- Am I the only one..
- Why Avatar Keeps Changing At The Counter?
- more resale value on the items please?
- Avatars gone mad!
- Whats the cause of heartbreak?
- Has anyone calculated the best gift to give yet?
- How do you earn gems
- Why gifts from neighbors have to go through order step?
- How do we know we achieve the next order slot through levels?
- anyone know how to....
- Magic box
- Did some say Sale??
- Restart
- Levels?
- Help for some...
- Rotate items?
- Putting display racks in storage
- Grrrr cleared racks by mistake...
- Can you have multiple boutiques on one device?
- Items selling too quickly
- Remove & Get Rid Of Differences
- Need he ,cash egister blocked
- What is this about?
- Maintenance = Update?
- number....
- Cashier
- Why arrows on full racks?
- How many avatars?
- Something I realized about gifts you put out...
- Boutique photo uploads
- Can you move wall decorations?
- Mirrors
- Levels for new 'slots'
- love this game! but-- have a question
- Issue with new update
- what are the new green box thingys in the bubbles mean?
- Is it possible to "close" the store for couple hours?
- Does TL support respond?
- Mastery
- My favourite outfit :o
- Why 2 Coins Only For EVERY Items?
- Full
- Fashion Spreadsheet on value of items
- Clock?
- Tap to manage : keep the items doesn't work
- Sending Gifts options
- Doors
- Please help? How to move items on walls
- Were Gems ever offered to download this game?
- Slight lagging problem
- Vintage gold cash register/green curtain changing rooms..
- # of cash registers vs selling rate
- Register block
- Expansion of store
- Do guys play Fashion Story?
- Thanks for Gifting improvement
- I have just noticed that City Flower...
- Tips and Tricks
- Buying slots with gems is a bad deal
- selling design items
- What is the largest expansion?
- Helpppppppppppp !!!
- Kate Middleton
- What's the meaning of the pink coat hanger?
- freeze
- Help
- 12 Hour Item
- New update
- Outfits I Would LOVE To See On Fashion Story
- Earn gems
- New magic box?
- missing levels?...28-35?
- How many catalog slots are in level 26 and 27?
- Huge Problem
- Help with selling.
- Help me
- Gems?
- How to upload pic for contest?
- Achievements Impossible to Unlock?
- Missing gems
- Error 101
- Accidentally clicked to use gems
- Gems Missing !
- Green bag/box/unknown item over shoppers head?
- How to change Storm8 ID?
- My very own Gold Boutique
- New items from update yesterday did not show up on my phone
- New items in the Magic Box???
- Not receiving my coins when going back into app from IPAD
- Question needs answering
- Where are my magic box items?
- Fashion story error?HELPP!!
- Who has bought French Fitting Room?
- Can you convert 1 store into 2?
- Suggestions for the Next FS Update!
- 4 Star add
- Neighbors question
- How I can transfer my account to another iPad?
- cash register blocked ???
- Leveling/Rewards/Magic boxes
- A questions i need answered please (:
- Maximum Order Slots
- Why are my gems disappearing ?
- Gifts Questions? How it works?
- How do you start a new game?
- Bug or sold?
- Is it possible
- Fashion Story not on Android
- One store is better than 2
- New Update for iDevices Download App
- Updates?!
- Changing another I phone how to have my account back?
- i LOVE the new decoration update on FS! who's with me?
- Using gems to finish an order
- Funky Changing Rooms
- is this possible?
- Please help, my items were gone
- Need Feedbacks on Resolved & Unresolved Missing Gems, Magic Box, Coins, Stars....
- Blocked doors?
- Sometimes stars?
- New Items
- Question @ Mastery
- Name Five Items you want Added to Fashion Story
- Why re my customers unhappy?
- Mastery Items
- Swimsuit season coming soon to Fashion Story!
- Is this common.
- How do I get rid of pending neighbors?
- If we could get multiple floors and patios/balconies in the game...
- How many contrast pumps have you got?
- Removing wall posts
- Magic Box ordering
- lost all my coins and wanting them back?
- Blocking annoying neighbors...
- Gem sales?
- May have accidentally deleted neighbors that ARE still playing...
- gem sales
- New items on Fashion Stoey - Pink Sunset and Cyan Ocean
- Accidentally erase
- No "weekly update" notification but is the swimwear the entire update?
- Likes in FS
- Can I transfer Fashion Story to my new iPod?
- Fave Five in Fashion Story: June 20
- I change my phone how i can get my levels back for fashion story
- Clothes Selling Too Fast
- Force Closing FS on Android Network?
- Make your own hair! Where?!?
- Shoppers clothing
- I don't understand the 'CLOSET'
- Fun in the Sun collection
- Customize Avatar on Android phones
- New update and new sunshine magic box!
- Clothes disapear
- My suggestions for Fashion Story!
- Fashion story #3 on AU app store
- I want to enter the contest
- My boutique
- I have "3" wishes
- Frozen fashion story
- Another player leaving rude remarks on "My Wall". What can I do?
- No Equality for Coins
- Interesting Discovery !!!!
- Dumb Blondes??
- Can't buy gems on Android.. help!
- Why can't my avatar be the sales person?
- "Likes"
- fix FS on Android Please!!!
- 2 registers?
- Strong Racks
- Help - woven bag
- Where's my gems!?!?
- I have a few suggestions for Team Lava
- Any new updates 7-1-11
- Please don't make fun, but need help :)
- Yay! New mermaid dresses
- Money Tips
- broken hearted?!
- vampires game
- Lolita Items, Gaga Items, Etc..
- Fashion Story, unhappy customers accessories only
- Need help?! lose money and the purchases for no reason
- *android users alert*
- 2 coins for every item purchased
- need help! accidently store the rack with clothing
- storm8 id
- How do i disable my account? Need Help!
- New update
- Use on other devices
- how to level up items?
- mystery clothing
- mystery clothing
- help with mystery selection of clothing
- box items for android...
- lost money , exp, mastery ( out of sync)
- Fairness with Suprise Theme Boxes, Baskets, Jars, etc.
- 1minute drama
- 2 things!
- Can only mail one gift at a time!?!?!
- Sendig gifts
- Ultimate Themes of Fashion Story
- Fashion Story Ideas
- Daught
- bigger store please
- Smart Lava
- Lost Gems
- Is there an update for Fashion Story this week?
- Crazy boutique !!!!!!
- can i continue my game on ipad
- I find it really unfair
- Is it rude to delete neighbors?
- About the surprise box-bridal mannequin
- Is it at all possible to reset the store?
- Statistics per item
- No Notifications - "Use Gift" Hangs Clothes on Table, Not Rack - Thanks Is Now 1By1?
- Same Name
- Help
- Storm8 ID
- mirror adustment
- Can we get better Floor Tiles?
- Ideas for new dresses on Fashion Story
- Popups
- Move door
- Fashion story 7/22 update
- Gift w purchase
- Where's my update?
- Can we get some 12 hour items please?
- Customers need more TLC
- Restart?
- Gift Worth
- Profile Avatar on Android
- Most profitable items (profit per item)
- Annoying "'Play Restaurant Story For Free, Get it Now!"
- Gems
- How can i trasnfer my game to ipad from iphone?!?!!
- Id: & botique name
- Increase in Cyber Bullying
- Fashion story update
- something VERY STRANGE happen with the new Free Gift with any Gem purchase!
- so realistic!
- I got tricked by TL @@
- How to shift items to another place
- What is the sign of clock means??
- Magic Groovy Delivery and 40% off gem sale
- I have an idea to show how we notice if our neighbors are online or not!
- Moving my Door in fashion Story
- Gifts
- Why no avatar customization for android?
- Post your Avatar Pics :)
- What is in the magic and mystery box