View Full Version : Bakery Story 2 | Bugs & Issues

  1. Bakery story 2
  2. Problem expanding
  3. Decorating Bug?
  4. Can't place tiles.
  5. Missing Food on iOS
  6. Game won't open
  7. I put away the girl! Can't find her in storage!
  8. stuck on full storage
  9. not compatible
  10. No Notifications
  11. Upgraded Charlotte's Fruit Stand broken
  12. My bakery shrunk
  13. No internet access message
  14. Tiles disappeared
  15. Wanna have English in game instead of default Russian!
  16. Issue with to go orders
  17. Jenny's General Store Stuck
  18. $1.99 Value Pack: I was charged, and never given items.
  19. Item purchased is not as described
  20. Can't Send Any Friend Request
  21. Multiple thank you letters glitch
  22. Won't Load - Stuck at 80%
  23. No parts from delivery orders
  24. Storage Increasing bug
  25. One of the goals is glitched
  26. Delete items
  27. Officially stuck
  28. Strange happenings
  29. Problem with to go orders
  30. To go orders ready
  31. Storm 8 support
  32. gems disappearing
  33. Are they working on a fix?
  34. Installing bakery story 2?!
  35. Book lovers window
  36. What's up with this counter?
  37. Food stays on tables
  38. How do i add Neighours?
  39. Endless Gifter?
  40. all my appliances went back into crates with a 14 hour waiting time!!
  41. Kerching even with sounds off
  42. Achievement/Goal does not open!
  43. Croissant
  44. can not get connect with Bakery story 2 but can play restaurant story 2
  45. Animation Issues
  46. No gem delivery after being charged
  47. Undelete pantry items?
  48. Quick serve won't work without logging into Facebook?
  49. No Seats/Food When There Is
  50. Food all disappeared
  51. Didnt show gem on game
  52. No goals on Bakery Story
  53. Version 1.3.1 To-Go Orders
  54. Can you switch devices/OS on BS2?
  55. Game Hang
  56. Cupcakes selling for 1 coin, not 2 as advertised!
  57. Receiving Oven Mitts
  58. Missing money
  59. butter not refilling
  60. Not Receiving To Go Order Reward
  61. To Go Order Refresh
  62. Game Currently Unplayable
  63. Facebook Issue
  64. Hard to make money
  65. Scones receiving 3 instead of 4 coins
  66. Peanut Better Balls
  67. Cannot get past ad screen
  68. Mixer
  69. Elf issue
  70. Solved Holiday Spirit Goal Issues
  71. All times frozen, show ridiculous times
  72. Peanuts Butter Ball missing overnite.
  73. Daily bread
  74. Disappearing gems.
  75. My croissant disappear !
  76. Disappearing goals!
  77. Games download for gem not giving gems
  78. Can't delete cookie cutters from the pantry
  79. Requesting From FB Friends
  80. Holiday spirit: master level not recognised
  81. Lazy elf...
  82. Game glitches with Restaurant 2 goal
  83. Syncing issues
  84. Account transfer to another phone?
  85. Sam went on break and never returned! 🙁
  86. I can't acces to Bakery Story 2 from yesterday
  87. Holiday Spirit - pantry issue
  88. Gingerbread broke my mixer
  89. Can't spend gems on gingerbread house
  90. Can't delete holiday goal items
  91. Notification Texts have Attached String of Numbers
  92. EVERYTHING IS GONE... back to level 1????
  93. All of my Cream Brulee was deleted!!!!
  94. Attack of the White Boxes
  95. "No internet connection" message and game reload EVERY time I play
  96. Snowflake Wallpaper
  97. Coffee Cart - Can't store or sell
  98. Grandma Marie's Apron - NO VIEW
  99. Food vanishing.
  100. Problem with Master of the Mallow Quest
  101. Solved Black Walls
  102. Floor tiles disappearing from floor and market
  103. Gramps has disappeared from my bakery 48 hours before end of goal :(
  104. My rocky road disappear
  105. Can't put away ovens?
  106. Pantry Space Issue after end of Master of Mallows Goal
  107. Last Chance for Bernard the Owl
  108. Lost the gems when buying sugar then network issue , it got reset
  109. Not correct amount of servings of peanut butter balls
  110. Lost my account!!!
  111. Requesting quick serves from Facebook friends
  112. Disappearing food?
  113. Valentine's Day Goals - Cream cheese frosting bug
  114. Valentine's floor tiles so glitchy
  115. Space issue
  116. Disappearing Decor
  117. Valentine Cat Prize
  118. Not receiving prizes for downloading games in goals
  119. To-go orders
  120. All my upgrade items taken away
  121. Something for Sam quest. Click on Liam. He left.
  122. Charlotte's Fruit Stand
  123. Cannot Refresh a To Go Order
  124. Investigating Moving counters
  125. Game freezes and slow (version 1.5)1.6 UPDATE Released
  126. Secret baker's club timer
  127. Bakery Story 2: Current Bugs and Issues
  128. Unavailabe chairs?
  129. Updating BS2 on Android.
  130. [Not Urgent]Locked Items Unlocking
  131. Wall panels floating out from the wall?
  132. Bakery Story 2 hasn't worked since the last update
  133. No gems from facebook
  134. jack has not shown up in over 12 hours
  135. didn't get my gems!
  136. Lost the redhead who serves food
  137. Jakes dry goods showing up as Michelle's luxury item so??
  138. Lost 170.000 coins
  139. An update is coming?
  140. Not loading
  141. Fill to go orders
  142. Chocolatier's Goals Issue
  143. Bubble Mania Goal
  144. Tons OF fun
  145. Secret bakers club
  146. I can't add neighbors
  147. My fondeu
  148. Chocolate chips, whipped cream and chocolate sauce disappeared!? Fondue unusable? Etc
  149. My friend can't send quickserves
  150. Not enough room
  151. Recieving no gems, mits and cant delete orders
  152. Hungry babies gem missing!!!
  153. Missing Gems
  154. New iPad, game not synced with Facebook
  155. Missing flower cookies servings.
  156. Incompatible with my device?
  157. coin not updating
  158. Finn the Leprechaun can't walk inside
  159. Anyone else having problems with customers being turned away?
  160. My Bakery Story 2 Classic got reset to Level 1 from Level 34
  161. Help! Lost game
  162. Won't load decor items
  163. Extra icings from to go meals
  164. Bakery Story won't load at all?
  165. Bug with letter
  166. Game doesn't run on iPhone 5
  167. Bakery reset back to level 1- not happy
  168. Leveling problem
  169. BS 2 and GPlay achievements
  170. Can't log on to get Quick Serves
  171. Floor tiles gone
  172. Bakery reset to level 1 and store levels decreased
  173. Motherly Love Event - Lavender meringue not registered
  174. Game crashing (version 1.6)
  175. Can't view larder contents
  176. New goal...Impress Liam...is very buggy
  177. Installation issues
  178. Do they even handle tickets anymore??
  179. Smoothie Mixer does not always give reward
  180. Game resetting
  181. Secret Gourmet Goods: Wrong Indication
  182. Ice Cream Maker
  183. Not getting my lollipops :(
  184. Where are my floor tiles?
  185. Strange white cube
  186. Vanished coins!!!!
  187. Luxury Shop appears instead of correct Shop
  188. game freezes
  189. Wrong item registered for purchase
  190. Friends
  191. Help with Bakery Story 2 I got jipped
  192. Wrong image on Mango Smoothie....
  193. Help!...My game won't stay open!
  194. My Bakery Story 2 reset itself
  195. Game reset
  196. Missing 60+ gems
  197. Not Receiving Coins While I'm Away
  198. My account reset back to level one
  199. Bakery Story 2 Restarted
  200. Help! One of my counter's contents disappeared
  201. Can't Access The Game, Unless Connected To My Home Wi-Fi
  202. Golden key
  203. Everything is gone....... Please help
  204. jack's counter not registering for goals
  205. Wrong Reward in Storyline Goal / Level 44
  206. Smoothie mixer pics make no sense
  207. Disappearing recipes
  208. Secret Baker's Club is requiring that I make items that I haven't unlocked.
  209. Notifications and greetings
  210. Since update - money changed?
  211. No Response Regarding Gems Purchased But Not Received
  212. Can't Login with Facebook
  213. bakery story 2
  214. Unable to access game
  215. Food on counters
  216. Can't migrate from ios to android
  217. Help
  218. Leveling up
  219. No customers after 10pm
  220. Accidentally removed Sam, but she's not in the market, please help!
  221. Constant Crashes
  222. Android: Game reset after logging Into storm8
  223. Missing Silver Key
  224. Bakery story 2
  225. Bakery Story 2 reset
  226. Unable to connect to Facebook
  227. Plz Help!!