View Full Version : Fashion Story | Suggestions & Feedback

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  1. More inventory please.
  2. FILTER FOR ORDER items by time period
  3. What items give 5 coins instead of 2
  4. Bring Back Past Items
  5. Same old new color
  6. More Color/Patterns Please for Accessories and Outfits, More 4-8 Hour Options too Ple
  7. Order all and place all options for clothing
  8. Please bring back weekly sales
  9. Customizable Welcome Message
  10. Please add a confirmation for the clothing slot! I want my 49gems back! 3-16-23
  11. New goal is replicate
  12. Closet sale item suggestions
  13. Please add -White Clover Tiles- to game
  14. Getting access to my fashion story ID without creating a new one
  15. Beach Romance Item
  16. Drive-In Movie Display
  17. Black and blue dress. Such a cool detail!
  18. Request for Storm8 and moderator
  19. Bringing back items from old goals
  20. Recolor goal request for Christmas
  21. Is it really necessary to make 2 Goals at the same time?
  22. Winter blue roomsI
  23. Bring Back
  24. Would love a Mardi Gras box
  25. Suggestions for next goals
  26. Expanding
  27. Wish it was easier to place floor and wall tiles
  28. Update and suggestions
  29. Need too much neighbor request acceptances
  30. Recolor Goal and other Suggestions