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Thread: Bakery Story Neighbors and etiquette

  1. #111
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Good for you! Well done...I also like the game to be fun,not like a job where you have to please everyone,all of the time (I have one of those already and that's quite enough) Hope you sent some brownies before you deleted though LOL...kidding,just kidding All the best to you

  2. #112
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Good for you! I've stopped deleting neighbours as I will need many many more in order to get that final expansion. Lol. So "bad" neighbours stay for now. I have one neighbour who sends me requests for parts every day and yet never sends even one gift, never responds to my parts requests and never tips. I couldn't care less whether my neighbours tip. Most of my neighbours are level 0. But at least respond to my parts requests if you are going to be sending me requests for parts every day! So...i stopped responding to her parts requests

    On another note, interestingly enough those parts requests from her disappear after a few hours. Hmmm...i found that interesting. Made me wonder what happens to my own parts requests!!

  3. #113
    Nightclub Owner
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyrae View Post
    Good for you! I've stopped deleting neighbours as I will need many many more in order to get that final expansion. Lol. So "bad" neighbours stay for now. I have one neighbour who sends me requests for parts every day and yet never sends even one gift, never responds to my parts requests and never tips. I couldn't care less whether my neighbours tip. Most of my neighbours are level 0. But at least respond to my parts requests if you are going to be sending me requests for parts every day! So...i stopped responding to her parts requests

    On another note, interestingly enough those parts requests from her disappear after a few hours. Hmmm...i found that interesting. Made me wonder what happens to my own parts requests!!
    I've noticed this too. I think it's so requests don't get stuck in accounts that aren't playing frequently/anymore. Can you imagine if you couldn't get requested answered as you had 20 out to people who'd stopped playing?
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  4. #114
    Rhino Keeper
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    South Africa
    I had to comment on this, I have lots of neigbours, some are really great but then you get some who does not tip, does not send gifts does not accepts requests but they send requests for parts which I must send. I accept all but one can quickly see those who are not interested in playing together. Now I delete neigbours who go a 0 social rating.

  5. #115
    Rhino Keeper
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TinksThots View Post
    Except there are players who never want food items, or never want the new stuff, only basic parts, or don't want their wall filled up with "visited" posts because then their own posts get buried... There really are no "one size fits all" rules in this game when it comes to neighbors! I have fantastic nbrs with 0-star ratings who are super-quick on the parts exchange and request answering (CRITICAL!), and I've deleted many 4-stars who constantly posted my wall right above my parts request post (had to have seen it!) and then sent me cappuccino every day (DECLINE!). The only rule you can really go by for sure is "It just depends" lol.
    I set my alarm at 2:15am in order to gift all of my neighbors at once...if they post a specific request on my wall then I will gift them that; otherrwise I gift "in demand" parts or cappuccino. I will often visit neighbors and see their parts requests on their walls and in all honesty, I try to make a mental note of it, but I do have a very bad memory and being half asleep when I gift doesn't help either.

    One of my neighbors deleted me because I sent cappuccino after a full week of sending the in demand parts; that's okay, that was her choice to do so. All in all, I'm just saying that I don't purposely ignore parts requests written on peoples walls but consider that there are a lot of people who gift all their neighbors at once so unless a note is written on their wall then those requests might go unanswered. I hope that made sense

  6. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by lilkeeks View Post
    I set my alarm at 2:15am in order to gift all of my neighbors at once...if they post a specific request on my wall then I will gift them that; otherrwise I gift "in demand" parts or cappuccino. I will often visit neighbors and see their parts requests on their walls and in all honesty, I try to make a mental note of it, but I do have a very bad memory and being half asleep when I gift doesn't help either.

    One of my neighbors deleted me because I sent cappuccino after a full week of sending the in demand parts; that's okay, that was her choice to do so. All in all, I'm just saying that I don't purposely ignore parts requests written on peoples walls but consider that there are a lot of people who gift all their neighbors at once so unless a note is written on their wall then those requests might go unanswered. I hope that made sense
    I cant believe you set your alarm that early in the morning to gift neighbors. Do you have a overnight job where you are up anyway? I really dont think good neighbors would want you to go to such lengths just to gift them. Its nice that you do however.

  7. #117
    Rhino Keeper
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ImBabieBunnie View Post
    I cant believe you set your alarm that early in the morning to gift neighbors. Do you have a overnight job where you are up anyway? I really dont think good neighbors would want you to go to such lengths just to gift them. Its nice that you do however.
    I do not have an overnight job; I am a full time student. Sometimes I am awake, sometimes I'm not but I feel better if I can gift all of my neighbors. I tip each and every one of my neighbors and those who visit me daily...I also post on their walls so both of those are already time consuming which is why I prefer to just gift everyone at once

  8. #118
    Rhino Keeper
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    Eastern United States
    Quote Originally Posted by TinksThots View Post
    Except there are players who never want food items, or never want the new stuff, only basic parts, or don't want their wall filled up with "visited" posts because then their own posts get buried... There really are no "one size fits all" rules in this game when it comes to neighbors! I have fantastic nbrs with 0-star ratings who are super-quick on the parts exchange and request answering (CRITICAL!), and I've deleted many 4-stars who constantly posted my wall right above my parts request post (had to have seen it!) and then sent me cappuccino every day (DECLINE!). The only rule you can really go by for sure is "It just depends" lol.

    I'll agree for the most part though it also depends on the tipping style and device. I've gotten so good at tipping neighbors and wall posting that I can get my 'paste' of tipping notice and hit send before their wall even loads, which means I will never see their posts. With 100+ neighbors I wouldn't have time to let every neighbors wall load every night. Granted, most people don't do this but it's possible.

    Each night I run through my wall looking for specific requests, next I go to my notepad in my iPhone and send off the food requests. Everyone remaining gets either basic parts or if there's a new appliance out I cycle through those parts. A lot of times I'm so quick to wall post that I really either don't let the wall load at all, or I'm not paying attention to it and just trying to get in and out.

  9. #119
    Rhino Keeper
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    Eastern United States
    My biggest advice with regards to etiquette in BS is to decide on what playing style you want and stick with it. That will help guide you through your tipping and gifting process. A big question to ask is how much time do you have to play? If you don't have time to tip all your neighbors each day then think about limiting the amount of neighbors or going for a more 'casual' approach - tipping only off wall posts or no tipping requirements at all. There are numerous forums for different play styles where you can get new neighbors. Try here ->

    Once you've decided your methods plunge right in and find like-minded neighbors. There is no doubt you will run across the following:

    1. A neighbor who starts out laid-back and then begins demanding you tip daily or they will remove you or remove you if you gift certain parts only.
    2. You post on walls for specific items and you get cappucino every. single. day.
    3. Neighbors who get very specific with what you can and can't post on their walls. [ex. "You MUST leave the amount tipped." etc..]
    4. That one neighbor who gifts you special appliance parts -- from appliances that were released with Christmas goals two years ago.

    If you have a good set of neighbors and find a comfortable process you are happy with the game should be smooth sailing. Personally I play very easy-going. I hardly ever post on walls asking for specific parts and very rarely post on my wall asking for parts. Instead I use the 'Ask' function to request parts from my neighbors. I have 10 of each new appliance only a day or two after they are released using this method. I never turn down a gift (though that's up to you - maybe those old parts you don't want, just decline them). I am not picking on parts or food items. I state clearly on my wall what I do: 'I gift random parts unless requested'.

    Each night when I'm ready to tip and gift all 100+ neighbors I look at my wall to see if there's any special requests and fill them. Then I have a list of common food requesting neighbors in the phone's notepad feature. I tip those and everyone else gets a cycling of random 'normal' parts [gear, paint, screw, metal plate, knob] or if there's a special appliance I will cycle through those for about a week then back to normal parts.

    Ultimately just be considerate to your neighbors and you will receive the same back (apart from a few bad apples!). If you will be away for an extended period of time, post ahead on their walls when you tip and tell them. Otherwise you may find yourself down a whole slew of neighbors when you return. When it comes to the tough job of 'should I keep or remove?' that's up to you. I personally don't keep 0 stars around unless 1. I know they are away as they've told me or 2. They used to be amazing neighbors but dropped off the face of the Earth and I'm waiting to see if they return. I haven't removed anyone in months and everyone apart from 2 (on holiday) are 3 and 4 stars.

    Just get your rhythm going and decide what method you want to use (I know, how odd, it's just a game!) Strangely enough you'll be glad you have a system to follow when you get to the level 99, TL just released three new ovens and omg i need parts now! and I have to tip and gift 150 neighbors. Be consistent, be considerate and enjoy the game!

  10. #120
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I think it really depends on how serious you are about the game. I have 140+ neighbors. Half of them don't gift, half of them are inactive, and hardly any of them tip. But tipping and gifting aren't necessary to enjoy the game, and I don't even waste time deleting inactive people anymore.

    And every neighbor is different. I have a neighbor who posted a message on my wall last week threatening to gift me bat air fresheners if I didn't give her the new parts. I sent her the new part that day, but the next day I sent cappuccino and I continue to send cappuccino. If she gifts me bat air fresheners, I'll decline them, and if she deletes me, it's her loss.

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