View Full Version : Bakery Story Recipe Inventory and Oven Chart!!

08-09-17, 10:59 AM
Hello Everyone 😊

I was wondering if anyone has updated Recipe Charts, Oven Inventory... like the items attached.

I'm trying too send out gifts & I see I have a musical staff but if that is only good for users on certain levels than I shoo not want to send that to people it will not help.

Online I've found charts that listed all the gifts & what ovens they were used for & what levels... the problem is it's from 2012 & the game has changed a lot since then. I even found an old thread where this information was but it wasn't a sticky note. This kind of information would be helpful for those of us trying to help neighbors.

I have 78 "golden knobs" in my gifts, I have no idea what these build & how helpful they will be later but I cant imagine needing 78. I'm also afraid to refuse gifts because if it notified the sender I don't want to offend them. ☹

Also... it would be so much eaiser if we would click a button to invite a neighbor, like the button to send a gift! So much easier than remembering their Storm IDs or writing them down. The person would be able to decline invites like they can now. But a button would be a lot more helpful!

Thank you for all of your help 😊