The Stables were kind on my first collection. The first stable gave me 2 and the next gave me 1.
Hope they stay plentiful if we have to use them a lot.
From what I’m seeing the ones we purchased before this event do not drop the pink items and if you store them and look at the description in inventory they do not mention dropping pink items?. ...
I've done another slight reshuffle to get the goals in better order, added section breaks and numbered them and added more instructions and help in purple text as well as more overall info at the top...
Love the death knight. Looking forward to lord and lady death too. But, with death knights big head, it looks like a mask, and I keep thinking of the Scooby gang, running in and pulling it off, to...
I have the goal Mystic Alicorn, which requires a wing & a horn to complete. The Alicorn is still locked in the Love Shack and I don’t have the new adventure. Did I miss some steps? Thanks.
What isn't in the L/Shack? If you look at page 1 I have all the crafts listed. They're all there from the beginning as well, and a couple are just one off crafts which disappear once the craft is...
When harvesting shells with a full barn, it allows you to harvest but the shells disappear never to be seen again. This happens in other events too. It’s ridiculous and needs to be fixed ASAP. I want...
Yes, I've already addressed this. For those players already at the Royal Building cap, then you have to sell some buildings to buy the Spire of Love. I'd go for other watchtowers and spires as they...
Monument of Love // Spire of Love craft
If this was already identified and i missed it, sorry for the repeat, but just in case . . .
When you get to the Momument of Love goal and it...
Thanks for your help Spiritwind. I did put in a ticket. I also took your advice and sold one of my other spires and then I was able to purchase the spire of love. It?s just sad that I had 6 of them...
Oh the Ivy drops . . . LONG and dreadful process!!!
And agreed, why are the cows so stingy with their drops . . . EVERY time!!
and foolish me, I wasn’t paying attention and collected from Ivy...
Building Spell of Wands Spell of Cups Craft 3 | Magic Deck Tarot Coin Moon Flower II Moon Wand Sun Chalice Sun Sword Drop of Sun Stolen Soul | Energy Day Upgrade Day
Tarot themed community event with faerie chests etc.
Get out rocket larkspurs and cows. Farmhouses trigger event monster.
There are supposed to be new MRC items but they haven’t shown up yet.