View Full Version : Any Plans for a Pink Bun Oven?

09-24-17, 08:53 PM
We have a Blue Bun Oven and even some decor for it but no pink bun oven. Any plans to add one? Can this be requested?

09-25-17, 09:25 AM
I love pink oven too. Hope to see more pink items like floor tiles and wallpapers.

09-26-17, 09:18 AM
third this we need new recipes and crates!

09-26-17, 02:18 PM
Although it's a cute idea and should be released so we have a baby girl oven.

I would much rather see them do the last 6 signs of the Astrology goal.

10-19-17, 06:56 AM
Although it's a cute idea and should be released so we have a baby girl oven.

I would much rather see them do the last 6 signs of the Astrology goal.

I totally agree with you on them finishing those other six Astrology signs! I'd like to see a Leo recipe myself :o

10-21-17, 04:24 AM
A pink oven would be lovely. I don't know if there was one before or not.

I so wish they'd redo the astrology ones. Re-release the old & do the rest of the signs. So cool!!

10-22-17, 08:27 AM
I would much rather see them do the last 6 signs of the Astrology goal.

I totally agree with you on them finishing those other six Astrology signs! I'd like to see a Leo recipe myself :o

I so wish they'd redo the astrology ones. Re-release the old & do the rest of the signs. So cool!!

Well observed they never finished all signs !!!! That's a great idea!