View Full Version : Monster Story | Bugs & Issues

  1. Report Monster Story Bugs here!
  2. Leave Monster Story feedback here!
  3. Current Known Bugs and Issues for Monster Story
  4. Initial take on the game...
  5. Quest Keeps Popping Up, Even when I finished it
  6. Cycling in one goal reward
  7. Goals are gone!
  8. Freezes and takes my money.
  9. Hard time giving gifts
  10. Huge Moss Rock Glitch??
  11. Any idea on when quests/goals might be coming back?
  12. Rotating Items
  13. Blue Blob stuck at LVL 8
  14. Need safety on gold for expansion
  15. Server glitch gave me a stupid island name.
  16. Number of food needed rose?
  17. Breeding Glitch
  18. Feeding glitch
  19. Nest
  20. goal: not recognized
  21. Really could use more totems
  22. I can't add any neighbours in Monster Story
  23. Habitat Glitch Prevents Gold Collection
  24. 8-14, Monster Story Down
  25. Monster Story Gold Coins
  26. Suggestions: Colours and rotation.
  27. Monster story frozen on level nine
  28. Multiple Issues
  29. One space
  30. I know this is weird, but
  31. Not Able to Get Eggs...
  32. No gift button...
  33. my goals disappeared ..
  34. Medium Moss Rock!!
  35. Monster glitch
  36. Account question
  37. Got To Be A Glitch
  38. WTH!! Breed cuddlectab with plamwing get 12hr and hatch out is TREE REX EGG ??
  39. 18HR wait time for dreambird ???!!
  40. iPad app uses different monsters...may be a reason for all the mix-ups
  41. Lost gold
  42. Monster story-Level Cap
  43. New update has more bugs now
  44. Dragon Story - New Dawn Task - Glitch?
  45. Aboutt to give up after seeing 9m Lava Pit
  46. Gold traps
  47. Help Needed
  48. My feedback and wishes
  49. Monster Game not downloading
  50. Max habitats reached, need diamond field! Can habitats be deleted?
  51. Games are down 10-13-12
  52. Force Close Getting Worse
  53. Crashing When Accepting Map Requests
  54. Game won't level up
  55. Level up
  56. Feedback and glitches
  57. Goal for completing level 12 in Castle Story...
  58. Buying Gold in Monster Story
  59. The time needed to make a major update?
  60. No goals in monster story!?
  61. I don't have goals book :(
  62. Transfer game to new device
  63. 3 months and still can't even open game
  64. My Dream bird and my Griffin are all messed up !!
  65. More Decore Please
  66. Unable to open the Game
  67. 3 months no Update?
  68. Glitch : Can't breed monsters...4-23-13
  69. Need more missions
  70. Evolution totem not working
  71. Level 17, "You've already expanded everywhere"
  72. Hermit Cat not visible
  73. Not able to feed Monsters
  74. Can't get into game