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View Full Version : Kingdom Clash | Suggestions & Feedback

  1. Needs an update to fix major problems that are around. (2 replies)
  2. Ads remove (2 replies)
  3. What kind of new Troops would you like to See? (1 replies)
  4. See Really! (8 replies)
  5. Reset all traps option? (0 replies)
  6. Return troops to original strength (2 replies)
  7. Kingdom Clash 1.4 / Facebook Bug (1 replies)
  8. Suggestion about Info Buttons (0 replies)
  9. Kingdom clash (2 replies)
  10. hello FM add something more interesting (7 replies)
  11. Make war more interesting (1 replies)
  12. Allow war challenges (2 replies)
  13. I am ready to get a tablet how I do for transfer all of my farm story and my bakery ? (1 replies)
  14. The alliance search dosen't work (1 replies)
  15. Glory Points in war figured out (1 replies)
  16. Joining the Swarm! (0 replies)
  17. Alliance Battle Master? (1 replies)
  18. Second Armory (4 replies)
  19. RH 11 looks like patio furniture (11 replies)
  20. Gem Sale (0 replies)
  21. New unit Indara (5 replies)
  22. Show requested troops, even if sender has none. (3 replies)
  23. Stickies (1 replies)
  24. Missing stars (0 replies)
  25. Suggestions for New Features (2 replies)
  26. Adding Alliance buildings (0 replies)
  27. Donation Tracking (0 replies)
  28. Clan wars imbalanced (0 replies)
  29. Method to see who donates troops. (0 replies)
  30. Imbalanced Attacking Regime (1 replies)
  31. Alliance War (3 replies)
  32. Why not just ban hackers after they are caught? (1 replies)
  33. Crowns won/ lost seems inequitable (0 replies)
  34. Please stop hackers on Kingdom Clash (1 replies)
  35. Alliance War Goals (0 replies)
  36. Resource sharing (0 replies)
  37. Couple ideas (0 replies)
  38. Android Version? (6 replies)
  39. Grace Period Before War Starts (3 replies)
  40. Show the # of donations sent/received in the alliance portal (1 replies)
  41. Alliance name in global & War button. (3 replies)
  42. Why can any member declare a war? (6 replies)
  43. Please option to reject donations or accept only highlighted troops (4 replies)
  44. More walls please! (1 replies)
  45. Improve Base Editing!! (1 replies)
  46. Why do my troops cost moore then others (1 replies)
  47. Bring back max troops stop demoting (3 replies)
  48. Tweak Ground Troops (1 replies)
  49. demolitioist pathing (2 replies)
  50. ✨DragonsWrath✨ (1 replies)
  51. Co Leader for Alliances (11 replies)
  52. New upgrade system (0 replies)
  53. Airships and flame thowers (3 replies)
  54. French serveur (6 replies)
  55. The alliance troops are too strong. (10 replies)
  56. Revenge should return your crowns (12 replies)
  57. Calling cards (5 replies)
  58. A few suggestions on troop donations and air units (3 replies)
  59. Get rid of the chat filter (1 replies)
  60. Practice Arena (11 replies)
  61. Can you raise the price of Dragons? (5 replies)
  62. High priority target flag (2 replies)
  63. Forum Enhancement Requests (2 replies)
  64. The 5th barrack (4 replies)
  65. Game word filter (3 replies)
  66. Inappropriate messages? Annoying (1 replies)
  67. How about a tweak to the currency... (0 replies)
  68. More variety of buildings required (1 replies)
  69. Things that need to be tweaked (4 replies)
  70. The thrill is gone (14 replies)
  71. A way to know what troops will show up (2 replies)
  72. Spellstone/gold Exchange Center (0 replies)
  73. Dismiss the "online shield"! (11 replies)
  74. Spellstones Instead of Coins for Attacks (0 replies)
  75. Upgrade time is wrong (2 replies)
  76. Different tournament rules? (31 replies)
  77. Donations are creating conflicts between players (1 replies)
  78. Still no way to private message? SERIOUSLY? (2 replies)
  79. Too frustrating for high level players (20 replies)
  80. Attack replays (2 replies)
  81. Spellstone Walls! (6 replies)
  82. Alliance donate window (2 replies)
  83. Several towers upgrade using ss (0 replies)
  84. Gem sales! (3 replies)
  85. Resources (4 replies)
  86. Barracks upgrading to level 8 (3 replies)
  87. Idea for revenge attacks (8 replies)
  88. Larger NEXT Button (8 replies)
  89. Food for thought. (4 replies)
  90. Scrolling in the attack log (0 replies)
  91. accepting Alliance Requests (1 replies)
  92. Listen to music while playing (3 replies)
  93. Alliance Portal graphics should reflect its level (3 replies)
  94. Troop Stupidity (10 replies)
  95. Possible solution to summoner / healer combo. (0 replies)
  96. Daily Bonus Gems (2 replies)
  97. Summoners vs. Walls (4 replies)
  98. The logic behind it all? (2 replies)
  99. New Crown System (5 replies)
  100. Social Features (0 replies)
  101. accidentally spending gems... (6 replies)
  102. Good job! (0 replies)
  103. Summoners As Ground Units??? (10 replies)
  104. Snuffles565's suggestions (0 replies)
  105. Add an ignore button (0 replies)
  106. Loots are very small (2 replies)
  107. Elders need the ability to kick (7 replies)
  108. How about adding a bank... (11 replies)
  109. Alliance Chat - Overlay Chat on main window (9 replies)
  110. Viewing other kingdoms - allow clicking. (0 replies)
  111. Buying Gems - adjustment badly needed (6 replies)
  112. How can the same person attack me three times? (3 replies)
  113. Revenge Attacks (11 replies)
  114. Add Options on Alliance Invitations (1 replies)
  115. Identify alliance on battle page (3 replies)
  116. Suggestion: play a sound when troops are ready (0 replies)
  117. Can not be attacked (1 replies)
  118. Two requests (5 replies)
  119. Donation Record and Online Status (14 replies)
  120. Walls, Donations, Word Filter, Personal Messages (3 replies)
  121. Suggestion: Instant upgrade item (0 replies)
  122. Stop The Screen Shaking During Battles! (2 replies)
  123. Find friend to attack! (7 replies)
  124. please add a confirm button for walls (1 replies)
  125. Time, Costs and Winning (1 replies)
  126. Option to rotate a group of walls horizontally or vertically (1 replies)
  127. Time for upgrades is too long!! (11 replies)
  128. More Ways To Invite Alliance Members (0 replies)
  129. Defensive Buildings rate of fire... (1 replies)
  130. Weekly Best of the Best Tournament (0 replies)
  131. Tournament suggestion (5 replies)
  132. Random Suggestions (0 replies)
  133. Shield (4 replies)
  134. Troops ****ed (1 replies)
  135. Pls explain crowns given and taken (15 replies)
  136. Loot bonuses (0 replies)
  137. Number of troops remaining in a battle (2 replies)
  138. Suggestions on improving the gesture for moving wall items (2 replies)
  139. Wall in people's profile?.. (2 replies)
  140. Troop upgrade in Armoury (1 replies)
  141. Some feedback (0 replies)
  142. Crown losses (12 replies)
  143. Stop the screen shaking while attacking (0 replies)
  144. Non updated players on the leaderboard (2 replies)
  145. Troop looks (0 replies)
  146. lightning cannon (1 replies)
  147. Visiting Peoples bases (1 replies)
  148. Frost Tower (4 replies)
  149. Suggestions for thieves (10 replies)
  150. A few suggestions (12 replies)
  151. Kingdom Clash [Limited Release] (20 replies)