildings. I don’t want to have to buy the workshop again (when the season is over) after I already owned it to begin with.

I’m gonna have to give up on the ghost knight as well since now I’ll need to fight the werewolf to make 45 total ghost ale to Level 10. That’s 90 werewolves since the darn thing only drops 1 ash at a time!
Now if S8 could change the token drop to a guarantee each time, I *might* be able to get the knight even though I’m barely over half way there. And....half the time the farmhouses are spawning fang beasts:mad:
Come on, S8, 2 monsters at a time during the same goal period!?!?!

10-23-17, 08:23 AM
do we inly get werewolves from cows, because I'm still getting will pages after the use of them to upgrade?
you'll need them again to craft the 'new will' in goal 7.. just collect and you'll have them when needed.

10-23-17, 08:25 AM
Perhaps Jeanne Pierre Pfefferknot was kicked in the head by one of the family's Pfefferknot Ponies. His frontal lobe suffered injury and thus his organizational s****s were impaired. This deficit carried over into the afterlife. Poor soul!
now I feel sorry for him..hahaha! but how long was his will? he fotocopied too many pages!

10-23-17, 09:10 AM
Thanks for posting this! I feel the same about the buildings. I don’t want to have to buy the workshop again (when the season is over) after I already owned it to begin with.

I’m gonna have to give up on the ghost knight as well since now I’ll need to fight the werewolf to make 45 total ghost ale to Level 10. That’s 90 werewolves since the darn thing only drops 1 ash at a time!
Now if S8 could change the token drop to a guarantee each time, I *might* be able to get the knight even though I’m barely over half way there. And....half the time the farmhouses are spawning fang beasts:mad:
Come on, S8, 2 monsters at a time during the same goal period!?!?!

I see on first page our mod SW has updated post #4 and added more info about the Gothic Buildings.

10-23-17, 09:28 AM
Actually is there any use of black roses after upgrading the gothic cottage to L7? Will stop collecting from the tomb if there's no use of black roses and enough of the petal. Thanks.

10-23-17, 10:16 AM
Does some one have the collection time & drop of the Bone Dire Piglet? And eventually the inventory cards? Just checked, and I not sure I will make it for this one, missing far too many items. I am not "Treated" well with the treat bags!

Bone Dire Piglet (12hr) drops: Haunted Carriage, Haunted Spire, Haunted Watchtower, Haunted Gazebo, Haunted Path, Fur, Bone, Creep Tooth, Boar Pelt, Boar Tusks,

39223 39224

10-23-17, 10:18 AM
I can’t buy haunted stable :( I didn’t participate last year’s event, so I haven’t. And now see only “limited” post...

10-23-17, 10:27 AM
I agree. Two beasts to battle is a bit much. Seems they could have switched things around a bit for part 2 of this instead of using the same event design we see over and over.
I wonder when the mines are actually suppose to start dropping. I collect from them anyway on regular basis. Too bad we have to wait for the pages to drop.
And how many times does he change his will? He needs to get his act together.

10-23-17, 10:42 AM
I can?t buy haunted stable :( I didn?t participate last year?s event, so I haven?t. And now see only ?limited? post...Do you have a lot of cottages? Don't sell your existing stables.

Oops That answer is not right I don't think. All I know is that I have my 2 regular stables along with haunted so something's not right here.
Are you sure it's not in your inventory?

10-23-17, 10:48 AM
I can’t buy haunted stable :( I didn’t participate last year’s event, so I haven’t. And now see only “limited” post...

I'm having the same issue so I put in a ticket with S8 and am currently awaiting their response. I'll be sure to post my findings when they get back to me.

10-23-17, 10:49 AM
There is one thing that I like about this event - fhat there are different wills to collect from various places and various things to craft. It makes it sooo much less boring than poor Henrick event. I don't really like the prizes though or rather that we have to get rid of a building to get another. If you lose something to get something else it's not really a prize, just a swap.
I'm also unlikely to get the gost. I have about 32 tokens. I doubt I'll be able to collect enough in time.

10-23-17, 11:02 AM
Heh, I have not been reading the forum (working on my family tree)...I just found out why the tomb was dropping the black roses LOL. I'm still working on getting one or more Halloween babies, so the tomb doesn't have priority. I'm out of voodoo knights, so have to fight ghosst knights again (I long ago gave up on crafting my very own ghost knight). I hope to get at least one baby,that way I will at least have gained something this event.

10-23-17, 11:30 AM
I can’t buy haunted stable :( I didn’t participate last year’s event, so I haven’t. And now see only “limited” post...

You have to sell Stable. You can only have two total. IF YOU SELL TWO USUAL STABLES YOU CAN BUY TWO HAUNTED STABLES.

10-23-17, 11:31 AM
I just saw how many of the Ghost Ales I'd have to create to get the tomb to level 10 and my heart is in my boots. There's no guarantee that it will drop anything useful after the event and I really can't face doing it for no known reward.

I was quite enjoying this part of the event after giving up on the ghost knights, but I think I might just upgrade the cottage to level 7 and then leave it. I don't want to sell one of my buildings to get the gothic workshop. last year I got the haunted stable as an extra - not sure why that's not possible this year.

And I may make it to get some of those babies, but as I've already got so many creatures it doesn't matter if I don't. Good luck to everyone who is continuing!

10-23-17, 12:08 PM
Yet another messed up event from S8 :D How many like this will have to come around untill someone there eventually notice, that no one is having fun here. It is only anger, disappointment, frustration. It is progressively heading towards boredom. Does someone from the S8 team familiar with maths? Obviously not, cause otherwise with just a swift glance over the energy amounts we will be needing to fight knights, werewolfs, collecting various items from mushrooms, stones, ponds, buildings, crops etc. to manage all the tasks - it is not even close to doable. Let alone all the mishaps and glitches on the way. We are being overwhelmed and it is not already challenging, but boring, tedious and annoying. If my job was like this, I quit in a heartbeat.
It is a game, it is supposed to be all about fun and amusement.
Dear S8 team, change your concept or some of us - players, will soon change the playground.

10-23-17, 12:18 PM
I give up on the tomb. I already have the haunted keep so I don't have a need to change my regular castle. I realized that I was just doing it because it's an event and I always complete events and that's not a good enough reason for me. I may go for the ghost knight. I have 46 tokens and with the time left I think I can do it and still get some things done around my queendom. At least it has drops I can use, nothing to gain from changing the look of my castle. I have managed to get all the babies except the dire boat pup and may get him if the randomness of treat bags dropping from farmhouses is on my side.

10-23-17, 12:44 PM
You have to sell Stable. You can only have two total. IF YOU SELL TWO USUAL STABLES YOU CAN BUY TWO HAUNTED STABLES.

That really shouldn't be the case. It would disadvantage those players that were not playing last year or didn't manage to win the haunted stable. You should be able to purchase one haunted stable before having to sell a stable. And you should only have to sell a regular stable if you want to buy a second haunted stable.

10-23-17, 12:57 PM
SEEMS TO BE FIXED...Finally getting Will VI from Sparkling Mines!

10-23-17, 01:16 PM
I agree wholeheartedly. I explained very clearly I was inquiring about the Haunted Stable and I pointed out that other players who participated in the event have Haunted Stable while having 2 regulars and even in some cases the Noble Stable also. Alas they claim there is no glitch or issue and I have to sell a building of the same type to get it. But the stables are under the resource category so that won't work now will it? I didn't realize it was a building that couldn't be leveled up, that makes it an even worse idea.

I don't want to stray too far OT so I'll add in that I wish they would've had the Werewolf be a craftable animal since I think they look AMAZING and would go great with my other large beasties guarding Greselda's Castle.

10-23-17, 01:18 PM
You have to sell Stable. You can only have two total. IF YOU SELL TWO USUAL STABLES YOU CAN BUY TWO HAUNTED STABLES.

That really shouldn't be the case. It would disadvantage those players that were not playing last year or didn't manage to win the haunted stable. You should be able to purchase one haunted stable before having to sell a stable. And you should only have to sell a regular stable if you want to sell a haunted stable.

the haunted stable is not a part of this event.. it's a repeat sale of halloween buildings from last years, so does not take the place of our regular stable.
I have both regular stables, haunted stable and also a nobel stable in my kingdom.. all is permitted. It just seems the haunted stable on sale needs to be fixed.. so don't advise to sell regular stables!

10-23-17, 01:27 PM
Ridiculous as it may seem, S8 just got back to me and it appears that if we didn't participate in last year's Halloween events then we are not eligible to have additional stables. The rep claimed that all was well in my game and if I wanted a seasonal stable I had to sell a standard one.

What even is that? Does that mean that if they ever bring the Noble Stable back that no one can purchase it without selling another first? I'm pretty irritated to be honest, I was so excited for it that I'd happily part with the gems but I guess it's not meant to be. While I really like the look of the Haunted Stable, I don't want to sell my level 7s only to have to turn around and upgrade the new one not to mention a lot of times the seasonal buildings don't register properly for goals. Just another example of S8 not thinking things through in my opinion.

I do agree this answer doesn't make much sense.. then why put it on sale? The Haunted Stable cannot substitute the regular stable as you can't upgrade it at all! It's not the same.

The haunted cottage I see on sale also from last year.. I had to sell the multi collection I had to re-buy normal cottages as they were not counted on collecting in other events.

Following this example.. the sale of a normal stable in order to buy the haunted one.. certainly won't count when collecting in events.

10-23-17, 01:55 PM
SEEMS TO BE FIXED...Finally getting Will VI from Sparkling Mines!

Yep, mine finally dropped the Will VI.

10-23-17, 01:58 PM
SEEMS TO BE FIXED...Finally getting Will VI from Sparkling Mines!
confirm.. I see them dropping too

10-23-17, 02:02 PM
Bone Dire Piglet (12hr) drops: Haunted Carriage, Haunted Spire, Haunted Watchtower, Haunted Gazebo, Haunted Path, Fur, Bone, Creep Tooth, Boar Pelt, Boar Tusks,

39223 39224

adding: Haunted Lantern

10-23-17, 02:42 PM
2 reported bugs fixed:

1. L7 Sparkling mines now dropping wills and
2. The Elven boosts will now work on the gothic workshop if you changed over.

I'll double check about the Haunted Stable, but in the meantime have added the info given to page 1.

10-23-17, 02:52 PM
If you're not able to buy more Haunted Stables, this just means you're at the cap of that building category type which is 2. The limit is unrelated to the event from last year so it doesn't matter if you participated or not.

10-23-17, 03:47 PM
I upgraded the tomb to level 4 and saw that I'd still need ashes in addition to the next will page from mushrooms to upgrade to level 5, and I whispered to myself "god, I hate this game." I've been playing for 4 years now. I think it might be time to quit...

Yes I was rather ticked off and still am at the amount of werewolves I have to fight to get the ashes for all the ghost ale needed.
If my math is right we need 45 ghost ale total, and each ale needs 2x ashes. We get 1 ash from each werewolf therefor have to fight 90 werewolves, and I have to tap 5 to 10 cows to get a werewolf. Thought I'd have a chance at collecting the rest of tokens for ghost night once I'd gathered most items for event but event is taking my time and energy so no chance with having to get ashes from having to fight werewolves, and with the poor token drops.

Also the gothic workshop says inventory full when I only have 2 New will. Surely this is a glitch and hasn't been coded because it would seem weird and petty to have been done on purpose. Thankfully New wills only take 30 minutes. Be interested to know if normal workshop has this 2 max thing.

10-23-17, 03:49 PM
Pirate Traven is just a normal building, doesn't drop the required like a normal Traven ★

Looks like I need to sell off Pirate Traven .. efforts to upgrade it to Level 5 comes to poof cos I need to buy normal Traven n upgrade it from scratch ★

Could S8 enable all related buildings in the series to drop the required event items? ★ ty

10-23-17, 03:52 PM
the haunted stable is not a part of this event.. it's a repeat sale of halloween buildings from last years, so does not take the place of our regular stable.
I have both regular stables, haunted stable and also a nobel stable in my kingdom.. all is permitted. It just seems the haunted stable on sale needs to be fixed.. so don't advise to sell regular stables!

Oops misspoke. I meant to say that A player should only have to sell off a normal stable if they wanted to buy a second haunted stable. I personally wouldn't advise that m because the haunted stable can't be leveled up as someone already pointed out. But definitely S8 should make it a level playing field across the board and all players should be able to have two normal stables and one haunted stable regardless of whether they won the stable or bought it.

10-23-17, 03:56 PM
If you're not able to buy more Haunted Stables, this just means you're at the cap of that building category type which is 2. The limit is unrelated to the event from last year so it doesn't matter if you participated or not.

Yeah that argument is pretty fallacious considering the fact that the players that DID participate like myself have two normal stables and one haunted one. You can see them all THREE on my board. So obviously the cap was not taken into consideration when last year's event was brought out.

10-23-17, 03:57 PM
Perhaps I'm missing something but that still doesn't compute to me. I understand we can only have 2 stables yet the people who received a Haunted stable last year are able to have simultaneously: 2 Regular Stables, 1 Haunted Stable and 1 Noble Stable. Correct? So why can I not have that amount also? I have 2 Regular Stables and the Noble Stable but still cannot purchase the Haunted Stable. That doesn't add up...literally. And it doesn't matter if we participated last year or not? Really?

10-23-17, 04:01 PM
I got the will from the mine this time too just while collecting mine stuff. Yay!

10-23-17, 04:12 PM
It also doesn't add up that they applied the building caps to the gothic buildings. Couldn't S8 allow us to have the special buildings without selling our normal ones? This has always been how it worked before. I have Two Winter bakeries in addition to my regular kitchens and isn't the Tinker Camp just another workshop?

Normally I love Halloween in Castle Story but this time I'm not even really trying.

10-23-17, 04:22 PM
Yes I was rather ticked off and still am at the amount of werewolves I have to fight to get the ashes for all the ghost ale needed.
If my math is right we need 45 ghost ale total, and each ale needs 2x ashes. We get 1 ash from each werewolf therefor have to fight 90 werewolves, and I have to tap 5 to 10 cows to get a werewolf. Thought I'd have a chance at collecting the rest of tokens for ghost night once I'd gathered most items for event but event is taking my time and energy so no chance with having to get ashes from having to fight werewolves, and with the poor token drops.

Also the gothic workshop says inventory full when I only have 2 New will. Surely this is a glitch and hasn't been coded because it would seem weird and petty to have been done on purpose. Thankfully New wills only take 30 minutes. Be interested to know if normal workshop has this 2 max thing.

Yep...your math is correct. Total of 90 werewolves to get all the ashes needed.

I’m kinda ticked that there are 2 beasts to battle during this goal period. Seriously considering just going for the ghost knight since I’m not gonna change any of my buildings to Gothic anyway if I can’t retain the ones I already have. Pretty lame in my opinion.

10-23-17, 04:48 PM
This is a follow-up to hagypagy’s question yesterday:

To level up the tomb from 9 to 10, you will need 20 each of Will Pages IV, V, and VI. Good luck.

10-23-17, 04:58 PM
The Haunted Stable in the Market currently is an upgrade-able version. If you received a Haunted Stable from the event last year, that one doesn't count towards your limit of 2 regular Stables. If you got a Haunted Stable from last year, you can have that one + 2 regular or Haunted Stables.

10-23-17, 05:07 PM
This is a follow-up to hagypagy’s question yesterday:

To level up the tomb from 9 to 10, you will need 20 each of Will Pages IV, V, and VI. Good luck.
Do we need them for upgrading? From the info that puffy provided, we only need 2 new will (5 page I, 5 page II, 5 page III). Thank you, Katt :)

Maybe new will is different in each lvl, for example:
lvl 7 needs 2 new will (5 page I, 5 page II, 5 page III);
lvl 8 needs 2 new will (5 page II, 5 page III, 5 page IV );
lvl 9 needs 2 new will (5 page III, 5 page IV, 5 page V);
lvl 10 needs 2 new will (5 page IV, 5 page V, 5 page VI);

10-23-17, 05:17 PM
The Haunted Stable in the Market currently is an upgrade-able version. If you received a Haunted Stable from the event last year, that one doesn't count towards your limit of 2 regular Stables. If you got a Haunted Stable from last year, you can have that one + 2 regular or Haunted Stables.

So, in order to get the new Haunted Stable, I have to sell my upgraded regular stable, buy and place the 2017 haunted stable and then use resources to upgrade the 2017 haunted stable.

Is this correct Pika?

Also, if I later decide I don?t want Halloween decorated buildings year round, do I then either have to store the 2017 HS and only have 1 stable on the board OR sell the HS, buy a regular stable, starting from scratch again?

10-23-17, 05:24 PM
I'm so confused about the stables now and I'm not even going to buy the haunted one so it doesn't even much matter to my realm specifically (but I hope it gets un-confusing for everyone else who is wanting it!). I'd consider it because it's cool looking but gem-traps got me over the last month or so. Confirmation buttons on some stuff but not gem-traps grrrr.

At least I learned I can put a second stable out thank you! I did not know that I could. I don't know why I never tried.

10-23-17, 05:37 PM
If you're not able to buy more Haunted Stables, this just means you're at the cap of that building category type which is 2. The limit is unrelated to the event from last year so it doesn't matter if you participated or not.Oh! I have no response to that.

10-23-17, 05:38 PM
I'm so confused about the stables now and I'm not even going to buy the haunted one so it doesn't even much matter to my realm specifically (but I hope it gets un-confusing for everyone else who is wanting it!). I'd consider it because it's cool looking but gem-traps got me over the last month or so. Confirmation buttons on some stuff but not gem-traps grrrr.

At least I learned I can put a second stable out thank you! I did not know that I could. I don't know why I never tried.

Hahaha you and me both. :D I just upgraded my Tomb to Level 5 and I suspect i’m done. No intention to buy haunted anything and have decided I can’t bother to upgrade the gothic cottage anymore. Can’t see the point if i’ll just be getting coins from it. And I keep getting other things spawning from cows and the mushrooms. Sigh...the idea of having to try to **** 90 werewolves plus other beasts? Nope. Nope. Nope. No thank you. Lol

10-23-17, 05:52 PM
Do we need them for upgrading? From the info that puffy provided, we only need 2 new will (5 page I, 5 page II, 5 page III). Thank you, Katt :)

Maybe new will is different in each lvl, for example:
lvl 7 needs 2 new will (5 page I, 5 page II, 5 page III);
lvl 8 needs 2 new will (5 page II, 5 page III, 5 page IV );
lvl 9 needs 2 new will (5 page III, 5 page IV, 5 page V);
lvl 10 needs 2 new will (5 page IV, 5 page V, 5 page VI);

Yes, this is the general idea I'm getting, when you upgrade to level 7 the items needed to craft the new will change. Up til now the New Wills needed page I, II and III but now the new will requires page II, III and IV. I think it's sound reasoning that the trend will continue onward.

Also, after reading the second s8 post I don't even care about the Haunted Stables anymore. I'm so put off by the entire situation that I'll just finish upgrading the tomb and be done with it. More's the pity for s8 since so many of us have stated how much we enjoy the holiday and would spend gems on the items. Oh well, more money in our pockets I guess.

10-23-17, 05:55 PM
Yep...your math is correct. Total of 90 werewolves to get all the ashes needed.

I?m kinda ticked that there are 2 beasts to battle during this goal period. Seriously considering just going for the ghost knight since I?m not gonna change any of my buildings to Gothic anyway if I can?t retain the ones I already have. Pretty lame in my opinion.

I really wanted ghost night but the drops were so scarce that I'm not even half way. I was hoping in this event they would give us tasks that would also help with ghost night tokens but guess they want people to speed and to buy energy.
I'd like to see a gothic keep in someone's kingdom before I decide to have it or not! So wish they would bother to code it so we can have 1 on our board and other in inventory, so we have to store 1 then bring other out but guess thats too much work whilst they're working on events.

10-23-17, 06:21 PM
Do we need them for upgrading? From the info that puffy provided, we only need 2 new will (5 page I, 5 page II, 5 page III). Thank you, Katt :)

Maybe new will is different in each lvl, for example:
lvl 7 needs 2 new will (5 page I, 5 page II, 5 page III);
lvl 8 needs 2 new will (5 page II, 5 page III, 5 page IV );
lvl 9 needs 2 new will (5 page III, 5 page IV, 5 page V);
lvl 10 needs 2 new will (5 page IV, 5 page V, 5 page VI);

I think Puffy commented that his wills auto completed during upgrading the tomb. So he estimated based on previous levels. I do know that level 9 needed 14 pages to craft 2 wills and level 10 needs 20 pages to craft 2 new wills. So I guess this supercedes previous estimates. :rolleyes:

10-23-17, 06:32 PM
And this is where I bow out; my tomb is level 4, and I don’t even have half the number of wills and ashes I need for level 5, I have 20-something tokens for a ghost knight and have managed one costumed pet. I don’t think I have the energy resources to complete one of these goals, let alone three.

Well done to those further along and good luck to those still trying!

10-23-17, 06:41 PM
I don't understand, are new wills the same for each level or are they different?
If I craft lots of new wills at level 7 can I use them for higher levels upgrades?

10-23-17, 06:42 PM
I think Puffy commented that his wills auto completed during upgrading the tomb. So he estimated based on previous levels. I do know that level 9 needed 14 pages to craft 2 wills and level 10 needs 20 pages to craft 2 new wills. So I guess this supercedes previous estimates. :rolleyes:

Thanks a lot! So I assume lvl 9 new will needs 7 of each will (III, IV, V) , lvl 10 needs 10 of each (IV, V, VI). Alrighty, back to hit the ponds ;)

10-23-17, 06:50 PM
I don't understand, are new wills the same for each level or are they different?
If I craft lots of new wills at level 7 can I use them for higher levels upgrades?

The cap for the New Wills is 2 so unfortunately you can only manage to have 3 at once. But yes, I crafted 3 New Wills at level 7 and after I upgraded to level 8 the extra New Will counted toward my next upgrade even though the items needed changed. I plan to continue doing this as each New Will from here on out requires more wills (and energy) to craft.

10-23-17, 07:05 PM
AnnirasSweets, thanks a lot!
I think I'll do the same.

10-23-17, 08:17 PM
Tomb Level 5 drops 5 black roses + 1 withered petal

thanks! Added to page 1... :) SW

10-23-17, 08:29 PM
Here’s my guess on Will Page requirements for the Tomb based what Lady Katt reported and knowing from Lord Puffy that we need 2 New Wills each for Levels 7-10:
Level 7: 10 page I + 10 page II + 10 page III
Level 8: 14 page II + 14 page III + 14 page IV
Level 9: 14 page III + 14 page IV + 14 page V
Level 10: 20 page IV + 20 page V + 20 page VI

That puts the page requirements AFTER Level 6 to:
Page I: 10
Page II: 10+14=24
Page III: 10+14+14=38
Page IV: 14+14+20=48
Page V: 14+20=34
Page VI: 20

10-23-17, 08:37 PM
If it helps: to upgrade to level 8 you need 2 New Wills. The new requirements at this level are for 7 Will Pages II, III and IV so it would be 14 of each to craft both.

10-23-17, 08:42 PM
I just have to say I?m so tired of the same events over and over again. We keep having to work on adding levels to buildings with each level requiring the same items just many more of them the higher level you reach! It gets so boring. Just when you reach another level, you have to add an even higher amount of the same items. I just can?t do it again. Why can?t levels require different things? Does anyone else feel the same way?

10-23-17, 09:21 PM
I have some of the same questions as a previous poster/s in re to the Current Event ...specifically buying the Gothic Workshop...tho I have.the same problem with this years Haunted Stable....I already had last years. When I tried to buy this years workshop (& stable).. a pop up says Im at my limit of this type of building and need to level up...level up what? And how high? My workshops are this type of building no? Problem is that NONE of my workshops can be leveled up...I even sold 2 workshops (an extra Forge & Fairy) to no avail. I still have a lot of workshops all different none upgradable!! So which buildings are they referring to...do they mean Gothic buildings like my 1 gothic cottage level 3? Is 1 the limit? Does my 1 level 4 tomb count? If it does then is there a 2 Gothic limit? These events should be FUN & Enjoyable...not frustrating, aggravating or confusing with overly hard & boring goals that are very difficult to reach in the time allotted with ridiculously high amounts of scarce items to collect in inadequate time .....making it too hard if not impossible to reach the goals thus setting us up more for failure than success...unless you want to spend thousands of gems$$$ Hopefully theres some helpful info to share Ty! 😊

10-23-17, 10:51 PM
I have the same question....when I tried to buy the Gothic workshop it says I?m at my limit of this type of building and need to level up...level up what? And how high? None of my workshops can be leveled up...so do they mean the Gothic cottage? Hope someone knows. ��

Page 1 has all the info about the Gothic buildings but basically, you have to sell a workshop/potion shop and then purchase the Gothic building as a replacement.

10-23-17, 10:58 PM
For ales we need ashes. So we **** werewolves. Werewolves drop page II. Where supposed I must use them in such huge amounts?

10-23-17, 11:03 PM
I have the same question....when I tried to buy the gothic workshop it says I?m at my limit of this type of building and need to level up...level up what? And how high? None of my workshops can be leveled up...so do they mean the gothic cottage? Hope someone knows. 
yes this is correct. you have to SELL 1 of your regular workshops to be able to BUY a gothic crafting building.
to you your choice.
it's the same with the gothic cottage if you have reached your limit allowed on town buildings. check out on page1, post4 so you see more info.

so actually in this event.. players have to sell upgraded stuff in order to buy basic gothic versions.. to then sell after in order to re-buy normal versions when the halloween season is over. who keeps spooky stuff at christmas/valentines/easter.

adding up all the explanations posted but staffS8.. this event is much different from past festivities where we gain something.. this time we double pay in order to use it.

I have no idea how the normal castle will be re-presented if it will have to be built again, as answers were not given, but the gothic cottages, workshop have to be built from scratch, so I assume putting back to normal will be built again from the beginning, losing the gothic version.. obviously of the crafting buildings and castle as these groups have limits.

we throw out.. we buy.. we throw out.. to buy the same object again! where is the prize to keep in the inventory as symbol of halloween 2017? a gothic puppy?

I'm usually a positive player and have never missed an event in 4yrs even if difficult I have completed all, just for the fun of doing so and encouraging players to do so.

but.. this time I see the rules have changed completely and are much different on player's behalf and have a great doubt if worthwhile. I just hope and wish someone contests my thoughts and tells me I am wrong.

..and hope there are other sunny thouhts in your day, other than this depressing one.

10-23-17, 11:03 PM
is there a gothic potion shop like in the picture? does anyone have it? how can i aqquire it? i need it lol

10-23-17, 11:11 PM
For ales we need ashes. So we **** werewolves. Werewolves drop page II. Where supposed I must use them in such huge amounts?

it would be wise to start collecting all materials, even if not necessary, in order to have them ready towards the end of the event. the Will pageII will be needed again towards the end of the event for crafting New Wills

10-23-17, 11:22 PM
it would be wise to start collecting all materials, even if not necessary, in order to have them ready towards the end of the event. the Will pageII will be needed again towards the end of the event for crafting New Wills
90 werewolves from 6 to 10 tomb for ales. 24 pages II for upgrades. Another 66 pages II for what? I don’t need so huge amounts for souvenirs.

10-23-17, 11:28 PM
Thank you so very much for your reply!! I really appreciate your timely response and help...it was very thoughtful and kind!! Tysm again!! 😊💕
Page 1 has all the info about the Gothic buildings but basically, you have to sell a workshop/potion shop and then purchase the Gothic building as a replacement.

10-23-17, 11:39 PM
Goal 10 New Will requirements:
10 x2 =20 Will IV from Crabapple Tree
10 x2 =20 Will V from Ponds
10 x2 =20 Will VI from Sparkling Mines

10-23-17, 11:48 PM
Goal 10 requirements:
90 Withered Roses
2 New Wills ( 10 Will IV, 10 Will V, 10 Will VI per New Will)
15 Ghost Ales

10-23-17, 11:48 PM
is there a gothic potion shop like in the picture? does anyone have it? how can i aqquire it? i need it lol

Yes, the gothic potion shop is in the featured section of my market. I do not know which level the tomb had to be for it to show up but my tomb is level 9. So as you level up the tomb, I guess the craft buildings show up one at a time. The gothic castle becomes available at level 10. ;)

10-24-17, 01:28 AM
Yes, this is the general idea I'm getting, when you upgrade to level 7 the items needed to craft the new will change. Up til now the New Wills needed page I, II and III but now the new will requires page II, III and IV. I think it's sound reasoning that the trend will continue onward.

Also, after reading the second s8 post I don't even care about the Haunted Stables anymore. I'm so put off by the entire situation that I'll just finish upgrading the tomb and be done with it. More's the pity for s8 since so many of us have stated how much we enjoy the holiday and would spend gems on the items. Oh well, more money in our pockets I guess.

I agree. This whole situation is VERY off putting. If the prize were skins, I would be so into this event. If the prize were additional buildings that were gothic themed that we could have in addition to our regular buildings, I would be even more into it. And I think that would fit the amount of effort this event is asking for. And now I am extremely mad at myself for spending real money on this event before I knew all of this. I have usually stopped spending real money for events at all but this time was so slow and I thought the prizes were going to be really cool. But I honestly have zero desire to sell a building, rebuild a gothic one and redesign my kingdom so that it will fit in the design just to turn around and do it all over again after the holiday. And I am assuming that you wouldn't even be able to do that again next year if you wanted since the gothic buildings have 10 day timers. I would really like to know if we only have 10 days to buy them if we earn them or if they stay in the marketplace permanently once earned.

10-24-17, 01:38 AM
yes this is correct. you have to SELL 1 of your regular workshops to be able to BUY a gothic crafting building.
to you your choice.
it's the same with the gothic cottage if you have reached your limit allowed on town buildings. check out on page1, post4 so you see more info.

so actually in this event.. players have to sell upgraded stuff in order to buy basic gothic versions.. to then sell after in order to re-buy normal versions when the halloween season is over. who keeps spooky stuff at christmas/valentines/easter.

adding up all the explanations posted but staffS8.. this event is much different from past festivities where we gain something.. this time we double pay in order to use it.

I have no idea how the normal castle will be re-presented if it will have to be built again, as answers were not given, but the gothic cottages, workshop have to be built from scratch, so I assume putting back to normal will be built again from the beginning, losing the gothic version.. obviously of the crafting buildings and castle as these groups have limits.

we throw out.. we buy.. we throw out.. to buy the same object again! where is the prize to keep in the inventory as symbol of halloween 2017? a gothic puppy?

I'm usually a positive player and have never missed an event in 4yrs even if difficult I have completed all, just for the fun of doing so and encouraging players to do so.

but.. this time I see the rules have changed completely and are much different on player's behalf and have a great doubt if worthwhile. I just hope and wish someone contests my thoughts and tells me I am wrong.

..and hope there are other sunny thouhts in your day, other than this depressing one.

I completely agree with you Moon. I always try and stay positive about events and strive to complete every single one. Even last year's Halloween event which was really hard but the prizes equaled the effort S8 was asking for. Here they haven't. I haven't not finished an event in many years but I don't think I will complete the ghost knight this time around. And I am debating whether to finish this one or not. I may just trudge along in the hopes that S8 sees the error of their ways and makes some changes. It sad to see that they have made some of the staunchest supporters and fans of timed events so disenchanted with them. I have always looked forward to Thursdays and the new rollout. Now I am dreading the next one.

10-24-17, 02:00 AM
I just have to say I?m so tired of the same events over and over again. We keep having to work on adding levels to buildings with each level requiring the same items just many more of them the higher level you reach! It gets so boring. Just when you reach another level, you have to add an even higher amount of the same items. I just can?t do it again. Why can?t levels require different things? Does anyone else feel the same way?

I actually quite like the variety of this event. Will pages are collected from different places and different things are required for each level instead of just more of the same thing. So in that respect I think S8 did a good job. Everywhere else this event is a disappointment though.

10-24-17, 02:28 AM
I completely agree with you Moon. I always try and stay positive about events and strive to complete every single one. Even last year's Halloween event which was really hard but the prizes equaled the effort S8 was asking for. Here they haven't. I haven't not finished an event in many years but I don't think I will complete the ghost knight this time around. And I am debating whether to finish this one or not. I may just trudge along in the hopes that S8 sees the error of their ways and makes some changes. It sad to see that they have made some of the staunchest supporters and fans of timed events so disenchanted with them. I have always looked forward to Thursdays and the new rollout. Now I am dreading the next one.

I'll be doing this event, but won't be selling anything precious just to have a black version, which has to be sold after to stay in theme with other festivities.
I'll just keep the gothic stuff.. in store. I think! but may be best to ask S8 staff if after event we are allowed to keep something Gothic.. or will all disappear?

10-24-17, 03:06 AM
Given how events work, it would be extremely unlikely any of the gothic skins would be available post event - if you look in the market, everything has a timer on it, so it's a limited purchase.

The black is nice, but I'm not selling any crafting buildings either. I have my 1 gothic cottage and I'm happy with just that one.

10-24-17, 03:43 AM
I just have to say I?m so tired of the same events over and over again. We keep having to work on adding levels to buildings with each level requiring the same items just many more of them the higher level you reach! It gets so boring. Just when you reach another level, you have to add an even higher amount of the same items. I just can?t do it again. Why can?t levels require different things? Does anyone else feel the same way?

The worst part is that the Crypt will (likely) drop only coin/experience post-event, which has been the case with the previous event building. It makes you feel like all of your effort are for nothing. I remember the days when the event buildings actually drop useful resources once you manage to upgrade them to max level.

Honestly, the only thing I want in this 2nd event is to have that big Werewolf as a pet (and no, not through buying package) but instead I got a puppy (and another puppy if I can finish the entire tedious quest). I mean... what's with all the baby pets in this event? I understand that they're cute but baby animals aren't always appealing :(

10-24-17, 04:03 AM
I'd like this event if it weren't for knight tokens. They are so hard to get and I have already got too many to stop...

10-24-17, 06:10 AM
I need some spellbound dew to make spllbound beams and blocks. Anyone know where to find this besides Ivy's hut?

10-24-17, 06:23 AM
I need some spellbound dew to make spllbound beams and blocks. Anyone know where to find this besides Ivy's hut?

From the Spellbound Bloom.

10-24-17, 06:30 AM
I need some spellbound dew to make spllbound beams and blocks. Anyone know where to find this besides Ivy's hut?

The unicorns also drop them. Unicorns crafted in the Mythic Research Center.

10-24-17, 06:58 AM
I need some spellbound dew to make spllbound beams and blocks. Anyone know where to find this besides Ivy's hut?

They also drop - infrequently - from flowers.

10-24-17, 07:42 AM
The Haunted Stable in the Market currently is an upgrade-able version. If you received a Haunted Stable from the event last year, that one doesn't count towards your limit of 2 regular Stables. If you got a Haunted Stable from last year, you can have that one + 2 regular or Haunted Stables.

So the Haunted Stable in the market isn't the same Haunted Stable as the one from the event from 2016?
And if it isn't! Why is the new Stable look not like the new Gothic buildings? Does it really work for all future events/quests the same like regular Stables?
If it looks like and is named as the 2016 Haunted Stable, why different rules?
Nothing to you as a person Pika, but I really don't like how S8 do things atm.
Things are very unclear! The info about what you get from events and items you can buy for gems (like this Haunted Satable) is nearly zero...
And I was happy to get a 2nd chance to get the missed Haunted stable! I wanted to use my gems for it, the gems I wanted to use for an Alicorn. I even tought about buying some gems if I wasn't able to buy the Alicorn next possibility it's on sale (hoping for Black Friday) because I used it for this 3th stable.
But now, I'm thinking of deleting the game! And not because I can't buy this stable now. But because it's impossible to get all things in the events done without all the helpful things most longtime players have! And it's impossible to buy this older helpful things with gems or real money! If you don't want the newer players getting a little bit of the extra help from this kind of buildings while the longtime players can do all this events so easy and get more helpful things the differences will be bigger and bigger between players and it becomes harder and harder to get anything done...
S8, if you don't want us (newer players) to get the helpful things from the past, please don't put something that looks like it on sale! Don't expect that we use money in this game for this useless things if we can't get the helpful things for gems or real money!
Very very disappointed....

10-24-17, 07:53 AM
I actually quite like the variety of this event. Will pages are collected from different places and different things are required for each level instead of just more of the same thing. So in that respect I think S8 did a good job. Everywhere else this event is a disappointment though.Me too, it's just too much all together. So I just concentrate on the babies, because I don't want the skins.

I'm happy with my werewolfpup, it just dropped a treat bag :)

The Haunted Stable in the Market currently is an upgrade-able version. If you received a Haunted Stable from the event last year, that one doesn't count towards your limit of 2 regular Stables. If you got a Haunted Stable from last year, you can have that one + 2 regular or Haunted Stables.
I actually think that's fair (I may be the only one though...), the players that have the 2016 haunted stable have worked hard to get it, it would be dissapointing if the rest of the world could just buy it now. That's not an incentive to participate in future events (I don't have the 2016 haunted stable, by the way).

10-24-17, 08:05 AM
Here?s my guess on Will Page requirements for the Tomb based what Lady Katt reported and knowing from Lord Puffy that we need 2 New Wills each for Levels 7-10:
Level 7: 10 page I + 10 page II + 10 page III
Level 8: 14 page II + 14 page III + 14 page IV
Level 9: 14 page III + 14 page IV + 14 page V
Level 10: 20 page IV + 20 page V + 20 page VI

That puts the page requirements AFTER Level 6 to:
Page I: 10
Page II: 10+14=24
Page III: 10+14+14=38
Page IV: 14+14+20=48
Page V: 14+20=34
Page VI: 20Thanks for this. Now I have some idea of what I need to collect.

I know, I know I could have done the math. I just never found the time to do it. Thanks again. Very appreciated.

10-24-17, 08:08 AM
I actually think that's fair (I may be the only one though...), the players that have the 2016 haunted stable have worked hard to get it, it would be dissapointing if the rest of the world could just buy it now. That's not an incentive to participate in future events (I don't have the 2016 haunted stable, by the way).

If it's fair because of the hard workers, it would be unfair that we can skip things with gems in storylines and during events too. Don't you think that's the same thing?

10-24-17, 08:40 AM
If it's fair because of the hard workers, it would be unfair that we can skip things with gems in storylines and during events too. Don't you think that's the same thing?

Apples and oranges to me actually.

But I have never understood the concept of exclusivity. It would never bother me if the whole world could just buy it now.

10-24-17, 08:40 AM
My tomb is currently on level 8 and I know that I'll make myself finish this event because I have issues and find it impossible to not complete something.

That being said, this event has really put a damper on my general enjoyment of the game. I don't think anyone who competed in last year's event would begrudge those that missed it the opportunity to purchase a prize buildings for gems this year. And I highly doubt S8 is thinking of fairness with this whole Haunted Stable business as several times over the last few events they've thrown up a 'value pack' with the event animal that players could buy for little money when some players spent way more in gems during the event to obtain the animal not knowing a value pack would be provided.

Fairness aside, my real issue is with how the entire thing was presented to us. We were first given a pop of of great looking Halloween buildings and when we got excited, we were told 'No, you're not getting new buildings, you're getting skins for your current buildings.' Then we start the event and we see that well, no it's not really a skin is it? It's more like a redesign on the building that we can purchase if we want.

Then they put up old items in the market for limited time sale for gems and that was fine, great even. When the timer ran out on those items, they put different Halloween items from past events up in the market, again for gems, including what looks exactly like the stable from last year's event. Great again. How would we possibly know that it wasn't the same from last year?

To me this all seems like lack for planning and vague if not outright misinformation. We are the consumers and it shouldn't be on us to have to get in contact with the company to try and suss out what should have been plainly stated from the beginning. How many of us are not going to be switching to the current Gothic buildings because we still have no information on how this will work going forward? Is this what we can expect for our events now?

10-24-17, 08:48 AM
To me this all seems like lack for planning and vague if not outright misinformation. We are the consumers and it shouldn't be on us to have to get in contact with the company to try and suss out what should have been plainly stated from the beginning. How many of us are not going to be switching to the current Gothic buildings because we still have no information on how this will work going forward? Is this what we can expect for our events now?

Totally agree. I won't be buying the Haunted or Gothic anything. The one Gothic cottage I have will be it. I have also stopped levelling up that one and have stopped actively working on levelling up the Tomb as well since I'm not convinced doing so will yield anything useful.

10-24-17, 09:43 AM
Why do my cows keep spawning Fangbeasts? This event has been so frustrating. Not really interested in exchanging my Keep, but still want to level up the Tomb. Would've been nice to have the Haunted Keep as an additional building since I missed it the last time, but I don't care for the cosmetic changes to existing buildings as"prizes". I really want the Ghostly Knight but the drop rates and required energy for this event is making that doubtful. I bought one ugly Withering Bush bundle and have made extras for a total of 14. That's helped get the the required Withering Roses for the upgrades. On the positive side: I bought the Witch's Cauldron and I've been pleased with its' drops.

10-24-17, 10:28 AM
If it's fair because of the hard workers, it would be unfair that we can skip things with gems in storylines and during events too. Don't you think that's the same thing?

I agree, it is the same thing. I don't get the exclusivity thing though.... let people buy what they want with their gems. Some people aren't interested in these goals but would spend real money to have the rewards. What does it matter who worked hard for them, you don't have to do the goals at all if you chose not too, if you do chose to do them then you obviously don't mind the hard work.
I couldn't care less who gets to buy past rewards I've worked hard to get... if I chose to work at getting them then that's my business, how someone else gets them isn't my business.
Take the Loveshack for example, I've got it because I was playing the game back when it was released but I wouldn't care if they re-released it now so other people can have it. It doesn't enhance my game to be one of the players who has it and honestly it would feel good to see people actually being happy in the game because this sought after item was made available to them now.
Anyway that's my thoughts on things.

I took a break from the game over the summer and came back for Halloween goals and play. I see some things never change. Most people are still unhappy with how these goals are run. Too much pressure, babysitting game, rehashed rewards, bad drops, uncertain future usefulness of rewards etc, etc. While I'm sorry to see the same problems, it has made it so much easier for me to be over all this... I'll play as time allows and I no longer care what I get and don't get.

10-24-17, 11:02 AM
What happened to my "Will Page III"????? I was collecting them while working on leveling up my tomb to lvl 5. After I leveled up, they all disappeared and I have to start collecting them again! Have others had this issue? Will it happen to the other wills I have collected ahead of time?

10-24-17, 11:15 AM
What happened to my "Will Page III"????? I was collecting them while working on leveling up my tomb to lvl 5. After I leveled up, they all disappeared and I have to start collecting them again! Have others had this issue? Will it happen to the other wills I have collected ahead of time?
make sure u're not using two devices with different updates. Pika posted this warning some time back in the forum.

10-24-17, 11:43 AM
make sure u're not using two devices with different updates. Pika posted this warning some time back in the forum.

I only play on an I-pad.

10-24-17, 11:54 AM
Still stuck on lvl 4 tomb cause of lack of werewolves need the ashes :/

10-24-17, 11:57 AM
The worst part is that the Crypt will (likely) drop only coin/experience post-event, which has been the case with the previous event building. It makes you feel like all of your effort are for nothing. I remember the days when the event buildings actually drop useful resources once you manage to upgrade them to max level.

Honestly, the only thing I want in this 2nd event is to have that big Werewolf as a pet (and no, not through buying package) but instead I got a puppy (and another puppy if I can finish the entire tedious quest). I mean... what's with all the baby pets in this event? I understand that they're cute but baby animals aren't always appealing :(

I think S8 has yet to learn the lesson of the old adage "too much of a good thing. . ." Walkers were cool until they were the reward for the fifth event in a row. Baby animals were awesome until we were consistently inundated with them. They do this all the time. They come out with something really cool and the instead of just leaving it at that, they change the color/theme 15 times until we are absolutely sick of them.

10-24-17, 12:12 PM
I think S8 has yet to learn the lesson of the old adage "too much of a good thing. . ." Walkers were cool until they were the reward for the fifth event in a row. Baby animals were awesome until we were consistently inundated with them. They do this all the time. They come out with something really cool and the instead of just leaving it at that, they change the color/theme 15 times until we are absolutely sick of them.

Lol. I think we all have to agree with this! Enough with the baby animals! :rolleyes:

However, I am still on board for having the gothic buildings. I do not see them as strictly Halloweenie. They do not have bats or pumpkins on them. Just a darker color scheme. I have changed all the buildings I can into gothic and do not plan to go back to the tired old colors I’ve had for 5 years.

10-24-17, 12:15 PM
What happened to my "Will Page III"????? I was collecting them while working on leveling up my tomb to lvl 5. After I leveled up, they all disappeared and I have to start collecting them again! Have others had this issue? Will it happen to the other wills I have collected ahead of time?

I only play on an I-pad.

did you maybe use them to level up the tomb to 5th? 25 of PageIII are needed. the other pages stay in your inventory until they are required for upleveling. luckily we can collect all types beforehand

10-24-17, 12:45 PM
Lol. I think we all have to agree with this! Enough with the baby animals! :rolleyes:

However, I am still on board for having the gothic buildings. I do not see them as strictly Halloweenie. They do not have bats or pumpkins on them. Just a darker color scheme. I have changed all the buildings I can into gothic and do not plan to go back to the tired old colors I’ve had for 5 years.

you're right Katt.. changes are always welcome!
many complaints during the last forum pages but let's now try and look at the positive side, as it always exists.

-there's a stable on sale, even if it's last years model.. has upgrading properties. so better than last years. so if we're interested.. it's for sale. if it's not appreciated.. we can leave it there.

-the gothic buildings are one of it's kind. we only have to choose if we would like to display them, or prefer not to.

-lots of little animals? luckily they are 1x1, eventually storablle and some do help with milk collection, and now decos.

this event is different than our usual way of play, but now knowing.. we can choose to go ahead or do something else we consider more important in our kingdoms.

we don't play for S8, nor against our fellow players.. and each our kingdoms are unique and different. this is what makes CS beautiful. kingdoms created by worldwide people, in different styles, all sharing the same passion in the same place.

10-24-17, 01:41 PM
Ahhhhh, there is the sweet Moon we all know and love! :o

I am in serious need of gothic spires. We cannot decorate the way we want to without coordinating accessories. The old spires are not at all complimentary to the gothic castle. What to do? :confused:

10-24-17, 01:56 PM
Ahhhhh, there is the sweet Moon we all know and love! :o

I am in serious need of gothic spires. We cannot decorate the way we want to without coordinating accessories. The old spires are not at all complimentary to the gothic castle. What to do? :confused:
now wouldn't it be a spooky idea if one of your ghostie babies dropped some for you? deco? wow! Katt (and not only) would be really frightened about the spooky surprise! ;)

10-24-17, 02:32 PM
Tomb L1 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TombL1) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TombL1.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 5000 coins
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Black Rose
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops: 1 Black Rose

Tomb L2 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TombL2) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TombL2.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 1 Withered Rose, 10 Pumpkin, 5 Stone Block, 20 Glimmerdust
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Black Rose
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops: 2 Black Rose

Tomb L3 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TombL3) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TombL3.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 20 Withered Roses, 10 Will Page I, 20 Pumpkin, 10 Stone Block
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Black Rose
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops: 3 Black Rose, 1 Withered Petal

Tomb L4 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TombL4) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TombL4.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 30 Withered Rose, 30 Pumpkin, 15 Will Page II, 15 Ashes
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Black Rose, Withered Petal
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops: 4 Black Rose, 1 Withered Petal

Tomb L5 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TombL5) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TombL5.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 40 Withered Rose, 40 Pumpkin, 15 Ashes, 25 Will Page III
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Black Rose, Withered Petal
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops: 5 Black Rose, 1 Withered Petal

Tomb L6 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TombL6) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TombL6.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 50 Withered Rose, 50 Pumpkin, 3 Ghost Ale, 30 Will Page III
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Black Rose, Withered Petal
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops: 6 Black Rose, 2 Withered Petal

Tomb L7 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TombL7) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TombL7.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 60 Withered Rose, 6 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will I
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Black Rose, Withered Petal
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops: 7 Black Rose, 2 Withered Petal

Tomb L8 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TombL8) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TombL8.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 70 Withered Rose, 9 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Black Rose, Withered Petal
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops: 8 Black Rose, x Withered Petal

Tomb L9 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TombL9) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TombL9.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 80 Withered Rose, 12 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Black Rose, Withered Petal
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops: 9 Black Rose, x Withered Petal

Tomb L10 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_TombL10) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-TombL10.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's final resting place. Drops Black Roses, used to build gothic buildings. Upgrade for high Black Rose drops.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 90 Withered Rose, 15 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Coins, Black Rose, Withered Petal
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops: 10 Black Rose, x Withered Petal

Black Rose (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_BlackRose) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-BlackRose.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A black rose used to upgrade Gothic Buildings!
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 20 gems
Used for: Gothic Cottage, Gothic Workshop
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Withered Roses (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WitheredRoses) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WitheredRoses.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Roses that are past their gifting date. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Can be found by tending to Withering Bushes.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 10 gems
Used for: Tomb
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Withering Bush (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WitheringBush) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WitheringBush.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A withering rose bush. Made in the workshop.
Level: 15
Type: Decoration (Plants)
Class: Plants
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 35 gems // 12 Wood, 5 Withered Petal
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Withered Roses
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Production: 10 minutes
Production Speed-up: 1 gems
Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Drops Withering Flowers.

Withered Petal (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WitheredPetal) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WitheredPetal.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A withered rose petal that has seen better days. Used to amke Withered Rose Bushes.Can be found by visiting the Tomb.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 10 gems
Found: Tomb
Used for: Withering Bush
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Will Page I (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WillPageI) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WillPageI.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A letter to Penny Pfefferknot from Jeanne Pierre's will and testament. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Can be found by clearing Dead Trees.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 8 gems
Found: Dead Tree
Used for: Tomb
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Will Page II (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WillPageII) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WillPageII.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A letter to Rich Pfefferknot from Jeanne Pierre's will and testament. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Can be found by defeating Werewolves.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 26 gems
Found: Werewolf
Used for: Tomb
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Will Page III (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WillPageIII) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WillPageIII.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A letter to Bill Pfefferknot from Jeanne Pierre's will and testament. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Can be found by denting Red Mushroom Circles.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 9 gems
Found: Red Mushroom Circle
Used for: Tomb
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Will Page IV (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WillPageIV) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WillPageIV.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A letter to a mysterious woman from Jeanne Pierre's will and testament. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Can be found by clearing Crab Apple Tree.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 8 gems
Found: Crab Apple Tree
Used for: Tomb
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Will Page V (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WillPageV) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WillPageV.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A letter to the royal canine, Fluffy Pfefferknot, from Jeanne Pierre's will and testament. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Can be found by fishing Ponds.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 17 gems
Found: Ponds
Used for: Tomb
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Will Page VI (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WillPageVI) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WillPageVI.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A letter to the Baron from Jeanne Pierre's will and testament. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Can be found by mining at the Sparkling Mine.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 10 gems
Found: Sparkling Mine
Used for: Tomb
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

New Will I (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_NewWillI) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-NewWillI.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A revised page of Jeannie Pierre's will and testament. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Made in the Workshop.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 55 gems // 5 Will Page I, 5 Will Page II, 5 Will Page III
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Production: 30 minutes
Production Speed-up: 2 gems
Cap: 2 (3)
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Revise Jeanne Pierre's Will

New Will II (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_NewWillII) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-NewWillII.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A revised page of Jeannie Pierre's will and testament. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Made in the Workshop.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 55 gems // 7 Will Page II, 7 Will Page III, 7 Will Page IV
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
Production Speed-up: 4 gems
Cap: 2 (3)
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Revise Jeanne Pierre's Will

New Will III (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_NewWillIII) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-NewWillIII.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A revised page of Jeannie Pierre's will and testament. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Made in the Workshop.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 55 gems // 7 Will Page III, 7 Will Page IV, 7 Will Page V
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Production Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 2 (3)
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Revise Jeanne Pierre's Will

New Will IV (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_NewWillIV) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-NewWillIV.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A revised page of Jeannie Pierre's will and testament. Used to upgrade the Tomb. Made in the Workshop.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 55 gems // 10 Will Page IV, 10 Will Page V, 10 Will Page VI
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Production Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 2 (3)
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Revise Jeanne Pierre's Will

Ashes (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Ashes) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Ashes.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: An romantic pile of ashes found near Werewolves dens. Can be found by defeating Werewolves.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 26 gems
Found: Werewolf
Used for: Tomb
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Ghostly Spirit (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GhostlySpirit) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GhostlySpirit.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A tavern favorite from the netherrealm. Used to make Ghost Ale. Can be found by visiting the Tavern.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 8 gems
Drops: Tavern
Used for: Ghost Ale
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: A nether-realm favorite.

Ghost Ale (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GhostAle) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GhostAle.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: An ale that won't go right through you. If you're a ghost! Used to upgrade the Tomb. Made in the Kitchen.
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Kitchen
Requirements: 30 gems // 5 Pumpkin, 1 Ghostly Ale, 2 Ashes
Used for: Tomb
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Production Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Werewolf (Spawn) (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WerewolfSpawn)
Storable: No
Level: 15
Type: Spawn
Source: Event
Size: 5x5
Found: Cows
Drops: Ashes, Will Page II
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: 9 HP

Werewolf Trap (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WerewolfTrap) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WerewolfTrap.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Chop to lure a Werewolf! WARNING: will not work if there is already a monster in your Kingdom!
Level: 15
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 15 gems
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Werewolf
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361
Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions

Werewolf Pup (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WerewolfPup) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-WerewolfPup.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A bone-chilling cute werewolf pup! Pet it to see what it found for you!
Level: 15
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: Treat Bags
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 360 minutes // 6 hours
Collection Speed-up: 24 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Parting Gift (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_PartingGift) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-PartingGift.png))
Storable: Yes
Level: 15
Type: Material
Source: Event
Found: Neighbors
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Fluffy (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Fluffy) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-Fluffy.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: Jeanne Pierre's beloved pooch. Pet it to see what it found for you!
Level: 15
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Sell: item cannot be sold!
Drops: ?
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
Collection Speed-up: 32 gems
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic Workshop (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicWorkshop) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicWorkshop.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Crafting Building used to create items for quests and kingdom construction.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 3000 coins // 2 Black Rose, 10 Wood, 10 Stone
Sell: 600 coins.
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic Cottage L1 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicCottageL1) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicCottageL1.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Town Building. Collect from it to earn Coins.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 1000 coins // 1 Black Rose, 3 Wooden Beam, 3 Stone Block
Sell: 200 coins.
Drops: Coins, Strawberries, Sugar Cane, Wheat, Cocoa Beans
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 2
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic Cottage L2 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicCottageL2) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicCottageL2.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Town Building. Collect from it to earn Coins.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 1 Black Rose, 25 Wood, 25 Stone, 10 Hide
Sell: 200 coins.
Drops: Coins, Strawberries, Sugar Cane, Wheat, Cocoa Beans
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 2
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic Cottage L3 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicCottageL3) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicCottageL3.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Town Building. Collect from it to earn Coins.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 3 Black Rose, 2 Wooden Beam, 3 Stone Block, 5 Fur
Sell: 200 coins.
Drops: Coins, Strawberries, Sugar Cane, Wheat, Cocoa Beans
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 2
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic Cottage L4 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicCottageL4) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicCottageL4.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Town Building. Collect from it to earn Coins.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 6 Black Rose, 25 Hide, 2 Fancy Beam, 2 Fancy Block
Sell: 200 coins.
Drops: Coins, Strawberries, Sugar Cane, Wheat, Cocoa Beans
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 2
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic Cottage L5 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicCottageL5) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicCottageL5.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Town Building. Collect from it to earn Coins.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 9 Black Rose, 4 Fancy Beam, 4 Fancy Block, 5 Yellow Dye
Sell: 200 coins.
Drops: Coins, Strawberries, Sugar Cane, Wheat, Cocoa Beans
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 2
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic Cottage L6 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicCottageL6) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicCottageL6.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Town Building. Collect from it to earn Coins.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 12 Black Rose, 2 Enchanted Block, 2 Enchanted Beam, 10 Yellow Dye
Sell: 200 coins.
Drops: Coins, Strawberries, Sugar Cane, Wheat, Cocoa Beans
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 2
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic Cottage L7 (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicCottageL7) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicCottageL7.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Town Building. Collect from it to earn Coins.
Level: 15
Type: Building
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 15 Black Rose, 2 Spellbound Beam, 2 Spellbound Block, 15 Yellow Dye
Sell: 200 coins.
Drops: Coins, Strawberries, Sugar Cane, Wheat, Cocoa Beans
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Collection: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Collection Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 2
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic King's Keep (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicKingsKeep) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicKingsKeep.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Royal Building. Increase your total Royal Points when placed on your board.
Level: 15
Type: Building (Royal)
Class: Royal
Source: Purchase
Size: 4x4
Royal Points: 180
Requirements: 3700 coins // 5 Fancy Block, 5 Fancy Beam, 10 Black Rose
Sell: 3000 coins.
Used for: Adventure
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic Queen's Court (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicQueensCourt) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicQueensCourt.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Royal Building. Increase your total Royal Points when placed on your board.
Level: 15
Type: Building (Royal)
Class: Royal
Source: Purchase
Size: 4x4
Royal Points: 180
Requirements: 3700 coins // 5 Fancy Block, 5 Fancy Beam, 10 Black Rose
Sell: 3000 coins.
Used for: Adventure
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 1
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

Gothic Potion Shop (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GothicPotionShop) - (Card (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inv/CastleStory-GothicPotionShop.png))
Storable: Yes
Info: A Crafting Building that can Brew useful potions!
Level: 15
Type: Building (Crafting)
Class: Crafting
Source: Purchase
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 4900 coins // 3 Stone Block, 3 Wooden Beam, 5 Black Rose
Sell: 980 coins.
Events: Tales of a Crypt - October 2017
Cap: 2
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361

To Ivy's Cursed Costume Contest Pics >>> (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?101361-Castle-Story-Halloween-Event-Ivy-s-nursery-continuing-Tales-of-the-Crypt-event&p=1462592&viewfull=1#post1462592)

10-24-17, 02:34 PM
More info on the Gothic Buildings:

If you progressed to the point in the event where you unlock a Gothic building and it becomes available in the Market, it will remain in the Market even after the event has ended. Also, the Tomb will continue to drop the materials needed to construct and upgrade the Gothic buildings after the event has ended.

10-24-17, 02:37 PM
If anyone accidentally sold their Haunted Stable from last year's event (the non upgradeable one) write to support.storm8.com under topic Issues/Bugs > Item-related issue.

10-24-17, 03:03 PM
did you maybe use them to level up the tomb to 5th? 25 of PageIII are needed. the other pages stay in your inventory until they are required for upleveling. luckily we can collect all types beforehand

Thanks so much MoonVillage!!!! You are exactly right. I didn't realize two upgrades used Will Page III. I wasn't watching how many I had; I was waiting for my withered flowers. Complaint averted!

10-24-17, 03:29 PM
Ahhhhh, there is the sweet Moon we all know and love! :o

I am in serious need of gothic spires. We cannot decorate the way we want to without coordinating accessories. The old spires are not at all complimentary to the gothic castle. What to do? :confused:

Ahhhh!! Yaaaas!!! I would loooove some gothic deco. I think if that were in sale in the market, I could get more into this because i could create a gothic area on my kingdom. But without that, I just can't bother with all of the hassle. It would be fab to put out in Greselda's neighborhood.

10-24-17, 04:43 PM
Well, I'd really like a couple of gothic spires to put around Griselda's castle but I am rather tired of those darn werewolves. 🗡 Oh well. I will see what happens. The good thing about prizes I don't really care about is there's a lot less pressure to finish.😉

10-24-17, 04:49 PM
I don?t think you can consider Pumpkin and Sugar as a reward from the Treat Bag ? But to receive 0 Coins as a reward!!!???!!! It's not fair!


10-24-17, 05:22 PM
I hope we get a well-deserved break after this event. It seems like they threw a whole bunch of stuff at us at once and there's just too much to accomplish. I've given up on the Ghost Knight (few tokens for so many battles) and the baby animals (treat bag crafting does not give even 1/2 the returns for the effort put in to collect the ingredients). Phew. I need a break!

10-24-17, 05:24 PM
I don?t think you can consider Pumpkin and Sugar as a reward from the Treat Bag ? But to receive 0 Coins as a reward!!!???!!! It's not fair!


I've never gotten coins from the treat bags. I always get two items, sometimes things to make the pets, otherwise pumpkins and/or sugar; never coins. I still think sugar and pumpkins are not treats; much less 0 coins. Craziness; why bother?

10-24-17, 05:36 PM
Treat bags have not once dropped from any building that is supposed to give them except cottages, and that stopped after the last event ended. Got the ghost skunky but only from making treat bags. Almost enough stuff for the fangpup but probably won't get the boar, which I really want.

10-24-17, 05:50 PM
More info on the Gothic Buildings:

If you progressed to the point in the event where you unlock a Gothic building and it becomes available in the Market, it will remain in the Market even after the event has ended. Also, the Tomb will continue to drop the materials needed to construct and upgrade the Gothic buildings after the event has ended.

Thanks for the info Pika!! :)

But can these buildings be placed into the Builders Guild please!!!
It's where they belong.

10-24-17, 05:53 PM
I don?t think you can consider Pumpkin and Sugar as a reward from the Treat Bag ? But to receive 0 Coins as a reward!!!???!!! It's not fair!

If you get pumpkins in the treat bag you receive 3 but only if it doesn't take you over the cap. As the cap on pumpkins is 99, the treat bag will give you the 2 pumpkins taking your total to 99 then give you the 0 coins instead of the third pumpkin.

10-24-17, 05:53 PM
Does anyone have any info on Fluffy drops/timer?? (the grand prize)

10-24-17, 06:06 PM
Anyone know the requirements for new will level 8? Is it different than level 7? Thanks

10-24-17, 06:33 PM
Does anyone have any info on Fluffy drops/timer?? (the grand prize)

Fluffy has an 8 hr. timer. His first drop was a bone. I?ll let you know if he drops other things, which he probably will.

10-24-17, 06:44 PM
Anyone know the requirements for new will level 8? Is it different than level 7? Thanks

Here’s my guess on Will Page requirements for the Tomb based what Lady Katt reported and knowing from Lord Puffy that we need 2 New Wills each for Levels 7-10:
Level 7: 10 page I + 10 page II + 10 page III
Level 8: 14 page II + 14 page III + 14 page IV
Level 9: 14 page III + 14 page IV + 14 page V
Level 10: 20 page IV + 20 page V + 20 page VI

That puts the page requirements AFTER Level 6 to:
Page I: 10
Page II: 10+14=24
Page III: 10+14+14=38
Page IV: 14+14+20=48
Page V: 14+20=34
Page VI: 20

I'm on level 9 and this has been accurate

10-24-17, 07:26 PM
I'm testing out the problem with question marks replacing the apostrophe in posts here.

I was having that problem as well but as you can see above it's not occurring anymore.

Here's the fix in IOS:

Go to Settings, General, Keyboard and turn off Smart Punctuation.

Voila, no more substitution. :)

10-24-17, 08:14 PM
I'm testing out the problem with question marks replacing the apostrophe in posts here.

I was having that problem as well but as you can see above it's not occurring anymore.

Here's the fix in IOS:

Go to Settings, General, Keyboard and turn off Smart Punctuation.

Voila, no more substitution. :)

Wow, thanks so much, meme. That's been driving me crazy!

10-24-17, 08:30 PM
I sol a level 5 cottage a farm house and a conservatory for ?NOTHING? 😡 I still can?t by the gothic workshop. This game is really starting to tick me off.

10-24-17, 08:37 PM
It says I have 2 haunted baby?s in Ivy?s cursed costume contest, but I only have 1 where do I find the missing haunted baby? Now she wants 3

10-24-17, 09:14 PM
I sol a level 5 cottage a farm house and a conservatory for ?NOTHING? 😡 I still can?t by the gothic workshop. This game is really starting to tick me off.

You have to sell one of your existing workshops to buy a gothic one. You can only have 2. Selling other buildings won't work.

10-24-17, 09:22 PM
Why do my cows keep spawning Fangbeasts? This event has been so frustrating. Not really interested in exchanging my Keep, but still want to level up the Tomb. Would've been nice to have the Haunted Keep as an additional building since I missed it the last time, but I don't care for the cosmetic changes to existing buildings as"prizes". I really want the Ghostly Knight but the drop rates and required energy for this event is making that doubtful. I bought one ugly Withering Bush bundle and have made extras for a total of 14. That's helped get the the required Withering Roses for the upgrades. On the positive side: I bought the Witch's Cauldron and I've been pleased with its' drops.

Milked 21 cows and got 4 fangbeasts and 1 werewolf! No energy left, time for bed

Wow 24 cows milked 5 fangbeasts and 1 werewolf. should have gone to bed!!

10-24-17, 10:00 PM
S8 please make ghost night token drops better.I've been working hard on them and event. I'm around half way in both my kingdoms and the bundle for sale only has 5 tokens so it would take far too much money. No point buying 1 or 2 bundles too early because I probably won't make the rest anyway, and bundle expires in 19 hours. Would be better to have it near the end or even after so people can maybe make up shortfall. Better still make drops more doable. Having ghost night and event going at same time with poor drops/spawns is rediculous/frustrating /sad/etc.

10-24-17, 10:06 PM
It says I have 2 haunted baby?s in Ivy?s cursed costume contest, but I only have 1 where do I find the missing haunted baby? Now she wants 3

FROM PAGE1 post#2
* The Werepea will count towards the goals to summon a haunted baby.
* The werewolf puppy will count towards the goals to summon a haunted baby.

don't know at what stage you are in the event.. but all you have to do is to craft another baby ghoul in Ivy's Nursery to finish that goal.
'werepea and werewolf pups' quoted above are prizes we can win during the two different set of goals and do count towards this goal.
I had crafted 2 ghoul cuties and got the werepea pup from finishing some stage and this goal autocompleted.

check on Page1 for all the info.. you can figure out which choice is best for you.

10-24-17, 10:12 PM
S8 please make ghost night token drops better.I've been working hard on them and event. I'm around half way in both my kingdoms and the bundle for sale only has 5 tokens so it would take far too much money. No point buying 1 or 2 bundles too early because I probably won't make the rest anyway, and bundle expires in 19 hours. Would be better to have it near the end or even after so people can maybe make up shortfall. Better still make drops more doable. Having ghost night and event going at same time with poor drops/spawns is rediculous/frustrating /sad/etc.

Also the 120gem price for an individual token is ridiculous!!
It means the Ghost Knight is worth 9600gems!! :mad:
He definitely isn't worth that!
And at 120gems there is no incentive to even come close and buy the remainder with gems.
Why isn't this a reasonable 10 gems?? (would make him worth 800)

10-24-17, 10:16 PM
Milked 21 cows and got 4 fangbeasts and 1 werewolf! No energy left, time for bed

Wow 24 cows milked 5 fangbeasts and 1 werewolf. should have gone to bed!!

the Fangbeasts luckily need very little hits to beat.. considering the fact we get lots of energy return. I find some are free to beat. they're just there to annoy you.
after you go through a chain of their appearances.. you'll see that for awhile they won't appear. you just have to go through the cycle. Good Luck!

10-24-17, 10:56 PM
Also the 120gem price for an individual token is ridiculous!!
It means the Ghost Knight is worth 9600gems!! :mad:
He definitely isn't worth that!
And at 120gems there is no incentive to even come close and buy the remainder with gems.
Why isn't this a reasonable 10 gems?? (would make him worth 800)

you are correct.. and extra expensive, but has been so since that event began.

I'm not saying you personally did.. but the problem I see turned up was we ignored the ghostknight collection. many decided to consentrate on collecting treatbags/voodoo dolls placing a monster so the ghostknight wouldn't appear while collecting from the farmhouses. certainly to save some energy as we had so many days to finish the ghostknight. I'm sure who didn't purposly place monsters are nearing to the end of that difficult collection.

the token drop rates are still the same.. as Katt posted long ago..
"1 token for sure every 7th ghost knight and even before" it just takes heaps of energy to go through the sequence.

especially now that energy is needed also for slaying werewolves for drops/gothic buildings.. I would suggest to consentrate on what you prefer.. a ghostknight or the gothic skin castle? this way you will be able to conclude the one you prefer without gemming. depends also on how many tokens still needed.
Good Luck!

10-24-17, 11:11 PM
More info on the Gothic Buildings:

If you progressed to the point in the event where you unlock a Gothic building and it becomes available in the Market, it will remain in the Market even after the event has ended. Also, the Tomb will continue to drop the materials needed to construct and upgrade the Gothic buildings after the event has ended.

thank you for this info.. it's positive to know all doesn't disappear after event.
once the Gothic building (castle and crafting buildings) are used on the board.. will we have the capability of using it again a second time in some future? does this choice remain in our inventory?
sorry for all these queries, but this is all a new indroduction for us.

10-24-17, 11:25 PM
I'm done with this one.like many others,tired of baby animals (unless they're Ali's) endless chopping,etc.or,worse,waiting for two or four hour wait times,let alone when Ivy's hut is included. C'mon s8,not everyone has access 24/7. On a lighter note,give us the werewolf as a pet option,might get me keen. Not as a '75% off package' tho. Still trying for g.knight😉 Proud Smeagol,signing out✊🏻

10-24-17, 11:35 PM
Heeheehee,maybe I shouldn't post when I've had a few,but my glorious neighbors know me,and it is coming up to All Hallows' Eve. I feel the hair on my palms,my nails thickening,the full moon is near and the urge to hunt is irresistible. Aaaawwoooh. s8 give us a werewolf to match our lynx;-)

10-24-17, 11:53 PM
Also the 120gem price for an individual token is ridiculous!!
It means the Ghost Knight is worth 9600gems!! :mad:
He definitely isn't worth that!
And at 120gems there is no incentive to even come close and buy the remainder with gems.
Why isn't this a reasonable 10 gems?? (would make him worth 800)

Lol I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw token price. Thought they made a mistake. I've been collecting between event fighting and only collecting from farmhouses for knights and not parking just to collect treat bags but yes tons of energy!
As to 9600 gems.....hahaha!

10-24-17, 11:54 PM
Heeheehee,maybe I shouldn't post when I've had a few,but my glorious neighbors know me,and it is coming up to All Hallows' Eve. I feel the hair on my palms,my nails thickening,the full moon is near and the urge to hunt is irresistible. Aaaawwoooh. s8 give us a werewolf to match our lynx;-)

But, but, but, we told them "no more animals". Now we're asking for another animal? Bwa-ha-ha! :p

10-24-17, 11:59 PM
But, but, but, we told them "no more animals". Now we're asking for another animal? Bwa-ha-ha! :p

But but, a werewolf is not an "Animal" right ;)

10-25-17, 12:12 AM
But but, a werewolf is not an "Animal" right ;)

Details, details...:rolleyes:

10-25-17, 12:21 AM
Details, details...:rolleyes:

I suppose it depends on how much control the lycanthrope has,he might just be content with a sniff and walk on two legs,but if the bloodlust is strong,he'll be that huge beast we all want in our kingdoms.

10-25-17, 12:26 AM
I suppose it depends on how much control the lycanthrope has,he might just be content with a sniff and walk on two legs,but if the bloodlust is strong,he'll be that huge beast we all want in our kingdoms.

Can't you just be happy with a little ghostpea?? Lol.

10-25-17, 12:33 AM
I have two large ghostpeas�� But I want the huge wolf(just to stay on thread)lol.sorry SW,;-)I want the werewolf as a pet......my two large ghostpeas are held,tightly,in reserve.lol,lol.

10-25-17, 01:39 AM
Goal Notes:
* Werewolves spawn from cows but not until you get to the goal telling you to fight them. You start spawning werewolves when the Tomb is level 3.

somehow all my Special cows have yet to spawn a werewolves........is it only the normal cows that spawns werewolves??

10-25-17, 01:45 AM
Also the 120gem price for an individual token is ridiculous!!
It means the Ghost Knight is worth 9600gems!! :mad:
He definitely isn't worth that!
And at 120gems there is no incentive to even come close and buy the remainder with gems.
Why isn't this a reasonable 10 gems?? (would make him worth 800)

For 9600 gems he should have a 50% chance of dropping an Alicorn!!!!

10-25-17, 01:48 AM
you are correct.. and extra expensive, but has been so since that event began.

I'm not saying you personally did.. but the problem I see turned up was we ignored the ghostknight collection. many decided to consentrate on collecting treatbags/voodoo dolls placing a monster so the ghostknight wouldn't appear while collecting from the farmhouses. certainly to save some energy as we had so many days to finish the ghostknight. I'm sure who didn't purposly place monsters are nearing to the end of that difficult collection.

the token drop rates are still the same.. as Katt posted long ago..
"1 token for sure every 7th ghost knight and even before" it just takes heaps of energy to go through the sequence.

especially now that energy is needed also for slaying werewolves for drops/gothic buildings.. I would suggest to consentrate on what you prefer.. a ghostknight or the gothic skin castle? this way you will be able to conclude the one you prefer without gemming. depends also on how many tokens still needed.
Good Luck!

Actually I don't think that is the case moon. I only parked a ghost knight when I was very close to leveling up and low on energy. All the other times I was spawning and fighting as normal. And I had about 5 days or so where I was only concentrating on that goal. I am sitting at only 38 tokens. So my only hope of the ghost knight is to finish the tomb in the next day or so and go back to focusing all of my energy on the knight. It might happen. But I won't hold my breath.

10-25-17, 02:31 AM
I have two large ghostpeas�� But I want the huge wolf(just to stay on thread)lol.sorry SW,;-)I want the werewolf as a pet......my two large ghostpeas are held,tightly,in reserve.lol,lol.
Lol! Didn't you know that part 3 of the Halloween story is to make growth serum and turn our babies into Giants! I'm with you though about the werewolf as a pet like the Flyger and Lynx. Graphics on it are amazingly detailed.

Ok, I totally made that up about part 3, but how good would that be! Bahaha!!!

10-25-17, 03:18 AM
S8 please make ghost night token drops better.I've been working hard on them and event. I'm around half way in both my kingdoms and the bundle for sale only has 5 tokens so it would take far too much money. No point buying 1 or 2 bundles too early because I probably won't make the rest anyway, and bundle expires in 19 hours. Would be better to have it near the end or even after so people can maybe make up shortfall. Better still make drops more doable. Having ghost night and event going at same time with poor drops/spawns is rediculous/frustrating /sad/etc.
After a short thinking over, I decided to gave up the event and go only for the Ghost knight. It is not possible to have it all, at least not without paying nicely for gems/bundles etc. The energy amounts, that all these tasks require, are huge. I have one Wiz school, 8 Alis, plus ten more energy daily from visiting nbrs and eventually crafting some more at Royal exchange and still can hardly scrab 3 knight tokens per day. Let alone fighting werewolves and collecting various items from wherever. So I gave up the Gothic theme event. Especially since the grand prize of the event is just a changing outfit of the Keep/not getting another Keep in gothic style, like last year's Halloween Haunted keep/ and some dog.
The knight at least looks interesting. What will be the use of it, it is highly doubtful, but I like the ghost style on him :D
Those baby animals, which were expected to give Spooky stuff, are giving only bones/fur/wheat plus Spooky gate and two Haunted paths. But they are cute, so whatever.

10-25-17, 04:25 AM

The first post is a bit confusing about the New Will:
Level 7: 60 Withered Rose, 6 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will [=5 Will Page I, 5 Will Page II, 5 Will Page III] | +700 | Drops x black roses, 2 withered petal
Level 8: 70 Withered Rose, 9 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will | +800 | Drops x
Level 9: 80 Withered Rose, 12 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will | +900 | Drops x
Level 10: 90 Withered Rose, 15 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will [=10 Will IV, 10 Will V, 10 Will VI per New Will] | +1000 | Drops x

* Draft a New Will 0/2 MAKE (skip 110 gems) | Workshop, 30 minutes - 5 Will Page I, 5 Will Page II, 5 Will Page III

Now I don't know how many I need of which...

I really appreciate your hard work, but I'm a bit in the dark here...

10-25-17, 06:02 AM
new will level8 need 7 Will II, 7 Will III, 7 Will IV - 1hr
btw, I don't know why not the same but to upgrade tomb I use 6 Ghost Ale, not 9 and use 4 at level 7

10-25-17, 07:59 AM
If you get zero coins, I've found it has to do with being 99 (or whatever the max is) on whatever that item would have been. No guarantee I'm right but that's what it has been when I got zero coins in a bag, was maxed on sugar or pumpkins.

Instead of it just hopping to another item for us :/ It sucks.

So if maxed on sugar, you might get coins.

Maxed on pumpkins, same you might get coins.

I guess if you're super epic, you could be maxed on other stuff too. Super epic.

OH man just think of how gross of a feeling would it be to get a treat bag of zero coins/zero coins due to having 99 of both sugar and pumpkins. ugh.

I just need two more white paste bowls for that scary little boar. I'm really close to making a second ghostpee though because all I get is that stuff or toilet paper.

10-25-17, 09:10 AM
Any use from Tomb after the event??? Please let us know, some of use are not
Interested in new facades look. So should we still upgrade the Tomb?
Will it drop any materials besides roses?

10-25-17, 09:13 AM
Here’s a thought: what if instead of always new buildings, more pets, more baby pets, how about S8 have events that enhance drops from existing items?

10-25-17, 10:05 AM
Here’s a thought: what if instead of always new buildings, more pets, more baby pets, how about S8 have events that enhance drops from existing items?

Or instead of introducing new crafts that are only good for that event, why not use the existing crafts and drops? Make the ghost ale from wheat instead of ashes (???), or get the withered roses from existing plants. Now I'll have these withered bushes in my inventory which will only drop the default white petals after the event, thus making them completely useless in my kingdom going forward. There's a lot of waste in this game.

10-25-17, 10:19 AM
Any use from Tomb after the event??? Please let us know, some of use are not
Interested in new facades look. So should we still upgrade the Tomb?
Will it drop any materials besides roses?

In Pika's quote hereunder.. there's some info re Tomb drops after the event is over.

More info on the Gothic Buildings:

If you progressed to the point in the event where you unlock a Gothic building and it becomes available in the Market, it will remain in the Market even after the event has ended. Also, the Tomb will continue to drop the materials needed to construct and upgrade the Gothic buildings after the event has ended.

10-25-17, 10:31 AM

The first post is a bit confusing about the New Will:
Level 7: 60 Withered Rose, 6 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will [=5 Will Page I, 5 Will Page II, 5 Will Page III] | +700 | Drops x black roses, 2 withered petal
Level 8: 70 Withered Rose, 9 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will | +800 | Drops x
Level 9: 80 Withered Rose, 12 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will | +900 | Drops x
Level 10: 90 Withered Rose, 15 Ghost Ale, 2 New Will [=10 Will IV, 10 Will V, 10 Will VI per New Will] | +1000 | Drops x

* Draft a New Will 0/2 MAKE (skip 110 gems) | Workshop, 30 minutes - 5 Will Page I, 5 Will Page II, 5 Will Page III

Now I don't know how many I need of which...

I really appreciate your hard work, but I'm a bit in the dark here...

I'm not SW but...If I'm understanding your question correctly then you are confused about how many will pages you need to collect. Basically, as you level up the Tomb, the requirements for the New Will change and the timer goes up on it. New Wills first require will pages 1, 2, and 3 (5 of each) to craft and take 30 minutes in the workshop. After a certain level that changes and the New Will requires will pages 2, 3, and 4 (7 of each) and takes an hour to craft. The trend continues as you go forward. We have a cap of 2 new wills so I've been crafting 3 per level to save myself on collections in the next round.

There are several posts over the last few days where this is discussed more in depth but I hope this helps.

10-25-17, 10:50 AM
This so silly. So Jeanne Pierre is making a new will but he's using exorbitant amounts of pages from the old one???
Sorry, but I don't get it. The new will should have new information not a bunch of pages of old info he wants to replace. :confused:

10-25-17, 11:11 AM
In Pika's quote hereunder.. there's some info re Tomb drops after the event is over.

Thank you!
I just needed to know ahead.
Not upgrading the Tomb. I did that mistake with Ivys Carriage. And now it doesn’t even drop a Coin!!! What a slap in the face.. so much materials into the garbage.

10-25-17, 12:15 PM
There must have been an update pushed out because now the game won't load. Is anyone else able to get in? I JUST upgraded the tomb to where we have to visit community kingdoms and craft new wills and the game crashed.

10-25-17, 12:32 PM
... Murphy's Law. Looks like all is well again.

10-25-17, 01:49 PM
Sorry if this is a daft question. I am on level 7. If I craft 3 wills will 1 of the wills count towards the next level even although the resources to craft it are less than is required when you get to the next level.

I.e. Need wills 2, 3 and 4 to craft wills at level 7 but need wills 3, 4 and 5 to craft at level 8 and also the number of pages you need to use goes up

10-25-17, 02:01 PM
I would think no.. the pages are different.. so wouldn't be the correct new will, but wait till someone who has reached there gives you confirm.

10-25-17, 02:52 PM
Sorry if this is a daft question. I am on level 7. If I craft 3 wills will 1 of the wills count towards the next level even although the resources to craft it are less than is required when you get to the next level.

I.e. Need wills 2, 3 and 4 to craft wills at level 7 but need wills 3, 4 and 5 to craft at level 8 and also the number of pages you need to use goes up

I just leveled up to level 8. I was only able to craft 2 new will pages and the had message I had reached limit on new will pages, so 1 couldn't be carried over.

10-25-17, 03:07 PM
I just leveled up to level 8. I was only able to craft 2 new will pages and the had message I had reached limit on new will pages, so 1 couldn't be carried over.

I was thinking if I crafted 1 then collected it and then crafted 2 more so I would have 3. Doesn't really matter as it isn't so hard to collect the resources required I suppose.

10-25-17, 03:10 PM
I just leveled up to level 8. I was only able to craft 2 new will pages and the had message I had reached limit on new will pages, so 1 couldn't be carried over.

You can make 3 new wills before leveling up and the 3rd one will work for the next level even though the page numbers are different. I think it was Puffy who told us about this strategy many pages ago. If you craft 2 new wills at once, then collect one of them and start another one crafting before you collect the 2nd one in the other workshop, you'll be able to do 3.

10-25-17, 03:19 PM
My OCD likes even numbers so I did two at same time. Will try it next level since the mines take a longer time to collect.

10-25-17, 04:09 PM
These Withered Roses are ****ing...

So far, I'm at lvl 5 and have 45 Withered Roses, and 6 withering bushes. I need 350 Withered Roses in total.

That means that for the next 7,2 days straight, I need to do 7 collections per day! At 8, 10 and 12 AM, and 2, 4, 6 and 8 PM. But I also need to work, sport, have a social life...

How am I gonna do that???

10-25-17, 04:27 PM
These Withered Roses are ****ing...

So far, I'm at lvl 5 and have 45 Withered Roses, and 6 withering bushes. I need 350 Withered Roses in total.

That means that for the next 7,2 days straight, I need to do 7 collections per day! At 8, 10 and 12 AM, and 2, 4, 6 and 8 PM. But I also need to work, sport, have a social life...

How am I gonna do that???
Higher lvl tomb will drop more petals so you can craft more bushes :) I got 2-3 petals from lvl 6

10-25-17, 04:44 PM
you are correct.. and extra expensive, but has been so since that event began.

I'm not saying you personally did.. but the problem I see turned up was we ignored the ghostknight collection.

Good Luck!

Thanks Moon! ❤️
Luckily I didn't ignore them! Still on track with my 3/day... So I'll have no problems. :)

But many players don't have the resources I have, and I think the 120gem/token price for them is ridiculous.

10-25-17, 05:10 PM
Am I wrong to think the gothic cottage functions just as same as the regular cottage? I upgraded the gothic cottage to level 7 instead of the regular one and collected from it but “collect from a level 7 cottage” of the goal “Raising the stakes” did not clicked off.

10-25-17, 05:33 PM
Level 6 drops: 6 black roses, 2 withered petals
Level 7 drops: 7 black roses, 2 withered petals
Level 8 new will requirements (need 2, craft in workshop): 7 Will Page II, 7 Will Page III, 7 Will Page IV

10-25-17, 07:18 PM
I can no longer craft dire boar pops in my workshop in order to make treat bags so I can craft a baby in Ivy?s nursery

10-25-17, 07:23 PM
The dire boar pops are still available in the kitchen, the ghost ale has moved them down on my list but they're still there. If rebooting and all the standard steps don't work, I'd put a ticket in with S8.

10-25-17, 08:30 PM
Thank you!
I just needed to know ahead.
Not upgrading the Tomb. I did that mistake with Ivys Carriage. And now it doesn?t even drop a Coin!!! What a slap in the face.. so much materials into the garbage.

If you don't upgrade the tomb, you won't have access to the gothic buildings. It's just a matter of whether or not you want the gothic buildings.

10-25-17, 08:33 PM
Am I wrong to think the gothic cottage functions just as same as the regular cottage? I upgraded the gothic cottage to level 7 instead of the regular one and collected from it but “collect from a level 7 cottage” of the goal “Raising the stakes” did not clicked off.

I'm sure it's not coded right to qualify for that goal. I would ask SW to have the S8 team look at it. This is pretty on par for then not thinking about things like that.

10-25-17, 08:43 PM
So lost on what the final award is? I have my werewolf!

What other rewards do we get? On searching mushrooms

10-25-17, 09:51 PM
Final prize unblocks the capacity to change your original Castle into Gothic style in your market.. and a black 'n white puppy, symbol of the finish-line called Fluffy.

This 'gothic skin' remains in your Market along with the other gothic buildings so you can change over/upgrade as you wish. If you decide not to reach the end of the event the Gothic Castle will be missing. You should already have the g-cottage, g-workshop, g-potionshop.. depends on what level you've reached.

Will III/black drops from mushrooms.

10-25-17, 10:35 PM
Am I wrong to think the gothic cottage functions just as same as the regular cottage? I upgraded the gothic cottage to level 7 instead of the regular one and collected from it but “collect from a level 7 cottage” of the goal “Raising the stakes” did not clicked off.
I'll report this...

10-25-17, 11:37 PM
Lol! Didn't you know that part 3 of the Halloween story is to make growth serum and turn our babies into Giants! I'm with you though about the werewolf as a pet like the Flyger and Lynx. Graphics on it are amazingly detailed.

Ok, I totally made that up about part 3, but how good would that be! Bahaha!!!

Thanks for the kudos,ms.SW😘Knowing a fellow Aussie has my back on this,plus the fact it's your legendary self ;-) I know it's just a matter of time before we all have a lovely big dog lurking in our kingdoms to keep our spunky Katts under control.lol

10-26-17, 05:55 AM
and a black 'n white puppy, symbol of the finish-line called Fluffy.

What does the puppy drop?

10-26-17, 05:56 AM
You can make 3 new wills before leveling up and the 3rd one will work for the next level even though the page numbers are different. I think it was Puffy who told us about this strategy many pages ago. If you craft 2 new wills at once, then collect one of them and start another one crafting before you collect the 2nd one in the other workshop, you'll be able to do 3.

Just to let others know, this works great! I didn't need to make any new wills for Level 9 as the extras I made for L7 & L8 ticked it off for me. Now I just need the requests to move the goal to Part 10. :)
And ... I already have 1 for L10. So I only need to make 1 more new will for the final upgrade.

Thanks! Shibuyacloth, aka Puffy.

10-26-17, 06:35 AM
Just to let others know, this works great! I didn't need to make any new wills for Level 9 as the extras I made for L7 & L8 ticked it off for me. Now I just need the requests to move the goal to Part 10. :)
And ... I already have 1 for L10. So I only need to make 1 more new will for the final upgrade.

Thanks! Shibuyacloth, aka Puffy.

Brilliant. Thanks. It was too late for my upgrade to level 8 but will be doing this for levels 9 and 10.

All I need to collect are 6 wills from ponds and make 21 more ghost ales!!!

That means I only need to **** another 42 more werewolves. To tell you the truth I feel quite sorry for them, I am sure they are really quite harmless.

10-26-17, 07:05 AM
Thanks! Shibuyacloth, aka Puffy.

Shibuya isnt Puffy:rolleyes::eek:
Choatarch = Puffy / Puff / Puffhausen :p

10-26-17, 07:09 AM
Just finished the event. It's a bit disappointing that the none of the things I've worked towards in this event was worth my time. The last and finale prize is fluffy, a dog that doesn't even look remotely like a Halloween animal and it dropped fur....

10-26-17, 07:36 AM
My werewolf pup dropped items needed for costumed pets. I guess I missed that being mentioned, because I had been neglecting to tap on him. It would be so nice if our baby werewolf pup grew up to the full sized werewolf after so many pets. I think I'm at needing 50 more werewolves to fight.

10-26-17, 07:42 AM
The dire boar pops are still available in the kitchen, the ghost ale has moved them down on my list but they're still there. If rebooting and all the standard steps don't work, I'd put a ticket in with S8.

Thank you!

10-26-17, 08:25 AM
Shibuya isnt Puffy:rolleyes::eek:
Choatarch = Puffy / Puff / Puffhausen :p

Sorry about that Puffy. Not enough coffee this morning & sooo excited about the new wills. I beg your forgiveness. And I apologize to Shibuyacloth as well.

10-26-17, 09:26 AM
If you don't upgrade the tomb, you won't have access to the gothic buildings. It's just a matter of whether or not you want the gothic buildings.

I don?t want a new skin for my castle, I already have the haunted keep to look sinister all year round. I don?t want to replace my upgraded buildings wth gothic ones that need to be upgraded from scratch. I don?t need the ghost and it?s meager drops. And I really don?t care for more baby animals, espcially clothed ones.

Still I?m going to upgrade my tomb to level 7 in a few hours, and collecting wills and ash for level 8-10. I have 68 ghost tokens so on track for the ghost. And I?m hoping for more white paint for a second dire, so I can have 2 of each.

Man I?m a Castle Story sucker!

10-26-17, 10:30 AM
Alright, I am officially giving up on the Ghost Knight.

I have like a token drop per 5-8 tries. Maybe I have just bad luck. But with all the other heavy clicking events going on at the same time, this just won't work out for me. I am still at only 31 tokens, despite having summoned ghosts daily and getting tokens from forging the Halloween babies and still am not even half way.

So yeah, I think I will just focus on the other stuff. This is just too frustrating with such a poor drop-rate :/

10-26-17, 10:53 AM
Shibuya isnt Puffy:rolleyes::eek:
Choatarch = Puffy / Puff / Puffhausen :p

Speaking of Shibuya, thanks for your hard work listing the items, pics, and their drops! You were definitely missed while on holiday!:o

10-26-17, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the kudos,ms.SW😘Knowing a fellow Aussie has my back on this,plus the fact it's your legendary self ;-) I know it's just a matter of time before we all have a lovely big dog lurking in our kingdoms to keep our spunky Katts under control.lol

A werewolf can't control a Katt! We're partners in crime.

10-26-17, 12:03 PM
Alright, I am officially giving up on the Ghost Knight.

I have like a token drop per 5-8 tries. Maybe I have just bad luck. But with all the other heavy clicking events going on at the same time, this just won't work out for me. I am still at only 31 tokens, despite having summoned ghosts daily and getting tokens from forging the Halloween babies and still am not even half way.

So yeah, I think I will just focus on the other stuff. This is just too frustrating with such a poor drop-rate :/I gave up on the ghost knight a week ago, because I calculated I had no way of getting the needed tokens in time. So now I'm concentrating on the babies and have been slaying a lot of ghosts and I averaged 1 token a day (and needed 4-5 a day). Even though you keep hoping drop rates go up, they don't...but I have a baby werewolf and almost a ghost werepea.

By the way: My gold mine dropped a multicolor hedge:confused:

10-26-17, 12:10 PM
I'm waiting on my last new wills to finish up then I'll be done with the upgrades. I'm hoping I've left myself enough time to collect enough tokens for my second ghost knight. Fingers crossed.

I noticed a new 'value' pack this morning containing: 10 GK tokens, 2 white paint, 1 bone broom, 1 stay fresh, 1 creepy candle, 2 bandages and 2 bottled ghosts all for 14.99. Is it just me or is that price a bit high for the low quantities of each item offered? Luckily I'm not in need of the items but it still struck me as expensive.

10-26-17, 12:11 PM
Shibuya isnt Puffy:rolleyes::eek:
Choatarch = Puffy / Puff / Puffhausen :p

Indeed, we both are u-goals fans, but not the same person. :o
I write them, puffy override them!

10-26-17, 12:12 PM
I have all the babies but the dire-boar. Missing 6 more white paint and 1 more bone brush. Well it is 7 more days so that still feels somewhat realistic to achieve with crafting a few treatbags and getting 1 free from the two werebabies.

The ghost I simpy won't be able to unless they change the droprates or add something else that gives drops too. But doesn't look that way.

10-26-17, 12:13 PM
Speaking of Shibuya, thanks for your hard work listing the items, pics, and their drops! You were definitely missed while on holiday!:o

Needed to relax in Tokyo (https://www.google.ch/maps/@35.6668861,139.6751166,14z?hl=en)! There you have at least more glimmer then in the Glimmer Forest.

10-26-17, 12:36 PM
Ok call me stupid but how do you change the King’s Keep to the gothic look? I have lots of black roses but don’t know how to use them. Sorry if this a stupid question but I have not found the answer. Sorry guys.

10-26-17, 12:53 PM
S8 changed the 0 coins in treat bags to 15 coins. Noticed when I collected from my Werepea, while it's not much it surely is better than nothing.

10-26-17, 01:22 PM
the two werebabies.

What are you refuring two by "two werebabies"? Do you mean the werewolf pup and one of the halloween babies?

Curious since I have werepup, halloween pup and skunk. I know where pup gives treat bags but not sure whay all my babues give just got them both yestetday

10-26-17, 01:25 PM
Also other than fluffy pup that gives fur. What else is the end result of this? Any more werewolves? Or more halloween animals?

10-26-17, 01:33 PM
I have werepea and werewolf pup. Can we have more than one werewolf pup?

Never mind. It looks like just 1 werewolf pup. The one you get after leveling up Gothic cottage.
And werepea from completing Candy Conniption.

10-26-17, 02:41 PM
What are you refuring two by "two werebabies"? Do you mean the werewolf pup and one of the halloween babies?

Curious since I have werepup, halloween pup and skunk. I know where pup gives treat bags but not sure whay all my babues give just got them both yestetday

I meant the Werepea and the Werewolf pup.

10-26-17, 02:47 PM
I'm hoping I'm in the right place for this as I haven't used the forum before. I'm at level 24 in Castle Story and I'm trying to upgrade my Gothic Cottage to level 7, but it requires Spellbound Blocks which is Locked by Goal. What do I need to do to unlock it?

10-26-17, 02:55 PM
I'm hoping I'm in the right place for this as I haven't used the forum before. I'm at level 24 in Castle Story and I'm trying to upgrade my Gothic Cottage to level 7, but it requires Spellbound Blocks which is Locked by Goal. What do I need to do to unlock it?

It's optional to update it to lvl 7. Take your time :)

10-26-17, 03:09 PM
It's optional to update it to lvl 7. Take your time :)

Thanks for responding. I'm still not certain what to do now. I think what I need to know is what is the goal that unlocks Spellbound Blocks in the workshop.

10-26-17, 03:17 PM
Thanks for responding. I'm still not certain what to do now. I think what I need to know is what is the goal that unlocks Spellbound Blocks in the workshop.
This is off topic for this thread, however, you need to be Level 26 or higher for a main story goal line to begin about getting spellbound dew to make the blocks and beams required to upgrade to L6 and L7. Info here: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?93616-Castle-Update-8-18-Spellbound

Happy upgrading! :)

10-26-17, 03:46 PM
This is off topic for this thread, however, you need to be Level 26 or higher for a main story goal line to begin about getting spellbound dew to make the blocks and beams required to upgrade to L6 and L7. Info here: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?93616-Castle-Update-8-18-Spellbound

Happy upgrading! :)

Ah. Cool. Thanks so much.

10-26-17, 03:56 PM
I got my little painted boar! He is very nicely designed, whoever did the art, I think he's lovely (even if he is sorta creeping me out a bit sorry). I like the design of all of them but I like all the little babies, 1x1 babies make me happy <3

In the time it took to get the parts for him, I made the ghostpee and eventually managed the toiletpaper fangpup.

Plus gathered enough stuff that I'm over what I need for ghost bottles and only need 2 candles now for a second ghostpee, assuming we can have a second. He's still in the thing so I guess we can

Then for the other I'm I think a little past halfway on toilet paper and almost done with I forgot what the other item is.

All of that! Those bowls are so hard to get whoa.

One or two ghostpees to guard my castle is better than one ghost knight because way less stress thank you very much.

10-26-17, 04:13 PM
A question for players at lv 7-10
How much time did you need for the lvs.
I worked for the ghost and so Im only at lv 6 with 7 days to go. Do you think that that's doable?
P.s. My werewolf spawn rate is aweful. I need about 9 cows -.-