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  1. Fantasy Forest: Current Bugs and Issues
  2. Answered I have two problems right now.
  3. Fixed Problem with expanding land
  4. Answered Pyro Pony not evolving at end of level 6
  5. Game issue Profile and Where is wall to post
  6. Where is the wall , where is the social spect of the game
  7. Answered Trouble with my Forest name
  8. .. Do the pony dance..
  9. No more goals?
  10. App is not working...
  11. Missing icons
  12. Achievements disappeared after all quests completed; Achievement bug
  13. Game Lagged and Gems Spent
  14. Changing the language (game version)
  15. Creature Incomes Incorrect
  16. Answered Sloth disappeared when I tried to place it in habitat
  17. Answered Stuck Foliage Removal and Storing Animals and 2 Stars for Maxed Critters?
  18. I can't gift my neighbors ~ so I don't get gems either:(
  19. No bombs?
  20. Answered Unable to invite some to be neighbors
  21. Fixed Hydro Yak and the quest for it...
  22. Answered Maximum number of realm runes?
  23. Answered bush not removable
  24. Answered Please Remove Start Up Music
  25. Answered No explosives
  26. Fixed Same egg in the nest..will not go away!
  27. Answered Farm Story 2 Quest
  28. Bush will not clear
  29. mining bug.
  30. Fantasy Forest Story profile
  31. Album information
  32. Why my Pony stay the same when he already at Lv 15?
  33. Answered Can some one look at this?
  34. Answered Gifted Gems Not Showing Up
  35. Breeding done, but no explosive?
  36. Answered Grand Farm Not Available at Level 19
  37. Answered Social rating dropping
  38. Answered Planting food bug
  39. Answered Game has started from beginning
  40. Answered Hatching and breeding time
  41. Cupcake Mania Quest???
  42. Emerald dragon much harder to get now!!
  43. Answered Can't zoom out to see my whole island
  44. Level 101 for next expansion!?!?
  45. Answered battleground levels changed after update.
  46. Fixed Bug invisible
  47. Answered Battle 2 notifications
  48. Too many issues since update! And before!
  49. Answered Help my Feenfrettchen is no longer visible
  50. Answered Animal changed appearance after update
  51. Answered Habitats not showing correct coin amount?
  52. Answered Thank You & Please Fix the Sloth!
  53. Answered HELP! How to delete account?
  54. Answered Hydro Yak gone forever
  55. Answered Habitats locked
  56. Breeding impossible - error?
  57. Answered Where did my mines go?
  58. Fixed New decorations
  59. Food mix up, I think
  60. Answered Battling with Fire Glider or Daredevil
  61. They ARE my neighbor, but no option to gift, what's up?!?
  62. Fixed stuck shrub
  63. Stuck shrub, too
  64. The scrappy napper goal
  65. Lightning Leopard in tournament.
  66. Thunder Mammoth in the market
  67. Fixed Trolling in the Deep Goal Not Completing
  68. Gems dissappearing
  69. Have Troll but quest says I haven't finished
  70. Answered Playing one account on two different devices
  71. How can send messages to neighbours?
  72. Most Creatures Grouped In Corners
  73. Not collecting enough coins?
  74. Depth Shooter goals issues
  75. Deep Sea Shooter will not download
  76. Everything is gone :'(
  77. Answered Epic Fairy Ferret Album Art Not Active
  78. Help - Transfering a game
  79. Energy reward from battlegrounds
  80. Where are the explosives for the mine?
  81. Deeper shooter goal issues at level 10.000 meter
  82. Game keeps sporadically crashing :(
  83. Game Not Loading After v1.3 Update
  84. Epic Sloth Art - Missing Again
  85. Egg in nest on iPad different than on iPhone
  86. Question about the Value Pack sale
  87. Game crashes repeatedly
  88. Where ist my Value Pack??????????? Bought it, Money was removed, but Package is not t
  89. Answered Can't plant charm cherries.
  90. Fixed Art color not happening after evolving animals to level 15
  91. Game ****s music playing
  92. Steamtrunk tournament just showing up
  93. Steamtrunk disappeared from storage
  94. glitched everything!
  95. arboar problems
  96. Answered Steamtrunk Missing from Breeding List
  97. Answered Sea Horse Quest?
  98. Don't have thorilla goal
  99. Constant crashing on my IPad
  100. No social contact - no ability to leave messages for other players
  101. How to restart?
  102. Wrong egg after breeding
  103. Missing Food in Big Farm
  104. Fantasy forest down for maintenance?
  105. Breeding the wrong egg?
  106. Can't accept gems
  107. Treasure toucan not giving gems
  108. Tournament disappeared ?
  109. My Unicornucopias Disappeared? :(
  110. Value pack not downloading
  111. Animal is lost while being moved but still appears in the album
  112. can't clear expansion objects.
  113. Mining rune cap?
  114. Value pack not downloading
  115. Mining
  116. Food page does not advance with arrow
  117. Permenat sparkle area
  118. Plz Help!
  119. Treebra tournament, *****ing with time!
  120. Please check my account
  121. Farm disappeared
  122. Game won't stay open
  123. Negative coins?
  124. Lost my Treebra!!
  125. co-op play with cupcake disappeared
  126. Cannot start/open game/stuck on the startscreen
  127. Animal staying even though Habitat is gone
  128. App is frozen
  129. Lost Sleigh (world event)
  130. game keeps crashing?
  131. 2 Problems
  132. Answered What is going on?
  133. Santa Claws not showing in breeding list
  134. No explosives
  135. Had to battle twice
  136. Breeding and farm issues
  137. Problem with Treasure Toucan
  138. Having to battle twice in tournament
  139. Reset the game
  140. Can't battle.
  141. Golden Retriever gibt alle 3 Tage, 4 Edelsteine und Treasure trove kann nur 3 Edelste
  142. Present Pheasant Epic Color Issues
  143. Farm and time issues
  144. 48 hr Ampeater Tournament
  145. Coin collection
  146. bug on christmas animals
  147. Help!!!!!!!
  148. Forever Love?
  149. Value pack not downloading
  150. Temporal Lobe Damage??
  151. have i got a breeding fault?
  152. Explosives bug.
  153. Love Is In The Air Community Total
  154. Big habitats and their inhabitants
  155. Accidentally sold my Blizard!
  156. Can't get runes to expand to treent?
  157. Avatar Showing Wrong Gender in FFS
  158. I NEVER see the gems from neighbors....!
  159. Bugs since 04.02.2015
  160. Why did my 1 hr food take over 1 hr to grow?
  161. Transfer account
  162. Missing Unicorn
  163. Unable to Send Gifts Today
  164. No battleground goal reward
  165. Not able to purchase value packs etc.
  166. Garden plots smoking
  167. Toucan earns faster than Golden Retriever
  168. Wrong elements requested for giraffe
  169. Not receiving the correct number of explosives.
  170. Lost internet connection , lost an explosive when i logged in again
  171. Didn't get gems
  172. Missing Coins for Event when Mining
  173. Toucan from unicorns???
  174. Missing Animals & Habitats
  175. Unable to collect from pot of gold
  176. Help?! Missing 300 gems
  177. Game Crashing
  178. Not receiving bombs
  179. Not receiving Shamrock coins
  180. Hello! can not buy Treasure habitat
  181. Wrong Image
  182. Change in strength of Valentine element
  183. Error in reward for round 25 of Slippopotamus Tournament.
  184. Can't Click on items to clear from spots
  185. Stamina level decreased
  186. Please delete this photo where I have with Citrine Peregrin / Bulldog 45 hours have
  187. Stormy Missing
  188. Incorrect graphic for shamrock attack
  189. Valentine element weak to electric but not
  190. Not receiving correct food for Kitsune Caboodle Goal
  191. Did not receive reward for the Toronado Warning Goal
  192. Quest person is missing.
  193. Game doesn't recognize neighbors for gifting gems back
  194. farms & fruits
  195. Shamrock habitat
  196. No bombs from breeding
  197. Growvine firmament rollback
  198. Lost blue energy bolt for battlegrounds
  199. World event - spring forward community requirements
  200. Where is Hedgehog in Album?
  201. Missing gem purchase
  202. Current challenge level 8rpt 5 times already!
  203. Restoring Game to Reset Device
  204. Music in the background
  205. Event ended early
  206. Help please - can't get breeding animals out with egg in tree?
  207. Transfer Game To New Phone?
  208. My Dread Panda is missing.
  209. Unlimited apirl fool monkeys
  210. A bug?
  211. Not Getting Bombs for Hatching Eggs
  212. Restoring Purchases
  213. Issues with games after update iOS 8.4
  214. My game is gone!!!
  215. Game closing
  216. TROUBLE with Forest Name - NOT ANSWERED!!
  217. Goal for Slots Disappeared
  218. unable to download slots.
  219. Useless patriotter and treasure toucan
  220. No time left for Dusky
  221. Lost my Bastet
  222. Tournament Timer Missing
  223. Storybook - feeds not registering
  224. Wrong Eggs Coming Up
  225. All my games reset
  226. Mining
  227. Woahhhhhhh Nelly!
  228. have room but will not let me purchase new habitat
  229. TECHNICAL QUESTION-- How do you switch your account to a new device????
  230. Stability issue: FFS freezes and then crashes when switching apps
  231. Game always shuts down!
  232. Please Realm Runes limit increase for LVL 40 Players
  233. Hello TL have problem with Treasure Habitat
  234. Super heron
  235. Reached goal yet not acknowledged
  236. I can not be translated in German Forum
  237. I pad mini got reset...
  238. I cann't play FFS today
  239. Question for the techies :)
  240. Promo quests - need help
  241. Hello TL I can not buy another Habitat for Treent
  242. Getting back my Autumn Atrium :(
  243. Help I did not get the last price Hibearnate
  244. Why pull events earlier than promised?
  245. Freezes iPad if screen goes to sleep while in this game only
  246. Scarecrow- no price
  247. Lost my free spin
  248. Can't See Haunted Horrors Storybook Adventure
  249. Pumpkin Habitat?
  250. Hi I have a minus sign in front of my coin credits