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  1. Dragon Story Bug(s)
  2. Dragon Story: Enhancement Requests
  3. Dragon Story Issue
  4. Dragon Story. Me And Friend No Quest Button
  5. Report Dragon Story bugs here!
  6. Where are the quests???
  7. Lag. Lag. Lag.
  8. Current Known Bugs and Issues for Dragon Story
  9. I would like more habitats please and thank you
  10. Battery Life
  11. Plants
  12. Play/tips disappear
  13. Things cost more when you have more gold?
  14. Quests don't Appear
  15. Dragons freeze ..
  16. Cannot move Firestorm dragon to yellow plateau
  17. No Notifacations
  18. Why does everything cost so much?
  19. Can't rotate blue lagoon
  20. No tip amount
  21. Dragons look un-evolved to everyone else who visits
  22. inventory?
  23. Push Notifications
  24. Dragon evolve took 14hrs?
  25. Need help. Breeding den is blocked
  26. I have the number '4' showing up in the lower left hand corner when I visit others
  27. Changes to gold requirements?
  28. Breeding den changed to 125 gold when i got 25 gold
  29. Keyboard blocks the message window
  30. Changes that would make Dragonstory better
  31. Can't invite friends on face book!
  32. Crashing and missing buttons
  33. Is this just an ios game?
  34. Met quest requirements but now cannot purchase farm that was "unlocled"
  35. Map Requests and Mediaplayer
  36. Expansion
  37. Can you block people in DS??
  38. "Menu" icon and play times indication to be shown when visiting others
  39. I have a Suggestion TeamLava...
  40. Dragon list how to breed
  41. Evolve wont let me get my dragon!
  42. 2nd nest
  43. task not rewarding then disappears.
  44. Dragon Story game changes
  45. Flipflopmom, buckethead01, and joshman2003
  46. Bugs Bugs & more Bugs... Oh wait and a few suggestions :)
  47. Upgraded for 20,000 but got charged 60,000!
  48. breeding den stuck
  49. Update problem
  50. Dragon Story gifts problems
  51. New Update! New Dragons! Same prices...
  52. Selling habitats disabled!
  53. Slots ad popup now on Dragon Story - unbelievable
  54. Same price for less apples????
  55. Apples are ridiculous!
  56. Not receiving maps
  57. habitats
  58. Looks like a LOT of people won't be able to buy the EXPENSIVE GOLD DRAGONS.......
  59. :( i feel *****ed
  60. Multi player or saved point mode
  61. Unhappy with farm/food changes!!!
  62. Expanding only one block at a time? Help plz!
  63. Problem with breeding den
  64. Had to buy separate den for magic dragon
  65. I am 110% female; not a guy!!
  66. Why can't I buy gold?
  67. Paid 12500 gold for expansion and did not expand
  68. Suggestion: I think we'd all like to zoom out farther
  69. Rex, Reel Rival
  70. Quest confusion
  71. Island names
  72. Habitat under construction vanished
  73. Dragons not breeding
  74. My game is locked
  75. Can't buy things
  76. expansion price
  77. Team Lava Strikes again with more high prices!
  78. Expansion problem
  79. My thoughts on DS
  80. Team Lava, you deserve a round of applause...
  81. Any News on when
  82. Fire and fairy=????
  83. 'Food' for thought on farming...
  84. Breeding/Hatching time improvement!?!?
  85. Disappearing gold
  86. Upgradeable Habitats
  87. Small GUI animation bug
  88. So excited!!
  89. Collect flag vs. "Played" Bonus
  90. Lost gold !!!
  91. Gifting things other than gold
  92. Can't breed.
  93. RARE ? thats more like will never happen
  94. HELP ! My Mystic Map is stuck and not increase
  95. Negative 800 gold. And cannot use normal coin.
  96. activity using gold instead of coins
  97. -780 gold and just started?
  98. Can't buy the sold garden again .
  99. Breeding Hours
  100. Bugs I found
  101. Charm Dragon Bug
  102. This would be the greatest update ever
  103. Breeding Den no longer working
  104. Evolution Chamber
  105. change the names
  106. Unable to Plant New Crops
  107. Unable to receive large amount of Gold
  108. Unable to harvest from one particular farm.
  109. Just encountered a bug that stole some gold
  110. Visiting other Islands
  111. Farm not working
  112. Expansion/Large Purple Habitat and Farm cost needs to be adjusted.
  113. My island and dragons are gone
  114. Quest disappear
  115. My Dragon "Disappear" from Its Habitat
  116. Feedback on Dragon Story
  117. Evolution temple...
  118. Help sos :(
  119. Report inappropriate user/island name?
  120. Habitats vs number of dragons - what's going on???
  121. 30 Gold lost.
  122. TL please help!
  123. over charged
  124. Selling
  125. Can't Breed Dragons
  126. Game Issues 7-24-12
  127. Not loading!
  128. My dragon story won't open!
  129. Has anyone else experienced this?
  130. Just my 2 cents - feedback and comments on Dragon Story
  131. goals not being finished
  132. Cannot see neighbor invites!
  133. Game goes off each few momets, cant play
  134. Gifting all neighbors gold now???
  135. Crusader dragon :(
  136. Android Issues
  137. Dragon Story won't load on andriod
  138. Evolving at level 3
  139. Dragon Names
  140. Uninvited neighbor I can't delete
  141. Goal Reward Changed
  142. Team lava Staff, you should read this thread
  143. How long does it take for bought gold to show up?
  144. Daytime & Night
  145. Purchased expansion disappeared
  146. My Suggestion 😉
  147. social 4 bug
  148. Bought and didn't receive
  149. What's Wrong With This Message?
  150. Diamond dragon - please help
  151. Sunrise Duration
  152. No xps for collecting
  153. No quests and no messages
  154. Something I would like to see changed/added
  155. Lost 50 gold! MUST READ! This needs to be changed!!
  156. Collect Sign Won't Go Away
  157. Gifting Dragons
  158. Pop up of beginner's quests
  159. Unable to plant food
  160. Double charged for in app purchase
  161. Buying gold
  162. Cant play Dragon Story In HTC Droid Eris????
  163. new dragon wave
  164. Unable to add second nest?!
  165. game wont load on LJ Optimus V (force closes)
  166. Not getting quests and no messages
  167. Dragon skipping evolution process bug
  168. Problems with this game !
  169. Pleaseeeeee
  170. Food Issue
  171. Receiving Gold from neighbors; bug. 😔
  172. Game froze while expanding kingdom, when unfroze, gold was gone!! HELP!
  173. game won't load!
  174. suggestion for TL
  175. never got gold i paid for
  176. Expired quest and not cleared after paying gold
  177. Huh? Timed quest issue!
  178. Mystic Maps - Issue??
  179. Expansion problem
  180. Nether Portal Purchase Issue
  181. Slow moving issues
  182. Multiple Issues
  183. Jackiie22
  184. Dragons
  185. Goals?
  186. game won't start
  187. No scroll for quests.
  188. Bugs
  189. 250 gold lost
  190. Admin,please Add in next update a "big diamond fields"
  191. New Dragons to next update
  192. Expansion Prices Change without Warning?
  193. where is my quest scroll
  194. shrinking wall
  195. There needs to be a way to restart the games.
  196. I can't buy anything
  197. Why can't I move anything to a cleared area?
  198. The Ability to Cancel/Stop an Egg Hatching....
  199. Cannot clear or confirm old messages, old news and old popups. They keep massing up.
  200. Ripped off on gold purchased!!
  201. Missing Daily bonus
  202. Clear Small Bitter Bark-Goal not working -Room to Breathe
  203. Inactive Players\Neighbors
  204. Blank gold purchase screen
  205. Clear Small Bitter Bark - Goal not working
  206. high prices
  207. the collect flag can not be cleared
  208. Can not delete a bugged neighbor and can't send gold to anyone
  209. Glitch when my game loads
  210. Experience to level 63?
  211. Who would like Gold Sales, Storage Options, and.......?
  212. return visits
  213. Land expansion Bugged!
  214. Why do android dont get the new update????
  215. Breeding ground problem... :(
  216. No update for android and kindle fire
  217. upgrade a large farm???
  218. Stormie
  219. TL is getting Greedier...
  220. Goal not working
  221. Natural Light Goal
  222. Android Force Close
  223. What's the point of habitat boosts?
  224. iPhone 5 Support?
  225. Cannot upgrade Farm
  226. Farms NOT producing crops!!!
  227. Dragonstory down?
  228. Room to Breathe Goal - Clear 3 Small Bitter Bark
  229. Dragon story upgrade
  230. TL are getting so greedy!
  231. boosters not working
  232. Lost many food last night
  233. Stop pop up ads for other games
  234. 9000 food
  235. Weekly update message is wrong
  236. To continue to see me paying for this you need to...
  237. Question about the quests
  238. cant zoom out on kindle
  239. Lost Two Habitats overnight
  240. If you care about our experiences,
  241. Gold and quest lost
  242. Trees
  243. golds are gone..
  244. Force Close Issue With My Sony Xperia Play 4g/ Playstation Phone
  245. im broke!
  246. A couple of things
  247. Open Issue Android font Issue
  248. The new Halloween update quest in dragon story
  249. Stormie still doesn't answer requests
  250. Help