View Full Version : Nightclub Story | Bugs & Issues

  1. What's next
  2. Can't Be Played On iPhone 3GS!
  3. SOME lags on iPhone 3g....
  4. 2 glitches already, dance floor and door.
  5. Manual picking up of experience stars
  6. some good things, found some issues and a few bugs.... please fix!
  7. Collecting tips/dancers
  8. Downloading Issue
  9. Moving DANCEFLOOR?!?
  10. Money coming extremely slowly? Expansion prices ridiculous?
  11. 3 Walls with coins... C'mon..!!! 
  12. Drinks do NOT pay out any coins when completed!!
  13. Lag an freezing up
  14. Please!!!!!!
  15. I don't see dancers unless I restart my ipad
  16. Flooring is sold in two categories - bug if you ask me
  17. Tip Collection
  18. No Gems
  19. That is what I call an update
  20. I wanna like this game...
  21. Some suggestions and ideas that could improve the game
  22. All clubs look the same!
  23. Help! ALL My Club Cash Disapeared After I Restarted my Phone! All that Saving..*POOF*
  24. when can it available in android??
  25. Fashion & Nightclub stories to slow - speed up or increase prices please
  26. All neighbors gone!
  27. Too many items cost "club cash"
  28. Smileys for indication of neighbour activity
  29. Moving the dance floor
  30. Update changed how gifts come up nightclub
  31. Tap neighbours music
  32. Graphics Bug
  33. "Welcome Back" Noification
  34. Is it me, or is everyone getting bored and tired?
  35. Bug with dance icons left by neighbours
  36. Please give us a hint !
  37. Add A Select All Button For Friends (and TL problems)
  38. I have Problem with nightclub
  39. Tips from Nightclub are low and slow (feedback on space theme)
  40. No bonus Club Cash for downloading Texas Poker?
  41. What happened to the news in nightclub story?
  42. Bug / Glitch
  43. about 135 million coins when I place down a mixer!
  44. **Wall Posting - Reporting Users**
  45. Play to pay
  46. Music meter only 1 hour?
  47. Would love an update with some new drinks
  48. Why can't the dj stand behind the mixers?
  49. Little "dance" character won't go away
  50. Nightclub Story for Android? Pretty please?
  51. Perv called naughty guy
  52. Nightclub story
  53. This is weird... regarding latest weekly update.
  54. pretty pretty please... Nightclub story for android!! :)
  55. more items for coins!
  56. No mastery?
  57. Tipping my Drink Counters
  58. Messages
  59. reach the level 2 & 4, no club cash & exp, why
  60. NEVER GOT FRIDAY's UPDATE. ????????
  61. Help....When will Night Club Story......
  62. No mastery gem I earned!
  63. Please read this first before posting bug reports
  64. spent cash on accident
  65. On Android
  66. New item 'Gold Chair' graphic bug
  67. Nightclub Story now on Android - but it DOESN'T work :(
  68. gems suddenly gone!!
  69. NC Storey
  70. Monarchy Theme -- Do we like it?
  71. Nightclub Story fails to start on HTC Desire Android
  72. Night Club Story
  73. Foreclosing
  74. No NS in my Phone!
  75. Music in Android
  76. question about blocking door
  77. Please HELP me!!!!
  78. No Notification
  79. my gift quantity counts is 1
  80. Things forgotten in the Updates! Its a NIGHTCLUB! ^^
  81. Wall bug in NS
  82. Negative Money
  83. bugs regarding all games.
  84. Make it stop!!! Argh!!!! It's driving me crazy!
  85. Funny storage bug
  86. notifications
  87. Flashing lights and tiles?
  88. HELP! Game doesn't work!!!
  89. Leveling up on drinks not working?
  90. Current Bugs and Issues for Nightclub Story
  91. Dance Floor Timer Poll
  92. stiill having probs recieving gifts
  93. remove stuff from THE WALL
  94. Not enough customers...
  95. fix bug about stupid negative money
  96. People harassing you
  97. Selling Floor Tiles and/or Walls
  98. Gifted Drinks Only have x1!!
  99. Keeps force closing and freezing my entire fone
  100. Its gone
  101. MY stuff are gone!!
  102. Cauldron Mixer is TOO Small - Please FIX
  103. money gone..drinks gone..
  104. Greater variety of music please
  105. Placed a DJ Set and received over 3,000,000 gold for it!
  106. Coin Glitch
  107. club expansion
  108. Neon!
  109. Collecting Dances -Strange Green Square
  110. All Games will be Down Tonight
  111. Customers spending less time getting drinks
  112. Drink rank
  113. unhappy with just 15 customers.
  114. clock caption above ppl head?
  115. Blackouts+Lag
  116. Android user still waiting
  117. Error message when posting to walls
  118. Naughty Drink Drop Time
  119. Cannot read or post on my wall or anyone else's
  120. Lost club cash
  121. Buggy Dance Floors
  122. No graphics for Checkmates
  123. Updates?
  124. Sound???
  125. Took my coins & didn't expand my club!!
  126. Bad lag in nightclub when music is on
  127. Drink meter...please modify!
  128. Disappeared drinks!!!
  129. add "ignore" button
  130. slow down of movement when music is on
  131. notifications messed up
  132. Music Meter
  133. Night club not earning coins.
  134. Hey! It isn't the 20th! Why are all the recipes gone?
  135. No gems yet...
  136. No goals
  137. More playing time for music
  138. Disapearing drinks
  139. Just lost 25gems!
  140. cash suggestion
  141. Ripped off!!!!7s!!
  142. Negativ Cash: Can't play anymore
  143. Club story reaper8169
  144. Dancing not sticking
  145. Can't Expand
  146. Nightclub story expansion prices
  147. my coins disappeared!
  148. can't acess my friend's club
  149. Current Bugs and Issues for Nightclub Story
  150. Future Ideas?
  151. Nightclub Story Item Suggestion Feedback
  152. money earned disappeared
  153. Is it possible to fix that?
  154. how to purchage
  155. Speed up the gameplay!
  156. Too many Mixers take up too much space
  157. Nice move glitter floors
  158. frozen club and my money gone.
  159. game frozen:(
  160. Stolen Club Cash???!!!
  161. Drinks?
  162. Why are the Words Katy Perry innapropiate?
  163. People in the club
  164. Weekly sale on Club Expansion?!
  165. Is there something wrong with exp?
  166. drink sale bug
  167. Nightclub in android (force close)
  168. transfering game to another device!!!
  169. star rating never goes up
  170. Is it me or the emoji works kinda funny on this app?
  171. No Mastery Drink Levels?
  172. NS - Vanishing Drinks
  173. This is not my nightclub!
  174. No update, no posting on fb wall
  175. Unable to post level up notices thru Facebook
  176. My drinks aren't selling
  177. Troubleshoot when design wall item
  178. Bug with Drink Sugar Bomb (Game Crash)
  179. Where did my money go?
  180. Previously purchased items missing from design tab
  181. must be a bug!! because my club name is tazmaniawild.
  182. Nightclub Story iOS (Force closes when you tap Home while visiting other nightclub)
  183. Problem with being added by others?
  184. Nightclub and other apps
  185. Gems
  186. Download Slots For Earn 6 Club Cash Free And Some Suggestions
  187. Drinks not selling
  188. No goals
  189. Frozen game
  190. Club Cash for Free
  191. Nightclub need a change
  192. feedback/ starting over
  193. Updates!
  194. Screen lock up, help
  195. Out of sync
  196. Nigtlcubstory goes really slow..
  197. Nightclub Story Music question
  198. No coins earned when away!!
  199. Didn't receive club cash on Kindle order
  200. more goals and cheaper prices
  201. club cash offer
  202. music Q's
  203. drinks producing less than advertised
  204. drinks disappearing when not accessible to public
  205. Nightclub story
  206. Many bugs in Nightclub Story.
  207. Not in AppStore?? :c
  208. Does Not Work on Kindle Fire HDX!
  209. I can't get in to my Nightclub story
  210. coins getting subtracted by hundreds while just watching drinks get bought!!!!
  211. Can't sell walls and floors
  212. Messages Are Glitched
  213. Visiting Neighbors
  214. "Game is no longer supported"
  215. Buggy Amount $
  216. Why can't I see or click on my neighbors from wall
  217. 10 club dollers ?????
  218. How do I get rid of unanswered neighbor friend request
  219. I can't see my club name and visit button Galaxy J4+
  220. customize my club and the drinks disappeared???
  221. Can't see Letters in invite Social field
  222. Game crashes when visting Neighbours
  223. Game crashes
  224. Lost my old Club
  225. Gems were not creditet to my account in a purchase
  226. Game not compatible for newer Smartphones
  227. Black screeen when visiting neighbours