View Full Version : Hey there ! Im back !

10-08-17, 04:31 AM
Hi bakery story ,

i know this might not be the right place for this thread but i would love people to read it ;)
Hey kooky panda , i only remember you gosh , and others who remember me heyyy kieran is back alohah !!!
So i'm a old player i played BS since the game released and at christmas 2015 i was chosen to be a head prefect and i have to take care of 3000+ students i was soooo busy with life i decided to quit playing until 2 days ago.

I feel good to be back but i lost all my active neighbours , i miss them a lot still feel free to invite me , im active again now but just only send parts for me okay ? i will leave you a note if i need any specific one. lv99 of course i played for almost 5 years ? i think so, non stop , i used to read storm 8 forum and for people who doesn't know , storm 8 used to be orange coloured ahahhaa. and and the first appliances that was introduced was the ice cream machine and i drives me crazy hahaha.

ok the saddest part of my life , im totally fine that i missed sooooo many goals so many appliances , what makes me upset so much is that I MISSED THE TRUFFLE CHAIR>>> AGAIN..... For you guys who don't know , you can search threads with truffle chair , i used to hope that they will bring it back and when they bring it back.... i'm not there...oh lord does somebody understands this feeling of oh god doesn't wants me to be back in the game huh... taking way my fav chair ..'m so sad people..

ok , never mind , ill pray that they bring back the truffle chair and maybe old goals again cause i have faith in you BS , lets celebrate this wonderful time ! i'm changing my bakery's name soon. its dream of cake now ( back then i was so young ) college now and i'm proud to say i don't care what age i am but this is definitely my fav game ever , guys dont leave the game like me hahaha.

ok bye , love you guys ,

10-08-17, 04:48 AM
Heres the pic of me bakery when i first started good old days.


this is me now , as you can see im trying to catch up. oh truffle chair please.


10-08-17, 12:09 PM
Nice to have you back! Congratulations on making Head Prefect :)

Sorry to hear you missed the Truffle Chair when it was back. You can request its return in the current Holiday Suggestion thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?100675-Bakery-Winter-Holidays-2017-Request-Thread) if you like :)

You may post in the Bakery Story Add Me forums (https://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?42-Bakery-Story-Add-Me) to find new neighbors, and advertise yourself as a potential new neighbor.

Welcome back once again :) Hope your transition back into Bakery is a smooth one!