Quote Originally Posted by BeSweet247 View Post
Quetzal & Pot of Gold - I love this new breeding pair for me. I came across the pairing while looking to obtain Diamond Prism, Double Rainbow & Chameleon. Of which all 3 are in the gene pool.

Drawback: there are 6 common fails (8-21 hours).

Good stuff: 31 rare, 22 super-rare, & 10 ultra-rare.

I currently have over 300 unique dragons, yet this combo still gives me an opportunity at 31 new dragons. Two of my first three results were Deep & Music - new for me! [without boosted breed]

Also, if your parents are at level 15 (which I have finally accomplished), 3 Prime results are available. I have Prime Eternal, but the other two are new possible for me.
That's exactly why I breed Diamond Prism and Neon, 150+ possibilities, 37 would be new. Last new one was Black Diamond, he's now evolving to epic

Quote Originally Posted by stevenlee2905 View Post
While trying for Leo, last time I got 2 Fortune Teller consecutively and now I got 2 Summer Elf in a row... Who wants Fortune Teller and Summer Elf? Lol... , I'll give you one of mine if possible... Why is it so hard to breed a "rare" dragon? It's easier to breed "Super Rare" rather than "Rare" one, it's just weird... I even got several "Super Rare" Social dragon, sigh...
I wouldn't mind Summer Elf or Fortune Teller
Both possible with Diamond Prism and Neon, but got 12 hours breeding time... I still need Dapper and Pixie