You get
Dispel The Love MagicStorable:NoType:AdventureSource:StorylineCrafted In:King's Keep, Queen's Court, BarracksRequirements: 1 Valentine Feast, 3 Absorption Crystal, 7500 CoinsDrops:Entwined...
So…38 pages of comments for a thread that started in 2023. Storm8 clearly has invested players who want to play this game whose complaints are being consistently ignored. Give us a good reason why.
Indeed….I don’t mind time, as a Gen Xer I have a lot of patience. It’s tedium that is the enemy. I can’t really explain the difference other than too much repetition of dull time-consuming tasks like...
I really like that CS is not a game of "instant gratification". I don't mind working for months for a good thing.
But here's a WOW. I did Thurston's Fort, etc, and unlocked the Mystic Alicorn. ...
Thanks for your kind comment Sylvan.
I love the harmony of colors in your winter garden. Your garden of Alicorns around the forgotten roost is also very nice, it reminds me of an old cemetery I...
Thank you for the information....
I crafted a Lovepuff in the LS and that gave me love wood.... I had (i don't remember from where...) a Lovepuff already and gave me only normal wood....
I saw in...
You have to make your own love wood and stone. They don't drop from anywhere.
With master botanist, you have to do the valentine botanist craft a million times (ok slight exaggeration). That...
I'm not getting Red Ribbon , love wood and love stone at all ....... only from LS...
Also in "The Master Botanist" says buy or skip : Talinum Incarnadive, Pink-Flower Pestermon, Flowering Bush and...
Maybe I should change the positions of my tables and chairs in RS to make the food go … but with every goals, now that the goals being more frequent and the mini KM goals consist of up to 12 food...
Here is the info on the gift with gems on offer this week:
Info: He's a hunk! Visit for a chance at Earth Wisps, Living Wood, Glimmerdust, Petals, and more!
Found: gift with gems...
Glad you like it. Process map is a better term for this. I will keep an eye out for the other goals that open the adventures.
I am still angry with the ovals because they waste so much space....
That awesome! I love a good process map / flow chart! (I create these in my job)
I have a note in my goals post that in order for the adventure to unlock, there has to be another set of goals...
How are you still playing this game. I am one of thousands who had been playing this game for 10 years at level 200 and have been locked out for over a year. I have made numerous requests to...