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  1. Problems
  2. What about expansions ?
  3. Bugs
  4. 'Invite Friends'
  5. Crops withering Too Fast; Reset Options
  6. Is it possible to change my storm8 id?
  7. How come no way to earn diamond?
  8. Suggestions from the Alien
  9. Battery Usage
  10. Neighbors
  11. Question: FREE Farming game or Is IT? Answer: NOPE NO WAY
  12. Farm rating
  13. Should we be able to toggle water dropplets?
  14. Suggestions and comments. Xx
  15. Comments lying about watering
  16. Trees and Animals are WEAK; please improve
  17. Internet Connection Loss - Bugs
  18. Decline invites problem
  19. Push Notifications
  20. Selling stuff
  21. Problems and bugs
  22. Can you resettarm story
  23. Incorrect Placement
  24. Remove Pending Requests
  25. Bug
  26. Deleting comments
  27. Game additions
  28. XP and Message Bugs (please respond asap)
  29. Please add Pests (gophers,rabbits, chicken hawks,wolves,etc)
  30. Suggestions: Time/Weather
  31. Deco sizzing - Not realistic
  32. Issue with invite
  33. problem...
  34. what should change
  35. Stars
  36. Delete neighbor function needed
  37. forum suggestion
  38. Water problem
  39. Crop discrepancy/gap
  40. Change our name
  41. A Word from a Gem Buyer
  42. Payment security
  43. URGENT updates needed!
  44. Delete comments does not work
  45. Remove inactive neighbors
  46. Problem
  47. gem = cannot buy
  48. More Levels...PLEASE
  49. Pleaaaase don't turn this into a typical S8 game.
  50. Bug: cannot go home
  51. U guys took by gems
  52. Enhancements and decoration additions
  53. 4 out of 5 times, "xxxx watered your lawn" doesn't appear
  54. Please post your opinion about earning (not buying) gems, thank you!!!
  55. Auto plow, plant & collect feature
  56. You've GOT to add neighbor list functionality
  57. Changing requirements
  58. Fence is to long..!
  59. My name is Norman? WTH?
  60. ******Itunes****** WORNING NOTICE
  61. chaning your name
  62. Feed Trough
  63. Add 1/4 square flowers!
  64. Feeding the animals
  65. Announcements on your wall
  66. Gems
  67. Suggestions
  68. Positive/negative feedback.
  69. Neighbors list
  70. Bug: Editing in other farms
  71. Need an UPDATE Forum
  72. Flagstone misplaced
  73. Sold barn
  74. Barn dissapeard!!!!!!!! Heeeelp
  75. Barn dissapeard!!!!!!!! Heeeelp
  76. Rotating objects
  77. My Barn Disappeared.
  78. How do I delete my Farm Story Account?
  79. Fixing my name
  80. Characters in messages
  81. selling
  82. Remove friends?
  83. Restore Game From Old iPod Touch to New?
  84. Problem with 1.2 version of game
  85. For those wishing to change their name.
  86. Community Member Abuse on Wall Posts...What Can We Do About It?
  87. What Do We Do About Abusive/Lude Comments?
  88. iphone + ipad farm is switching from one to another device by its own
  89. Level 31 and forward
  90. Expansions
  91. Gems/coins out of sync
  92. Strawberry rasberry zero coins
  93. More decor & planting options
  94. Tractors?
  95. Remove from neighbor-list.
  96. missing gems
  97. Thank you for listening!
  98. Advertisement imobster
  99. Messages not appearing on message walls
  100. Gems for Apps!
  101. 22 hour-day?
  102. Delete comments not wrking again
  103. Syncing iPad/iphone
  104. Visiting Neighbor Requests
  105. Community List not changing names
  106. Forum Login
  107. Farm Story Perfil
  108. Is 49 the highlest level as of 6-5-10 update?
  109. How do you turn fence around to form a square pen?
  110. Trees
  111. iPad menu
  112. Looking for reuben of holland
  113. Suggestions for a happier community.
  114. Game not loading on my iPhone
  115. My farm isn't updated after others water
  116. Remove neighbors
  117. Second farm?
  118. Gain more Gems by visiting neighor and water their Farm
  119. Icons
  120. Water counter in neighbors list
  121. Extras
  122. Transfer of farm
  123. Companion Planting
  124. Blocked wall posts in other languages
  125. Cant connect to Farm Story
  126. Watered farm
  127. Glitch : my farm won't expand beyond 15x15
  128. Help!! Farm Story won't open
  129. Suggestions for improvements
  130. Bugs and others in Farm Story Flower
  131. Reset Account ?
  132. I need help!!
  133. Internet connection
  134. No Name Watered your farm
  135. Crop and Neighor List Suggestion
  136. Undo Button!
  137. Big thanks & ideas
  138. Help! Where R the Flowers???
  139. Asparagus & lemon cucumber
  140. Changing Color of Existing Fences
  141. Neighbours (or lack of them!!!)
  142. New farm for old-does it delete past history?
  143. Neww feed!!!
  144. New Farm story flowers
  145. River anyone?
  146. crashing after flower update
  147. Feedback about the game
  148. Upgrades
  149. Flower harvesting suggesting
  150. Direction changes
  151. Crashing?
  152. Offline Mod
  153. Red Squares
  154. More growing after 15x15
  155. Crashing after upgrading to flowers edition
  156. MAD about accidental gem-coin conversion
  157. Farm story and flowers.
  158. I farm/plow/plant too fast (bug)
  159. Game Suggestions and a possible bug
  160. Safe to delete old version of Farm Story?
  161. watering
  162. "Loading.." resets (bug)
  163. Bad view/movement of camera in latest update (bug or bad feature)
  164. why is my farm out of sync?
  165. Constant crashes
  166. Neighbour changes would be nice ....
  167. Would love litle Critters!
  168. Seriously?! Paint the Hay Bale?
  169. Level Question...
  170. Ideas
  171. How to change storm ID
  172. Crashing when posting to wall
  173. Missing neighbors
  174. items that dont earn coins
  175. A Few New Suggestions a Few Similar Suggestions
  176. antisemetic and racial slurs
  177. more land for cheeper price
  178. Neighbours
  179. Add neighbor button
  180. Accidentally Harvesting Flowers!
  181. moving or storing items
  182. Farm Story for Android?
  183. Fences
  184. improvements
  185. photo
  186. More Trees Please!
  187. Grass
  188. Support? Not exist
  189. Coloring More Items
  190. I Lost my 20 gems
  191. Request
  192. Once bought fences
  193. Delete old farm?
  194. Crops don't auto-refresh when watered
  195. tiny tiny bug
  196. The price of expansion
  197. No gems for Pets Live
  198. No gems for "pets live
  199. Gems
  200. Crashing to desktop on iphone
  201. Connection keeps dropping out since iOS4 update
  202. Out of sync with server
  203. Water features
  204. Cool mark
  205. Can I run the same farm on my ipod and my iPad?
  206. Problems with game
  207. Chicken Coup
  208. New tulips graphic
  209. help please
  210. Great app, some suggestions!
  211. Lost gems
  212. Ive lost my farm!!! Help
  213. Where dud my neighbors go???
  214. Farm Story Snap
  215. Absentee Neighbors
  216. Security And Chat plane
  217. Plans to expand past level 49 and 20 X 20 farm size????
  218. Deleting neighbors
  219. New items
  220. Some suggestions
  221. Great game. I have some suggestions though.
  222. Suggestions...
  223. New option wanted
  224. New crops, trees, and animals
  225. Accidently using gems
  226. Delete inactive neighbors
  227. End of Game ? and new Features
  228. Aaaaahhhh!!!! Frustrated w/ manual wall clean up!!
  229. Neighbors
  230. Tractor
  231. Bug? Networking problems
  232. The Aussies want a Cattle Dog
  233. Somebody Using my name
  234. Zooming problem with Flower/Snap version
  235. Sound Effects Missing?
  236. Diamonds
  237. Farm story feedback
  238. whats the point of watering?
  239. Neighbors
  240. Bug?
  241. Idea (s)
  242. Accidently deleting
  243. Crop trophies and watering list
  244. Deleting neigbors
  245. can you have more than one account on the same device?
  246. Retrieve ID ??
  247. Proposing a ******* until UPDATE
  248. Wish List
  249. Downloading farm story snap
  250. Playing Farm story on iPad