View Full Version : Il Macchina Problems.

09-20-17, 07:13 PM
Normally I like to get at least 5 of the new ovens/drink machines. For some reason, I was only able to buy 3. I tried looking for Il Macchina in the list of Ovens but I can't find. I looked like 5 earlier and just now I looked again. For some reason it's not listed. I'm not sure if it's just a glich or just my phone or something like that. Does anyone else have this problem?

09-20-17, 09:47 PM
Hmm I think you're looking for Caffe La Macchina..that is an appliance. It should be all the way towards the end next to your goal ovens. Il Macchina is just a floor decor..also all the way to the end of the floor decor tab. Hope this answers your question?

09-21-17, 10:25 AM
I haven't had a problem finding my appliances after I stored them. Hope you find it!