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Thread: Game won't level up...!!!

  1. #1
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Game won't level up...!!!

    WT!!! I have played and achieved the stars necessary to level up but the next level stars locked and indicates I need one more star!?! I keep rocking out the games at lower levels to make it level up but it's definitely stuck!!! I have closed the game, reopened it and played lower level games for the star, but nothing!!!! HELP!!

  2. #2
    Executive Chef Phaedrakiki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Riverside, California
    Hi bluebird,

    If it keeps saying you need one more star even after getting more stars in lower levels, it certainly sounds stuck! I got that message once, but when I got more stars it let me progress. Have you tried restarting your device (game could still run in background when "closed?) If nothing works, delete the game & re-download. According to moderators at this forum (on other threads) your game data will be restored, as it's saved on their servers... Good luck!

  3. #3
    Executive Chef Phaedrakiki's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Riverside, California


    BTW, I'm wondering what are the star requirement(s) to "level-up?" I think there are 2 types, per-island & per-game, but don't know for sure or why I think that. After the time I had to go back for more stars (months ago,) I've tried to get at least 12/18 stars per island...thinking that's the ratio required. I think at a certain point, the game makes you go back and get 66% stars overall (or something like that.)

    What's the highest level you finished, bluebird5555?

  4. #4
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I am level 10...I think...castle obsidian. I tried EVERYTHING and it keeps telling me you need 1 more stars to unlock this area. Play previous levels and unlock more stars...??

  5. #5
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Your advice worked...was able to level up....AND I am at level 61!!

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