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  1. Am I the only one..
  2. Why Avatar Keeps Changing At The Counter?
  3. more resale value on the items please?
  4. Avatars gone mad!
  5. Whats the cause of heartbreak?
  6. Has anyone calculated the best gift to give yet?
  7. How do you earn gems
  8. Why gifts from neighbors have to go through order step?
  9. How do we know we achieve the next order slot through levels?
  10. anyone know how to....
  11. Magic box
  12. Did some say Sale??
  13. Restart
  14. Levels?
  15. Help for some...
  16. Rotate items?
  17. Putting display racks in storage
  18. Grrrr cleared racks by mistake...
  19. Can you have multiple boutiques on one device?
  20. Items selling too quickly
  21. Remove & Get Rid Of Differences
  22. Need he ,cash egister blocked
  23. What is this about?
  24. Maintenance = Update?
  25. number....
  26. Cashier
  27. Why arrows on full racks?
  28. How many avatars?
  29. Something I realized about gifts you put out...
  30. Boutique photo uploads
  31. Can you move wall decorations?
  32. Mirrors
  33. Levels for new 'slots'
  34. love this game! but-- have a question
  35. Issue with new update
  36. what are the new green box thingys in the bubbles mean?
  37. Is it possible to "close" the store for couple hours?
  38. Does TL support respond?
  39. Mastery
  40. My favourite outfit :o
  41. Why 2 Coins Only For EVERY Items?
  42. Full
  43. Fashion Spreadsheet on value of items
  44. Clock?
  45. Tap to manage : keep the items doesn't work
  46. Sending Gifts options
  47. Doors
  48. Please help? How to move items on walls
  49. Were Gems ever offered to download this game?
  50. Slight lagging problem
  51. Vintage gold cash register/green curtain changing rooms..
  52. # of cash registers vs selling rate
  53. Register block
  54. Expansion of store
  55. Do guys play Fashion Story?
  56. Thanks for Gifting improvement
  57. I have just noticed that City Flower...
  58. Tips and Tricks
  59. Buying slots with gems is a bad deal
  60. selling design items
  61. What is the largest expansion?
  62. Helpppppppppppp !!!
  63. Kate Middleton
  64. What's the meaning of the pink coat hanger?
  65. freeze
  66. Help
  67. 12 Hour Item
  68. New update
  69. Outfits I Would LOVE To See On Fashion Story
  70. Earn gems
  71. New magic box?
  72. missing levels?...28-35?
  73. How many catalog slots are in level 26 and 27?
  74. Huge Problem
  75. Help with selling.
  76. Help me
  77. Gems?
  78. How to upload pic for contest?
  79. Achievements Impossible to Unlock?
  80. Missing gems
  81. Error 101
  82. Accidentally clicked to use gems
  83. Gems Missing !
  84. Green bag/box/unknown item over shoppers head?
  85. How to change Storm8 ID?
  86. Level 46 WITHOUT NEW SLOT?
  87. My very own Gold Boutique
  88. New items from update yesterday did not show up on my phone
  89. New items in the Magic Box???
  90. Not receiving my coins when going back into app from IPAD
  91. Question needs answering
  92. Where are my magic box items?
  93. Fashion story error?HELPP!!
  94. Who has bought French Fitting Room?
  95. Can you convert 1 store into 2?
  96. Suggestions for the Next FS Update!
  97. 4 Star add
  98. Neighbors question
  99. How I can transfer my account to another iPad?
  100. cash register blocked ???
  101. Leveling/Rewards/Magic boxes
  102. A questions i need answered please (:
  103. Maximum Order Slots
  104. Why are my gems disappearing ?
  105. Gifts Questions? How it works?
  106. How do you start a new game?
  107. Bug or sold?
  108. Is it possible
  109. Fashion Story not on Android
  110. One store is better than 2
  111. New Update for iDevices Download App
  112. Updates?!
  113. Changing another I phone how to have my account back?
  114. i LOVE the new decoration update on FS! who's with me?
  115. Using gems to finish an order
  116. Funky Changing Rooms
  117. is this possible?
  118. Please help, my items were gone
  119. Need Feedbacks on Resolved & Unresolved Missing Gems, Magic Box, Coins, Stars....
  120. Blocked doors?
  121. Sometimes stars?
  122. New Items
  123. Question @ Mastery
  124. Name Five Items you want Added to Fashion Story
  125. Why re my customers unhappy?
  126. Mastery Items
  127. Swimsuit season coming soon to Fashion Story!
  128. Is this common.
  129. How do I get rid of pending neighbors?
  130. If we could get multiple floors and patios/balconies in the game...
  131. How many contrast pumps have you got?
  132. Removing wall posts
  133. Magic Box ordering
  134. lost all my coins and wanting them back?
  135. Blocking annoying neighbors...
  136. Gem sales?
  137. May have accidentally deleted neighbors that ARE still playing...
  138. gem sales
  139. New items on Fashion Stoey - Pink Sunset and Cyan Ocean
  140. Accidentally erase
  141. No "weekly update" notification but is the swimwear the entire update?
  142. Likes in FS
  143. Can I transfer Fashion Story to my new iPod?
  144. Fave Five in Fashion Story: June 20
  145. I change my phone how i can get my levels back for fashion story
  146. Clothes Selling Too Fast
  147. Force Closing FS on Android Network?
  148. Make your own hair! Where?!?
  149. Shoppers clothing
  150. I don't understand the 'CLOSET'
  151. Fun in the Sun collection
  152. Customize Avatar on Android phones
  153. New update and new sunshine magic box!
  154. Clothes disapear
  155. My suggestions for Fashion Story!
  156. Fashion story #3 on AU app store
  157. I want to enter the contest
  158. My boutique
  159. I have "3" wishes 
  160. Frozen fashion story
  161. Another player leaving rude remarks on "My Wall". What can I do?
  162. No Equality for Coins
  163. Interesting Discovery !!!!
  164. Dumb Blondes??
  165. Can't buy gems on Android.. help!
  166. Why can't my avatar be the sales person?
  167. "Likes"
  168. fix FS on Android Please!!!
  169. 2 registers?
  170. Strong Racks
  171. Help - woven bag
  172. Where's my gems!?!?
  173. I have a few suggestions for Team Lava
  174. Any new updates 7-1-11
  175. Please don't make fun, but need help :)
  176. Yay! New mermaid dresses
  177. Money Tips
  178. broken hearted?!
  179. vampires game
  180. Lolita Items, Gaga Items, Etc..
  181. Fashion Story, unhappy customers accessories only
  182. Need help?! lose money and the purchases for no reason
  183. *android users alert*
  184. 2 coins for every item purchased
  185. need help! accidently store the rack with clothing
  186. storm8 id
  187. How do i disable my account? Need Help!
  188. New update
  189. Use on other devices
  190. how to level up items?
  191. mystery clothing
  192. mystery clothing
  193. help with mystery selection of clothing
  194. box items for android...
  195. lost money , exp, mastery ( out of sync)
  196. Fairness with Suprise Theme Boxes, Baskets, Jars, etc.
  197. 1minute drama
  198. 2 things!
  199. Can only mail one gift at a time!?!?!
  200. Sendig gifts
  201. Ultimate Themes of Fashion Story
  202. Fashion Story Ideas
  203. Daught
  204. bigger store please
  205. Smart Lava
  206. Lost Gems
  207. Is there an update for Fashion Story this week?
  208. Crazy boutique !!!!!!
  209. can i continue my game on ipad
  210. I find it really unfair
  211. Is it rude to delete neighbors?
  212. About the surprise box-bridal mannequin
  213. Is it at all possible to reset the store?
  214. Statistics per item
  215. No Notifications - "Use Gift" Hangs Clothes on Table, Not Rack - Thanks Is Now 1By1?
  216. Same Name
  217. Help
  218. Storm8 ID
  219. mirror adustment
  220. Can we get better Floor Tiles?
  221. Ideas for new dresses on Fashion Story
  222. Popups
  223. Move door
  224. Fashion story 7/22 update
  225. Gift w purchase
  226. Where's my update?
  227. Can we get some 12 hour items please?
  228. Customers need more TLC
  229. Restart?
  230. Gift Worth
  231. Profile Avatar on Android
  232. Most profitable items (profit per item)
  233. Annoying "'Play Restaurant Story For Free, Get it Now!"
  234. Gems
  235. How can i trasnfer my game to ipad from iphone?!?!!
  236. Id: & botique name
  237. Increase in Cyber Bullying
  238. Fashion story update
  239. something VERY STRANGE happen with the new Free Gift with any Gem purchase!
  240. so realistic!
  241. I got tricked by TL @@
  242. How to shift items to another place
  243. What is the sign of clock means??
  244. Magic Groovy Delivery and 40% off gem sale
  245. I have an idea to show how we notice if our neighbors are online or not!
  246. Moving my Door in fashion Story
  247. Gifts
  248. Why no avatar customization for android?
  249. Post your Avatar Pics :)
  250. What is in the magic and mystery box