- Problems
- What about expansions ?
- Bugs
- 'Invite Friends'
- Crops withering Too Fast; Reset Options
- Is it possible to change my storm8 id?
- How come no way to earn diamond?
- Suggestions from the Alien
- Battery Usage
- Neighbors
- Question: FREE Farming game or Is IT? Answer: NOPE NO WAY
- Farm rating
- Should we be able to toggle water dropplets?
- Suggestions and comments. Xx
- Comments lying about watering
- Trees and Animals are WEAK; please improve
- Internet Connection Loss - Bugs
- Decline invites problem
- Push Notifications
- Selling stuff
- Problems and bugs
- Can you resettarm story
- Incorrect Placement
- Remove Pending Requests
- Bug
- Deleting comments
- Game additions
- XP and Message Bugs (please respond asap)
- Please add Pests (gophers,rabbits, chicken hawks,wolves,etc)
- Suggestions: Time/Weather
- Deco sizzing - Not realistic
- Issue with invite
- problem...
- what should change
- Stars
- Delete neighbor function needed
- forum suggestion
- Water problem
- Crop discrepancy/gap
- Change our name
- A Word from a Gem Buyer
- Payment security
- URGENT updates needed!
- Delete comments does not work
- Remove inactive neighbors
- Problem
- gem = cannot buy
- More Levels...PLEASE
- Pleaaaase don't turn this into a typical S8 game.
- Bug: cannot go home
- U guys took by gems
- Enhancements and decoration additions
- 4 out of 5 times, "xxxx watered your lawn" doesn't appear
- Please post your opinion about earning (not buying) gems, thank you!!!
- Auto plow, plant & collect feature
- You've GOT to add neighbor list functionality
- Changing requirements
- Fence is to long..!
- My name is Norman? WTH?
- ******Itunes****** WORNING NOTICE
- chaning your name
- Feed Trough
- Add 1/4 square flowers!
- Feeding the animals
- Announcements on your wall
- Gems
- Suggestions
- Positive/negative feedback.
- Neighbors list
- Bug: Editing in other farms
- Need an UPDATE Forum
- Flagstone misplaced
- Sold barn
- Barn dissapeard!!!!!!!! Heeeelp
- Barn dissapeard!!!!!!!! Heeeelp
- Rotating objects
- My Barn Disappeared.
- How do I delete my Farm Story Account?
- Fixing my name
- Characters in messages
- selling
- Remove friends?
- Restore Game From Old iPod Touch to New?
- Problem with 1.2 version of game
- For those wishing to change their name.
- Community Member Abuse on Wall Posts...What Can We Do About It?
- What Do We Do About Abusive/Lude Comments?
- iphone + ipad farm is switching from one to another device by its own
- Level 31 and forward
- Expansions
- Gems/coins out of sync
- Strawberry rasberry zero coins
- More decor & planting options
- Tractors?
- Remove from neighbor-list.
- missing gems
- Thank you for listening!
- Advertisement imobster
- Messages not appearing on message walls
- Gems for Apps!
- 22 hour-day?
- Delete comments not wrking again
- Syncing iPad/iphone
- Visiting Neighbor Requests
- Community List not changing names
- Forum Login
- Farm Story Perfil
- Is 49 the highlest level as of 6-5-10 update?
- How do you turn fence around to form a square pen?
- Trees
- iPad menu
- Looking for reuben of holland
- Suggestions for a happier community.
- Game not loading on my iPhone
- My farm isn't updated after others water
- Remove neighbors
- Second farm?
- Gain more Gems by visiting neighor and water their Farm
- Icons
- Water counter in neighbors list
- Extras
- Transfer of farm
- Companion Planting
- Blocked wall posts in other languages
- Cant connect to Farm Story
- Watered farm
- Glitch : my farm won't expand beyond 15x15
- Help!! Farm Story won't open
- Suggestions for improvements
- Bugs and others in Farm Story Flower
- Reset Account ?
- I need help!!
- Internet connection
- No Name Watered your farm
- Crop and Neighor List Suggestion
- Undo Button!
- Big thanks & ideas
- Help! Where R the Flowers???
- Asparagus & lemon cucumber
- Changing Color of Existing Fences
- Neighbours (or lack of them!!!)
- New farm for old-does it delete past history?
- Neww feed!!!
- New Farm story flowers
- River anyone?
- crashing after flower update
- Feedback about the game
- Upgrades
- Flower harvesting suggesting
- Direction changes
- Crashing?
- Offline Mod
- Red Squares
- More growing after 15x15
- Crashing after upgrading to flowers edition
- MAD about accidental gem-coin conversion
- Farm story and flowers.
- I farm/plow/plant too fast (bug)
- Game Suggestions and a possible bug
- Safe to delete old version of Farm Story?
- watering
- "Loading.." resets (bug)
- Bad view/movement of camera in latest update (bug or bad feature)
- why is my farm out of sync?
- Constant crashes
- Neighbour changes would be nice ....
- Would love litle Critters!
- Seriously?! Paint the Hay Bale?
- Level Question...
- Ideas
- How to change storm ID
- Crashing when posting to wall
- Missing neighbors
- items that dont earn coins
- A Few New Suggestions a Few Similar Suggestions
- antisemetic and racial slurs
- more land for cheeper price
- Neighbours
- Add neighbor button
- Accidentally Harvesting Flowers!
- moving or storing items
- Farm Story for Android?
- Fences
- improvements
- photo
- More Trees Please!
- Grass
- Support? Not exist
- Coloring More Items
- I Lost my 20 gems
- Request
- Once bought fences
- Delete old farm?
- Crops don't auto-refresh when watered
- tiny tiny bug
- The price of expansion
- No gems for Pets Live
- No gems for "pets live
- Gems
- Crashing to desktop on iphone
- Connection keeps dropping out since iOS4 update
- Out of sync with server
- Water features
- Cool mark
- Can I run the same farm on my ipod and my iPad?
- Problems with game
- Chicken Coup
- New tulips graphic
- help please
- Great app, some suggestions!
- Lost gems
- Ive lost my farm!!! Help
- Where dud my neighbors go???
- Farm Story Snap
- Absentee Neighbors
- Security And Chat plane
- Plans to expand past level 49 and 20 X 20 farm size????
- Deleting neighbors
- New items
- Some suggestions
- Great game. I have some suggestions though.
- Suggestions...
- New option wanted
- New crops, trees, and animals
- Accidently using gems
- Delete inactive neighbors
- End of Game ? and new Features
- Aaaaahhhh!!!! Frustrated w/ manual wall clean up!!
- Neighbors
- Tractor
- Bug? Networking problems
- The Aussies want a Cattle Dog
- Somebody Using my name
- Zooming problem with Flower/Snap version
- Sound Effects Missing?
- Diamonds
- Farm story feedback
- whats the point of watering?
- Neighbors
- Bug?
- Idea (s)
- Accidently deleting
- Crop trophies and watering list
- Deleting neigbors
- can you have more than one account on the same device?
- Retrieve ID ??
- Proposing a ******* until UPDATE
- Wish List
- Downloading farm story snap
- Playing Farm story on iPad